forked from M-Labs/nalgebra
Address unsoundness in the resizing API.
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ io = [ "pest", "pest_derive" ]
compare = [ "matrixcompare-core" ]
libm = [ "simba/libm" ]
libm-force = [ "simba/libm_force" ]
no_unsound_assume_init = [ ]
macros = [ "nalgebra-macros" ]
# Conversion
@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ pub trait Allocator<T, R: Dim, C: Dim = U1>: Any + Sized {
/// The type of buffer with uninitialized components this allocator can instanciate.
type BufferUninit: RawStorageMut<MaybeUninit<T>, R, C> + IsContiguous;
/// Allocates a buffer with the given number of rows and columns without initializing its content.
unsafe fn allocate_uninitialized(nrows: R, ncols: C) -> MaybeUninit<Self::Buffer>;
/// Allocates a buffer with the given number of rows and columns without initializing its content.
fn allocate_uninit(nrows: R, ncols: C) -> Self::BufferUninit;
@ -55,10 +53,9 @@ pub trait Reallocator<T: Scalar, RFrom: Dim, CFrom: Dim, RTo: Dim, CTo: Dim>:
/// # Safety
/// The following invariants must be respected by the implementors of this method:
/// * The copy is performed as if both were just arrays (without a matrix structure).
/// * If `buf` is larger than the output size, then extra elements of `buf` are truncated.
/// * If `buf` is smaller than the output size, then extra elements at the end of the output
/// matrix (seen as an array) are left uninitialized.
/// * The copy is performed as if both were just arrays (without taking into account the matrix structure).
/// * If the underlying buffer is being shrunk, the removed elements must **not** be dropped
/// by this method. Dropping them is the responsibility of the caller.
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
nrows: RTo,
ncols: CTo,
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ use serde::ser::SerializeSeq;
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
#[cfg(feature = "serde-serialize-no-std")]
use std::marker::PhantomData;
#[cfg(feature = "serde-serialize-no-std")]
use std::mem;
#[cfg(feature = "abomonation-serialize")]
use abomonation::Abomonation;
@ -24,6 +22,7 @@ use crate::base::dimension::{Const, ToTypenum};
use crate::base::storage::{IsContiguous, Owned, RawStorage, RawStorageMut, ReshapableStorage};
use crate::base::Scalar;
use crate::Storage;
use std::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
@ -158,8 +157,8 @@ where
fn reshape_generic(self, _: Const<R2>, _: Const<C2>) -> Self::Output {
unsafe {
let data: [[T; R2]; C2] = std::mem::transmute_copy(&self.0);
let data: [[T; R2]; C2] = mem::transmute_copy(&self.0);
@ -238,19 +237,27 @@ where
V: SeqAccess<'a>,
let mut out: Self::Value = unsafe { mem::MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() };
let mut out: ArrayStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, R, C> =
DefaultAllocator::allocate_uninit(Const::<R>, Const::<C>);
let mut curr = 0;
while let Some(value) = visitor.next_element()? {
.ok_or_else(|| V::Error::invalid_length(curr, &self))? = value;
.ok_or_else(|| V::Error::invalid_length(curr, &self))? = MaybeUninit::new(value);
curr += 1;
if curr == R * C {
// Safety: all the elements have been initialized.
unsafe { Ok(<DefaultAllocator as Allocator<T, Const<R>, Const<C>>>::assume_init(out)) }
} else {
for i in 0..curr {
// Safety:
// - We couldn’t initialize the whole storage. Drop the ones we initialized.
unsafe { std::ptr::drop_in_place(out.as_mut_slice()[i].as_mut_ptr()) };
Err(V::Error::invalid_length(curr, &self))
@ -50,16 +50,6 @@ impl<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim> OMatrix<T, R, C>
DefaultAllocator: Allocator<T, R, C>,
/// Creates a new uninitialized matrix.
