261 lines
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261 lines
9.7 KiB
from collections import OrderedDict
__all__ = ["Pins", "PinsN", "DiffPairs", "DiffPairsN",
"Attrs", "Clock", "Subsignal", "Resource", "Connector"]
class Pins:
def __init__(self, names, *, dir="io", invert=False, conn=None, assert_width=None):
if not isinstance(names, str):
raise TypeError("Names must be a whitespace-separated string, not {!r}"
names = names.split()
if conn is not None:
conn_name, conn_number = conn
if not (isinstance(conn_name, str) and isinstance(conn_number, (int, str))):
raise TypeError("Connector must be None or a pair of string (connector name) and "
"integer/string (connector number), not {!r}"
names = ["{}_{}:{}".format(conn_name, conn_number, name) for name in names]
if dir not in ("i", "o", "io", "oe"):
raise TypeError("Direction must be one of \"i\", \"o\", \"oe\", or \"io\", not {!r}"
if assert_width is not None and len(names) != assert_width:
raise AssertionError("{} names are specified ({}), but {} names are expected"
.format(len(names), " ".join(names), assert_width))
self.names = names
self.dir = dir
self.invert = bool(invert)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.names)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.names)
def map_names(self, mapping, resource):
mapped_names = []
for name in self.names:
while ":" in name:
if name not in mapping:
raise NameError("Resource {!r} refers to nonexistent connector pin {}"
.format(resource, name))
name = mapping[name]
return mapped_names
def __repr__(self):
return "(pins{} {} {})".format("-n" if self.invert else "",
self.dir, " ".join(self.names))
def PinsN(*args, **kwargs):
pins = Pins(*args, **kwargs)
pins.invert = True
return pins
class DiffPairs:
def __init__(self, p, n, *, dir="io", conn=None, assert_width=None):
self.p = Pins(p, dir=dir, conn=conn, assert_width=assert_width)
self.n = Pins(n, dir=dir, conn=conn, assert_width=assert_width)
if len(self.p.names) != len(self.n.names):
raise TypeError("Positive and negative pins must have the same width, but {!r} "
"and {!r} do not"
.format(self.p, self.n))
self.dir = dir
self.invert = False
def __len__(self):
return len(self.p.names)
def __iter__(self):
return zip(self.p.names, self.n.names)
def __repr__(self):
return "(diffpairs{} {} (p {}) (n {}))".format("-n" if self.invert else "",
self.dir, " ".join(self.p.names), " ".join(self.n.names))
def DiffPairsN(*args, **kwargs):
diff_pairs = DiffPairs(*args, **kwargs)
diff_pairs.invert = True
return diff_pairs
class Attrs(OrderedDict):
def __init__(self, **attrs):
for key, value in attrs.items():
if not (value is None or isinstance(value, (str, int)) or hasattr(value, "__call__")):
raise TypeError("Value of attribute {} must be None, int, str, or callable, "
"not {!r}"
.format(key, value))
def __repr__(self):
items = []
for key, value in self.items():
if value is None:
items.append("!" + key)
items.append(key + "=" + repr(value))
return "(attrs {})".format(" ".join(items))
class Clock:
def __init__(self, frequency):
if not isinstance(frequency, (float, int)):
raise TypeError("Clock frequency must be a number")
self.frequency = float(frequency)
def period(self):
return 1 / self.frequency
def __repr__(self):
return "(clock {})".format(self.frequency)
class Subsignal:
def __init__(self, name, *args):
self.name = name
self.ios = []
self.attrs = Attrs()
self.clock = None
if not args:
raise ValueError("Missing I/O constraints")
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, (Pins, DiffPairs)):
if not self.ios:
raise TypeError("Pins and DiffPairs are incompatible with other location or "
"subsignal constraints, but {!r} appears after {!r}"
.format(arg, self.ios[-1]))
elif isinstance(arg, Subsignal):
if not self.ios or isinstance(self.ios[-1], Subsignal):
raise TypeError("Subsignal is incompatible with location constraints, but "
"{!r} appears after {!r}"
.format(arg, self.ios[-1]))
elif isinstance(arg, Attrs):
elif isinstance(arg, Clock):
if self.ios and isinstance(self.ios[-1], (Pins, DiffPairs)):
if self.clock is None:
self.clock = arg
raise ValueError("Clock constraint can be applied only once")
raise TypeError("Clock constraint can only be applied to Pins or DiffPairs, "
"not {!r}"
raise TypeError("Constraint must be one of Pins, DiffPairs, Subsignal, Attrs, "
"or Clock, not {!r}"
def _content_repr(self):
parts = []
for io in self.ios:
if self.clock is not None:
if self.attrs:
return " ".join(parts)
def __repr__(self):
return "(subsignal {} {})".format(self.name, self._content_repr())
class Resource(Subsignal):
def family(cls, name_or_number, number=None, *, ios, default_name, name_suffix=""):
# This constructor accepts two different forms:
# 1. Number-only form:
# Resource.family(0, default_name="name", ios=[Pins("A0 A1")])
# 2. Name-and-number (name override) form:
# Resource.family("override", 0, default_name="name", ios=...)
# This makes it easier to build abstractions for resources, e.g. an SPIResource abstraction
# could simply delegate to `Resource.family(*args, default_name="spi", ios=ios)`.
# The name_suffix argument is meant to support creating resources with
# similar names, such as spi_flash, spi_flash_2x, etc.
if name_suffix: # Only add "_" if we actually have a suffix.
name_suffix = "_" + name_suffix
if number is None: # name_or_number is number
return cls(default_name + name_suffix, name_or_number, *ios)
else: # name_or_number is name
return cls(name_or_number + name_suffix, number, *ios)
def __init__(self, name, number, *args):
super().__init__(name, *args)
self.number = number
def __repr__(self):
return "(resource {} {} {})".format(self.name, self.number, self._content_repr())
class Connector:
def __init__(self, name, number, io, *, conn=None):
self.name = name
self.number = number
mapping = OrderedDict()
if isinstance(io, dict):
for conn_pin, plat_pin in io.items():
if not isinstance(conn_pin, str):
raise TypeError("Connector pin name must be a string, not {!r}"
if not isinstance(plat_pin, str):
raise TypeError("Platform pin name must be a string, not {!r}"
mapping[conn_pin] = plat_pin
elif isinstance(io, str):
for conn_pin, plat_pin in enumerate(io.split(), start=1):
if plat_pin == "-":
mapping[str(conn_pin)] = plat_pin
raise TypeError("Connector I/Os must be a dictionary or a string, not {!r}"
if conn is not None:
conn_name, conn_number = conn
if not (isinstance(conn_name, str) and isinstance(conn_number, (int, str))):
raise TypeError("Connector must be None or a pair of string (connector name) and "
"integer/string (connector number), not {!r}"
for conn_pin, plat_pin in mapping.items():
mapping[conn_pin] = "{}_{}:{}".format(conn_name, conn_number, plat_pin)
self.mapping = mapping
def __repr__(self):
return "(connector {} {} {})".format(self.name, self.number,
" ".join("{}=>{}".format(conn, plat)
for conn, plat in self.mapping.items()))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.mapping)
def __iter__(self):
for conn_pin, plat_pin in self.mapping.items():
yield "{}_{}:{}".format(self.name, self.number, conn_pin), plat_pin