drtio: moved satman fw

This commit is contained in:
spaqin 2021-07-21 09:25:37 +02:00
parent cbcda286dc
commit 3656fcc510
8 changed files with 1736 additions and 0 deletions

src/satman/Cargo.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
authors = ["M-Labs"]
name = "satman"
version = "0.0.0"
build = "build.rs"
name = "satman"
crate-type = ["staticlib"]
path = "main.rs"
build_misoc = { path = "../libbuild_misoc" }
log = { version = "0.4", default-features = false }
board_misoc = { path = "../libboard_misoc", features = ["uart_console", "log"] }
board_artiq = { path = "../libboard_artiq" }

src/satman/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
include ../include/generated/variables.mak
include $(MISOC_DIRECTORY)/software/common.mak
LDFLAGS += -L../libbase
RUSTFLAGS += -Cpanic=abort
all:: satman.bin satman.fbi
.PHONY: $(RUSTOUT)/libsatman.a
$(cargo) --manifest-path $(SATMAN_DIRECTORY)/Cargo.toml
satman.elf: $(RUSTOUT)/libsatman.a
$(link) -T $(SATMAN_DIRECTORY)/satman.ld
%.bin: %.elf
$(objcopy) -O binary
%.fbi: %.bin
$(mscimg) -f

src/satman/build.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
extern crate build_misoc;
fn main() {

src/satman/jdac_common.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
pub const INIT: u8 = 0x00;
pub const PRINT_STATUS: u8 = 0x01;
pub const PRBS: u8 = 0x02;
pub const STPL: u8 = 0x03;
pub const SYSREF_DELAY_DAC: u8 = 0x10;
pub const SYSREF_SLIP: u8 = 0x11;
pub const SYNC: u8 = 0x12;
pub const DDMTD_SYSREF_RAW: u8 = 0x20;
pub const DDMTD_SYSREF: u8 = 0x21;
fn average_2phases(a: i32, b: i32, modulo: i32) -> i32 {
let diff = ((a - b + modulo/2 + modulo) % modulo) - modulo/2;
return (modulo + b + diff/2) % modulo;
pub fn average_phases(phases: &[i32], modulo: i32) -> i32 {
if phases.len() == 1 {
panic!("input array length must be a power of 2");
} else if phases.len() == 2 {
average_2phases(phases[0], phases[1], modulo)
} else {
let cut = phases.len()/2;
average_phases(&phases[..cut], modulo),
average_phases(&phases[cut..], modulo),
pub const RAW_DDMTD_N_SHIFT: i32 = 6;
pub const RAW_DDMTD_N: i32 = 1 << RAW_DDMTD_N_SHIFT;
pub const DDMTD_DITHER_BITS: i32 = 1;
pub const DDMTD_N: i32 = 1 << DDMTD_N_SHIFT;
use board_misoc::{clock, csr};
pub fn init_ddmtd() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
unsafe {
if csr::sysref_ddmtd::locked_read() != 0 {
} else {
Err("DDMTD helper PLL failed to lock")
pub fn measure_ddmdt_phase_raw() -> i32 {
unsafe { csr::sysref_ddmtd::dt_read() as i32 }
pub fn measure_ddmdt_phase() -> i32 {
const AVG_PRECISION_SHIFT: i32 = 6;
let mut measurements = [0; AVG_PRECISION as usize];
for i in 0..AVG_PRECISION {
measurements[i as usize] = measure_ddmdt_phase_raw() << (AVG_PRECISION_SHIFT + DDMTD_DITHER_BITS);
average_phases(&measurements, AVG_MOD) >> AVG_PRECISION_SHIFT

src/satman/jdcg.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
pub mod jesd {
use board_misoc::{csr, clock};
pub fn reset(reset: bool) {
unsafe {
csr::jesd_crg::jreset_write(if reset {1} else {0});
pub fn enable(dacno: u8, en: bool) {
unsafe {
(csr::JDCG[dacno as usize].jesd_control_enable_write)(if en {1} else {0})
pub fn phy_done(dacno: u8) -> bool {
unsafe {
(csr::JDCG[dacno as usize].jesd_control_phy_done_read)() != 0
pub fn ready(dacno: u8) -> bool {
unsafe {
(csr::JDCG[dacno as usize].jesd_control_ready_read)() != 0
pub fn prbs(dacno: u8, en: bool) {
unsafe {
(csr::JDCG[dacno as usize].jesd_control_prbs_config_write)(if en {0b01} else {0b00})
pub fn stpl(dacno: u8, en: bool) {
unsafe {
(csr::JDCG[dacno as usize].jesd_control_stpl_enable_write)(if en {1} else {0})
pub fn jsync(dacno: u8) -> bool {
unsafe {
(csr::JDCG[dacno as usize].jesd_control_jsync_read)() != 0
pub mod jdac {
use board_misoc::{csr, clock};
use board_artiq::drtioaux;
use super::jesd;
use super::super::jdac_common;
pub fn basic_request(dacno: u8, reqno: u8, param: u8) -> Result<u8, &'static str> {
if let Err(e) = drtioaux::send(1, &drtioaux::Packet::JdacBasicRequest {
destination: 0,
dacno: dacno,
reqno: reqno,
param: param
}) {
error!("aux packet error ({})", e);
return Err("aux packet error while sending for JESD DAC basic request");
match drtioaux::recv_timeout(1, Some(1000)) {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::JdacBasicReply { succeeded, retval }) => {
if succeeded {
} else {
error!("JESD DAC basic request failed (dacno={}, reqno={})", dacno, reqno);
Err("remote error status to JESD DAC basic request")
Ok(packet) => {
error!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", packet);
Err("unexpected aux packet in reply to JESD DAC basic request")
Err(e) => {
error!("aux packet error ({})", e);
Err("aux packet error while waiting for JESD DAC basic reply")
pub fn init() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
for dacno in 0..csr::JDCG.len() {
let dacno = dacno as u8;
info!("DAC-{} initializing...", dacno);
jesd::enable(dacno, true);
if !jesd::phy_done(dacno) {
error!("JESD core PHY not done");
return Err("JESD core PHY not done");
