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use core::f32::NAN;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use crate::sys_timer;
use crate::thermostat::ad5680;
use crate::thermostat::max1968::{MAX1968, AdcReadTarget, PwmPinsEnum};
use crate::thermostat::ad7172::{self, FilterType, PostFilter, SingleChODR};
use crate::thermostat::pid_state::{PidState, PidSettings, Parameters as PidParams};
use crate::thermostat::temp_mon::{TempMon, TempStatus, TempMonSettings};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
2024-02-01 15:49:41 +08:00
use log::debug;
use uom::si::{
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f32::{ThermodynamicTemperature, ElectricCurrent, ElectricPotential, ElectricalResistance},
use miniconf::Tree;
use super::pid_state;
pub const R_SENSE: ElectricalResistance = ElectricalResistance {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 0.05,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Tree)]
pub struct TempAdcFilter{
pub filter_type: FilterType,
pub sinc5sinc1odr: Option<SingleChODR>,
pub sinc3odr: Option<SingleChODR>,
pub sinc5sinc1postfilter: Option<PostFilter>,
pub sinc3fineodr: Option<f32>,
pub rate: Option<f32>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Copy, Debug, Tree)]
pub struct TecSettings {
pub pwr_on: bool,
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pub center_pt: ElectricPotential,
pub max_v_set: ElectricPotential,
pub max_i_pos_set: ElectricCurrent,
pub max_i_neg_set: ElectricCurrent,
pub i_set: ElectricCurrent,
pub vref: ElectricPotential,
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impl TecSettings{
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pub const DAC_OUT_V_MAX: ElectricPotential = ElectricPotential {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 3.0,
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pub const TEC_VSEC_BIAS_V: ElectricPotential = ElectricPotential {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 1.65,
// Kirdy Design Specs:
// MaxV = 5.0V
// MAX Current = +- 1.0A
const MAX_I_SET : ElectricCurrent = ElectricCurrent {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 1.0,
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const MAX_V_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE: ElectricPotential = ElectricPotential {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 4.0 * 3.3,
pub const MAX_V_MAX: ElectricPotential = ElectricPotential {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 5.0,
const MAX_V_DUTY_MAX: f64 = TecSettings::MAX_V_MAX.value as f64 / TecSettings::MAX_V_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE.value as f64;
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const MAX_I_POS_NEG_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE: ElectricCurrent = ElectricCurrent {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 1.0 / (10.0 * R_SENSE.value / 3.3),
pub const MAX_I_POS_CURRENT: ElectricCurrent = ElectricCurrent {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 1.0,
pub const MAX_I_NEG_CURRENT: ElectricCurrent = ElectricCurrent {
dimension: PhantomData,
units: PhantomData,
value: 1.0,
// .get::<ratio>() is not implemented for const
const MAX_I_POS_DUTY_MAX: f64 = TecSettings::MAX_I_POS_CURRENT.value as f64 / TecSettings::MAX_I_POS_NEG_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE.value as f64;
const MAX_I_NEG_DUTY_MAX: f64 = TecSettings::MAX_I_NEG_CURRENT.value as f64 / TecSettings::MAX_I_POS_NEG_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE.value as f64;
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impl Default for TecSettings {
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fn default() -> Self {
Self {
pwr_on: false,
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center_pt: ElectricPotential::new::<volt>(1.5),
