Updates #35.
Same termination structure as bnc/sma-ttl card.
Technically the max allowable voltage with termination is a bit higher than 5V.
But it seems that it will still exceed the termination resistor rating limit at 5.5V.
The only method of acquiring V_ds & other parameters is by eye-balling the I-V curve of the MOSFET, which is not precise.
So the calculation assumes V_ds=0, just to be conservative.
Merging a transiceiver on the baseboard and another transceiver on the mezzanine into 2x transceivers.
So the EEM line does not split into odd/even transceivers, and no more jumping lines/hyper-abstract connections.
The termination switches still repsect the physical configuration, so it is not the cleanest.
Though. the connections should be easily understood.