2021-12-12 12:10:20 +01:00

328 lines
8.7 KiB

use matrixcompare::assert_matrix_eq;
use nalgebra::dmatrix;
use nalgebra::Complex;
use nalgebra_sparse::io::load_coo_from_matrix_market_str;
use nalgebra_sparse::CooMatrix;
fn test_matrixmarket_sparse_real_general_empty() {
// Test several valid zero-shapes of a matrix
let shapes = vec![ (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1) ];
let strings: Vec<String> = shapes
.map(|(m, n)| format!("%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general\n {} {} 0", m, n))
for (shape,string) in shapes.iter().zip(strings.iter()) {
let sparse_mat = load_coo_from_matrix_market_str::<f32>(string).unwrap();
assert_eq!(sparse_mat.nrows(), shape.0);
assert_eq!(sparse_mat.ncols(), shape.1);
assert_eq!(sparse_mat.nnz(), 0);
fn test_matrixmarket_sparse_real_general() {
let file_str = r#"
%%MatrixMarket matrix CoOrdinate real general
% This is also an example of free-format features.
% This ASCII file represents a sparse MxN matrix with L
% nonzeros in the following Matrix Market format:
% +----------------------------------------------+
% |%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general | <--- header line
% |% | <--+
% |% comments | |-- 0 or more comment lines
% |% | <--+
% | M T L | <--- rows, columns, entries
% | I1 J1 A(I1, J1) | <--+
% | I2 J2 A(I2, J2) | |
% | I3 J3 A(I3, J3) | |-- L lines
% | . . . | |
% | IL JL A(IL, JL) | <--+
% +----------------------------------------------+
% Indices are 1-based, i.e. A(1,1) is the first element.
5 5 8
1 1 1
2 2 1.050e+01
3 3 1.500e-02
1 4 6.000e+00
4 2 2.505e+02
4 4 -2.800e+02
4 5 3.332e+01
5 5 1.200e+01
let sparse_mat = load_coo_from_matrix_market_str::<f32>(file_str).unwrap();
let expected = dmatrix![
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.0, 0.0;
0.0, 10.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;
0.0, 0.0, 0.015, 0.0, 0.0;
0.0, 250.5, 0.0, -280.0, 33.32;
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 12.0;
assert_matrix_eq!(sparse_mat, expected);
fn test_matrixmarket_sparse_int_symmetric() {
let file_str = r#"
%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate integer symmetric
5 5 9
1 1 11
2 2 22
3 2 23
3 3 33
4 2 24
4 4 44
5 1 -15
5 3 35
5 5 55
let sparse_mat = load_coo_from_matrix_market_str::<i128>(file_str).unwrap();
let expected = dmatrix![
11, 0, 0, 0, -15;
0, 22, 23, 24, 0;
0, 23, 33, 0, 35;
0, 24, 0, 44, 0;
-15, 0, 35, 0, 55;
assert_matrix_eq!(sparse_mat, expected);
fn test_matrixmarket_sparse_complex_hermitian() {
let file_str = r#"
%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate complex hermitian
5 5 7
1 1 1.0 0.0
2 2 10.5 0.0
4 2 250.5 22.22
3 3 0.015 0.0
4 4 -2.8e2 0.0
5 5 12.0 0.0
5 4 0.0 33.32
let sparse_mat = load_coo_from_matrix_market_str::<Complex<f64>>(file_str).unwrap();
let expected = dmatrix![
Complex::<f64>{re:1.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0},Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0};
Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:10.5,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:250.5,im:-22.22},Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0};
Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:0.015,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0},Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0};
Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:250.5,im:22.22}, Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:-280.0,im:0.0},Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:-33.32};
Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:0.0,im:33.32},Complex::<f64>{re:12.0,im:0.0};
