Sebastien Bourdeauducq a65721d649 sayma: put RTM clock tree into the siphaser loop
* Fixes one bug where siphaser was one Si5324 output and the rest of the
system was clocked by the other. With the Si5324 settings we have, skew
between the outputs is not controlled.
* Puts the coaxial cable between AMC and RTM into the siphaser loop.
2018-06-27 21:46:55 +08:00

438 lines
15 KiB

mod clock_mux {
use board_misoc::csr;
const CLK_SRC_EXT_SEL : u8 = 1 << 0;
const REF_CLK_SRC_SEL : u8 = 1 << 1;
const DAC_CLK_SRC_SEL : u8 = 1 << 2;
const REF_LO_CLK_SEL : u8 = 1 << 3;
pub fn init() {
unsafe {
1*CLK_SRC_EXT_SEL | // use ext clk from sma
mod hmc830 {
use board_misoc::{csr, clock};
fn spi_setup() {
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::idle_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::length_write(32 - 1);
csr::converter_spi::div_write(16 - 2);
csr::converter_spi::cs_write(1 << csr::CONFIG_CONVERTER_SPI_HMC830_CS);
pub fn select_spi_mode() {
unsafe {
// rising egde on CS since cs_polarity still 0
// selects "HMC Mode"
// do a dummy cycle with cs still high to clear CS
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::length_write(32 - 1);
fn write(addr: u8, data: u32) {
let val = ((addr as u32) << 24) | data;
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::data_write(val << 1); // last clk cycle loads data
fn read(addr: u8) -> u32 {
// SDO (miso/read bits) is technically CPHA=1, while SDI is CPHA=0
// trust that the 8.2ns+0.2ns/pF provide enough hold time on top of
// the SPI round trip delay and stick with CPHA=0
write((1 << 6) | addr, 0);
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::data_read() & 0xffffff
pub fn detect() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let id = read(0x00);
if id != 0xa7975 {
error!("invalid HMC830 ID: 0x{:08x}", id);
return Err("invalid HMC830 identification");
} else {
info!("HMC830 found");
pub fn init() {
// Configure HMC830 for integer-N operation
// See "PLLs with integrated VCO- RF Applications Product & Operating
// Guide"
info!("loading HMC830 configuration...");
write(0x0, 0x20); // software reset
write(0x0, 0x00); // normal operation
write(0x6, 0x307ca); // integer-N mode (NB data sheet table 5.8 not self-consistent)
write(0x7, 0x4d); // digital lock detect, 1/2 cycle window (6.5ns window)
write(0x9, 0x2850); // charge pump: 1.6mA, no offset
write(0xa, 0x2045); // for wideband devices like the HMC830
write(0xb, 0x7c061); // for HMC830
// VCO subsystem registers
// NB software reset does not seem to reset these registers, so always
// program them all!
write(0x5, 0xf88); // 1: defaults
write(0x5, 0x6010); // 2: mute output until output divider set
write(0x5, 0x2818); // 3: wideband PLL defaults
write(0x5, 0x60a0); // 4: HMC830 magic value
write(0x5, 0x1628); // 5: HMC830 magic value
write(0x5, 0x7fb0); // 6: HMC830 magic value
write(0x5, 0x0); // ready for VCO auto-cal
info!(" ...done");
pub fn set_dividers(r_div: u32, n_div: u32, m_div: u32, out_div: u32) {
// VCO frequency: f_vco = (f_ref/r_div)*(n_int + n_frac/2**24)
// VCO frequency range [1.5GHz, 3GHz]
// Output frequency: f_out = f_vco/out_div
// Max PFD frequency: 125MHz for integer-N, 100MHz for fractional
// (mode B)
// Max reference frequency: 350MHz, however f_ref >= 200MHz requires
// setting 0x08[21]=1
// :param r_div: reference divider [1, 16383]
// :param n_div: VCO divider, integer part. Integer-N mode: [16, 2**19-1]
// fractional mode: [20, 2**19-4]
// :param m_div: VCO divider, fractional part [0, 2**24-1]
// :param out_div: output divider [1, 62] (0 mutes output)
