
635 lines
23 KiB

#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(asm))]
// Enable returning `!`
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(never_type))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(core_intrinsics))]
#[cfg(all(feature = "nightly", not(feature = "semihosting")))]
fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
let gpiod = unsafe { &*pac::GPIOD::ptr() };
gpiod.odr.modify(|_, w| w.odr6().high().odr12().high()); // FP_LED_1, FP_LED_3
unsafe {
#[cfg(feature = "semihosting")]
extern crate panic_semihosting;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "nightly", feature = "semihosting")))]
extern crate panic_halt;
extern crate log;
use nb;
// use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, AtomicBool, Ordering};
use asm_delay;
use rtfm::cyccnt::{Instant, U32Ext};
use cortex_m_rt::exception;
use cortex_m;
use stm32h7xx_hal as hal;
use stm32h7xx_hal::{
stm32 as pac,
use embedded_hal::{
use stm32h7_ethernet as ethernet;
use smoltcp as net;
#[link_section = ".sram3.eth"]
static mut DES_RING: ethernet::DesRing = ethernet::DesRing::new();
mod eth;
mod pounder;
mod server;
mod afe;
mod iir;
use iir::*;
mod eeprom;
#[cfg(not(feature = "semihosting"))]
fn init_log() {}
#[cfg(feature = "semihosting")]
fn init_log() {
use cortex_m_log::log::{init as init_log, Logger};
use cortex_m_log::printer::semihosting::{hio::HStdout, InterruptOk};
use log::LevelFilter;
static mut LOGGER: Option<Logger<InterruptOk<HStdout>>> = None;
let logger = Logger {
inner: InterruptOk::<_>::stdout().unwrap(),
level: LevelFilter::Info,
let logger = unsafe { LOGGER.get_or_insert(logger) };
// Pull in build information (from `built` crate)
mod build_info {
// include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/built.rs"));
pub struct NetStorage {
ip_addrs: [net::wire::IpCidr; 1],
neighbor_cache: [Option<(net::wire::IpAddress, net::iface::Neighbor)>; 8],
static mut NET_STORE: NetStorage = NetStorage {
// Placeholder for the real IP address, which is initialized at runtime.
ip_addrs: [net::wire::IpCidr::Ipv6(net::wire::Ipv6Cidr::SOLICITED_NODE_PREFIX)],
neighbor_cache: [None; 8],
const SCALE: f32 = ((1 << 15) - 1) as f32;
const SPI_START_CODE: u32 = 0x201;
// static ETHERNET_PENDING: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true);
const TCP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 8192;
const TCP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 8192;
type AFE1 = afe::ProgrammableGainAmplifier<
type AFE2 = afe::ProgrammableGainAmplifier<
#[rtfm::app(device = stm32h7xx_hal::stm32, peripherals = true, monotonic = rtfm::cyccnt::CYCCNT)]
const APP: () = {
struct Resources {
adc1: hal::spi::Spi<hal::stm32::SPI2>,
dac1: hal::spi::Spi<hal::stm32::SPI4>,
_afe1: AFE1,
adc2: hal::spi::Spi<hal::stm32::SPI3>,
dac2: hal::spi::Spi<hal::stm32::SPI5>,
_afe2: AFE2,
eeprom_i2c: hal::i2c::I2c<hal::stm32::I2C2>,
timer: hal::timer::Timer<hal::stm32::TIM2>,
net_interface: net::iface::EthernetInterface<'static, 'static, 'static,
_eth_mac: ethernet::EthernetMAC,
mac_addr: net::wire::EthernetAddress,
//pounder: pounder::PounderDevices<asm_delay::AsmDelay>,
#[init([[0.; 5]; 2])]
iir_state: [IIRState; 2],
#[init([IIR { ba: [1., 0., 0., 0., 0.], y_offset: 0., y_min: -SCALE - 1., y_max: SCALE }; 2])]
iir_ch: [IIR; 2],
fn init(c: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
let dp = c.device;
let mut cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let pwr = dp.PWR.constrain();
let vos = pwr.freeze();
let rcc = dp.RCC.constrain();
let mut clocks = rcc
//TODO: Re-enable HSE for Stabilizer platform.