basic_request(dacno, jdac_common::INIT, 0)?;
// JESD ready depends on JSYNC being valid, so DAC init needs to happen first
if !jesd::ready(dacno) {
error!("JESD core reported not ready, sending DAC status print request");
basic_request(dacno, jdac_common::PRINT_STATUS, 0)?;
return Err("JESD core reported not ready");
jesd::prbs(dacno, true);
basic_request(dacno, jdac_common::PRBS, 0)?;
jesd::prbs(dacno, false);
basic_request(dacno, jdac_common::INIT, 0)?;
if !jesd::jsync(dacno) {
error!("JESD core reported bad SYNC");
return Err("JESD core reported bad SYNC");
info!(" ...done initializing");
pub fn stpl() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
for dacno in 0..csr::JDCG.len() {
let dacno = dacno as u8;
info!("Running STPL test on DAC-{}...", dacno);
jesd::stpl(dacno, true);
basic_request(dacno, jdac_common::STPL, 0)?;
jesd::stpl(dacno, false);
info!(" ...done STPL test");
pub mod jesd204sync {
use board_misoc::{csr, clock, config};
use super::jdac;
use super::super::jdac_common;
const HMC7043_ANALOG_DELAY_RANGE: u8 = 24;
const FPGA_CLK_DIV: u16 = 16; // Keep in sync with hmc830_7043.rs
const SYSREF_DIV: u16 = 256; // Keep in sync with hmc830_7043.rs
fn hmc7043_sysref_delay_dac(dacno: u8, phase_offset: u8) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match jdac::basic_request(dacno, jdac_common::SYSREF_DELAY_DAC, phase_offset) {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => Err(e)
fn hmc7043_sysref_slip() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match jdac::basic_request(0, jdac_common::SYSREF_SLIP, 0) {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => Err(e)
fn ad9154_sync(dacno: u8) -> Result<bool, &'static str> {
match jdac::basic_request(dacno, jdac_common::SYNC, 0) {
Ok(0) => Ok(false),
Ok(_) => Ok(true),
Err(e) => Err(e)
fn measure_ddmdt_phase_raw() -> Result<i32, &'static str> {
Ok(jdac::basic_request(0, jdac_common::DDMTD_SYSREF_RAW, 0)? as i32)
fn measure_ddmdt_phase() -> Result<i32, &'static str> {
Ok(jdac::basic_request(0, jdac_common::DDMTD_SYSREF, 0)? as i32)
fn test_ddmtd_stability(raw: bool, tolerance: i32) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
info!("testing DDMTD stability (raw={}, tolerance={})...", raw, tolerance);
let modulo = if raw { jdac_common::RAW_DDMTD_N } else { jdac_common::DDMTD_N };
let measurement = if raw { measure_ddmdt_phase_raw } else { measure_ddmdt_phase };
let ntests = if raw { 150 } else { 15 };
let mut max_pkpk = 0;
for _ in 0..32 {
// If we are near the edges, wraparound can throw off the simple min/max computation.
// In this case, add an offset to get near the center.
let quadrant = measure_ddmdt_phase()?;
let center_offset =
if quadrant < jdac_common::DDMTD_N/4 || quadrant > 3*jdac_common::DDMTD_N/4 {
} else {
let mut min = modulo;
let mut max = 0;
for _ in 0..ntests {
let m = (measurement()? + center_offset) % modulo;
if m < min {
min = m;
if m > max {
max = m;
let pkpk = max - min;
if pkpk > max_pkpk {
max_pkpk = pkpk;
if pkpk > tolerance {
error!(" ...excessive peak-peak jitter: {} (min={} max={} center_offset={})", pkpk,
min, max, center_offset);
return Err("excessive DDMTD peak-peak jitter");
info!(" ...passed, peak-peak jitter: {}", max_pkpk);
fn test_slip_ddmtd() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
// expected_step = (RTIO clock frequency)*(DDMTD N)/(HMC7043 CLKIN frequency)
let expected_step = 8;
let tolerance = 1;
info!("testing HMC7043 SYSREF slip against DDMTD...");
let mut old_phase = measure_ddmdt_phase()?;
for _ in 0..1024 {
let phase = measure_ddmdt_phase()?;
let step = (jdac_common::DDMTD_N + old_phase - phase) % jdac_common::DDMTD_N;
if (step - expected_step).abs() > tolerance {
error!(" ...got unexpected step: {} ({} -> {})", step, old_phase, phase);
return Err("HMC7043 SYSREF slip produced unexpected DDMTD step");
old_phase = phase;
info!(" ...passed");
fn sysref_sh_error() -> bool {
unsafe {
csr::sysref_sampler::sh_error_read() != 0
const SYSREF_SH_MOD: i32 = 1 << (jdac_common::DDMTD_N_SHIFT + SYSREF_SH_PRECISION_SHIFT);
struct SysrefShLimits {
rising_phases: [i32; SYSREF_SH_PRECISION as usize],
falling_phases: [i32; SYSREF_SH_PRECISION as usize],
fn measure_sysref_sh_limits() -> Result<SysrefShLimits, &'static str> {
let mut ret = SysrefShLimits::default();
let mut nslips = 0;
let mut rising_n = 0;
let mut falling_n = 0;
let mut previous = sysref_sh_error();
while rising_n < SYSREF_SH_PRECISION || falling_n < SYSREF_SH_PRECISION {
nslips += 1;
if nslips > 1024 {
return Err("too many slips and not enough SYSREF S/H error transitions");
let current = sysref_sh_error();
let phase = measure_ddmdt_phase()?;
if current && !previous && rising_n < SYSREF_SH_PRECISION {
ret.rising_phases[rising_n as usize] = phase << SYSREF_SH_PRECISION_SHIFT;
rising_n += 1;
if !current && previous && falling_n < SYSREF_SH_PRECISION {
ret.falling_phases[falling_n as usize] = phase << SYSREF_SH_PRECISION_SHIFT;
falling_n += 1;
previous = current;
fn max_phase_deviation(average: i32, phases: &[i32]) -> i32 {
let mut ret = 0;
