forked from M-Labs/artiq
This also updates / is a prerequisite for updating smoltcp. Rationale for changes made: * compiler_builtins is now shipped in the rust prefix. * rustc's libpanic_unwind no longer works for us because it has a hard dependency on Box (and it's a horrible hack); fortunately, we only ever needed a personality function from it. * panic and oom handlers are now set in a completely different way. * allocators are quite different (and finally stable). * NLL caused internal compiler errors in runtime, so code using NLL was rewritten to not rely on it and it was turned off.
204 lines
7.7 KiB
204 lines
7.7 KiB
// Portions of the code in this file are derived from code by:
// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
#![allow(private_no_mangle_fns, non_camel_case_types)]
use core::{ptr, mem};
use cslice::CSlice;
use unwind as uw;
use libc::{c_int, c_void};
use eh::dwarf::{self, EHAction};
type _Unwind_Stop_Fn = extern "C" fn(version: c_int,
actions: uw::_Unwind_Action,
exception_class: uw::_Unwind_Exception_Class,
exception_object: *mut uw::_Unwind_Exception,
context: *mut uw::_Unwind_Context,
stop_parameter: *mut c_void)
-> uw::_Unwind_Reason_Code;
extern {
fn _Unwind_ForcedUnwind(exception: *mut uw::_Unwind_Exception,
stop_fn: _Unwind_Stop_Fn,
stop_parameter: *mut c_void) -> uw::_Unwind_Reason_Code;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Exception<'a> {
pub name: CSlice<'a, u8>,
pub file: CSlice<'a, u8>,
pub line: u32,
pub column: u32,
pub function: CSlice<'a, u8>,
pub message: CSlice<'a, u8>,
pub param: [i64; 3]
const EXCEPTION_CLASS: uw::_Unwind_Exception_Class = 0x4d_4c_42_53_41_52_54_51; /* 'MLBSARTQ' */
const MAX_BACKTRACE_SIZE: usize = 128;
struct ExceptionInfo {
uw_exception: uw::_Unwind_Exception,
exception: Option<Exception<'static>>,
handled: bool,
backtrace: [usize; MAX_BACKTRACE_SIZE],
backtrace_size: usize
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
const UNWIND_DATA_REG: (i32, i32) = (0, 1); // RAX, RDX
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "or1k"))]
const UNWIND_DATA_REG: (i32, i32) = (3, 4); // R3, R4
pub extern fn personality(version: c_int,
actions: uw::_Unwind_Action,
uw_exception_class: uw::_Unwind_Exception_Class,
uw_exception: *mut uw::_Unwind_Exception,
context: *mut uw::_Unwind_Context)
-> uw::_Unwind_Reason_Code {
unsafe {
if version != 1 || uw_exception_class != EXCEPTION_CLASS {
let lsda = uw::_Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData(context) as *const u8;
let ip = uw::_Unwind_GetIP(context) - 1;
let func_start = uw::_Unwind_GetRegionStart(context);
let exception_info = &mut *(uw_exception as *mut ExceptionInfo);
let exception = &exception_info.exception.unwrap();
let eh_action = dwarf::find_eh_action(lsda, func_start, ip,;
if actions as u32 & uw::_UA_SEARCH_PHASE as u32 != 0 {
match eh_action {
EHAction::None |
EHAction::Cleanup(_) => return uw::_URC_CONTINUE_UNWIND,
EHAction::Catch(_) => return uw::_URC_HANDLER_FOUND,
EHAction::Terminate => return uw::_URC_FATAL_PHASE1_ERROR,
} else {
match eh_action {
EHAction::None => return uw::_URC_CONTINUE_UNWIND,
EHAction::Cleanup(lpad) |
EHAction::Catch(lpad) => {
if actions as u32 & uw::_UA_HANDLER_FRAME as u32 != 0 {
exception_info.handled = true
// Pass a pair of the unwinder exception and ARTIQ exception
// (which immediately follows).
uw::_Unwind_SetGR(context, UNWIND_DATA_REG.0,
uw_exception as uw::_Unwind_Word);
uw::_Unwind_SetGR(context, UNWIND_DATA_REG.1,
exception as *const _ as uw::_Unwind_Word);
uw::_Unwind_SetIP(context, lpad);
EHAction::Terminate => return uw::_URC_FATAL_PHASE2_ERROR,
extern fn cleanup(_unwind_code: uw::_Unwind_Reason_Code,
uw_exception: *mut uw::_Unwind_Exception) {
unsafe {
let exception_info = &mut *(uw_exception as *mut ExceptionInfo);
exception_info.exception = None;
extern fn uncaught_exception(_version: c_int,
actions: uw::_Unwind_Action,
_uw_exception_class: uw::_Unwind_Exception_Class,
uw_exception: *mut uw::_Unwind_Exception,
context: *mut uw::_Unwind_Context,
_stop_parameter: *mut c_void)
-> uw::_Unwind_Reason_Code {
unsafe {
let exception_info = &mut *(uw_exception as *mut ExceptionInfo);
if exception_info.backtrace_size < exception_info.backtrace.len() {
let ip = uw::_Unwind_GetIP(context);
exception_info.backtrace[exception_info.backtrace_size] = ip;
exception_info.backtrace_size += 1;
if actions as u32 & uw::_UA_END_OF_STACK as u32 != 0 {
} else {
// We can unfortunately not use mem::zeroed in a static, so Option<> is used as a workaround.
// See
static mut INFLIGHT: ExceptionInfo = ExceptionInfo {
uw_exception: uw::_Unwind_Exception {
exception_class: EXCEPTION_CLASS,
exception_cleanup: cleanup,
private: [0; uw::unwinder_private_data_size],
exception: None,
handled: true,
backtrace: [0; MAX_BACKTRACE_SIZE],
backtrace_size: 0
pub unsafe extern fn raise(exception: *const Exception) -> ! {
// Zing! The Exception<'a> to Exception<'static> transmute is not really sound in case
// the exception is ever captured. Fortunately, they currently aren't, and we save
// on the hassle of having to allocate exceptions somewhere except on stack.
INFLIGHT.exception = Some(mem::transmute::<Exception, Exception<'static>>(*exception));
INFLIGHT.handled = false;
let result = uw::_Unwind_RaiseException(&mut INFLIGHT.uw_exception);
assert!(result == uw::_URC_END_OF_STACK);
INFLIGHT.backtrace_size = 0;
let _result = _Unwind_ForcedUnwind(&mut INFLIGHT.uw_exception,
uncaught_exception, ptr::null_mut());
pub unsafe extern fn reraise() -> ! {
use cslice::AsCSlice;
if INFLIGHT.handled {
match INFLIGHT.exception {
Some(ref exception) => raise(exception),
None => raise(&Exception {
name: "0:artiq.coredevice.exceptions.RuntimeError".as_c_slice(),
file: file!().as_c_slice(),
line: line!(),
column: column!(),
function: "__artiq_reraise".as_c_slice(),
message: "No active exception to reraise".as_c_slice(),
param: [0, 0, 0]
} else {
uw::_Unwind_Resume(&mut INFLIGHT.uw_exception)