
342 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use core::mem;
2021-08-06 11:07:47 +08:00
use alloc::{vec::Vec, string::String, collections::btree_map::BTreeMap};
use sched::{Io, Mutex, Error as SchedError};
const ALIGNMENT: usize = 64;
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
pub mod remote_dma {
use super::*;
use board_artiq::drtio_routing::RoutingTable;
use rtio_mgt::drtio;
use board_misoc::clock;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum RemoteState {
PlaybackEnded { error: u8, channel: u32, timestamp: u64 }
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct RemoteTrace {
trace: Vec<u8>,
pub state: RemoteState
impl From<Vec<u8>> for RemoteTrace {
fn from(trace: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
RemoteTrace {
trace: trace,
state: RemoteState::NotLoaded
impl RemoteTrace {
pub fn get_trace(&self) -> &Vec<u8> {
#[derive(Fail, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
#[fail(display = "Timed out waiting for DMA results")]
#[fail(display = "DDMA trace is in incorrect state for the given operation")]
#[fail(display = "scheduler error: {}", _0)]
SchedError(#[cause] SchedError),
#[fail(display = "DRTIO error: {}", _0)]
DrtioError(#[cause] drtio::Error),
impl From<drtio::Error> for Error {
fn from(value: drtio::Error) -> Error {
match value {
drtio::Error::SchedError(x) => Error::SchedError(x),
x => Error::DrtioError(x),
impl From<SchedError> for Error {
fn from(value: SchedError) -> Error {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
// remote traces map. ID -> destination, trace pair
static mut TRACES: BTreeMap<u32, BTreeMap<u8, RemoteTrace>> = BTreeMap::new();
pub fn add_traces(io: &Io, ddma_mutex: &Mutex, id: u32, traces: BTreeMap<u8, Vec<u8>>
) -> Result<(), SchedError> {
let _lock = ddma_mutex.lock(io)?;
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
let mut trace_map: BTreeMap<u8, RemoteTrace> = BTreeMap::new();
for (destination, trace) in traces {
trace_map.insert(destination, trace.into());
unsafe { TRACES.insert(id, trace_map); }
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
pub fn await_done(io: &Io, ddma_mutex: &Mutex, id: u32, timeout: u64) -> Result<RemoteState, Error> {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
let max_time = clock::get_ms() + timeout as u64;
io.until(|| {
if clock::get_ms() > max_time {
return true;
if ddma_mutex.test_lock() {
// cannot lock again within io.until - scheduler guarantees
// that it will not be interrupted - so only test the lock
return false;
let traces = unsafe { TRACES.get(&id).unwrap() };
for (_dest, trace) in traces {
match trace.state {
RemoteState::PlaybackEnded {error: _, channel: _, timestamp: _} => (),
_ => return false
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
if clock::get_ms() > max_time {
error!("Remote DMA await done timed out");
return Err(Error::Timeout);
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
// clear the internal state, and if there have been any errors, return one of them
let mut playback_state: RemoteState = RemoteState::PlaybackEnded { error: 0, channel: 0, timestamp: 0 };
let _lock = ddma_mutex.lock(io)?;
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
let traces = unsafe { TRACES.get_mut(&id).unwrap() };
for (_dest, trace) in traces {
match trace.state {
RemoteState::PlaybackEnded {error: e, channel: _c, timestamp: _ts} => if e != 0 { playback_state = trace.state.clone(); },
_ => (),
trace.state = RemoteState::Loaded;
pub fn erase(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &RoutingTable, id: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _lock = ddma_mutex.lock(io)?;
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
let destinations = unsafe { TRACES.get(&id).unwrap() };
for destination in destinations.keys() {
match drtio::ddma_send_erase(io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex, routing_table, id, *destination) {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => error!("Error erasing trace on DMA: {}", e)
unsafe { TRACES.remove(&id); }
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
pub fn upload_traces(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &RoutingTable, id: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _lock = ddma_mutex.lock(io)?;
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
let traces = unsafe { TRACES.get_mut(&id).unwrap() };
for (destination, mut trace) in traces {
drtio::ddma_upload_trace(io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex, routing_table, id, *destination, trace.get_trace())?;
trace.state = RemoteState::Loaded;
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
pub fn playback(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &RoutingTable, id: u32, timestamp: u64) -> Result<(), Error>{
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
// triggers playback on satellites
let destinations = unsafe {
let _lock = ddma_mutex.lock(io)?;
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
TRACES.get(&id).unwrap() };
for (destination, trace) in destinations {
// need to drop the lock before sending the playback request to avoid a deadlock
// if a PlaybackStatus is returned from another satellite in the meanwhile.