for phase in phases.iter() {
let deviation = (phase - average + jdac_common::DDMTD_N) % jdac_common::DDMTD_N;
if deviation > ret {
ret = deviation;
return ret;
fn reach_sysref_ddmtd_target(target: i32, tolerance: i32) -> Result<i32, &'static str> {
for _ in 0..1024 {
let delta = (measure_ddmdt_phase()? - target + jdac_common::DDMTD_N) % jdac_common::DDMTD_N;
if delta <= tolerance {
return Ok(delta)
Err("failed to reach SYSREF DDMTD phase target")
fn calibrate_sysref_target(rising_average: i32, falling_average: i32) -> Result<i32, &'static str> {
info!("calibrating SYSREF DDMTD target phase...");
let coarse_target =
if rising_average < falling_average {
(rising_average + falling_average)/2
} else {
((falling_average - (jdac_common::DDMTD_N - rising_average))/2 + jdac_common::DDMTD_N) % jdac_common::DDMTD_N
info!(" SYSREF calibration coarse target: {}", coarse_target);
reach_sysref_ddmtd_target(coarse_target, 8)?;
let target = measure_ddmdt_phase()?;
info!(" ...done, target={}", target);
fn sysref_get_tsc_phase_raw() -> Result<u8, &'static str> {
if sysref_sh_error() {
return Err("SYSREF failed S/H timing");
let ret = unsafe { csr::sysref_sampler::sysref_phase_read() };
// Note: the code below assumes RTIO/SYSREF frequency ratio is a power of 2
fn sysref_get_tsc_phase() -> Result<i32, &'static str> {
let mask = (SYSREF_DIV/FPGA_CLK_DIV - 1) as u8;
Ok((sysref_get_tsc_phase_raw()? & mask) as i32)
pub fn test_sysref_frequency() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
info!("testing SYSREF frequency against raw TSC phase bit toggles...");
let mut all_toggles = 0;
let initial_phase = sysref_get_tsc_phase_raw()?;
for _ in 0..20000 {
all_toggles |= sysref_get_tsc_phase_raw()? ^ initial_phase;
let ratio = (SYSREF_DIV/FPGA_CLK_DIV) as u8;
let expected_toggles = 0xff ^ (ratio - 1);
if all_toggles == expected_toggles {
info!(" ...done (0x{:02x})", all_toggles);
} else {
error!(" ...unexpected toggles: got 0x{:02x}, expected 0x{:02x}",
all_toggles, expected_toggles);
Err("unexpected toggles")
fn sysref_slip_rtio_cycle() {
for _ in 0..FPGA_CLK_DIV {
pub fn test_slip_tsc() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
info!("testing HMC7043 SYSREF slip against TSC phase...");
let initial_phase = sysref_get_tsc_phase()?;
let modulo = (SYSREF_DIV/FPGA_CLK_DIV) as i32;
for i in 0..128 {
let expected_phase = (initial_phase + i + 1) % modulo;
let phase = sysref_get_tsc_phase()?;
if phase != expected_phase {
error!(" ...unexpected TSC phase: got {}, expected {} ", phase, expected_phase);
return Err("HMC7043 SYSREF slip produced unexpected TSC phase");
info!(" ...done");
pub fn sysref_rtio_align() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
info!("aligning SYSREF with RTIO TSC...");
let mut nslips = 0;
loop {
if sysref_get_tsc_phase()? == 0 {
info!(" ...done");
return Ok(())
nslips += 1;
return Err("failed to find SYSREF transition aligned with RTIO TSC");
pub fn sysref_auto_rtio_align() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
test_ddmtd_stability(true, 4)?;
test_ddmtd_stability(false, 1)?;
info!("determining SYSREF S/H limits...");
let sysref_sh_limits = measure_sysref_sh_limits()?;
let rising_average = jdac_common::average_phases(&sysref_sh_limits.rising_phases, SYSREF_SH_MOD);
let falling_average = jdac_common::average_phases(&sysref_sh_limits.falling_phases, SYSREF_SH_MOD);
let rising_max_deviation = max_phase_deviation(rising_average, &sysref_sh_limits.rising_phases);
let falling_max_deviation = max_phase_deviation(falling_average, &sysref_sh_limits.falling_phases);
let rising_average = rising_average >> SYSREF_SH_PRECISION_SHIFT;
let falling_average = falling_average >> SYSREF_SH_PRECISION_SHIFT;
let rising_max_deviation = rising_max_deviation >> SYSREF_SH_PRECISION_SHIFT;
let falling_max_deviation = falling_max_deviation >> SYSREF_SH_PRECISION_SHIFT;
info!(" SYSREF S/H average limits (DDMTD phases): {} {}", rising_average, falling_average);
info!(" SYSREF S/H maximum limit deviation: {} {}", rising_max_deviation, falling_max_deviation);
if rising_max_deviation > 8 || falling_max_deviation > 8 {
return Err("excessive SYSREF S/H limit deviation");
info!(" ...done");
let entry = config::read_str("sysref_ddmtd_phase_fpga", |r| r.map(|s| s.parse()));
let target_phase = match entry {
Ok(Ok(phase)) => {
info!("using FPGA SYSREF DDMTD phase target from config: {}", phase);
_ => {
let phase = calibrate_sysref_target(rising_average, falling_average)?;
if let Err(e) = config::write_int("sysref_ddmtd_phase_fpga", phase as u32) {
error!("failed to update FPGA SYSREF DDMTD phase target in config: {}", e);
info!("aligning SYSREF with RTIO clock...");
let delta = reach_sysref_ddmtd_target(target_phase, 3)?;
if sysref_sh_error() {
return Err("SYSREF does not meet S/H timing at DDMTD phase target");
info!(" ...done, delta={}", delta);
fn sysref_cal_dac(dacno: u8) -> Result<u8, &'static str> {
info!("calibrating SYSREF delay at DAC-{}...", dacno);
// Allocate for more than expected as jitter may create spurious entries.