/// # Safety
/// If the matrix has a compile-time dimension, this panics
/// if `nrows != R::to_usize()` or `ncols != C::to_usize()`.
pub unsafe fn new_uninitialized_generic(nrows: R, ncols: C) -> MaybeUninit<Self> {
Self::from_uninitialized_data(DefaultAllocator::allocate_uninitialized(nrows, ncols))
/// Creates a matrix with all its elements set to `elem`.
pub fn from_element_generic(nrows: R, ncols: C, elem: T) -> Self {
@ -381,12 +371,6 @@ where
macro_rules! impl_constructors(
($($Dims: ty),*; $(=> $DimIdent: ident: $DimBound: ident),*; $($gargs: expr),*; $($args: ident),*) => {
/// Creates a new uninitialized matrix or vector.
pub unsafe fn new_uninitialized($($args: usize),*) -> MaybeUninit<Self> {
/// Creates a matrix or vector with all its elements set to `elem`.
/// # Example
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
//! heap-allocated buffers for matrices with at least one dimension unknown at compile-time.
use std::cmp;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
#[cfg(all(feature = "alloc", not(feature = "std")))]
@ -39,11 +38,6 @@ impl<T: Scalar, const R: usize, const C: usize> Allocator<T, Const<R>, Const<C>>
type Buffer = ArrayStorage<T, R, C>;
type BufferUninit = ArrayStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, R, C>;
unsafe fn allocate_uninitialized(_: Const<R>, _: Const<C>) -> MaybeUninit<Self::Buffer> {
fn allocate_uninit(_: Const<R>, _: Const<C>) -> ArrayStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, R, C> {
// SAFETY: An uninitialized `[MaybeUninit<_>; _]` is valid.
@ -95,23 +89,12 @@ impl<T: Scalar, C: Dim> Allocator<T, Dynamic, C> for DefaultAllocator {
type Buffer = VecStorage<T, Dynamic, C>;
type BufferUninit = VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, Dynamic, C>;
unsafe fn allocate_uninitialized(nrows: Dynamic, ncols: C) -> MaybeUninit<Self::Buffer> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
let length = nrows.value() * ncols.value();
mem::MaybeUninit::new(VecStorage::new(nrows, ncols, res))
fn allocate_uninit(nrows: Dynamic, ncols: C) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, Dynamic, C> {
let mut data = Vec::new();
let length = nrows.value() * ncols.value();
data.resize_with(length, MaybeUninit::uninit);
VecStorage::new(nrows, ncols, data)
@ -153,16 +136,6 @@ impl<T: Scalar, R: DimName> Allocator<T, R, Dynamic> for DefaultAllocator {
type Buffer = VecStorage<T, R, Dynamic>;
type BufferUninit = VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, R, Dynamic>;
unsafe fn allocate_uninitialized(nrows: R, ncols: Dynamic) -> MaybeUninit<Self::Buffer> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
let length = nrows.value() * ncols.value();
mem::MaybeUninit::new(VecStorage::new(nrows, ncols, res))
fn allocate_uninit(nrows: R, ncols: Dynamic) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, R, Dynamic> {
let mut data = Vec::new();
@ -222,25 +195,21 @@ where
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: Const<RTO>,
cto: Const<CTO>,
buf: <Self as Allocator<T, RFrom, CFrom>>::Buffer,
mut buf: <Self as Allocator<T, RFrom, CFrom>>::Buffer,
) -> ArrayStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, RTO, CTO> {
#[cfg(feature = "no_unsound_assume_init")]
let mut res: ArrayStorage<T, RTO, CTO> = unimplemented!();
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_unsound_assume_init"))]
let mut res =
<Self as Allocator<T, Const<RTO>, Const<CTO>>>::allocate_uninitialized(rto, cto)
let mut res = <Self as Allocator<T, Const<RTO>, Const<CTO>>>::allocate_uninit(rto, cto);
let (rfrom, cfrom) = buf.shape();
let len_from = rfrom.value() * cfrom.value();
let len_to = rto.value() * cto.value();
res.ptr_mut() as *mut T,
cmp::min(len_from, len_to),
let len_copied = cmp::min(len_from, len_to);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf.ptr(), res.ptr_mut() as *mut T, len_copied);
// Safety:
// - We don’t care about dropping elements because the caller is responsible for dropping things.
// - We forget `buf` so that we don’t drop the other elements.