max_v_set: ElectricPotential::new::<volt>(5.0),
max_i_pos_set: ElectricCurrent::new::<ampere>(1.0),
max_i_neg_set: ElectricCurrent::new::<ampere>(1.0),
i_set: ElectricCurrent::new::<ampere>(0.0),
vref: ElectricPotential::new::<volt>(1.5),
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pub struct Thermostat {
max1968: MAX1968,
ad7172: ad7172::AdcPhy,
pub tec_settings: TecSettings,
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pid_ctrl_ch0: PidState,
temp_mon: TempMon,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Tree)]
pub struct ThermostatSettingsSummary {
pwr_on: bool,
tec_settings: TecSettingSummary,
pid_params: PidParams,
temp_mon_settings: TempMonSettings,
thermistor_params: ThermistorParams,
impl Thermostat{
pub fn new (max1968: MAX1968, ad7172: ad7172::AdcPhy) -> Self {
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max1968: max1968,
ad7172: ad7172,
tec_settings: TecSettings::default(),
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pid_ctrl_ch0: PidState::default(),
temp_mon: TempMon::default(),
pub fn setup(&mut self){
let t_adc_ch0_cal = self.t_adc_setup();
self.pid_ctrl_ch0.set_adc_calibration(t_adc_ch0_cal) ;
/// start_tec_readings_conversion() should not be called before the current
/// DMA request is serviced or the conversion process will be restarted
/// Thus, no new readings is available when you call get_tec_readings() fn
pub fn start_tec_readings_conversion(&mut self){
fn tec_setup(&mut self) {
self.tec_settings = TecSettings::default();
fn t_adc_setup(&mut self)->ad7172::ChannelCalibration{
self.ad7172.setup_channel(0, ad7172::Input::Ain0, ad7172::Input::Ain1).unwrap();
let adc_calibration0 = self.ad7172.get_calibration(0)
pub fn poll_adc(&mut self) -> bool {
let mut data_rdy = false;
self.ad7172.data_ready().unwrap().map(|_ch| {
let data = self.ad7172.read_data().unwrap();
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let state: &mut PidState = &mut self.pid_ctrl_ch0;
let pid_engaged = state.get_pid_engaged();
let temp = self.get_temperature();
self.temp_mon.update_status(pid_engaged, temp);
debug!("state.get_pid_engaged(): {:?}", pid_engaged);
debug!("Temperature: {:?} degree", temp.get::<degree_celsius>());
data_rdy = true;
pub fn update_pid(&mut self) {
let state: &mut PidState = &mut self.pid_ctrl_ch0;
let pid_engaged = state.get_pid_engaged();
if pid_engaged {
match state.update_pid() {
Some(pid_output) => {
self.set_i(ElectricCurrent::new::<ampere>(pid_output as f32));
debug!("Temperature Set Point: {:?} degree", self.pid_ctrl_ch0.get_pid_setpoint().get::<degree_celsius>());
None => { }
pub fn get_temp_mon_status(&mut self) -> TempStatus {
pub fn power_up(&mut self){
self.tec_settings.pwr_on = true;
pub fn power_down(&mut self){
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self.tec_settings.pwr_on = false;
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fn set_center_pt(&mut self, value: ElectricPotential){
self.tec_settings.center_pt = value;
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pub fn set_i(&mut self, i_tec: ElectricCurrent) -> ElectricCurrent {
let voltage = i_tec * 10.0 * R_SENSE + self.tec_settings.center_pt;
let voltage = self.max1968.set_dac(voltage, TecSettings::DAC_OUT_V_MAX);
self.tec_settings.i_set = (voltage - self.tec_settings.center_pt) / (10.0 * R_SENSE);
pub fn set_max_v(&mut self, max_v: ElectricPotential) -> ElectricPotential {
let duty = (max_v / TecSettings::MAX_V_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE).get::<ratio>();
let duty = self.max1968.set_pwm(PwmPinsEnum::MaxV, duty as f64, TecSettings::MAX_V_DUTY_MAX);
self.tec_settings.max_v_set = duty as f32 * TecSettings::MAX_V_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE;
pub fn set_max_i_pos(&mut self, max_i_pos: ElectricCurrent) -> ElectricCurrent {