let mut limits_buf = [0; 8];
let mut n_limits = 0;
limits_buf[n_limits] = -1;
n_limits += 1;
// avoid spurious rotation at delay=0
hmc7043_sysref_delay_dac(dacno, 0);
for scan_delay in 0..HMC7043_ANALOG_DELAY_RANGE {
hmc7043_sysref_delay_dac(dacno, scan_delay);
if ad9154_sync(dacno)? {
limits_buf[n_limits] = scan_delay as i16;
n_limits += 1;
if n_limits >= limits_buf.len() - 1 {
limits_buf[n_limits] = HMC7043_ANALOG_DELAY_RANGE as i16;
n_limits += 1;
info!(" using limits: {:?}", &limits_buf[..n_limits]);
let mut delay = 0;
let mut best_margin = 0;
for i in 0..(n_limits-1) {
let margin = limits_buf[i+1] - limits_buf[i];
if margin > best_margin {
best_margin = margin;
delay = ((limits_buf[i+1] + limits_buf[i])/2) as u8;
info!(" ...done, delay={}", delay);
fn sysref_dac_align(dacno: u8, delay: u8) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let tolerance = 5;
info!("verifying SYSREF margins at DAC-{}...", dacno);
// avoid spurious rotation at delay=0
hmc7043_sysref_delay_dac(dacno, 0);
let mut rotation_seen = false;
for scan_delay in 0..HMC7043_ANALOG_DELAY_RANGE {
hmc7043_sysref_delay_dac(dacno, scan_delay);
if ad9154_sync(dacno)? {
rotation_seen = true;
let distance = (scan_delay as i16 - delay as i16).abs();
if distance < tolerance {
error!(" rotation at delay={} is {} delay steps from target (FAIL)", scan_delay, distance);
return Err("insufficient SYSREF margin at DAC");
} else {
info!(" rotation at delay={} is {} delay steps from target (PASS)", scan_delay, distance);
if !rotation_seen {
return Err("no rotation seen when scanning DAC SYSREF delay");
info!(" ...done");
// We tested that the value is correct - now use it
info!("synchronizing DAC-{}", dacno);
hmc7043_sysref_delay_dac(dacno, delay);
pub fn sysref_auto_dac_align() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
// We assume that DAC SYSREF traces are length-matched so only one delay
// value is needed, and we use DAC-0 as calibration reference.
let entry = config::read_str("sysref_7043_delay_dac", |r| r.map(|s| s.parse()));
let delay = match entry {
Ok(Ok(delay)) => {
info!("using DAC SYSREF delay from config: {}", delay);
_ => {
let delay = sysref_cal_dac(0)?;
if let Err(e) = config::write_int("sysref_7043_delay_dac", delay as u32) {
error!("failed to update DAC SYSREF delay in config: {}", e);
for dacno in 0..csr::JDCG.len() {
sysref_dac_align(dacno as u8, delay)?;
pub fn sysref_auto_align() {
if let Err(e) = sysref_auto_rtio_align() {
error!("failed to align SYSREF at FPGA: {}", e);
if let Err(e) = sysref_auto_dac_align() {
error!("failed to align SYSREF at DAC: {}", e);
pub fn resync_dacs() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
for dacno in 0..csr::JDCG.len() {
info!("resynchronizing DAC-{}", dacno);
ad9154_sync(dacno as u8)?;

src/satman/main.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
#![feature(never_type, panic_implementation, panic_info_message, const_slice_len, try_from)]
extern crate log;
extern crate board_misoc;
extern crate board_artiq;
use core::convert::TryFrom;
use board_misoc::{csr, irq, ident, clock, uart_logger, i2c};
use board_artiq::si5324;
use board_artiq::wrpll;
use board_artiq::{spi, drtioaux};
use board_artiq::drtio_routing;
use board_artiq::hmc830_7043;
mod repeater;
mod jdcg;
#[cfg(any(has_ad9154, has_jdcg))]
pub mod jdac_common;
fn drtiosat_reset(reset: bool) {
unsafe {
csr::drtiosat::reset_write(if reset { 1 } else { 0 });
fn drtiosat_reset_phy(reset: bool) {
unsafe {
csr::drtiosat::reset_phy_write(if reset { 1 } else { 0 });
fn drtiosat_link_rx_up() -> bool {
unsafe {
csr::drtiosat::rx_up_read() == 1
fn drtiosat_tsc_loaded() -> bool {
unsafe {
let tsc_loaded = csr::drtiosat::tsc_loaded_read() == 1;
if tsc_loaded {
macro_rules! forward {
($routing_table:expr, $destination:expr, $rank:expr, $repeaters:expr, $packet:expr) => {{
let hop = $routing_table.0[$destination as usize][$rank as usize];
if hop != 0 {
let repno = (hop - 1) as usize;
if repno < $repeaters.len() {
return $repeaters[repno].aux_forward($packet);
} else {
return Err(drtioaux::Error::RoutingError);
macro_rules! forward {
($routing_table:expr, $destination:expr, $rank:expr, $repeaters:expr, $packet:expr) => {}
fn process_aux_packet(_repeaters: &mut [repeater::Repeater],
_routing_table: &mut drtio_routing::RoutingTable, _rank: &mut u8,
packet: drtioaux::Packet) -> Result<(), drtioaux::Error<!>> {
// In the code below, *_chan_sel_write takes an u8 if there are fewer than 256 channels,
// and u16 otherwise; hence the `as _` conversion.
