forked from M-Labs/artiq
This also updates / is a prerequisite for updating smoltcp. Rationale for changes made: * compiler_builtins is now shipped in the rust prefix. * rustc's libpanic_unwind no longer works for us because it has a hard dependency on Box (and it's a horrible hack); fortunately, we only ever needed a personality function from it. * panic and oom handlers are now set in a completely different way. * allocators are quite different (and finally stable). * NLL caused internal compiler errors in runtime, so code using NLL was rewritten to not rely on it and it was turned off.
137 lines
4.2 KiB
137 lines
4.2 KiB
use core::{ptr, mem, fmt};
use core::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout};
// The minimum alignment guaranteed by the architecture.
const MIN_ALIGN: usize = 4;
const MAGIC_FREE: usize = 0xDEADDEAD;
const MAGIC_BUSY: usize = 0xFEEDFEED;
struct Header {
magic: usize,
size: usize,
next: *mut Header
pub struct ListAlloc {
root: *mut Header
pub const EMPTY: ListAlloc = ListAlloc { root: 0 as *mut Header };
impl ListAlloc {
pub unsafe fn add(&mut self, ptr: *mut u8, size: usize) {
let header_size = mem::size_of::<Header>();
if size < header_size * 2 { return }
let curr = ptr as *mut Header;
(*curr).magic = MAGIC_FREE;
(*curr).size = size - header_size;
(*curr).next = self.root;
self.root = curr;
pub unsafe fn add_range(&mut self, begin: *mut u8, end: *mut u8) {
self.add(begin, end as usize - begin as usize)
unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for ListAlloc {
unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
if layout.align() > MIN_ALIGN {
panic!("cannot allocate with alignment {}", layout.align())
let header_size = mem::size_of::<Header>();
let size;
if layout.size() % header_size != 0 {
size = layout.size() + header_size - (layout.size() % header_size);
} else {
size = layout.size()
let mut curr = self.root;
while !curr.is_null() {
match (*curr).magic {
let mut next = (*curr).next;
while !next.is_null() && (*next).magic == MAGIC_FREE {
// Join
(*next).magic = 0;
(*curr).size += (*next).size + header_size;
(*curr).next = (*next).next;
next = (*curr).next;
if (*curr).size > size + header_size * 2 {
// Split
let offset = header_size + size;
let next = (curr as *mut u8).offset(offset as isize) as *mut Header;
(*next).magic = MAGIC_FREE;
(*next).size = (*curr).size - offset;
(*next).next = (*curr).next;
(*curr).next = next;
(*curr).size = size;
if (*curr).size >= size {
(*curr).magic = MAGIC_BUSY;
return curr.offset(1) as *mut u8
_ => panic!("heap corruption detected at {:p}", curr)
curr = (*curr).next;
unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, _layout: Layout) {
let curr = (ptr as *mut Header).offset(-1);
if (*curr).magic != MAGIC_BUSY {
panic!("heap corruption detected at {:p}", curr)
(*curr).magic = MAGIC_FREE;
impl fmt::Display for ListAlloc {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
unsafe {
let mut total_busy = 0;
let mut total_idle = 0;
let mut total_meta = 0;
let mut curr = self.root;
while !curr.is_null() {
total_meta += mem::size_of::<Header>();
let desc = match (*curr).magic {
MAGIC_FREE => { total_idle += (*curr).size; "IDLE" },
MAGIC_BUSY => { total_busy += (*curr).size; "BUSY" },
_ => "!!!!"
write!(f, "{} {:p} + {:#x} + {:#x} -> {:p}\n",
desc, curr, mem::size_of::<Header>(), (*curr).size, (*curr).next)?;
match (*curr).magic {
_ => break
curr = (*curr).next;
write!(f, " === busy: {:#x} idle: {:#x} meta: {:#x} total: {:#x}\n",
total_busy, total_idle, total_meta,
total_busy + total_idle + total_meta)