let _lock = ddma_mutex.lock(io)?;
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
if trace.state != RemoteState::Loaded {
error!("Destination {} not ready for DMA, state: {:?}", *destination, trace.state);
return Err(Error::IncorrectState);
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
drtio::ddma_send_playback(io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex, routing_table, id, *destination, timestamp)?;
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
pub fn playback_done(io: &Io, ddma_mutex: &Mutex,
2023-12-29 15:10:04 +08:00
id: u32, source: u8, error: u8, channel: u32, timestamp: u64) {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
// called upon receiving PlaybackDone aux packet
let _lock = ddma_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
2023-12-29 15:10:04 +08:00
let mut trace = unsafe { TRACES.get_mut(&id).unwrap().get_mut(&source).unwrap() };
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
trace.state = RemoteState::PlaybackEnded {
error: error,
channel: channel,
timestamp: timestamp
pub fn destination_changed(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &RoutingTable, destination: u8, up: bool) {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
// update state of the destination, resend traces if it's up
let _lock = ddma_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
let traces_iter = unsafe { TRACES.iter_mut() };
for (id, dest_traces) in traces_iter {
if let Some(trace) = dest_traces.get_mut(&destination) {
if up {
match drtio::ddma_upload_trace(io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex, routing_table, *id, destination, trace.get_trace())
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
Ok(_) => trace.state = RemoteState::Loaded,
Err(e) => error!("Error adding DMA trace on destination {}: {}", destination, e)
} else {
trace.state = RemoteState::NotLoaded;
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
pub fn has_remote_traces(io: &Io, ddma_mutex: &Mutex, id: u32) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let _lock = ddma_mutex.lock(io)?;
let trace_list = unsafe { TRACES.get(&id).unwrap() };
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
struct LocalEntry {
trace: Vec<u8>,
padding_len: usize,
duration: u64
pub struct Manager {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
entries: BTreeMap<u32, LocalEntry>,
name_map: BTreeMap<String, u32>,
recording_name: String,
recording_trace: Vec<u8>
impl Manager {
pub fn new() -> Manager {
Manager {
entries: BTreeMap::new(),
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
name_map: BTreeMap::new(),
recording_trace: Vec::new(),
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
recording_name: String::new()
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
pub fn record_start(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<u32> {
self.recording_name = String::from(name);
self.recording_trace = Vec::new();
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
if let Some(id) = self.name_map.get(&self.recording_name) {
// replacing a trace
let old_id = id.clone();
// return old ID
return Some(old_id);
return None;
pub fn record_append(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
pub fn record_stop(&mut self, duration: u64, _enable_ddma: bool,
_io: &Io, _ddma_mutex: &Mutex) -> Result<u32, SchedError> {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
let mut local_trace = Vec::new();
let mut _remote_traces: BTreeMap<u8, Vec<u8>> = BTreeMap::new();
if _enable_ddma && cfg!(has_drtio) {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
let mut trace = Vec::new();
mem::swap(&mut self.recording_trace, &mut trace);
// analyze each entry and put in proper buckets, as the kernel core
// sends whole chunks, to limit comms/kernel CPU communication,
// and as only comms core has access to varios DMA buffers.
let mut ptr = 0;
while trace[ptr] != 0 {
// ptr + 3 = tgt >> 24 (destination)
let len = trace[ptr] as usize;
let destination = trace[ptr+3];
if destination == 0 {
else {
if let Some(remote_trace) = _remote_traces.get_mut(&destination) {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
} else {
_remote_traces.insert(destination, trace[ptr..ptr+len].to_vec());
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
// and jump to the next event
ptr += len;
} else {
// with disabled DDMA, move the whole trace to local
mem::swap(&mut self.recording_trace, &mut local_trace);
let data_len = local_trace.len();
// Realign the local entry.
local_trace.reserve(ALIGNMENT - 1);
let padding = ALIGNMENT - local_trace.as_ptr() as usize % ALIGNMENT;
let padding = if padding == ALIGNMENT { 0 } else { padding };
for _ in 0..padding {
// Vec guarantees that this will not reallocate
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
for i in 1..data_len + 1 {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
local_trace[data_len + padding - i] = local_trace[data_len - i]
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
// trace ID is its pointer
let id = local_trace[padding..].as_ptr() as u32;
self.entries.insert(id, LocalEntry {
trace: local_trace,
padding_len: padding,
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
duration: duration,
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
let mut name = String::new();
mem::swap(&mut self.recording_name, &mut name);
self.name_map.insert(name, id);
remote_dma::add_traces(_io, _ddma_mutex, id, _remote_traces)?;
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
2017-03-01 05:28:27 +08:00
pub fn erase(&mut self, name: &str) {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
if let Some(id) = self.name_map.get(name) {
pub fn get_id(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<&u32> {
2017-03-01 05:28:27 +08:00
pub fn with_trace<F, R>(&self, name: &str, f: F) -> R
where F: FnOnce(Option<&[u8]>, u64) -> R {
2023-03-22 11:16:25 +08:00
if let Some(ptr) = self.name_map.get(name) {
match self.entries.get(ptr) {
Some(entry) => f(Some(&entry.trace[entry.padding_len..]), entry.duration),
None => f(None, 0)
} else {
f(None, 0)
2017-03-01 05:28:27 +08:00