#![no_std] #![no_main] extern crate alloc; extern crate log; mod netboot; use alloc::rc::Rc; use core::mem; use core_io::{Read, Seek}; use libboard_zynq::{ self as zynq, clocks::source::{ArmPll, ClockSource, IoPll}, clocks::Clocks, logger, println, sdio, slcr, timer::GlobalTimer, }; use libconfig::{bootgen, sd_reader, Config}; use libcortex_a9::{ asm::{dsb, isb}, cache::{bpiall, dcciall, iciallu}, }; use libregister::RegisterR; use libsupport_zynq::ram; use log::info; extern "C" { static mut __runtime_start: usize; static mut __runtime_end: usize; } fn boot_sd( file: &mut Option, runtime_start: *mut u8, runtime_max: usize, ) -> Result<(), ()> { if file.is_none() { log::error!("No bootgen file"); return Err(()); } let mut file = file.as_mut().unwrap(); info!("Loading gateware"); bootgen::load_bitstream(&mut file).map_err(|e| log::error!("Cannot load gateware: {:?}", e))?; info!("Loading runtime"); let runtime = bootgen::get_runtime(&mut file).map_err(|e| log::error!("Cannot load runtime: {:?}", e))?; if runtime.len() > runtime_max { log::error!( "Runtime binary too large, max {} but got {}", runtime_max, runtime.len() ); } unsafe { let target = core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(runtime_start, runtime.len()); target.copy_from_slice(&runtime); } Ok(()) } #[no_mangle] pub fn main_core0() { GlobalTimer::start(); logger::init().unwrap(); log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Debug); println!( r#" __________ __ / ___/__ / / / \__ \ / / / / ___/ / / /__/ /___ /____/ /____/_____/ (C) 2020-2022 M-Labs "# ); info!("Simple Zynq Loader starting..."); #[cfg(not(any(feature = "target_kasli_soc", feature = "target_ebaz4205")))] const CPU_FREQ: u32 = 800_000_000; #[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")] const CPU_FREQ: u32 = 1_000_000_000; #[cfg(feature = "target_ebaz4205")] const CPU_FREQ: u32 = 666_666_666; ArmPll::setup(2 * CPU_FREQ); Clocks::set_cpu_freq(CPU_FREQ); IoPll::setup(1_000_000_000); libboard_zynq::stdio::drop_uart(); // reinitialize UART after clocking change let mut ddr = zynq::ddr::DdrRam::ddrram(); ram::init_alloc_core0(); let sdio0 = sdio::Sdio::sdio0(true); let fs = if sdio0.is_card_inserted() { info!("Card inserted. Mounting file system."); let sd = sdio::sd_card::SdCard::from_sdio(sdio0).unwrap(); let reader = sd_reader::SdReader::new(sd); reader .mount_fatfs(sd_reader::PartitionEntry::Entry1) .map(|v| Rc::new(v)) .ok() } else { info!("No SD card inserted."); None }; let fs_ref = fs.as_ref(); let root_dir = fs_ref.map(|fs| fs.root_dir()); let mut bootgen_file = root_dir.and_then(|root_dir| root_dir.open_file("/BOOT.BIN").ok()); let config = Config::from_fs(fs.clone()); unsafe { let max_len = &__runtime_end as *const usize as usize - &__runtime_start as *const usize as usize; match slcr::RegisterBlock::unlocked(|slcr| slcr.boot_mode.read().boot_mode_pins()) { slcr::BootModePins::Jtag => netboot::netboot( &mut bootgen_file, config, &mut __runtime_start as *mut usize as *mut u8, max_len, ), slcr::BootModePins::SdCard => { if boot_sd( &mut bootgen_file, &mut __runtime_start as *mut usize as *mut u8, max_len, ) .is_err() { log::error!("Error booting from SD card"); log::info!("Fall back on netboot"); netboot::netboot( &mut bootgen_file, config, &mut __runtime_start as *mut usize as *mut u8, max_len, ) } } v => { log::error!("Boot mode {:?} not supported", v); log::info!("Fall back on netboot"); netboot::netboot( &mut bootgen_file, config, &mut __runtime_start as *mut usize as *mut u8, max_len, ) } }; } info!("Preparing for runtime execution"); // Flush data cache entries for all of L1 cache, including // Memory/Instruction Synchronization Barriers dcciall(); iciallu(); bpiall(); dsb(); isb(); // Start core0 only, for compatibility with FSBL. info!("executing payload"); unsafe { (mem::transmute::<*mut u8, fn()>(ddr.ptr::()))(); } loop {} } #[no_mangle] pub fn main_core1() { panic!("core1 started but should not have"); }