@ -257,7 +226,7 @@ where
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: Dynamic,
cto: CTo,
buf: ArrayStorage<T, RFROM, CFROM>,
mut buf: ArrayStorage<T, RFROM, CFROM>,
) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, Dynamic, CTo> {
let mut res = <Self as Allocator<T, Dynamic, CTo>>::allocate_uninit(rto, cto);
@ -265,11 +234,13 @@ where
let len_from = rfrom.value() * cfrom.value();
let len_to = rto.value() * cto.value();
res.ptr_mut() as *mut T,
cmp::min(len_from, len_to),
let len_copied = cmp::min(len_from, len_to);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf.ptr(), res.ptr_mut() as *mut T, len_copied);
// Safety:
// - We don’t care about dropping elements because the caller is responsible for dropping things.
// - We forget `buf` so that we don’t drop the other elements.
@ -286,7 +257,7 @@ where
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: RTo,
cto: Dynamic,
buf: ArrayStorage<T, RFROM, CFROM>,
mut buf: ArrayStorage<T, RFROM, CFROM>,
) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, RTo, Dynamic> {
let mut res = <Self as Allocator<T, RTo, Dynamic>>::allocate_uninit(rto, cto);
@ -294,11 +265,13 @@ where
let len_from = rfrom.value() * cfrom.value();
let len_to = rto.value() * cto.value();
res.ptr_mut() as *mut T,
cmp::min(len_from, len_to),
let len_copied = cmp::min(len_from, len_to);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf.ptr(), res.ptr_mut() as *mut T, len_copied);
// Safety:
// - We don’t care about dropping elements because the caller is responsible for dropping things.
// - We forget `buf` so that we don’t drop the other elements.
@ -369,12 +369,23 @@ impl<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: Storage<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
let mut target: usize = 0;
while offset + target < ncols.value() {
if indices.contains(&(target + offset)) {
// Safety: the resulting pointer is within range.
let col_ptr = unsafe { + offset) * nrows.value()) };
// Drop every element in the column we are about to overwrite.
// We use the a similar technique as in `Vec::truncate`.
let s = ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(col_ptr, nrows.value());
// Safety: we drop the column in-place, which is OK because we will overwrite these
// entries later in the loop, or discard them with the `reallocate_copy`
// afterwards.
unsafe { ptr::drop_in_place(s) };
offset += 1;
} else {
unsafe {
let ptr_source = + offset) * nrows.value());
let ptr_target = * nrows.value());
// Copy the data, overwriting what we dropped.
ptr::copy(ptr_source, ptr_target, nrows.value());
target += 1;
@ -409,12 +420,21 @@ impl<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: Storage<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
let mut target: usize = 0;
while offset + target < nrows.value() * ncols.value() {
if indices.contains(&((target + offset) % nrows.value())) {
// Safety: the resulting pointer is within range.
unsafe {
let elt_ptr = + offset);
// Safety: we drop the component in-place, which is OK because we will overwrite these
// entries later in the loop, or discard them with the `reallocate_copy`
// afterwards.
offset += 1;
} else {
unsafe {
let ptr_source = + offset);
let ptr_target =;
// Copy the data, overwriting what we dropped in the previous iterations.
ptr::copy(ptr_source, ptr_target, 1);
target += 1;
@ -479,7 +499,8 @@ impl<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: Storage<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
"Column index out of range."
if nremove.value() != 0 && i + nremove.value() < ncols.value() {
let need_column_shifts = nremove.value() != 0 && i + nremove.value() < ncols.value();
if need_column_shifts {
// The first `deleted_i * nrows` are left untouched.
let copied_value_start = i + nremove.value();
@ -487,12 +508,26 @@ impl<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: Storage<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
let ptr_in = * nrows.value());
let ptr_out = * nrows.value());
// Drop all the elements of the columns we are about to overwrite.
// We use the a similar technique as in `Vec::truncate`.
let s = ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(ptr_out, nremove.value() * nrows.value());
// Safety: we drop the column in-place, which is OK because we will overwrite these
// entries with `ptr::copy` afterward.
(ncols.value() - copied_value_start) * nrows.value(),
} else {
// All the columns to remove are at the end of the buffer. Drop them.
unsafe {
let ptr = * nrows.value());
let s = ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, nremove.value() * nrows.value());
// Safety: The new size is smaller than the old size, so
@ -844,8 +879,21 @@ impl<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: Storage<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
let mut data = self.into_owned();
if new_nrows.value() == nrows {
if new_ncols.value() < ncols {
unsafe {
let num_cols_to_delete = ncols - new_ncols.value();
let col_ptr = * nrows);
let s = ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(col_ptr, num_cols_to_delete * nrows);
// Safety: drop the elements of the deleted columns.