match packet {
drtioaux::Packet::EchoRequest =>
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::EchoReply),
drtioaux::Packet::ResetRequest => {
info!("resetting RTIO");
for rep in _repeaters.iter() {
if let Err(e) = rep.rtio_reset() {
error!("failed to issue RTIO reset ({})", e);
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::ResetAck)
drtioaux::Packet::DestinationStatusRequest { destination: _destination } => {
let hop = _routing_table.0[_destination as usize][*_rank as usize];
let hop = 0;
if hop == 0 {
let errors;
unsafe {
errors = csr::drtiosat::rtio_error_read();
if errors & 1 != 0 {
let channel;
unsafe {
channel = csr::drtiosat::sequence_error_channel_read();
&drtioaux::Packet::DestinationSequenceErrorReply { channel })?;
} else if errors & 2 != 0 {
let channel;
unsafe {
channel = csr::drtiosat::collision_channel_read();
&drtioaux::Packet::DestinationCollisionReply { channel })?;
} else if errors & 4 != 0 {
let channel;
unsafe {
channel = csr::drtiosat::busy_channel_read();
&drtioaux::Packet::DestinationBusyReply { channel })?;
else {
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationOkReply)?;
if hop != 0 {
let hop = hop as usize;
if hop <= csr::DRTIOREP.len() {
let repno = hop - 1;
match _repeaters[repno].aux_forward(&drtioaux::Packet::DestinationStatusRequest {
destination: _destination
}) {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(drtioaux::Error::LinkDown) => drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationDownReply)?,
Err(e) => {
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationDownReply)?;
error!("aux error when handling destination status request: {}", e);
} else {
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationDownReply)?;
drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetPath { destination, hops } => {
_routing_table.0[destination as usize] = hops;
for rep in _repeaters.iter() {
if let Err(e) = rep.set_path(destination, &hops) {
error!("failed to set path ({})", e);
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck)
drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetRank { rank } => {
*_rank = rank;
drtio_routing::interconnect_enable_all(_routing_table, rank);
let rep_rank = rank + 1;
for rep in _repeaters.iter() {
if let Err(e) = rep.set_rank(rep_rank) {
error!("failed to set rank ({})", e);
info!("rank: {}", rank);
info!("routing table: {}", _routing_table);
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck)
drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetPath { destination: _, hops: _ } => {
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck)
drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetRank { rank: _ } => {
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck)
drtioaux::Packet::MonitorRequest { destination: _destination, channel, probe } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
let value;
unsafe {
csr::rtio_moninj::mon_chan_sel_write(channel as _);
value = csr::rtio_moninj::mon_value_read();
value = 0;
let reply = drtioaux::Packet::MonitorReply { value: value as u32 };
drtioaux::send(0, &reply)
drtioaux::Packet::InjectionRequest { destination: _destination, channel, overrd, value } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
unsafe {
csr::rtio_moninj::inj_chan_sel_write(channel as _);
drtioaux::Packet::InjectionStatusRequest { destination: _destination, channel, overrd } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
let value;
unsafe {
csr::rtio_moninj::inj_chan_sel_write(channel as _);
value = csr::rtio_moninj::inj_value_read();
value = 0;
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::InjectionStatusReply { value: value })
drtioaux::Packet::I2cStartRequest { destination: _destination, busno } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
let succeeded = i2c::start(busno).is_ok();
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded })
drtioaux::Packet::I2cRestartRequest { destination: _destination, busno } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
let succeeded = i2c::restart(busno).is_ok();
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded })
drtioaux::Packet::I2cStopRequest { destination: _destination, busno } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
let succeeded = i2c::stop(busno).is_ok();
drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded })
drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteRequest { destination: _destination, busno, data } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
match i2c::write(busno, data) {
Ok(ack) => drtioaux::send(0,
&drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteReply { succeeded: true, ack: ack }),
Err(_) => drtioaux::send(0,
&drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteReply { succeeded: false, ack: false })
drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadRequest { destination: _destination, busno, ack } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
match i2c::read(busno, ack) {
Ok(data) => drtioaux::send(0,
&drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadReply { succeeded: true, data: data }),
Err(_) => drtioaux::send(0,
&drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadReply { succeeded: false, data: 0xff })
drtioaux::Packet::SpiSetConfigRequest { destination: _destination, busno, flags, length, div, cs } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
let succeeded = spi::set_config(busno, flags, length, div, cs).is_ok();
&drtioaux::Packet::SpiBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded })
drtioaux::Packet::SpiWriteRequest { destination: _destination, busno, data } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
let succeeded = spi::write(busno, data).is_ok();
&drtioaux::Packet::SpiBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded })
drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadRequest { destination: _destination, busno } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
match spi::read(busno) {
Ok(data) => drtioaux::send(0,
&drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadReply { succeeded: true, data: data }),
Err(_) => drtioaux::send(0,
&drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadReply { succeeded: false, data: 0 })
drtioaux::Packet::JdacBasicRequest { destination: _destination, dacno: _dacno,
reqno: _reqno, param: _param } => {
forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *_rank, _repeaters, &packet);
let (succeeded, retval) = {
