• Joined on 2021-03-29

ychenfo pushed to master at M-Labs/nac3

  • 52b5222201 nac3core: fix #46, better toplevel return type error msg

2021-10-03 18:02:47 +08:00

ychenfo commented on issue M-Labs/nac3#45

report location of missing type annotation

now the error message is something like: ``` thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: "function parameter `aa` at line 23 column 9 need type annotation"',…

2021-10-03 17:29:39 +08:00

ychenfo pushed to master at M-Labs/nac3

2021-10-03 17:28:12 +08:00

ychenfo closed issue M-Labs/nac3#45

report location of missing type annotation

2021-10-03 17:28:11 +08:00

ychenfo pushed to master at M-Labs/nac3

  • 1430914d7b nac3core: toplevel better error msg for methods/functiions

2021-10-03 17:22:32 +08:00

ychenfo commented on pull request M-Labs/nac3#42


Oh currently for the shorter error cases tests I use this vecotr, for the normal tests with longer outputs I use insta. Maybe I could split the error cases and normal cases to two different sets…

2021-10-03 16:35:43 +08:00

ychenfo pushed to snapshot-test-insta at M-Labs/nac3

2021-10-03 16:28:03 +08:00

ychenfo created pull request M-Labs/nac3#42


2021-10-03 16:24:56 +08:00

ychenfo created branch snapshot-test-insta in M-Labs/nac3

2021-10-03 16:18:29 +08:00

ychenfo pushed to snapshot-test-insta at M-Labs/nac3

2021-10-03 16:18:29 +08:00

ychenfo pushed to with_nac3comment at M-Labs/nac3

2021-10-03 16:06:39 +08:00

ychenfo pushed to with_nac3comment at M-Labs/nac3

2021-10-03 16:05:23 +08:00

ychenfo commented on issue M-Labs/nac3#20

add comment support to rustpython parser

The new branch [with_nac3comment](https://git.m-labs.hk/M-Labs/nac3/src/branch/with_nac3comment) contains modifications to use the moded python parser to support nac3comment in ast. The current…

2021-10-03 14:20:47 +08:00

ychenfo created branch with_nac3comment in M-Labs/nac3

2021-10-03 14:11:14 +08:00

ychenfo pushed to with_nac3comment at M-Labs/nac3

2021-10-03 14:11:14 +08:00