forked from M-Labs/nalgebra
428 lines
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428 lines
13 KiB
use crate::macros::assert_eq_and_type;
use cool_asserts::assert_panics;
use na::VecStorage;
use nalgebra::dimension::U1;
use nalgebra::{dmatrix, matrix, stack};
use nalgebra::{
DMatrix, DMatrixView, Dyn, Matrix, Matrix2, Matrix4, OMatrix, SMatrix, SMatrixView,
SMatrixViewMut, Scalar, U2,
use nalgebra_macros::vector;
use num_traits::Zero;
/// Simple implementation that stacks dynamic matrices.
/// Used for verifying results of the stack! macro. `None` entries are considered to represent
/// a zero block.
fn stack_dyn<T: Scalar + Zero>(blocks: DMatrix<Option<DMatrix<T>>>) -> DMatrix<T> {
let row_counts: Vec<usize> = blocks
.map(|block_row| {
.map(|block_or_implicit_zero| {
block_or_implicit_zero.as_ref().map(|block| block.nrows())
.reduce(|nrows1, nrows2| match (nrows1, nrows2) {
(Some(_), None) => nrows1,
(None, Some(_)) => nrows2,
(None, None) => None,
(Some(nrows1), Some(nrows2)) if nrows1 == nrows2 => Some(nrows1),
_ => panic!("Number of rows must be consistent in each block row"),
.expect("Each block row must have at least one entry which is not a zero literal")
let col_counts: Vec<usize> = blocks
.map(|block_col| {
.map(|block_or_implicit_zero| {
block_or_implicit_zero.as_ref().map(|block| block.ncols())
.reduce(|ncols1, ncols2| match (ncols1, ncols2) {
(Some(_), None) => ncols1,
(None, Some(_)) => ncols2,
(None, None) => None,
(Some(ncols1), Some(ncols2)) if ncols1 == ncols2 => Some(ncols1),
_ => panic!("Number of columns must be consistent in each block column"),
"Each block column must have at least one entry which is not a zero literal",
let nrows_total = row_counts.iter().sum();
let ncols_total = col_counts.iter().sum();
let mut output = DMatrix::zeros(nrows_total, ncols_total);
let mut col_offset = 0;
for j in 0..blocks.ncols() {
let mut row_offset = 0;
for i in 0..blocks.nrows() {
if let Some(input_ij) = &blocks[(i, j)] {
let (block_nrows, block_ncols) = input_ij.shape();
.view_mut((row_offset, col_offset), (block_nrows, block_ncols))
row_offset += row_counts[i];
col_offset += col_counts[j];
macro_rules! stack_dyn_convert_to_dmatrix_option {
(0) => {
($entry:expr) => {
Some($entry.as_view::<Dyn, Dyn, U1, Dyn>().clone_owned())
/// Helper macro that compares the result of stack! with a simplified implementation that
/// works only with heap-allocated data.
/// This implementation is essentially radically different to the implementation in stack!,
/// so if they both match, then it's a good sign that the stack! impl is correct.
macro_rules! verify_stack {
($matrix_type:ty ; [$($($entry:expr),*);*]) => {
// Our input has the same syntax as the stack! macro (and matrix! macro, for that matter)
let stack_result: $matrix_type = stack![$($($entry),*);*];
// Use the dmatrix! macro to nest matrices into each other
let dyn_result = stack_dyn(
// println!("{}", stack_result);
// println!("{}", dyn_result);
assert_eq!(stack_result, dyn_result);
fn stack_simple() {
let m = stack![
Matrix2::<usize>::identity(), 0;
0, &Matrix2::identity();
assert_eq_and_type!(m, Matrix4::identity());
fn stack_diag() {
let m = stack![
0, matrix![1, 2; 3, 4;];
matrix![5, 6; 7, 8;], 0;
let res = matrix![
0, 0, 1, 2;
0, 0, 3, 4;
5, 6, 0, 0;
7, 8, 0, 0;
assert_eq_and_type!(m, res);
fn stack_dynamic() {
let m = stack![