#[cfg(rtio_frequency = "125.0")]
const LINERATE: u64 = 5_000_000_000;
#[cfg(rtio_frequency = "150.0")]
const LINERATE: u64 = 6_000_000_000;
match _reqno {
jdac_common::INIT => (board_artiq::ad9154::setup(_dacno, LINERATE).is_ok(), 0),
jdac_common::PRINT_STATUS => { board_artiq::ad9154::status(_dacno); (true, 0) },
jdac_common::PRBS => (board_artiq::ad9154::prbs(_dacno).is_ok(), 0),
jdac_common::STPL => (board_artiq::ad9154::stpl(_dacno, 4, 2).is_ok(), 0),
jdac_common::SYSREF_DELAY_DAC => { board_artiq::hmc830_7043::hmc7043::sysref_delay_dac(_dacno, _param); (true, 0) },
jdac_common::SYSREF_SLIP => { board_artiq::hmc830_7043::hmc7043::sysref_slip(); (true, 0) },
jdac_common::SYNC => {
match board_artiq::ad9154::sync(_dacno) {
Ok(false) => (true, 0),
Ok(true) => (true, 1),
Err(e) => {
error!("DAC sync failed: {}", e);
(false, 0)
jdac_common::DDMTD_SYSREF_RAW => (true, jdac_common::measure_ddmdt_phase_raw() as u8),
jdac_common::DDMTD_SYSREF => (true, jdac_common::measure_ddmdt_phase() as u8),
_ => (false, 0)
let (succeeded, retval) = (false, 0);
&drtioaux::Packet::JdacBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded, retval: retval })
_ => {
warn!("received unexpected aux packet");
fn process_aux_packets(repeaters: &mut [repeater::Repeater],
routing_table: &mut drtio_routing::RoutingTable, rank: &mut u8) {
let result =
drtioaux::recv(0).and_then(|packet| {
if let Some(packet) = packet {
process_aux_packet(repeaters, routing_table, rank, packet)
} else {
match result {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(e) => warn!("aux packet error ({})", e)
fn drtiosat_process_errors() {
let errors;
unsafe {
errors = csr::drtiosat::protocol_error_read();
if errors & 1 != 0 {
error!("received packet of an unknown type");
if errors & 2 != 0 {
error!("received truncated packet");
if errors & 4 != 0 {
let destination;
unsafe {
destination = csr::drtiosat::buffer_space_timeout_dest_read();
error!("timeout attempting to get buffer space from CRI, destination=0x{:02x}", destination)
if errors & 8 != 0 {
let channel;
let timestamp_event;
let timestamp_counter;
unsafe {
channel = csr::drtiosat::underflow_channel_read();
timestamp_event = csr::drtiosat::underflow_timestamp_event_read() as i64;
timestamp_counter = csr::drtiosat::underflow_timestamp_counter_read() as i64;
error!("write underflow, channel={}, timestamp={}, counter={}, slack={}",
channel, timestamp_event, timestamp_counter, timestamp_event-timestamp_counter);
if errors & 16 != 0 {
error!("write overflow");
unsafe {
fn init_rtio_crg() {
unsafe {
let locked = unsafe { csr::rtio_crg::pll_locked_read() != 0 };
if !locked {
error!("RTIO clock failed");
fn init_rtio_crg() { }
fn hardware_tick(ts: &mut u64) {
let now = clock::get_ms();
if now > *ts {
*ts = now + 200;
#[cfg(all(has_si5324, rtio_frequency = "150.0"))]
const SI5324_SETTINGS: si5324::FrequencySettings
= si5324::FrequencySettings {
n1_hs : 6,
nc1_ls : 6,
n2_hs : 10,
n2_ls : 270,
n31 : 75,
n32 : 75,
bwsel : 4,
crystal_ref: true
#[cfg(all(has_si5324, rtio_frequency = "125.0"))]
const SI5324_SETTINGS: si5324::FrequencySettings
= si5324::FrequencySettings {
n1_hs : 5,
nc1_ls : 8,
n2_hs : 7,
n2_ls : 360,
n31 : 63,
n32 : 63,
bwsel : 4,
crystal_ref: true
pub extern fn main() -> i32 {
info!("ARTIQ satellite manager starting...");
info!("software ident {}", csr::CONFIG_IDENTIFIER_STR);
info!("gateware ident {}", ident::read(&mut [0; 64]));
i2c::init().expect("I2C initialization failed");
#[cfg(all(soc_platform = "kasli", hw_rev = "v2.0"))]
let (mut io_expander0, mut io_expander1);
#[cfg(all(soc_platform = "kasli", hw_rev = "v2.0"))]
io_expander0 = board_misoc::io_expander::IoExpander::new(0);
io_expander1 = board_misoc::io_expander::IoExpander::new(1);
io_expander0.init().expect("I2C I/O expander #0 initialization failed");
io_expander1.init().expect("I2C I/O expander #1 initialization failed");
io_expander0.set_oe(1, 1 << 7).unwrap();
io_expander0.set(1, 7, true);
io_expander1.set_oe(0, 1 << 7).unwrap();
io_expander1.set_oe(1, 1 << 7).unwrap();
io_expander1.set(0, 7, true);
io_expander1.set(1, 7, true);
// Actively drive TX_DISABLE to false on SFP0..3
io_expander0.set_oe(0, 1 << 1).unwrap();
io_expander0.set_oe(1, 1 << 1).unwrap();
io_expander1.set_oe(0, 1 << 1).unwrap();
io_expander1.set_oe(1, 1 << 1).unwrap();
io_expander0.set(0, 1, false);
io_expander0.set(1, 1, false);
io_expander1.set(0, 1, false);
io_expander1.set(1, 1, false);
si5324::setup(&SI5324_SETTINGS, si5324::Input::Ckin1).expect("cannot initialize Si5324");
unsafe {
clock::spin_us(1500); // wait for CPLL/QPLL lock
unsafe {
csr::drtio_transceiver::txenable_write(0xffffffffu32 as _);
/* must be the first SPI init because of HMC830 SPI mode selection */
hmc830_7043::init().expect("cannot initialize HMC830/7043");
jdac_common::init_ddmtd().expect("failed to initialize SYSREF DDMTD core");
for dacno in 0..csr::CONFIG_AD9154_COUNT {
board_artiq::ad9154::reset_and_detect(dacno as u8).expect("AD9154 DAC not detected");
let mut repeaters = [repeater::Repeater::default(); csr::DRTIOREP.len()];
let mut repeaters = [repeater::Repeater::default(); 0];
for i in 0..repeaters.len() {
repeaters[i] = repeater::Repeater::new(i as u8);
let mut routing_table = drtio_routing::RoutingTable::default_empty();
let mut rank = 1;
let mut hardware_tick_ts = 0;
loop {
unsafe {
// Hide from uplink until RTM is ready
csr::drtio_transceiver::txenable_write(0xfffffffeu32 as _);
while !drtiosat_link_rx_up() {
for mut rep in repeaters.iter_mut() {
rep.service(&routing_table, rank);
#[cfg(all(soc_platform = "kasli", hw_rev = "v2.0"))]
io_expander0.service().expect("I2C I/O expander #0 service failed");
io_expander1.service().expect("I2C I/O expander #1 service failed");
hardware_tick(&mut hardware_tick_ts);
info!("uplink is up, switching to recovered clock");
si5324::siphaser::select_recovered_clock(true).expect("failed to switch clocks");
si5324::siphaser::calibrate_skew().expect("failed to calibrate skew");
let mut was_up = false;
while drtiosat_link_rx_up() {
process_aux_packets(&mut repeaters, &mut routing_table, &mut rank);
for mut rep in repeaters.iter_mut() {
rep.service(&routing_table, rank);
#[cfg(all(soc_platform = "kasli", hw_rev = "v2.0"))]
io_expander0.service().expect("I2C I/O expander #0 service failed");
io_expander1.service().expect("I2C I/O expander #1 service failed");
hardware_tick(&mut hardware_tick_ts);
if drtiosat_tsc_loaded() {
info!("TSC loaded from uplink");
// We assume that the RTM on repeater0 is up.