info!("setting HMC830 dividers...");
write(0x5, 0x6010 + (out_div << 7) + (((out_div <= 2) as u32) << 15));
write(0x5, 0x0); // ready for VCO auto-cal
write(0x2, r_div);
write(0x4, m_div);
write(0x3, n_div);
info!(" ...done");
pub fn check_locked() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
info!("waiting for HMC830 lock...");
let t = clock::get_ms();
while read(0x12) & 0x02 == 0 {
if clock::get_ms() > t + 2000 {
error!("lock timeout. Register dump:");
for addr in 0x00..0x14 {
// These registers don't exist (in the data sheet at least)
if addr == 0x0d || addr == 0x0e { continue; }
error!(" [0x{:02x}] = 0x{:04x}", addr, read(addr));
return Err("lock timeout");
info!(" ...locked");
pub mod hmc7043 {
use board_misoc::{csr, clock};
// All frequencies assume 1.2GHz HMC830 output
pub const DAC_CLK_DIV: u16 = 2; // 600MHz
pub const FPGA_CLK_DIV: u16 = 8; // 150MHz
pub const SYSREF_DIV: u16 = 128; // 9.375MHz
pub const HMC_SYSREF_DIV: u16 = SYSREF_DIV*8; // 1.171875MHz (must be <= 4MHz)
// enabled, divider, output config
const OUTPUT_CONFIG: [(bool, u16, u8); 14] = [
(true, DAC_CLK_DIV, 0x08), // 0: DAC2_CLK
(true, SYSREF_DIV, 0x08), // 1: DAC2_SYSREF
(true, DAC_CLK_DIV, 0x08), // 2: DAC1_CLK
(true, SYSREF_DIV, 0x08), // 3: DAC1_SYSREF
(false, 0, 0x08), // 4: ADC2_CLK
(false, 0, 0x08), // 5: ADC2_SYSREF
(true, FPGA_CLK_DIV, 0x08), // 6: GTP_CLK2
(true, SYSREF_DIV, 0x10), // 7: FPGA_DAC_SYSREF, LVDS
(true, FPGA_CLK_DIV, 0x08), // 8: GTP_CLK1
(false, 0, 0x10), // 9: AMC_MASTER_AUX_CLK
(false, 0, 0x10), // 10: RTM_MASTER_AUX_CLK
(true, FPGA_CLK_DIV, 0x10), // 11: FPGA_ADC_SYSREF, LVDS -- repurposed for siphaser
(false, 0, 0x08), // 12: ADC1_CLK
(false, 0, 0x08), // 13: ADC1_SYSREF
fn spi_setup() {
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::idle_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::half_duplex_write(0); // change mid-transaction for reads
csr::converter_spi::length_write(24 - 1);
csr::converter_spi::div_write(16 - 2);
csr::converter_spi::cs_write(1 << csr::CONFIG_CONVERTER_SPI_HMC7043_CS);
fn write(addr: u16, data: u8) {
let cmd = (0 << 15) | addr;
let val = ((cmd as u32) << 8) | data as u32;
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::data_write(val << 8);
fn read(addr: u16) -> u8 {
let cmd = (1 << 15) | addr;
let val = cmd as u32;
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::length_write(16 - 1);
csr::converter_spi::data_write(val << 16);
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::length_write(8 - 1);
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::length_write(24 - 1);
csr::converter_spi::data_read() as u8
pub const CHIP_ID: u32 = 0xf17904;
pub fn get_id() -> u32 {
(read(0x78) as u32) << 16 | (read(0x79) as u32) << 8 | read(0x7a) as u32
pub fn detect() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let id = get_id();
if id != CHIP_ID {
error!("invalid HMC7043 ID: 0x{:08x}", id);
return Err("invalid HMC7043 identification");
} else {
info!("HMC7043 found");
pub fn enable() {
info!("enabling HMC7043");
unsafe {
write(0x0, 0x1); // Software reset
write(0x0, 0x0); // Normal operation
write(0x1, 0x48); // mute all outputs
pub fn init() {
info!("loading configuration...");
write(0xA, 0x06); // Disable the REFSYNCIN input
write(0xB, 0x07); // Enable the CLKIN input as LVPECL
write(0x50, 0x1f); // Disable GPO pin
write(0x9F, 0x4d); // Unexplained high-performance mode
write(0xA0, 0xdf); // Unexplained high-performance mode
// Enable required output groups
write(0x4, (1 << 0) |
(1 << 1) |
(1 << 3) |
(1 << 4));