// .use_hse(8.mhz())
.freeze(vos, &dp.SYSCFG);
// Enable SRAM3 for the ethernet descriptor ring.
clocks.rb.ahb2enr.modify(|_, w| w.sram3en().set_bit());
clocks.rb.rsr.write(|w| w.rmvf().set_bit());
clocks.rb.d2ccip1r.modify(|_, w| w.spi123sel().pll2_p().spi45sel().pll2_q());
let mut delay = hal::delay::Delay::new(cp.SYST, clocks.clocks);
let gpioa = dp.GPIOA.split(&mut clocks.ahb4);
let gpiob = dp.GPIOB.split(&mut clocks.ahb4);
let gpioc = dp.GPIOC.split(&mut clocks.ahb4);
let gpiod = dp.GPIOD.split(&mut clocks.ahb4);
let gpioe = dp.GPIOE.split(&mut clocks.ahb4);
let gpiof = dp.GPIOF.split(&mut clocks.ahb4);
let gpiog = dp.GPIOG.split(&mut clocks.ahb4);
let afe1 = {
let a0_pin = gpiof.pf2.into_push_pull_output();
let a1_pin = gpiof.pf5.into_push_pull_output();
afe::ProgrammableGainAmplifier::new(a0_pin, a1_pin)
let afe2 = {
let a0_pin = gpiod.pd14.into_push_pull_output();
let a1_pin = gpiod.pd15.into_push_pull_output();
afe::ProgrammableGainAmplifier::new(a0_pin, a1_pin)
// Configure the SPI interfaces to the ADCs and DACs.
let adc1_spi = {
let spi_miso = gpiob.pb14.into_alternate_af5().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let spi_sck = gpiob.pb10.into_alternate_af5().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _spi_nss = gpiob.pb9.into_alternate_af5();
let config = hal::spi::Config::new(hal::spi::Mode{
polarity: hal::spi::Polarity::IdleHigh,
phase: hal::spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition,
let mut spi = dp.SPI2.spi(
(spi_sck, spi_miso, hal::spi::NoMosi),
let adc2_spi = {
let spi_miso = gpiob.pb4.into_alternate_af6().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let spi_sck = gpioc.pc10.into_alternate_af6().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _spi_nss = gpioa.pa15.into_alternate_af6();
let config = hal::spi::Config::new(hal::spi::Mode{
polarity: hal::spi::Polarity::IdleHigh,
phase: hal::spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition,
let mut spi = dp.SPI3.spi(
(spi_sck, spi_miso, hal::spi::NoMosi),
let dac1_spi = {
let spi_miso = gpioe.pe5.into_alternate_af5().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let spi_sck = gpioe.pe2.into_alternate_af5().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _spi_nss = gpioe.pe4.into_alternate_af5();
let config = hal::spi::Config::new(hal::spi::Mode{
polarity: hal::spi::Polarity::IdleHigh,
phase: hal::spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition,
let spi = dp.SPI4.spi((spi_sck, spi_miso, hal::spi::NoMosi), config, 50.mhz(), &clocks);
let dac2_spi = {
let spi_miso = gpiof.pf8.into_alternate_af5().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let spi_sck = gpiof.pf7.into_alternate_af5().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _spi_nss = gpiof.pf6.into_alternate_af5();
let config = hal::spi::Config::new(hal::spi::Mode{
polarity: hal::spi::Polarity::IdleHigh,
phase: hal::spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition,
let spi = dp.SPI5.spi((spi_sck, spi_miso, hal::spi::NoMosi), config, 50.mhz(), &clocks);
// let pounder_devices = {
// let ad9959 = {
// let qspi_interface = {
// // Instantiate the QUADSPI pins and peripheral interface.
// // TODO: Place these into a pins structure that is provided to the QSPI
// // constructor.