// Uplink should not send a TSC load command unless the link is
// up, and we are hiding when the RTM is down.
if let Err(e) = jdcg::jesd204sync::sysref_rtio_align() {
error!("failed to align SYSREF with TSC ({})", e);
if let Err(e) = jdcg::jesd204sync::resync_dacs() {
error!("DAC resync failed after SYSREF/TSC realignment ({})", e);
for rep in repeaters.iter() {
if let Err(e) = rep.sync_tsc() {
error!("failed to sync TSC ({})", e);
if let Err(e) = drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::TSCAck) {
error!("aux packet error: {}", e);
let is_up = repeaters[0].is_up();
if is_up && !was_up {
* One side of the JESD204 elastic buffer is clocked by the jitter filter
* (Si5324 or WRPLL), the other by the RTM.
* The elastic buffer can operate only when those two clocks are derived from
* the same oscillator.
* This is the case when either of those conditions is true:
* (1) The DRTIO master and the RTM are clocked directly from a common external
* source, *and* the jitter filter has locked to the recovered clock.
* This clocking scheme may provide less noise and phase drift at the DACs.
* (2) The RTM clock is connected to the jitter filter output.
* To handle those cases, we simply keep the JESD204 core in reset unless the
* jitter filter is locked to the recovered clock.
let _ = jdcg::jdac::init();
unsafe {
csr::drtio_transceiver::txenable_write(0xffffffffu32 as _); // unhide
was_up = is_up;
info!("uplink is down, switching to local oscillator clock");
si5324::siphaser::select_recovered_clock(false).expect("failed to switch clocks");
pub extern fn exception(vect: u32, _regs: *const u32, pc: u32, ea: u32) {
let vect = irq::Exception::try_from(vect).expect("unknown exception");
fn hexdump(addr: u32) {
let addr = (addr - addr % 4) as *const u32;
let mut ptr = addr;
println!("@ {:08p}", ptr);
for _ in 0..4 {
print!("+{:04x}: ", ptr as usize - addr as usize);
print!("{:08x} ", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1);
print!("{:08x} ", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1);
print!("{:08x} ", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1);
print!("{:08x}\n", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1);
panic!("exception {:?} at PC 0x{:x}, EA 0x{:x}", vect, pc, ea)
pub extern fn abort() {
loop {}
#[no_mangle] // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/{38281,51647}
pub fn panic_fmt(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
unsafe {
if let Some(location) = info.location() {
print!("panic at {}:{}:{}", location.file(), location.line(), location.column());
} else {
print!("panic at unknown location");
if let Some(message) = info.message() {
println!(": {}", message);
} else {
loop {}

src/satman/repeater.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
use board_artiq::{drtioaux, drtio_routing};
use board_misoc::{csr, clock};
fn rep_link_rx_up(repno: u8) -> bool {
let repno = repno as usize;
unsafe {
(csr::DRTIOREP[repno].rx_up_read)() == 1
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
enum RepeaterState {
SendPing { ping_count: u16 },
WaitPingReply { ping_count: u16, timeout: u64 },
impl Default for RepeaterState {
fn default() -> RepeaterState { RepeaterState::Down }
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct Repeater {
repno: u8,
auxno: u8,
state: RepeaterState
impl Repeater {
pub fn new(repno: u8) -> Repeater {
Repeater {
repno: repno,
auxno: repno + 1,
state: RepeaterState::Down
pub fn is_up(&self) -> bool {
self.state == RepeaterState::Up
pub fn service(&mut self, routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable, rank: u8) {
match self.state {
RepeaterState::Down => {
if rep_link_rx_up(self.repno) {
info!("[REP#{}] link RX became up, pinging", self.repno);
self.state = RepeaterState::SendPing { ping_count: 0 };
RepeaterState::SendPing { ping_count } => {
if rep_link_rx_up(self.repno) {
drtioaux::send(self.auxno, &drtioaux::Packet::EchoRequest).unwrap();
self.state = RepeaterState::WaitPingReply {
ping_count: ping_count + 1,
timeout: clock::get_ms() + 100
} else {
error!("[REP#{}] link RX went down during ping", self.repno);
self.state = RepeaterState::Down;
RepeaterState::WaitPingReply { ping_count, timeout } => {
if rep_link_rx_up(self.repno) {
if let Ok(Some(drtioaux::Packet::EchoReply)) = drtioaux::recv(self.auxno) {
info!("[REP#{}] remote replied after {} packets", self.repno, ping_count);
self.state = RepeaterState::Up;
if let Err(e) = self.sync_tsc() {
error!("[REP#{}] failed to sync TSC ({})", self.repno, e);
self.state = RepeaterState::Failed;
if let Err(e) = self.load_routing_table(routing_table) {
error!("[REP#{}] failed to load routing table ({})", self.repno, e);
self.state = RepeaterState::Failed;
if let Err(e) = self.set_rank(rank + 1) {
error!("[REP#{}] failed to set rank ({})", self.repno, e);
self.state = RepeaterState::Failed;
} else {
if clock::get_ms() > timeout {
if ping_count > 200 {
error!("[REP#{}] ping failed", self.repno);
self.state = RepeaterState::Failed;
} else {
self.state = RepeaterState::SendPing { ping_count: ping_count };