let duty = (max_i_pos / TecSettings::MAX_I_POS_NEG_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE).get::<ratio>();
let duty = self.max1968.set_pwm(PwmPinsEnum::MaxPosI, duty as f64, TecSettings::MAX_I_POS_DUTY_MAX);
self.tec_settings.max_i_pos_set = duty as f32 * TecSettings::MAX_I_POS_NEG_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE;
pub fn set_max_i_neg(&mut self, max_i_neg: ElectricCurrent) -> ElectricCurrent {
let duty = (max_i_neg / TecSettings::MAX_I_POS_NEG_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE).get::<ratio>();
let duty = self.max1968.set_pwm(PwmPinsEnum::MaxNegI, duty as f64, TecSettings::MAX_I_NEG_DUTY_MAX);
self.tec_settings.max_i_neg_set = duty as f32 * TecSettings::MAX_I_POS_NEG_DUTY_TO_CURRENT_RATE;
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fn get_dac_vfb(&mut self) -> ElectricPotential {
self.max1968.adc_read(AdcReadTarget::DacVfb, 16)
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fn get_vref(&mut self) -> ElectricPotential {
self.max1968.adc_read(AdcReadTarget::VREF, 16)
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pub fn get_tec_i(&mut self) -> ElectricCurrent {
let vref = self.max1968.adc_read(AdcReadTarget::VREF, 16);
(self.max1968.adc_read(AdcReadTarget::ITec, 16) - vref) / ElectricalResistance::new::<ohm>(0.4)
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pub fn get_tec_v(&mut self) -> ElectricPotential {
(self.max1968.adc_read(AdcReadTarget::VTec, 16) - TecSettings::TEC_VSEC_BIAS_V) * 4.0
pub fn get_tec_readings(&mut self) -> (ElectricPotential, ElectricCurrent) {
let vref = self.tec_settings.vref;
let (vtec, itec) = self.max1968.get_tec_readings();
((vtec - TecSettings::TEC_VSEC_BIAS_V) * 4.0, (itec - vref) / ElectricalResistance::new::<ohm>(0.4))
/// Calibrates the DAC output to match vref of the MAX driver to reduce zero-current offset of the MAX driver output.
/// The thermostat DAC applies a control voltage signal to the CTLI pin of MAX driver chip to control its output current.
/// The CTLI input signal is centered around VREF of the MAX chip. Applying VREF to CTLI sets the output current to 0.
/// This calibration routine measures the VREF voltage and the DAC output with the STM32 ADC, and uses a breadth-first
/// search to find the DAC setting that will produce a DAC output voltage closest to VREF. This DAC output voltage will
/// be stored and used in subsequent i_set routines to bias the current control signal to the measured VREF, reducing
/// the offset error of the current control signal.
/// The input offset of the STM32 ADC is eliminated by using the same ADC for the measurements, and by only using the
/// difference in VREF and DAC output for the calibration.
/// This routine should be called only once after boot, repeated reading of the vref signal and changing of the stored
/// VREF measurement can introduce significant noise at the current output, degrading the stabilily performance of the
/// thermostat.
pub fn calibrate_dac_value(&mut self) {
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const STEPS: i32 = 18;
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let target_voltage = self.max1968.adc_read(AdcReadTarget::VREF, 64);
let mut start_value = 1;
let mut best_error = ElectricPotential::new::<volt>(100.0);
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for step in (0..STEPS).rev() {
debug!("TEC VREF Calibrating: Step {}/{}", step, STEPS);
let mut prev_value = start_value;
for value in (start_value..=ad5680::MAX_VALUE).step_by(1 << step) {
let dac_feedback = self.max1968.adc_read(AdcReadTarget::DacVfb, 64);
let error = target_voltage - dac_feedback;
if error < ElectricPotential::new::<volt>(0.0) {
} else if error < best_error {
best_error = error;
start_value = prev_value;
let vref = (value as f32 / ad5680::MAX_VALUE as f32) * TecSettings::DAC_OUT_V_MAX;
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prev_value = value;
