use crate::base::{Const, Scalar, ToTypenum}; use crate::geometry::{Point, Point2, Point3}; use typenum::{self, Cmp, Greater}; macro_rules! impl_swizzle { ($( where $BaseDim: ident: $( $name: ident() -> $Result: ident[$($i: expr),+] ),+ ;)* ) => { $( $( /// Builds a new point from components of `self`. #[inline] #[must_use = "This function does not mutate self. You should use the return value."] pub fn $name(&self) -> $Result where as ToTypenum>::Typenum: Cmp { $Result::new($(self[$i].inlined_clone()),*) } )* )* } } /// # Swizzling impl Point where Const: ToTypenum, { impl_swizzle!( where U0: xx() -> Point2[0, 0], xxx() -> Point3[0, 0, 0]; where U1: xy() -> Point2[0, 1], yx() -> Point2[1, 0], yy() -> Point2[1, 1], xxy() -> Point3[0, 0, 1], xyx() -> Point3[0, 1, 0], xyy() -> Point3[0, 1, 1], yxx() -> Point3[1, 0, 0], yxy() -> Point3[1, 0, 1], yyx() -> Point3[1, 1, 0], yyy() -> Point3[1, 1, 1]; where U2: xz() -> Point2[0, 2], yz() -> Point2[1, 2], zx() -> Point2[2, 0], zy() -> Point2[2, 1], zz() -> Point2[2, 2], xxz() -> Point3[0, 0, 2], xyz() -> Point3[0, 1, 2], xzx() -> Point3[0, 2, 0], xzy() -> Point3[0, 2, 1], xzz() -> Point3[0, 2, 2], yxz() -> Point3[1, 0, 2], yyz() -> Point3[1, 1, 2], yzx() -> Point3[1, 2, 0], yzy() -> Point3[1, 2, 1], yzz() -> Point3[1, 2, 2], zxx() -> Point3[2, 0, 0], zxy() -> Point3[2, 0, 1], zxz() -> Point3[2, 0, 2], zyx() -> Point3[2, 1, 0], zyy() -> Point3[2, 1, 1], zyz() -> Point3[2, 1, 2], zzx() -> Point3[2, 2, 0], zzy() -> Point3[2, 2, 1], zzz() -> Point3[2, 2, 2]; ); }