forked from M-Labs/artiq
166 lines
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166 lines
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from math import floor
from operator import add
from functools import reduce
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from migen import *
def halfgen4(width, n, df=1e-3):
* `up` is the passband/stopband width, as a fraction of
input sampling rate
* `n is the order of half-band filter to generate
* `a` is the full set of FIR coefficients, `4*n-1` long.
implement wisely.
npt = n*40
wmax = 2*np.pi*width
wfit = (1 - np.linspace(0, 1, npt)[:, None]**2)*wmax
target = .5*np.ones_like(wfit)
basis = np.cos(wfit*np.arange(1, 2*n, 2))
weight = np.ones_like(wfit)
f0 = None
for i in range(40):
l = np.linalg.pinv(basis*weight)@(target*weight)
err = np.fabs(basis@l - .5)
f = np.max(err)/np.mean(err)
if f0 and (f0 - f)/(f0 + f) < df/2:
f0 = f
weight[err > (1 - df)*np.max(err)] *= 1 + 1.5/(i + 11)
a = np.c_[l, np.zeros_like(l)].ravel()[:-1]
a = np.r_[a[::-1], 1, a]/2
return a
_Widths = namedtuple("_Widths", "A B P")
_widths = {
"DSP48E1": _Widths(25, 18, 48),
class ParallelFIR(Module):
"""Full-rate parallelized finite impulse response filter.
Tries to use transposed form as much as possible.
:param coefficients: tap coefficients (normalized to 1.),
increasing delay.
:param parallelism: number of samples per cycle.
:param width: bit width of input and output.
:param arch: architecture (default: "DSP48E1").
def __init__(self, coefficients, parallelism, width=16,
self.width = width
self.parallelism = p = parallelism
n = len(coefficients)
# input and output: old to new, decreasing delay
self.i = [Signal((width, True)) for i in range(p)]
self.o = [Signal((width, True)) for i in range(p)]
self.latency = (n + 1)//2//p + 1
w = _widths[arch]
c_max = max(abs(c) for c in coefficients)
c_shift = bits_for(floor((1 << w.B - 2) / c_max))
self.coefficients = cs = [int(round(c*(1 << c_shift)))
for c in coefficients]
assert max(bits_for(c) for c in cs) <= w.B
# Delay line: increasing delay
x = [Signal((w.A, True), reset_less=True) for _ in range(n + p - 1)]
assert sum(abs(c)*(1 << w.A - 1) for c in cs) <= (1 << w.P - 1) - 1
for xi, xj in zip(x, self.i[::-1]):
self.comb += xi.eq(xj)
for xi, xj in zip(x[len(self.i):], x):
self.sync += xi.eq(xj)
for delay in range(p):
o = Signal((w.P, True), reset_less=True)
self.comb += self.o[delay].eq(o >> c_shift)
# Make products
for i, c in enumerate(cs):
# simplify for halfband and symmetric filters
if not c or c in cs[:i]:
js = [j + p - 1 for j, cj in enumerate(cs) if cj == c]
m =
o0, o = o,
q =[0])
if delay + p <= js[0]:
self.sync += o0.eq(o + m)
delay += p
self.comb += o0.eq(o + m)
assert js[0] - delay >= 0
self.comb += q.eq(reduce(add, [x[j - delay] for j in js]))
self.sync += m.eq(c*q)
# symmetric rounding
if c_shift > 1:
self.comb += o.eq((1 << c_shift - 1) - 1)
class FIR(ParallelFIR):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(self, *args, parallelism=1, **kwargs)
self.i = self.i[0]
self.o = self.o[0]
def halfgen4_cascade(rate, width, order=None):
"""Generate coefficients for cascaded half-band filters.
Coefficients are normalized to a gain of two per stage to compensate for
the zero stuffing.
:param rate: upsampling rate. power of two
:param width: passband/stopband width in units of input sampling rate.
:param order: highest order, defaults to :param:`rate`"""
if order is None:
order = rate
coeff = []
p = 1
while p < rate:
p *= 2
coeff.append(2*halfgen4(width*p/rate/2, order*p//rate))
return coeff
class ParallelHBFUpsampler(Module):
"""Parallel, power-of-two, half-band, cascading upsampler.
Coefficients should be normalized to overall gain of 2
(highest/center coefficient being 1)."""
def __init__(self, coefficients, width=16, **kwargs):
self.parallelism = 1 # accumulate
self.latency = 0 # accumulate
self.width = width
self.i = Signal((width, True))
i = [self.i]
for coeff in coefficients:
self.parallelism *= 2
hbf = ParallelFIR(coeff, self.parallelism, width, **kwargs)
self.submodules += hbf
self.comb += [a.eq(b) for a, b in zip(hbf.i[1::2], i)]
i = hbf.o
self.latency += hbf.latency
self.o = i