2018-10-31 00:29:32 +08:00
use alga::general::{ClosedAdd, ClosedMul};
use num::{One, Zero};
use std::iter;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::{Add, Mul, Range};
use std::slice;
2018-10-30 14:46:34 +08:00
2018-10-31 00:29:32 +08:00
use allocator::Allocator;
use constraint::{AreMultipliable, DimEq, SameNumberOfRows, ShapeConstraint};
2018-11-04 14:10:43 +08:00
use sparse::{CsMatrix, CsStorage, CsStorageIter, CsStorageIterMut, CsVecStorage, CsVector};
2018-10-31 00:29:32 +08:00
use storage::{Storage, StorageMut};
use {DefaultAllocator, Dim, Matrix, MatrixMN, Real, Scalar, Vector, VectorN, U1};
pub struct CsCholesky<N: Real, D: Dim>
2018-11-07 01:32:20 +08:00
where DefaultAllocator: Allocator<usize, D> + Allocator<N, D>
2018-10-31 00:29:32 +08:00
// Non-zero pattern of the original matrix upper-triangular part.
// Unlike the original matrix, the `original_p` array does contain the last sentinel value
// equal to `original_i.len()` at the end.
original_p: Vec<usize>,
original_i: Vec<usize>,
// Decomposition result.
l: CsMatrix<N, D, D>,
// Used only for the pattern.
// FIXME: store only the nonzero pattern instead.
u: CsMatrix<N, D, D>,
ok: bool,
// Workspaces.
work_x: VectorN<N, D>,
work_c: VectorN<usize, D>,
impl<N: Real, D: Dim> CsCholesky<N, D>
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where DefaultAllocator: Allocator<usize, D> + Allocator<N, D>
2018-10-31 00:29:32 +08:00
/// Computes the cholesky decomposition of the sparse matrix `m`.
pub fn new(m: &CsMatrix<N, D, D>) -> Self {
let mut me = Self::new_symbolic(m);
2018-11-04 14:10:43 +08:00
let _ = me.decompose_left_looking(&m.data.vals);
2018-10-31 00:29:32 +08:00
/// Perform symbolic analysis for the given matrix.
/// This does not access the numerical values of `m`.
pub fn new_symbolic(m: &CsMatrix<N, D, D>) -> Self {
"The matrix `m` must be square to compute its elimination tree."
let (l, u) = Self::nonzero_pattern(m);
// Workspaces.
let work_x = unsafe { VectorN::new_uninitialized_generic(m.data.shape().0, U1) };
let work_c = unsafe { VectorN::new_uninitialized_generic(m.data.shape().1, U1) };
let mut original_p = m.data.p.as_slice().to_vec();
CsCholesky {
original_i: m.data.i.clone(),
ok: false,
pub fn l(&self) -> Option<&CsMatrix<N, D, D>> {
if self.ok {
} else {
pub fn unwrap_l(self) -> Option<CsMatrix<N, D, D>> {
if self.ok {
} else {
2018-11-04 14:10:43 +08:00
pub fn decompose_left_looking(&mut self, values: &[N]) -> bool {
values.len() >= self.original_i.len(),
"The set of values is too small."
let n = self.l.nrows();
// Reset `work_c` to the column pointers of `l`.
unsafe {
for k in 0..n {
// Scatter the k-th column of the original matrix with the values provided.
let range_k =
*self.original_p.get_unchecked(k)..*self.original_p.get_unchecked(k + 1);
*self.work_x.vget_unchecked_mut(k) = N::zero();
for p in range_k.clone() {
let irow = *self.original_i.get_unchecked(p);
if irow >= k {
*self.work_x.vget_unchecked_mut(irow) = *values.get_unchecked(p);
for j in self.u.data.column_row_indices(k) {
let factor = -*self
*self.work_c.vget_unchecked_mut(j) += 1;
if j < k {
for (z, val) in self.l.data.column_entries(j) {
if z >= k {
*self.work_x.vget_unchecked_mut(z) += val * factor;
let diag = *self.work_x.vget_unchecked(k);
if diag > N::zero() {
let denom = diag.sqrt();
.get_unchecked_mut(*self.l.data.p.vget_unchecked(k)) = denom;
for (p, val) in self.l.data.column_entries_mut(k) {
*val = *self.work_x.vget_unchecked(p) / denom;
*self.work_x.vget_unchecked_mut(p) = N::zero();
} else {
self.ok = false;
return false;
self.ok = true;
2018-10-31 00:29:32 +08:00
// Performs the numerical Cholesky decomposition given the set of numerical values.
2018-11-05 23:38:43 +08:00
pub fn decompose_up_looking(&mut self, values: &[N]) -> bool {
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2018-10-31 00:45:59 +08:00
values.len() >= self.original_i.len(),
2018-10-31 00:29:32 +08:00
"The set of values is too small."
// Reset `work_c` to the column pointers of `l`.
