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Table of Contents

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Getting Started

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There are a number of steps that must be completed when first getting started with Stabilizer.

  1. Update the Stabilizer Application
    1. Set parameters in the firmware source code, such as IP addresses and sampling rate.
    2. Build the application by compiling the source code.
    3. Upload the application and programming it onto the device.
  2. Set up MQTT for telemetry and configuration.

The following sections will walk you through completing each of these steps.

Update Stabilizer

Firmware is compiled and loaded onto Stabilizer to program a specific application.

After receiving the Stabilizer hardware, you will need to flash firmware onto the device to use your desired application.

Configuring Firmware

Stabilizer firmware contains compile-time parameters that may need to be changed based on application requirements. Some examples of parameters that may require configuraton:

  • Sampling interval.
  • Batch size.
  • MQTT Broker IP address

Parameters are configured by editing the file src/configuration.rs.

Refer to the documentation for more information on parameters.

When these parameters are updated, firmware must be built and flashed onto Stabilizer before they take effect.

Building Firmware

  1. Clone or download stabilizer
git clone https://github.com/quartiq/stabilizer
  1. Get rustup
    • The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is 1.52.0
  2. Install target support
rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf
  1. Build Firmware
cargo build --release

Uploading Firmware

Firmware is loaded onto stabilizer utilizing an ST-Link (V2-1 or greater) JTAG programmer.

Ensure the ST-Link is connected to Stabilizer as shown below.

JTAG Connection

All of the instructions below assume you have properly built the firmware.

Substitute dual-iir below with the application name you are flashing.

  1. Install cargo-binutils
cargo install cargo-binutils
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
  1. Generate the binary file
cargo objcopy --release --bin dual-iir -- -O binary dual-iir.bin`
  1. Copy dual-iir.bin into the ST-Link drive on your computer.

Alternative: Using USB

If an ST-Link V2-1 or above is not available, you can upload firmware using a micro USB cable plugged in to the front of Stabilizer.

  1. Install the DFU USB tool dfu-util
  2. Connect to the Micro USB connector below the RJ45
  3. Short JC2/BOOT
  4. Perform the Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU)
dfu-util -a 0 -s 0x08000000:leave -D dual-iir.bin

Alternative: Firmware Development / Debug

The below instructions are useful for debugging or developing firmware

For an interactive flash experience with live logging, utilize probe-run as follows.

  1. Install probe-run
cargo install probe-run
  1. Build and run firmware on the device
cargo run --release --bin dual-iir
  1. When using debug (non --release) mode, decrease the sampling frequency significantly. The added error checking code and missing optimizations may lead to the code missing deadlines and panicing.

Set up and test MQTT

Set up the Broker

Stabilizer requires an MQTT broker that supports MQTTv5. Mosquitto has been used during development, but any MQTTv5 broker is supported.

Note: Mosquitto version 1 only supports MQTTv3.1. If using Mosquitto, ensure version 2.0.0 or later is used.

Stabilizer utilizes a static IP address for broker configuration. Ensure the IP address was configured properly to point to your broker before continuing.

Test the Connection

Once your broker is running, test that Stabilizer is properly connected to it.

To do this, we will check that Stabilizer is reporting telemetry on the following topic:


Note: The telemetry topic will be different based on the programmed application and the MAC address of the device.

Download MQTT-Explorer to observe which topics have been posted to the Broker.

MQTT Explorer Configuration

Note: Use the same broker address that you defined in the firmware for MQTT explorer.

Telemetry messages should come in approximately every 10 seconds when Stabilizer has connected to the broker. Once you observe incoming telemetry, Stabilizer has been properly configured and is operational.