} else {
error!("[REP#{}] link RX went down during ping", self.repno);
self.state = RepeaterState::Down;
RepeaterState::Up => {
if !rep_link_rx_up(self.repno) {
info!("[REP#{}] link is down", self.repno);
self.state = RepeaterState::Down;
RepeaterState::Failed => {
if !rep_link_rx_up(self.repno) {
info!("[REP#{}] link is down", self.repno);
self.state = RepeaterState::Down;
fn process_unsolicited_aux(&self) {
match drtioaux::recv(self.auxno) {
Ok(Some(packet)) => warn!("[REP#{}] unsolicited aux packet: {:?}", self.repno, packet),
Ok(None) => (),
Err(_) => warn!("[REP#{}] aux packet error", self.repno)
fn process_local_errors(&self) {
let repno = self.repno as usize;
let errors;
unsafe {
errors = (csr::DRTIOREP[repno].protocol_error_read)();
if errors & 1 != 0 {
error!("[REP#{}] received packet of an unknown type", repno);
if errors & 2 != 0 {
error!("[REP#{}] received truncated packet", repno);
if errors & 4 != 0 {
let cmd;
let chan_sel;
unsafe {
cmd = (csr::DRTIOREP[repno].command_missed_cmd_read)();
chan_sel = (csr::DRTIOREP[repno].command_missed_chan_sel_read)();
error!("[REP#{}] CRI command missed, cmd={}, chan_sel=0x{:06x}", repno, cmd, chan_sel)
if errors & 8 != 0 {
let destination;
unsafe {
destination = (csr::DRTIOREP[repno].buffer_space_timeout_dest_read)();
error!("[REP#{}] timeout attempting to get remote buffer space, destination=0x{:02x}", repno, destination);
unsafe {
fn recv_aux_timeout(&self, timeout: u32) -> Result<drtioaux::Packet, drtioaux::Error<!>> {
let max_time = clock::get_ms() + timeout as u64;
loop {
if !rep_link_rx_up(self.repno) {
return Err(drtioaux::Error::LinkDown);
if clock::get_ms() > max_time {
return Err(drtioaux::Error::TimedOut);
match drtioaux::recv(self.auxno) {
Ok(Some(packet)) => return Ok(packet),
Ok(None) => (),
Err(e) => return Err(e)
pub fn aux_forward(&self, request: &drtioaux::Packet) -> Result<(), drtioaux::Error<!>> {
if self.state != RepeaterState::Up {
return Err(drtioaux::Error::LinkDown);
drtioaux::send(self.auxno, request).unwrap();
let reply = self.recv_aux_timeout(200)?;
drtioaux::send(0, &reply).unwrap();
pub fn sync_tsc(&self) -> Result<(), drtioaux::Error<!>> {
if self.state != RepeaterState::Up {
return Ok(());
let repno = self.repno as usize;
unsafe {
while (csr::DRTIOREP[repno].set_time_read)() == 1 {}
// TSCAck is the only aux packet that is sent spontaneously
// by the satellite, in response to a TSC set on the RT link.
let reply = self.recv_aux_timeout(10000)?;
if reply == drtioaux::Packet::TSCAck {
return Ok(());
} else {
return Err(drtioaux::Error::UnexpectedReply);
pub fn set_path(&self, destination: u8, hops: &[u8; drtio_routing::MAX_HOPS]) -> Result<(), drtioaux::Error<!>> {
if self.state != RepeaterState::Up {
return Ok(());
drtioaux::send(self.auxno, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetPath {
destination: destination,
hops: *hops
let reply = self.recv_aux_timeout(200)?;
if reply != drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck {
return Err(drtioaux::Error::UnexpectedReply);
pub fn load_routing_table(&self, routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable) -> Result<(), drtioaux::Error<!>> {
for i in 0..drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT {
self.set_path(i as u8, &routing_table.0[i])?;
pub fn set_rank(&self, rank: u8) -> Result<(), drtioaux::Error<!>> {
if self.state != RepeaterState::Up {
return Ok(());
drtioaux::send(self.auxno, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetRank {
rank: rank
let reply = self.recv_aux_timeout(200)?;
if reply != drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck {
return Err(drtioaux::Error::UnexpectedReply);
pub fn rtio_reset(&self) -> Result<(), drtioaux::Error<!>> {
let repno = self.repno as usize;
unsafe { (csr::DRTIOREP[repno].reset_write)(1); }
unsafe { (csr::DRTIOREP[repno].reset_write)(0); }
if self.state != RepeaterState::Up {
return Ok(());
drtioaux::send(self.auxno, &drtioaux::Packet::ResetRequest).unwrap();
let reply = self.recv_aux_timeout(200)?;
if reply != drtioaux::Packet::ResetAck {
return Err(drtioaux::Error::UnexpectedReply);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct Repeater {
impl Repeater {
pub fn new(_repno: u8) -> Repeater { Repeater::default() }
pub fn service(&self, _routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable, _rank: u8) { }
pub fn sync_tsc(&self) -> Result<(), drtioaux::Error<!>> { Ok(()) }
pub fn rtio_reset(&self) -> Result<(), drtioaux::Error<!>> { Ok(()) }

src/satman/satman.ld Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
INCLUDE generated/output_format.ld
INCLUDE generated/regions.ld
.vectors :
} > main_ram
.text :
*(.text .text.*)
} > main_ram
/* https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=20475 */
.got :
} > main_ram
.got.plt :
} > main_ram
.rodata :
_frodata = .;
*(.rodata .rodata.*)
_erodata = .;
} > main_ram
.data :
*(.data .data.*)
} > main_ram
.bss ALIGN(4) :
_fbss = .;
*(.bss .bss.*)
. = ALIGN(4);
_ebss = .;
} > main_ram
.stack :
_estack = .;
. += 0x10000;
_fstack = . - 4;
} > main_ram