// these are the elements that will be truncated
// by the `reallocate_copy` afterward.
let res = unsafe { DefaultAllocator::reallocate_copy(new_nrows, new_ncols, };
let mut res = Matrix::from_data(res);
if new_ncols.value() > ncols {
.fill_with(|| MaybeUninit::new(val.inlined_clone()));
@ -1027,6 +1075,10 @@ where
// Move the elements of `data` in such a way that the matrix with
// the rows `[i, i + nremove[` deleted is represented in a contigous
// way in `data` after this method completes.
// Every deleted element are manually dropped by this method.
unsafe fn compress_rows<T: Scalar>(
data: &mut [T],
nrows: usize,
@ -1036,16 +1088,28 @@ unsafe fn compress_rows<T: Scalar>(
) {
let new_nrows = nrows - nremove;
if new_nrows == 0 || ncols == 0 {
return; // Nothing to do as the output matrix is empty.
if nremove == 0 {
return; // Nothing to remove or drop.
if new_nrows == 0 || ncols == 0 {
// The output matrix is empty, drop everything.
// Safety: because `nremove != 0`, the pointers given to `ptr::copy`
// won’t alias.
let ptr_in = data.as_ptr();
let ptr_out = data.as_mut_ptr();
let mut curr_i = i;
for k in 0..ncols - 1 {
// Safety: we drop the row elements in-place because we will overwrite these
// entries later with the `ptr::copy`.
let s = ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(ptr_out.add(curr_i), nremove);
ptr_in.add(curr_i + (k + 1) * nremove),
@ -1055,7 +1119,13 @@ unsafe fn compress_rows<T: Scalar>(
curr_i += new_nrows;
// Deal with the last column from which less values have to be copied.
* Deal with the last column from which less values have to be copied.
// Safety: we drop the row elements in-place because we will overwrite these
// entries later with the `ptr::copy`.
let s = ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(ptr_out.add(curr_i), nremove);
let remaining_len = nrows - i - nremove;
ptr_in.add(nrows * ncols - remaining_len),
@ -436,20 +436,6 @@ impl<T, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: RawStorage<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
unsafe { Self::from_data_statically_unchecked(data) }
/// Creates a new uninitialized matrix with the given uninitialized data
pub unsafe fn from_uninitialized_data(data: MaybeUninit<S>) -> MaybeUninit<Self> {
let res: Matrix<T, R, C, MaybeUninit<S>> = Matrix {
_phantoms: PhantomData,
let res: MaybeUninit<Matrix<T, R, C, MaybeUninit<S>>> = MaybeUninit::new(res);
// safety: since we wrap the inner MaybeUninit in an outer MaybeUninit above, the fact that the `data` field is partially-uninitialized is still opaque.
// with s/transmute_copy/transmute/, rustc claims that `MaybeUninit<Matrix<T, R, C, MaybeUninit<S>>>` may be of a different size from `MaybeUninit<Matrix<T, R, C, S>>`
// but MaybeUninit's documentation says "MaybeUninit<T> is guaranteed to have the same size, alignment, and ABI as T", which implies those types should be the same size
let res: MaybeUninit<Matrix<T, R, C, S>> = mem::transmute_copy(&res);
/// The shape of this matrix returned as the tuple (number of rows, number of columns).
/// # Examples:
@ -1209,7 +1195,7 @@ impl<T, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: RawStorage<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
impl<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: RawStorageMut<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
impl<T, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: RawStorageMut<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
/// Returns a mutable pointer to the start of the matrix.
/// If the matrix is not empty, this pointer is guaranteed to be aligned
@ -1246,7 +1232,10 @@ impl<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: RawStorageMut<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
/// The components of the slice are assumed to be ordered in column-major order.
pub fn copy_from_slice(&mut self, slice: &[T]) {
pub fn copy_from_slice(&mut self, slice: &[T])
T: Scalar,
let (nrows, ncols) = self.shape();
@ -1268,6 +1257,7 @@ impl<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: RawStorageMut<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
pub fn copy_from<R2, C2, SB>(&mut self, other: &Matrix<T, R2, C2, SB>)
T: Scalar,
R2: Dim,
C2: Dim,
SB: RawStorage<T, R2, C2>,
@ -1291,6 +1281,7 @@ impl<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: RawStorageMut<T, R, C>> Matrix<T, R, C, S> {
pub fn tr_copy_from<R2, C2, SB>(&mut self, other: &Matrix<T, R2, C2, SB>)
T: Scalar,
R2: Dim,
C2: Dim,
SB: RawStorage<T, R2, C2>,
@ -113,14 +113,17 @@ impl<T, R: Dim, C: Dim> VecStorage<T, R, C> {
/// Resizes the underlying mutable data storage and unwraps it.