// let _qspi_clk = gpiob.pb2.into_alternate_af9();
// let _qspi_ncs = gpioc.pc11.into_alternate_af9();
// let _qspi_io0 = gpioe.pe7.into_alternate_af10();
// let _qspi_io1 = gpioe.pe8.into_alternate_af10();
// let _qspi_io2 = gpioe.pe9.into_alternate_af10();
// let _qspi_io3 = gpioe.pe10.into_alternate_af10();
// let qspi = hal::qspi::Qspi::new(dp.QUADSPI, &mut clocks, 10.mhz()).unwrap();
// pounder::QspiInterface::new(qspi).unwrap()
// };
// let mut reset_pin = gpioa.pa0.into_push_pull_output();
// let io_update = gpiog.pg7.into_push_pull_output();
// let asm_delay = {
// let frequency_hz = clocks.clocks.c_ck().0;
// asm_delay::AsmDelay::new(asm_delay::bitrate::Hertz (frequency_hz))
// };
// ad9959::Ad9959::new(qspi_interface,
// &mut reset_pin,
// io_update,
// asm_delay,
// ad9959::Mode::FourBitSerial,
// 100_000_000,
// 5).unwrap()
// };
// let io_expander = {
// let sda = gpiob.pb7.into_alternate_af4().set_open_drain();
// let scl = gpiob.pb8.into_alternate_af4().set_open_drain();
// let i2c1 = dp.I2C1.i2c((scl, sda), 100.khz(), &clocks);
// mcp23017::MCP23017::default(i2c1).unwrap()
// };
// let spi = {
// let spi_mosi = gpiod.pd7.into_alternate_af5();
// let spi_miso = gpioa.pa6.into_alternate_af5();
// let spi_sck = gpiog.pg11.into_alternate_af5();
// let config = hal::spi::Config::new(hal::spi::Mode{
// polarity: hal::spi::Polarity::IdleHigh,
// phase: hal::spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition,
// })
// .frame_size(8);
// dp.SPI1.spi((spi_sck, spi_miso, spi_mosi), config, 25.mhz(), &clocks)
// };
// let adc1 = {
// let mut adc = dp.ADC1.adc(&mut delay, &mut clocks);
// adc.calibrate();
// adc.enable()
// };
// let adc2 = {
// let mut adc = dp.ADC2.adc(&mut delay, &mut clocks);
// adc.calibrate();
// adc.enable()
// };
// let adc1_in_p = gpiof.pf11.into_analog();
// let adc2_in_p = gpiof.pf14.into_analog();
// pounder::PounderDevices::new(io_expander,
// ad9959,
// spi,
// adc1,
// adc2,
// adc1_in_p,
// adc2_in_p).unwrap()
// };
let mut fp_led_0 = gpiod.pd5.into_push_pull_output();
let mut fp_led_1 = gpiod.pd6.into_push_pull_output();
let mut fp_led_2 = gpiod.pd12.into_push_pull_output();
let mut fp_led_3 = gpiog.pg4.into_push_pull_output();
let mut eeprom_i2c = {
let sda = gpiof.pf0.into_alternate_af4().set_open_drain();
let scl = gpiof.pf1.into_alternate_af4().set_open_drain();
dp.I2C2.i2c((scl, sda), 100.khz(), &clocks)
// Configure ethernet pins.
// Reset the PHY before configuring pins.
let mut eth_phy_nrst = gpioe.pe3.into_push_pull_output();
let _rmii_ref_clk = gpioa.pa1.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_mdio = gpioa.pa2.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_mdc = gpioc.pc1.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_crs_dv = gpioa.pa7.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_rxd0 = gpioc.pc4.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_rxd1 = gpioc.pc5.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_tx_en = gpiob.pb11.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_txd0 = gpiob.pb12.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_txd1 = gpiog.pg14.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(hal::gpio::Speed::VeryHigh);
let mac_addr = match eeprom::read_eui48(&mut eeprom_i2c) {
Err(_) => {
info!("Could not read EEPROM, using default MAC address");
net::wire::EthernetAddress([0x10, 0xE2, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00])
Ok(raw_mac) => net::wire::EthernetAddress(raw_mac),
let (network_interface, eth_mac) = {
// Configure the ethernet controller
let (eth_dma, eth_mac) = unsafe {
&mut DES_RING,
let store = unsafe { &mut NET_STORE };
store.ip_addrs[0] = net::wire::IpCidr::new(net::wire::IpAddress::v4(10, 0, 16, 99), 24);
let neighbor_cache = net::iface::NeighborCache::new(&mut store.neighbor_cache[..]);
let interface = net::iface::EthernetInterfaceBuilder::new(eth_dma)
.ip_addrs(&mut store.ip_addrs[..])
(interface, eth_mac)
// info!("Version {} {}", build_info::PKG_VERSION, build_info::GIT_VERSION.unwrap());
// info!("Built on {}", build_info::BUILT_TIME_UTC);
// info!("{} {}", build_info::RUSTC_VERSION, build_info::TARGET);
// Utilize the cycle counter for RTFM scheduling.