matrix![ 1, 2; 3, 4; ], 0;
0, dmatrix![7, 8, 9; 10, 11, 12; ];
let res = dmatrix![
1, 2, 0, 0, 0;
3, 4, 0, 0, 0;
0, 0, 7, 8, 9;
0, 0, 10, 11, 12;
assert_eq_and_type!(m, res);
fn stack_nested() {
let m = stack![
stack![ matrix![1, 2; 3, 4;]; matrix![5, 6;]],
stack![ matrix![7;9;10;], matrix![11; 12; 13;] ];
let res = matrix![
1, 2, 7, 11;
3, 4, 9, 12;
5, 6, 10, 13;
assert_eq_and_type!(m, res);
fn stack_single() {
let a = matrix![1, 2; 3, 4];
let b = stack![a];
assert_eq_and_type!(a, b);
fn stack_single_row() {
let a = matrix![1, 2; 3, 4];
let m = stack![a, a];
let res = matrix![
1, 2, 1, 2;
3, 4, 3, 4;
assert_eq_and_type!(m, res);
fn stack_single_col() {
let a = matrix![1, 2; 3, 4];
let m = stack![a; a];
let res = matrix![
1, 2;
3, 4;
1, 2;
3, 4;
assert_eq_and_type!(m, res);
fn stack_expr() {
let a = matrix![1, 2; 3, 4];
let b = matrix![5, 6; 7, 8];
let m = stack![a + b; 2i32 * b - a];
let res = matrix![
6, 8;
10, 12;
9, 10;
11, 12;
assert_eq_and_type!(m, res);
fn stack_edge_cases() {
// Empty stack should return zero matrix with specified type
let _: SMatrix<i32, 0, 0> = stack![];
let _: SMatrix<f64, 0, 0> = stack![];
// Case suggested by @tpdickso:
let a = matrix![1, 2;
3, 4];
let b = DMatrix::from_data(VecStorage::new(Dyn(2), Dyn(0), vec![]));
stack![a, 0;
0, b],
matrix![1, 2;
3, 4;
0, 0;
0, 0]
fn stack_many_tests() {
// s prefix means static, d prefix means dynamic
// Static matrices
let s_0x0: SMatrix<i32, 0, 0> = matrix![];
let s_0x1: SMatrix<i32, 0, 1> = Matrix::default();
let s_1x0: SMatrix<i32, 1, 0> = Matrix::default();
let s_1x1: SMatrix<i32, 1, 1> = matrix![1];
let s_2x2: SMatrix<i32, 2, 2> = matrix![6, 7; 8, 9];
let s_2x3: SMatrix<i32, 2, 3> = matrix![16, 17, 18; 19, 20, 21];
let s_3x3: SMatrix<i32, 3, 3> = matrix![28, 29, 30; 31, 32, 33; 34, 35, 36];
// Dynamic matrices
let d_0x0: DMatrix<i32> = dmatrix![];
let d_1x2: DMatrix<i32> = dmatrix![9, 10];
let d_2x2: DMatrix<i32> = dmatrix![5, 6; 7, 8];
let d_4x4: DMatrix<i32> = dmatrix![10, 11, 12, 13; 14, 15, 16, 17; 18, 19, 20, 21; 22, 23, 24, 25];
// Check for weirdness with matrices that have zero row/cols
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 0, 0>; [s_0x0]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 0, 1>; [s_0x1]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 1, 0>; [s_1x0]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 0, 0>; [s_0x0; s_0x0]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 0, 0>; [s_0x0, s_0x0; s_0x0, s_0x0]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 0, 2>; [s_0x1, s_0x1]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 2, 0>; [s_1x0; s_1x0]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 1, 0>; [s_1x0, s_1x0]);
verify_stack!(DMatrix<_>; [d_0x0]);
// Horizontal stacking
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 1, 2>; [s_1x1, s_1x1]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 2, 4>; [s_2x2, s_2x2]);
verify_stack!(DMatrix<_>; [d_1x2, d_1x2]);
// Vertical stacking
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 2, 1>; [s_1x1; s_1x1]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 4, 2>; [s_2x2; s_2x2]);
verify_stack!(DMatrix<_>; [d_2x2; d_2x2]);
// Mix static and dynamic matrices
verify_stack!(OMatrix<_, U2, Dyn>; [s_2x2, d_2x2]);
verify_stack!(OMatrix<_, Dyn, U2>; [s_2x2; d_1x2]);
// Stack more than two matrices