write(0x5c, (HMC_SYSREF_DIV & 0xff) as u8); // Set SYSREF timer divider
write(0x5d, ((HMC_SYSREF_DIV & 0x0f) >> 8) as u8);
for channel in 0..OUTPUT_CONFIG.len() {
let channel_base = 0xc8 + 0x0a*(channel as u16);
let (enabled, divider, outcfg) = OUTPUT_CONFIG[channel];
if enabled {
if channel % 2 == 0 {
// DCLK channel: enable high-performance mode
write(channel_base, 0xd1);
} else {
// SYSREF channel: disable hi-perf mode, enable slip
write(channel_base, 0x71);
} else {
write(channel_base, 0x10);
write(channel_base + 0x1, (divider & 0xff) as u8);
write(channel_base + 0x2, ((divider & 0x0f) >> 8) as u8);
// bypass analog phase shift on DCLK channels to reduce noise
if channel % 2 == 0 {
if divider != 0 {
write(channel_base + 0x7, 0x00); // enable divider
} else {
write(channel_base + 0x7, 0x03); // bypass divider for lowest noise
} else {
write(channel_base + 0x7, 0x01);
write(channel_base + 0x8, outcfg)
write(0x1, 0x4a); // Reset dividers and FSMs
write(0x1, 0x48);
write(0x1, 0xc8); // Synchronize dividers
write(0x1, 0x40); // Unmute, high-performance/low-noise mode
info!(" ...done");
pub fn sysref_offset_dac(dacno: u8, phase_offset: u16) {
/* Analog delay resolution: 25ps
* Digital delay resolution: 1/2 input clock cycle = 416ps for 1.2GHz
* 16*25ps = 400ps: limit analog delay to 16 steps instead of 32.
let analog_delay = (phase_offset % 17) as u8;
let digital_delay = (phase_offset / 17) as u8;
if dacno == 0 {
write(0x00d5, analog_delay);
write(0x00d6, digital_delay);
} else if dacno == 1 {
write(0x00e9, analog_delay);
write(0x00ea, digital_delay);
} else {
fn sysref_offset_fpga(phase_offset: u16) {
let analog_delay = (phase_offset % 17) as u8;
let digital_delay = (phase_offset / 17) as u8;
write(0x0111, analog_delay);
write(0x0112, digital_delay);
fn sysref_slip() {
write(0x0002, 0x02);
write(0x0002, 0x00);
fn sysref_sample() -> bool {
unsafe { csr::sysref_sampler::sample_result_read() == 1 }
pub fn sysref_rtio_align(phase_offset: u16, expected_align: u16) {
info!("aligning SYSREF with RTIO...");
let mut slips0 = 0;
let mut slips1 = 0;
// meet setup/hold (assuming FPGA timing margins are OK)
// if we are already in the 1 zone, get out of it
while sysref_sample() {
slips0 += 1;
if slips0 > 1024 {
error!(" failed to reach 1->0 transition");
// get to the edge of the 0->1 transition (our final setpoint)
while !sysref_sample() {
slips1 += 1;
if slips1 > 1024 {
error!(" failed to reach 0->1 transition");
info!(" ...done ({}/{} slips)", slips0, slips1);
if (slips0 + slips1) % expected_align != 0 {
error!(" unexpected slip alignment");
let mut margin_minus = None;
for d in 0..phase_offset {
sysref_offset_fpga(phase_offset - d);
if !sysref_sample() {
margin_minus = Some(d);
// meet setup/hold
if margin_minus.is_some() {
let margin_minus = margin_minus.unwrap();
// one phase slip (period of the 1.2GHz input clock)
let period = 2*17; // approximate: 2 digital coarse delay steps
let margin_plus = if period > margin_minus { period - margin_minus } else { 0 };
info!(" margins at FPGA: -{} +{}", margin_minus, margin_plus);
if margin_minus < 10 || margin_plus < 10 {
error!("SYSREF margin at FPGA is too small");
} else {
error!("unable to determine SYSREF margin at FPGA");
pub fn init() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
/* do not use other SPI devices before HMC830 SPI mode selection */
// 1.2GHz out
#[cfg(hmc830_ref = "100")]
hmc830::set_dividers(1, 24, 0, 2);
#[cfg(hmc830_ref = "150")]
hmc830::set_dividers(2, 32, 0, 2);
if hmc7043::get_id() == hmc7043::CHIP_ID {
error!("HMC7043 detected while in reset (board rework missing?)");