self.tec_settings.vref = target_voltage;
pub fn set_pid_engaged(&mut self, val: bool) {
fn get_pid_engaged(&mut self) -> bool {
pub fn get_status_report(&mut self) -> StatusReport {
let (tec_v, tec_i) = self.get_tec_readings();
StatusReport {
pid_engaged: self.get_pid_engaged(),
temp_mon_status: self.temp_mon.get_status(),
temperature: self.pid_ctrl_ch0.get_temperature(),
i_set: self.tec_settings.i_set,
tec_i: tec_i,
tec_v: tec_v,
pub fn get_temperature(&mut self) -> ThermodynamicTemperature {
match self.pid_ctrl_ch0.get_temperature() {
Some(val) => {
None => { ThermodynamicTemperature::new::<degree_celsius>(NAN) }
fn get_pid_settings(&mut self) -> pid_state::Parameters {
fn get_steinhart_hart(&mut self) -> ThermistorParams {
let sh = self.pid_ctrl_ch0.get_sh();
ThermistorParams {
t0: sh.t0.get::<degree_celsius>(),
r0: sh.r0,
b: sh.b,
fn get_tec_settings(&mut self) -> TecSettingSummary {
TecSettingSummary {
i_set: TecSettingsSummaryField { value: self.tec_settings.i_set, max: TecSettings::MAX_I_SET },
max_v: TecSettingsSummaryField { value: self.tec_settings.max_v_set, max: TecSettings::MAX_V_MAX },
max_i_pos: TecSettingsSummaryField { value: self.tec_settings.max_i_pos_set, max: TecSettings::MAX_I_POS_CURRENT },
max_i_neg: TecSettingsSummaryField { value: self.tec_settings.max_i_neg_set, max: TecSettings::MAX_I_NEG_CURRENT },
pub fn get_calibrated_vdda(&mut self) -> u32 {
pub fn set_pid(&mut self, param: PidSettings, val: f32){
self.pid_ctrl_ch0.set_pid_params(param, val);
pub fn set_sh_beta(&mut self, beta: f32) {
pub fn set_sh_r0(&mut self, r0: ElectricalResistance) {
pub fn set_sh_t0(&mut self, t0: ThermodynamicTemperature) {
pub fn set_temperature_setpoint(&mut self, t: ThermodynamicTemperature) {
let t = t.min(self.temp_mon.get_upper_limit()).max(self.temp_mon.get_lower_limit());
pub fn set_temp_mon_upper_limit(&mut self, t: ThermodynamicTemperature) {
pub fn set_temp_mon_lower_limit(&mut self, t: ThermodynamicTemperature) {
pub fn set_temp_adc_sinc5_sinc1_filter(&mut self, index: u8, odr: ad7172::SingleChODR) {
self.ad7172.set_sinc5_sinc1_filter(index, odr).unwrap();
pub fn set_temp_adc_sinc3_filter(&mut self, index: u8, odr: ad7172::SingleChODR) {
self.ad7172.set_sinc3_filter(index, odr).unwrap();
pub fn set_temp_adc_sinc5_sinc1_with_postfilter(&mut self, index: u8, odr: ad7172::PostFilter) {
self.ad7172.set_sinc5_sinc1_with_50hz_60hz_rejection(index, odr).unwrap();
pub fn set_temp_adc_sinc3_fine_filter(&mut self, index: u8, rate: f64) {
self.ad7172.set_sinc3_fine_filter(index, rate as f32).unwrap();
pub fn clear_temp_mon_alarm(&mut self) {
fn get_temp_mon_settings(&mut self) -> TempMonSettings {
pub fn get_settings_summary(&mut self) -> ThermostatSettingsSummary {
ThermostatSettingsSummary {
pwr_on: self.tec_settings.pwr_on,
tec_settings: self.get_tec_settings(),
pid_params: self.get_pid_settings(),
temp_mon_settings: self.get_temp_mon_settings(),
thermistor_params: self.get_steinhart_hart(),
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#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Tree)]
pub struct StatusReport {
pid_engaged: bool,
temp_mon_status: TempStatus,
temperature: Option<ThermodynamicTemperature>,
i_set: ElectricCurrent,
tec_i: ElectricCurrent,
tec_v: ElectricPotential,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Tree)]
pub struct TecSettingsSummaryField<T> {
value: T,
max: T,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Tree)]
pub struct TecSettingSummary {
i_set: TecSettingsSummaryField<ElectricCurrent>,
max_v: TecSettingsSummaryField<ElectricPotential>,
max_i_pos: TecSettingsSummaryField<ElectricCurrent>,
max_i_neg: TecSettingsSummaryField<ElectricCurrent>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Copy, Debug, Tree)]
pub struct ThermistorParams {
t0: f32,
r0: ElectricalResistance,
b: f32