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 1, 3>; [s_1x1, s_1x1, s_1x1]);
verify_stack!(DMatrix<_>; [d_1x2, d_1x2, d_1x2]);
// Slightly larger dims
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 3, 6>; [s_3x3, s_3x3]);
verify_stack!(DMatrix<_>; [d_4x4; d_4x4]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 4, 7>; [s_2x2, s_2x3, d_2x2;
d_2x2, s_2x3, s_2x2]);
// Mix of references and owned
verify_stack!(OMatrix<_, Dyn, U2>; [&s_2x2; &d_1x2]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 4, 7>; [ s_2x2, &s_2x3, d_2x2;
&d_2x2, s_2x3, &s_2x2]);
// Views
let s_2x2_v: SMatrixView<_, 2, 2> = s_2x2.as_view();
let s_2x3_v: SMatrixView<_, 2, 3> = s_2x3.as_view();
let d_2x2_v: DMatrixView<_> = d_2x2.as_view();
let mut s_2x2_vm = s_2x2.clone();
let s_2x2_vm: SMatrixViewMut<_, 2, 2> = s_2x2_vm.as_view_mut();
let mut s_2x3_vm = s_2x3.clone();
let s_2x3_vm: SMatrixViewMut<_, 2, 3> = s_2x3_vm.as_view_mut();
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 4, 7>; [ s_2x2_vm, &s_2x3_vm, d_2x2_v;
&d_2x2_v, s_2x3_v, &s_2x2_v]);
// Expressions
let matrix_fn = |matrix: &DMatrix<_>||x_ij| x_ij * 3);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 2, 5>; [ 2 * s_2x2 - 3 * &d_2x2, s_2x3 + 2 * s_2x3]);
verify_stack!(DMatrix<_>; [ 2 * matrix_fn(&d_2x2) ]);
verify_stack!(SMatrix<_, 2, 5>; [ (|matrix| 4 * matrix)(s_2x2), s_2x3 ]);
fn stack_trybuild_tests() {
let t = trybuild::TestCases::new();
// Verify error message when a row or column only contains a zero entry
fn stack_mismatched_dimensions_runtime_panics() {
// s prefix denotes static, d dynamic
let s_2x2 = matrix![1, 2; 3, 4];
let d_2x3 = dmatrix![5, 6, 7; 8, 9, 10];
let d_1x2 = dmatrix![11, 12];
let d_1x3 = dmatrix![13, 14, 15];
stack![s_2x2, d_1x2],
includes("All blocks in block row 0 must have the same number of rows")
stack![s_2x2; d_2x3],
includes("All blocks in block column 0 must have the same number of columns")
stack![s_2x2, s_2x2; d_1x2, d_2x3],
includes("All blocks in block row 1 must have the same number of rows")
stack![s_2x2, s_2x2; d_1x2, d_1x3],
includes("All blocks in block column 1 must have the same number of columns")
// Edge case suggested by @tpdickso:
let d_3x0 = DMatrix::from_data(VecStorage::new(Dyn(3), Dyn(0), Vec::<i32>::new()));
stack![s_2x2, d_3x0]
includes("All blocks in block row 0 must have the same number of rows")
fn stack_test_builtin_types() {
// Other than T: Zero, there's nothing type-specific in the logic for stack!
// These tests are just sanity tests, to make sure it works with the common built-in types
let a = matrix![1, 2; 3, 4];
let b = vector![5, 6];
let c = matrix![7, 8];
let expected = matrix![ 1, 2, 5;
3, 4, 6;
7, 8, 0 ];
macro_rules! check_builtin {
($T:ty) => {{
// Cannot use .cast::<$T> because we cannot convert between unsigned and signed
let stacked = stack![|a_ij| a_ij as $T),|b_ij| b_ij as $T);
||c_ij| c_ij as $T), 0];
assert_eq!(stacked,|e_ij| e_ij as $T));
fn stack_test_complex() {
use num_complex::Complex as C;
type C32 = C<f32>;
let a = matrix![C::new(1.0, 1.0), C::new(2.0, 2.0); C::new(3.0, 3.0), C::new(4.0, 4.0)];
let b = vector![C::new(5.0, 5.0), C::new(6.0, 6.0)];
let c = matrix![C::new(7.0, 7.0), C::new(8.0, 8.0)];
let expected = matrix![ 1, 2, 5;
3, 4, 6;
7, 8, 0 ]
.map(|x| C::new(x as f64, x as f64));
assert_eq!(stack![a, b; c, 0], expected);
stack![a.cast::<C32>(), b.cast::<C32>(); c.cast::<C32>(), 0],