// Perform the decomposition.
for k in 0..self.l.nrows() {
2018-10-31 00:45:59 +08:00
unsafe {
// Scatter the k-th column of the original matrix with the values provided.
let column_range =
*self.original_p.get_unchecked(k)..*self.original_p.get_unchecked(k + 1);
*self.work_x.vget_unchecked_mut(k) = N::zero();
for p in column_range.clone() {
let irow = *self.original_i.get_unchecked(p);
if irow <= k {
*self.work_x.vget_unchecked_mut(irow) = *values.get_unchecked(p);
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2018-10-31 00:45:59 +08:00
let mut diag = *self.work_x.vget_unchecked(k);
*self.work_x.vget_unchecked_mut(k) = N::zero();
// Triangular solve.
for irow in self.u.data.column_row_indices(k) {
if irow >= k {
let lki = *self.work_x.vget_unchecked(irow)
/ *self
*self.work_x.vget_unchecked_mut(irow) = N::zero();
for p in
*self.l.data.p.vget_unchecked(irow) + 1..*self.work_c.vget_unchecked(irow)
.vget_unchecked_mut(*self.l.data.i.get_unchecked(p)) -=
*self.l.data.vals.get_unchecked(p) * lki;
diag -= lki * lki;
let p = *self.work_c.vget_unchecked(irow);
*self.work_c.vget_unchecked_mut(irow) += 1;
*self.l.data.i.get_unchecked_mut(p) = k;
*self.l.data.vals.get_unchecked_mut(p) = lki;
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2018-10-31 00:45:59 +08:00
if diag <= N::zero() {
self.ok = false;
return false;
2018-10-31 00:29:32 +08:00
2018-10-31 00:45:59 +08:00
// Deal with the diagonal element.
let p = *self.work_c.vget_unchecked(k);
*self.work_c.vget_unchecked_mut(k) += 1;
*self.l.data.i.get_unchecked_mut(p) = k;
*self.l.data.vals.get_unchecked_mut(p) = diag.sqrt();
2018-10-31 00:29:32 +08:00
self.ok = true;
fn elimination_tree<S: CsStorage<N, D, D>>(m: &CsMatrix<N, D, D, S>) -> Vec<usize> {
let nrows = m.nrows();
let mut forest: Vec<_> = iter::repeat(usize::max_value()).take(nrows).collect();
let mut ancestor: Vec<_> = iter::repeat(usize::max_value()).take(nrows).collect();
for k in 0..nrows {
for irow in m.data.column_row_indices(k) {
let mut i = irow;
while i < k {
let i_ancestor = ancestor[i];
ancestor[i] = k;
if i_ancestor == usize::max_value() {
forest[i] = k;
i = i_ancestor;
fn reach<S: CsStorage<N, D, D>>(
m: &CsMatrix<N, D, D, S>,
j: usize,
max_j: usize,
tree: &[usize],
marks: &mut Vec<bool>,
out: &mut Vec<usize>,
2018-11-07 01:32:20 +08:00
2018-10-31 00:29:32 +08:00
marks.resize(tree.len(), false);
// FIXME: avoid all those allocations.
let mut tmp = Vec::new();
let mut res = Vec::new();
for irow in m.data.column_row_indices(j) {
let mut curr = irow;
while curr != usize::max_value() && curr <= max_j && !marks[curr] {
marks[curr] = true;
curr = tree[curr];
tmp.append(&mut res);
mem::swap(&mut tmp, &mut res);
out.append(&mut res);
fn nonzero_pattern<S: CsStorage<N, D, D>>(
m: &CsMatrix<N, D, D, S>,
) -> (CsMatrix<N, D, D>, CsMatrix<N, D, D>) {
let etree = Self::elimination_tree(m);
let (nrows, ncols) = m.data.shape();
let mut rows = Vec::with_capacity(m.len());
let mut cols = unsafe { VectorN::new_uninitialized_generic(m.data.shape().0, U1) };
let mut marks = Vec::new();
// NOTE: the following will actually compute the non-zero pattern of
// the transpose of l.
for i in 0..nrows.value() {
cols[i] = rows.len();
Self::reach(m, i, i, &etree, &mut marks, &mut rows);
let mut vals = Vec::with_capacity(rows.len());
unsafe {
let data = CsVecStorage {
shape: (nrows, ncols),
p: cols,
i: rows,
let u = CsMatrix::from_data(data);
// XXX: avoid this transpose.
let l = u.transpose();
(l, u)
* NOTE: All the following methods are untested and currently unused.
fn column_counts<S: CsStorage<N, D, D>>(
m: &CsMatrix<N, D, D, S>,
tree: &[usize],
) -> Vec<usize> {
let len = m.data.shape().0.value();
let mut counts: Vec<_> = iter::repeat(0).take(len).collect();
let mut reach = Vec::new();
let mut marks = Vec::new();
for i in 0..len {
Self::reach(m, i, i, tree, &mut marks, &mut reach);
for j in reach.drain(..) {
counts[j] += 1;
fn tree_postorder(tree: &[usize]) -> Vec<usize> {
// FIXME: avoid all those allocations?
let mut first_child: Vec<_> = iter::repeat(usize::max_value()).take(tree.len()).collect();
let mut other_children: Vec<_> =
// Build the children list from the parent list.
// The set of children of the node `i` is given by the linked list
// starting at `first_child[i]`. The nodes of this list are then:
// { first_child[i], other_children[first_child[i]], other_children[other_children[first_child[i]], ... }
for (i, parent) in tree.iter().enumerate() {
if *parent != usize::max_value() {
let brother = first_child[*parent];
first_child[*parent] = i;
other_children[i] = brother;
let mut stack = Vec::with_capacity(tree.len());
let mut postorder = Vec::with_capacity(tree.len());
for (i, node) in tree.iter().enumerate() {
if *node == usize::max_value() {
&mut first_child,
&mut stack,
&mut postorder,
fn dfs(
i: usize,
first_child: &mut [usize],
other_children: &[usize],
stack: &mut Vec<usize>,
result: &mut Vec<usize>,
) {
while let Some(n) = stack.pop() {
let child = first_child[n];
if child == usize::max_value() {
// No children left.
} else {
first_child[n] = other_children[child];