let mut dma = hal::dma::Dma::dma(dp.DMA1, dp.DMAMUX1, &clocks);
&SPI_START_CODE as *const _ as u32,
&adc1_spi.spi.cr1 as *const _ as u32,
&SPI_START_CODE as *const _ as u32,
&adc2_spi.spi.cr1 as *const _ as u32,
// Configure timer 2 to trigger conversions for the ADC
let mut timer2 = dp.TIM2.timer(500.khz(), &mut clocks);
timer2.configure_channel(hal::timer::Channel::One, 0.25);
timer2.configure_channel(hal::timer::Channel::Two, 0.75);
init::LateResources {
adc1: adc1_spi,
dac1: dac1_spi,
adc2: adc2_spi,
dac2: dac2_spi,
_afe1: afe1,
_afe2: afe2,
timer: timer2,
//pounder: pounder_devices,
eeprom_i2c: eeprom_i2c,
net_interface: network_interface,
_eth_mac: eth_mac,
mac_addr: mac_addr,
#[task(binds = SPI3, resources = [adc2, dac2, iir_state, iir_ch], priority = 2)]
fn spi3(c: spi3::Context) {
c.resources.adc2.spi.ifcr.write(|w| w.eotc().set_bit());
let output: u16 = {
let a: u16 = c.resources.adc2.read().unwrap();
let x0 = f32::from(a as i16);
let y0 = c.resources.iir_ch[1].update(&mut c.resources.iir_state[1], x0);
y0 as i16 as u16 ^ 0x8000
c.resources.dac2.spi.ifcr.write(|w| w.eotc().set_bit().txtfc().set_bit());
#[task(binds = SPI2, resources = [adc1, dac1, iir_state, iir_ch], priority = 2)]
fn spi2(c: spi2::Context) {
c.resources.adc1.spi.ifcr.write(|w| w.eotc().set_bit());
let output: u16 = {
let a: u16 = c.resources.adc1.read().unwrap();
let x0 = f32::from(a as i16);
let y0 = c.resources.iir_ch[0].update(&mut c.resources.iir_state[0], x0);
y0 as i16 as u16 ^ 0x8000
c.resources.dac1.spi.ifcr.write(|w| w.eotc().set_bit().txtfc().set_bit());
#[idle(resources=[net_interface, mac_addr, iir_state, iir_ch])]
fn idle(mut c: idle::Context) -> ! {
let mut socket_set_entries: [_; 8] = Default::default();
let mut sockets = net::socket::SocketSet::new(&mut socket_set_entries[..]);
let mut rx_storage = [0; TCP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
let mut tx_storage = [0; TCP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE];
let tcp_handle0 = {
let tcp_rx_buffer = net::socket::TcpSocketBuffer::new(&mut rx_storage[..]);
let tcp_tx_buffer = net::socket::TcpSocketBuffer::new(&mut tx_storage[..]);
let tcp_socket = net::socket::TcpSocket::new(tcp_rx_buffer, tcp_tx_buffer);
let mut rx_storage2 = [0; TCP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
let mut tx_storage2 = [0; TCP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE];
let tcp_handle1 = {
let tcp_rx_buffer = net::socket::TcpSocketBuffer::new(&mut rx_storage2[..]);
let tcp_tx_buffer = net::socket::TcpSocketBuffer::new(&mut tx_storage2[..]);
let tcp_socket = net::socket::TcpSocket::new(tcp_rx_buffer, tcp_tx_buffer);
let mut server = server::Server::new();
let mut time = 0u32;
let mut next_ms = Instant::now();
// TODO: Replace with reference to CPU clock from CCDR.
next_ms += 400_000.cycles();
loop {
let tick = Instant::now() > next_ms;
if tick {
next_ms += 400_000.cycles();
time += 1;
let mut socket = sockets.get::<net::socket::TcpSocket>(tcp_handle0);
if socket.state() == net::socket::TcpState::CloseWait {
} else if !(socket.is_open() || socket.is_listening()) {
.unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("TCP listen error: {:?}", e));
} else if tick && socket.can_send() {
let s = c.resources.iir_state.lock(|iir_state| server::Status {
t: time,
x0: iir_state[0][0],
y0: iir_state[0][2],
x1: iir_state[1][0],
y1: iir_state[1][2],
server::json_reply(&mut socket, &s);
let socket =
&mut *sockets.get::<net::socket::TcpSocket>(tcp_handle1);
if socket.state() == net::socket::TcpState::CloseWait {
} else if !(socket.is_open() || socket.is_listening()) {
.unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("TCP listen error: {:?}", e));
} else {
server.poll(socket, |req: &server::Request| {
if req.channel < 2 {
c.resources.iir_ch.lock(|iir_ch| {
iir_ch[req.channel as usize] = req.iir
let sleep = match c.resources.net_interface.poll(&mut sockets,
net::time::Instant::from_millis(time as i64)) {
Ok(changed) => changed,
Err(net::Error::Unrecognized) => true,
Err(e) => {
info!("iface poll error: {:?}", e);
if sleep {
#[task(binds = ETH, resources = [net_interface], priority = 1)]
fn eth(c: eth::Context) {
let dma = &c.resources.net_interface.device();
ETHERNET_PENDING.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
extern "C" {
// hw interrupt handlers for RTFM to use for scheduling tasks
// one per priority
fn DCMI();
fn JPEG();
fn SDMMC();
fn HardFault(ef: &cortex_m_rt::ExceptionFrame) -> ! {
panic!("HardFault at {:#?}", ef);
fn DefaultHandler(irqn: i16) {
panic!("Unhandled exception (IRQn = {})", irqn);