179 lines
6.9 KiB
179 lines
6.9 KiB
from nmigen import *
from nmigen.asserts import *
from nmigen.lib.coding import Encoder
from nmigen.utils import log2_int
__all__ = ["L1Cache"]
class L1Cache(Elaboratable):
def __init__(self, nways, nlines, nwords, base, limit):
if not isinstance(nlines, int):
raise TypeError("nlines must be an integer, not {!r}".format(nlines))
if nlines == 0 or nlines & nlines - 1:
raise ValueError("nlines must be a power of 2, not {}".format(nlines))
if nwords not in {4, 8, 16}:
raise ValueError("nwords must be 4, 8 or 16, not {!r}".format(nwords))
if nways not in {1, 2}:
raise ValueError("nways must be 1 or 2, not {!r}".format(nways))
if not isinstance(base, int):
raise TypeError("base must be an integer, not {!r}".format(base))
if base not in range(0, 2**32) or base & base - 1:
raise ValueError("base must be 0 or a power of 2 (< 2**32), not {:#x}".format(base))
if not isinstance(limit, int):
raise TypeError("limit must be an integer, not {!r}".format(limit))
if limit not in range(1, 2**32 + 1) or limit & limit - 1:
raise ValueError("limit must be a power of 2 (<= 2**32), not {:#x}".format(limit))
if base >= limit:
raise ValueError("limit {:#x} must be greater than base {:#x}"
.format(limit, base))
self.nways = nways
self.nlines = nlines
self.nwords = nwords
self.base = base
self.limit = limit
offsetbits = log2_int(nwords)
linebits = log2_int(nlines)
tagbits = log2_int(limit) - linebits - offsetbits - 2
self.s1_addr = Record([("offset", offsetbits), ("line", linebits), ("tag", tagbits)])
self.s1_stall = Signal()
self.s1_valid = Signal()
self.s2_addr = Record.like(self.s1_addr)
self.s2_re = Signal()
self.s2_flush = Signal()
self.s2_evict = Signal()
self.s2_valid = Signal()
self.bus_valid = Signal()
self.bus_error = Signal()
self.bus_rdata = Signal(32)
self.s2_miss = Signal()
self.s2_flush_ack = Signal()
self.s2_rdata = Signal(32)
self.bus_re = Signal()
self.bus_addr = Record.like(self.s1_addr)
self.bus_last = Signal()
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
ways = Array(Record([("data", self.nwords * 32),
("tag", self.s2_addr.tag.shape()),
("valid", 1),
("bus_re", 1)])
for _ in range(self.nways))
if self.nways == 1:
way_lru = Const(0)
elif self.nways == 2:
way_lru = Signal()
with m.If(self.bus_re & self.bus_valid & self.bus_last & ~self.bus_error):
m.d.sync += way_lru.eq(~way_lru)
m.d.comb += ways[way_lru].bus_re.eq(self.bus_re)
way_hit = m.submodules.way_hit = Encoder(self.nways)
for j, way in enumerate(ways):
m.d.comb += way_hit.i[j].eq((way.tag == self.s2_addr.tag) & way.valid)
m.d.comb += [
self.s2_rdata.eq(ways[way_hit.o].data.word_select(self.s2_addr.offset, 32))
flush_line = Signal(range(self.nlines), reset=self.nlines - 1)
with m.If(self.s1_valid & ~self.s1_stall):
m.d.sync += self.s2_flush_ack.eq(0)
with m.FSM() as fsm:
last_offset = Signal.like(self.s2_addr.offset)
with m.State("CHECK"):
with m.If(self.s2_valid):
with m.If(self.s2_flush & ~self.s2_flush_ack):
m.d.sync += flush_line.eq(flush_line.reset)
m.next = "FLUSH"
with m.Elif(self.s2_re & self.s2_miss):
m.d.sync += [
last_offset.eq(self.s2_addr.offset - 1)
m.next = "REFILL"
with m.State("REFILL"):
m.d.comb += self.bus_last.eq(self.bus_addr.offset == last_offset)
with m.If(self.bus_valid):
m.d.sync += self.bus_addr.offset.eq(self.bus_addr.offset + 1)
with m.If(self.bus_valid & self.bus_last | self.bus_error):
m.d.sync += self.bus_re.eq(0)
with m.If(~self.bus_re & ~self.s1_stall):
m.next = "CHECK"
with m.State("FLUSH"):
with m.If(flush_line == 0):
m.d.sync += self.s2_flush_ack.eq(1)
m.next = "CHECK"
with m.Else():
m.d.sync += flush_line.eq(flush_line - 1)
if platform == "formal":
with m.If(Initial()):
m.d.comb += Assume(fsm.ongoing("CHECK"))
for way in ways:
tag_mem = Memory(width=1 + len(way.tag), depth=self.nlines)
tag_rp = tag_mem.read_port()
tag_wp = tag_mem.write_port()
m.submodules += tag_rp, tag_wp
data_mem = Memory(width=len(way.data), depth=self.nlines)
data_rp = data_mem.read_port()
data_wp = data_mem.write_port(granularity=32)
m.submodules += data_rp, data_wp
mem_rp_addr = Signal.like(self.s1_addr.line)
with m.If(self.s1_stall):
m.d.comb += mem_rp_addr.eq(self.s2_addr.line)
with m.Else():
m.d.comb += mem_rp_addr.eq(self.s1_addr.line)
m.d.comb += [
Cat(way.tag, way.valid).eq(tag_rp.data),
with m.If(fsm.ongoing("FLUSH")):
m.d.comb += [
with m.Elif(way.bus_re):
m.d.comb += [
tag_wp.en.eq(way.bus_re & self.bus_valid),
tag_wp.data.eq(Cat(self.bus_addr.tag, self.bus_last & ~self.bus_error)),
with m.Else():
m.d.comb += [
tag_wp.en.eq(self.s2_evict & self.s2_valid & (way.tag == self.s2_addr.tag)),
m.d.comb += [
data_wp.en.bit_select(self.bus_addr.offset, 1).eq(way.bus_re & self.bus_valid),
data_wp.data.eq(Repl(self.bus_rdata, self.nwords)),
return m