/// # Safety
/// If `sz` is larger than the current size, additional elements are uninitialized.
/// If `sz` is smaller than the current size, additional elements are truncated.
/// - If `sz` is larger than the current size, additional elements are uninitialized.
/// - If `sz` is smaller than the current size, additional elements are truncated but **not** dropped.
/// It is the responsibility of the caller of this method to drop these elements.
pub unsafe fn resize(mut self, sz: usize) -> Vec<MaybeUninit<T>> {
let len = self.len();
if sz < len {
let new_data = if sz < len {
// Use `set_len` instead of `truncate` because we don’t want to
// drop the removed elements (it’s the caller’s responsibility).
// Safety:
@ -147,7 +150,12 @@ impl<T, R: Dim, C: Dim> VecStorage<T, R, C> {
// to be initialized.
// Avoid double-free by forgetting `self` because its data buffer has
// been transfered to `new_data`.
/// The number of elements on the underlying vector.
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
use std::convert::{AsMut, AsRef, From, Into};
use std::mem;
use std::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
use std::ptr;
use crate::base::allocator::Allocator;
use crate::base::dimension::{U1, U2, U3, U4};
use crate::base::dimension::{Const, DimName, U1, U2, U3, U4};
use crate::base::storage::{IsContiguous, RawStorage, RawStorageMut};
use crate::base::{DefaultAllocator, Matrix, OMatrix, Scalar};
@ -15,9 +15,12 @@ macro_rules! impl_from_into_mint_1D(
fn from(v: mint::$VT<T>) -> Self {
unsafe {
let mut res = Self::new_uninitialized();
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&v.x, (*res.as_mut_ptr()).data.ptr_mut(), $SZ);
let mut res = Matrix::uninit(<$NRows>::name(), Const::<1>);
// Copy the data.
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&v.x, as *mut T, $SZ);
// Prevent from being dropped the originals we just copied.
// The result is now fully initialized.
@ -30,9 +33,13 @@ macro_rules! impl_from_into_mint_1D(
fn into(self) -> mint::$VT<T> {
// SAFETY: this is OK thanks to the IsContiguous bound.
unsafe {
let mut res: mint::$VT<T> = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init();
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(, &mut res.x, $SZ);
let mut res: MaybeUninit<mint::$VT<T>> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
// Copy the data.
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(, res.as_mut_ptr() as *mut T, $SZ);
// Prevent from being dropped the originals we just copied.
// The result is now fully initialized.
@ -78,13 +85,15 @@ macro_rules! impl_from_into_mint_2D(
fn from(m: mint::$MV<T>) -> Self {
unsafe {
let mut res = Self::new_uninitialized();
let mut ptr = (*res.as_mut_ptr()).data.ptr_mut();
let mut res = Matrix::uninit(<$NRows>::name(), <$NCols>::name());
let mut ptr =;
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&m.$component.x, ptr, $SZRows);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&m.$component.x, ptr as *mut T, $SZRows);
ptr = ptr.offset($SZRows);
let _ = ptr;
let _ = ptr; // Just to avoid some unused assignment warnings.
// Forget the original data to avoid double-free.
@ -96,14 +105,16 @@ macro_rules! impl_from_into_mint_2D(
fn into(self) -> mint::$MV<T> {
unsafe {
let mut res: mint::$MV<T> = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init();
let mut res: MaybeUninit<mint::$MV<T>> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
let mut ptr =;
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr, &mut res.$component.x, $SZRows);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr, ptr::addr_of_mut!((*res.as_mut_ptr()).$component) as *mut T, $SZRows);
ptr = ptr.offset($SZRows);
let _ = ptr;
// Forget the original data to avoid double-free.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user