assert_matrix_eq!(sparse_mat, expected);
fn test_matrixmarket_sparse_real_skew() {
let file_str = r#"
%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real skew-symmetric
5 5 4
3 2 -23.0
4 2 -24.0
5 1 -15.0
5 3 -35.0
let sparse_mat = load_coo_from_matrix_market_str::<f64>(file_str).unwrap();
let expected = dmatrix![
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 15.0;
0.0, 0.0, 23.0, 24.0, 0.0;
0.0, -23.0, 0.0, 0.0, 35.0;
0.0, -24.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;
-15.0, 0.0, -35.0, 0.0, 0.0;
assert_matrix_eq!(sparse_mat, expected);
fn test_matrixmarket_sparse_pattern_general() {
let file_str = r#"
%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate pattern general
5 5 10
1 1
1 5
2 3
2 4
3 2
3 5
4 1
5 2
5 4
5 5
let pattern_matrix = load_coo_from_matrix_market_str::<()>(file_str).unwrap();
let nrows = pattern_matrix.nrows();
let ncols = pattern_matrix.ncols();
let (row_idx, col_idx, val) = pattern_matrix.disassemble();
let values = vec![1; val.len()];
let sparse_mat = CooMatrix::try_from_triplets(nrows, ncols, row_idx, col_idx, values).unwrap();
let expected = dmatrix![
1, 0, 0, 0, 1;
0, 0, 1, 1, 0;
0, 1, 0, 0, 1;
1, 0, 0, 0, 0;
0, 1, 0, 1, 1;
assert_matrix_eq!(sparse_mat, expected);
fn test_matrixmarket_dense_real_general() {
let file_str = r#"
%%MatrixMarket matrix array real general
4 3
let sparse_mat = load_coo_from_matrix_market_str::<f32>(file_str).unwrap();
let expected = dmatrix![
1.0, 5.0, 9.0;
2.0, 6.0, 10.0;
3.0, 7.0, 11.0;
4.0, 8.0, 12.0;
assert_matrix_eq!(sparse_mat, expected);
fn test_matrixmarket_dense_real_symmetric() {
let file_str = r#"
%%MatrixMarket matrix array real symmetric
4 4
let sparse_mat = load_coo_from_matrix_market_str::<f32>(file_str).unwrap();
let expected = dmatrix![
1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0;
2.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0;
3.0, 6.0, 8.0, 9.0;
4.0, 7.0, 9.0, 10.0;
assert_matrix_eq!(sparse_mat, expected);
fn test_matrixmarket_dense_complex_hermitian() {
let file_str = r#"
%%MatrixMarket matrix array complex hermitian
4 4
1.0 0.0
2.0 2.0
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 0.0
6.0 6.0
7.0 7.0
8.0 0.0
9.0 9.0
10.0 0.0
let sparse_mat = load_coo_from_matrix_market_str::<Complex<f64>>(file_str).unwrap();
let expected = dmatrix![
Complex::<f64>{re:1.0,im:0.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:2.0,im:-2.0} ,Complex::<f64>{re:3.0,im:-3.0} ,Complex::<f64>{re:4.0,im:-4.0};
Complex::<f64>{re:2.0,im:2.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:5.0,im:0.0} ,Complex::<f64>{re:6.0,im:-6.0} ,Complex::<f64>{re:7.0,im:-7.0};
Complex::<f64>{re:3.0,im:3.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:6.0,im:6.0} ,Complex::<f64>{re:8.0,im:0.0} ,Complex::<f64>{re:9.0,im:-9.0};
Complex::<f64>{re:4.0,im:4.0}, Complex::<f64>{re:7.0,im:7.0} ,Complex::<f64>{re:9.0,im:9.0} ,Complex::<f64>{re:10.0,im:0.0};
assert_matrix_eq!(sparse_mat, expected);
fn test_matrixmarket_dense_int_skew() {
let file_str = r#"
%%MatrixMarket matrix array integer skew-symmetric
4 4
let sparse_mat = load_coo_from_matrix_market_str::<i32>(file_str).unwrap();
let expected = dmatrix![
1, 0,-4,-5;
2, 4, 0,-6;
3, 5, 6, 0;
assert_matrix_eq!(sparse_mat, expected);
fn test_matrixmarket_dense_complex_general() {
let file_str = r#"
%%MatrixMarket matrix array complex general
2 2
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
let sparse_mat = load_coo_from_matrix_market_str::<Complex<f32>>(file_str).unwrap();
let expected = dmatrix![
assert_matrix_eq!(sparse_mat, expected);