diff --git a/nalgebra-sparse/src/lib.rs b/nalgebra-sparse/src/lib.rs index ce77de62..c53714dc 100644 --- a/nalgebra-sparse/src/lib.rs +++ b/nalgebra-sparse/src/lib.rs @@ -1,6 +1,63 @@ //! Sparse matrices and algorithms for nalgebra. //! //! TODO: Docs +//! +//! +//! ### Planned functionality +//! +//! Below we list desired functionality. This further needs to be refined into what is needed +//! for an initial contribution, and what can be added in future contributions. +//! +//! - Sparsity pattern type. Functionality: +//! - [x] Access to offsets, indices as slices. +//! - [x] Return number of nnz +//! - [x] Access a given lane as a slice of minor indices +//! - [x] Construct from valid offset + index data +//! - [ ] Construct from unsorted (but otherwise valid) offset + index data +//! - [x] Iterate over entries (i, j) in the pattern +//! - CSR matrix type. Functionality: +//! - [x] Access to CSR data as slices. +//! - [x] Return number of nnz +//! - [x] Access a given row, which gives convenient access to the data associated +//! with a particular row +//! - [x] Construct from valid CSR data +//! - [ ] Construct from unsorted CSR data +//! - [x] Iterate over entries (i, j, v) in the matrix (+mutable). +//! - [x] Iterate over rows in the matrix (+ mutable). +//! +//! - CSC matrix type. Functionality: +//! - Same as CSR, but with columns instead of rows. +//! - COO matrix type. Functionality: +//! - [x] Construct new "empty" COO matrix +//! - [x] Construct from triplet arrays. +//! - [x] Push new triplets to the matrix. +//! - [x] Iterate over triplets. +//! - [x] "Disassemble" the COO matrix into its underlying triplet arrays. +//! - Format conversion: +//! - [x] COO -> Dense +//! - [ ] CSR -> Dense +//! - [ ] CSC -> Dense +//! - [ ] COO -> CSR +//! - [ ] COO -> CSC +//! - [ ] CSR -> CSC +//! - [ ] CSC -> CSR +//! - [ ] CSR -> COO +//! - [ ] CSC -> COO +//! - Arithmetic. In general arithmetic is only implemented between instances of the same format, +//! or between dense and instances of a given format. For example, we do not implement +//! CSR * CSC, only CSR * CSR and CSC * CSC. +//! - CSR: +//! - [ ] Dense = CSR * Dense (the other way around is not particularly useful) +//! - [ ] CSR = CSR * CSR +//! - [ ] CSR = CSR +- CSR +//! - [ ] CSR +=/-= CSR +//! - COO: +//! - [ ] Dense = COO * Dense (sometimes useful for very sparse matrices) +//! - CSC: +//! - Same as CSR +//! - Cholesky factorization (port existing factorization from nalgebra's sparse module) +//! +//! #![deny(non_camel_case_types)] #![deny(unused_parens)] #![deny(non_upper_case_globals)]