use alga::general::ClosedAdd; use num::Zero; use crate::allocator::Allocator; use crate::sparse::cs_utils; use crate::sparse::{CsMatrix, CsStorage}; use crate::storage::Storage; use crate::{DefaultAllocator, Dim, Dynamic, Matrix, MatrixMN, Scalar}; impl<'a, N: Scalar + Copy + Zero + ClosedAdd> CsMatrix { /// Creates a column-compressed sparse matrix from a sparse matrix in triplet form. pub fn from_triplet( nrows: usize, ncols: usize, irows: &[usize], icols: &[usize], vals: &[N], ) -> Self { Self::from_triplet_generic(Dynamic::new(nrows), Dynamic::new(ncols), irows, icols, vals) } } impl<'a, N: Scalar + Copy + Zero + ClosedAdd, R: Dim, C: Dim> CsMatrix where DefaultAllocator: Allocator + Allocator { /// Creates a column-compressed sparse matrix from a sparse matrix in triplet form. pub fn from_triplet_generic( nrows: R, ncols: C, irows: &[usize], icols: &[usize], vals: &[N], ) -> Self { assert!(vals.len() == irows.len()); assert!(vals.len() == icols.len()); let mut res = CsMatrix::new_uninitialized_generic(nrows, ncols, vals.len()); let mut workspace =; // Column count. for j in icols.iter().cloned() { workspace[j] += 1; } let _ = cs_utils::cumsum(&mut workspace, &mut; // Fill i and vals. for ((i, j), val) in irows .iter() .cloned() .zip(icols.iter().cloned()) .zip(vals.iter().cloned()) { let offset = workspace[j];[offset] = i;[offset] = val; workspace[j] = offset + 1; } // Sort the result. res.sort(); res.dedup(); res } } impl<'a, N: Scalar + Copy + Zero, R: Dim, C: Dim, S> From> for MatrixMN where S: CsStorage, DefaultAllocator: Allocator, { fn from(m: CsMatrix) -> Self { let (nrows, ncols) =; let mut res = MatrixMN::zeros_generic(nrows, ncols); for j in 0..ncols.value() { for (i, val) in { res[(i, j)] = val; } } res } } impl<'a, N: Scalar + Copy + Zero, R: Dim, C: Dim, S> From> for CsMatrix where S: Storage, DefaultAllocator: Allocator + Allocator, { fn from(m: Matrix) -> Self { let (nrows, ncols) =; let len = m.iter().filter(|e| !e.is_zero()).count(); let mut res = CsMatrix::new_uninitialized_generic(nrows, ncols, len); let mut nz = 0; for j in 0..ncols.value() { let column = m.column(j);[j] = nz; for i in 0..nrows.value() { if !column[i].is_zero() {[nz] = i;[nz] = column[i]; nz += 1; } } } res } }