ARTIQ (Advanced Real-Time Infrastructure for Quantum physics) is a leading-edge control system for quantum information experiments, developed in partnership with a growing number of research institutions worldwide.
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The system features a high-level programming language that helps describe complex experiments, which is compiled and executed on dedicated hardware with nanosecond timing resolution and sub-microsecond latency.
<h5class="card-title">Gateware and system-on-chip design</h5>
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Traditional gateware design with Verilog and VHDL is well known to be tedious and inefficient. M-Labs have developed Migen, a Python-based HDL and toolbox that addresses many of their issues and makes gateware design more productive.
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Built on Migen, MiSoC provides a high performance, flexible and lightweight solution to build system-on-chips for various applications.
Ask on the <ahref=""target="_blank"rel="noopener noreferrer">Mattermost chat room</a> (or the IRC channel #m-labs on Freenode), open an issue in the relevant project, or write to the mailing list <ahref=""rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">devel</a> (for Migen/MiSoC) or <ahref=""rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">ARTIQ</a>.
Patches should be sent via a pull request.
Go to <ahref=""rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank"></a> to discuss all things ARTIQ, (n)Migen, MiSoC and HeavyX with the community.
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<strong>M-Labs Limited</strong>
G/F Kam Hoi Mansion, 31 Pan Hoi Street, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
This is part of the building complex numbered 15-53A on the street entrance.
<strong>MTR:</strong> Island Line, Quarry Bay, exit A
<strong>Tramway:</strong> Mount Parker Road
<strong>Bus:</strong> Sunway Gardens / Westlands Road / Pan Hoi Street