
420 lines
15 KiB

mod hmc830 {
use board_misoc::{csr, clock};
fn spi_setup() {
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::idle_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::length_write(32 - 1);
csr::converter_spi::div_write(16 - 2);
csr::converter_spi::cs_write(1 << csr::CONFIG_CONVERTER_SPI_HMC830_CS);
pub fn select_spi_mode() {
unsafe {
// rising egde on CS since cs_polarity still 0
// selects "HMC Mode"
// do a dummy cycle with cs still high to clear CS
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::length_write(32 - 1);
fn write(addr: u8, data: u32) {
let val = ((addr as u32) << 24) | data;
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::data_write(val << 1); // last clk cycle loads data
fn read(addr: u8) -> u32 {
// SDO (miso/read bits) is technically CPHA=1, while SDI is CPHA=0
// trust that the 8.2ns+0.2ns/pF provide enough hold time on top of
// the SPI round trip delay and stick with CPHA=0
write((1 << 6) | addr, 0);
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::data_read() & 0xffffff
pub fn detect() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let id = read(0x00);
if id != 0xa7975 {
error!("invalid HMC830 ID: 0x{:08x}", id);
return Err("invalid HMC830 identification");
pub fn init() {
// Configure HMC830 for integer-N operation
// See "PLLs with integrated VCO- RF Applications Product & Operating
// Guide"
info!("loading HMC830 configuration...");
write(0x0, 0x20); // software reset
write(0x0, 0x00); // normal operation
write(0x6, 0x307ca); // integer-N mode (NB data sheet table 5.8 not self-consistent)
write(0x7, 0x4d); // digital lock detect, 1/2 cycle window (6.5ns window)
write(0x9, 0x2850); // charge pump: 1.6mA, no offset
write(0xa, 0x2045); // for wideband devices like the HMC830
write(0xb, 0x7c061); // for HMC830
// VCO subsystem registers
// NB software reset does not seem to reset these registers, so always
// program them all!
write(0x5, 0xf88); // 1: defaults
write(0x5, 0x6010); // 2: mute output until output divider set
write(0x5, 0x2818); // 3: wideband PLL defaults
write(0x5, 0x60a0); // 4: HMC830 magic value
write(0x5, 0x1628); // 5: HMC830 magic value
write(0x5, 0x7fb0); // 6: HMC830 magic value
write(0x5, 0x0); // ready for VCO auto-cal
info!(" ...done");
pub fn set_dividers(r_div: u32, n_div: u32, m_div: u32, out_div: u32) {
// VCO frequency: f_vco = (f_ref/r_div)*(n_int + n_frac/2**24)
// VCO frequency range [1.5GHz, 3GHz]
// Output frequency: f_out = f_vco/out_div
// Max PFD frequency: 125MHz for integer-N, 100MHz for fractional
// (mode B)
// Max reference frequency: 350MHz, however f_ref >= 200MHz requires
// setting 0x08[21]=1
// Warning: Output divider is not synchronized! Set to 1 for deterministic
// phase at the output.
// :param r_div: reference divider [1, 16383]
// :param n_div: VCO divider, integer part. Integer-N mode: [16, 2**19-1]
// fractional mode: [20, 2**19-4]
// :param m_div: VCO divider, fractional part [0, 2**24-1]
// :param out_div: output divider [1, 62] (0 mutes output)
info!("setting HMC830 dividers...");
write(0x5, 0x6010 + (out_div << 7) + (((out_div <= 2) as u32) << 15));
write(0x5, 0x0); // ready for VCO auto-cal
write(0x2, r_div);
write(0x4, m_div);
write(0x3, n_div);
info!(" ...done");
pub fn check_locked() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
info!("waiting for HMC830 lock...");
let t = clock::get_ms();
while read(0x12) & 0x02 == 0 {
if clock::get_ms() > t + 2000 {
error!("lock timeout. Register dump:");
for addr in 0x00..0x14 {
// These registers don't exist (in the data sheet at least)
if addr == 0x0d || addr == 0x0e { continue; }
error!(" [0x{:02x}] = 0x{:04x}", addr, read(addr));
return Err("lock timeout");
info!(" ...locked");
pub mod hmc7043 {
use board_misoc::{csr, clock};
// Warning: dividers are not synchronized with HMC830 clock input!
// Set DAC_CLK_DIV to 1 or 0 for deterministic phase.
// (0 bypasses the divider and reduces noise)
const DAC_CLK_DIV: u16 = 0;
const FPGA_CLK_DIV: u16 = 16; // Keep in sync with
const SYSREF_DIV: u16 = 256; // Keep in sync with
const HMC_SYSREF_DIV: u16 = SYSREF_DIV*8; // must be <= 4MHz
// enabled, divider, output config, is sysref
const OUTPUT_CONFIG: [(bool, u16, u8, bool); 14] = [
(true, DAC_CLK_DIV, 0x08, false), // 0: DAC1_CLK
(true, SYSREF_DIV, 0x00, true), // 1: DAC1_SYSREF
(true, DAC_CLK_DIV, 0x08, false), // 2: DAC0_CLK
(true, SYSREF_DIV, 0x00, true), // 3: DAC0_SYSREF
(true, SYSREF_DIV, 0x10, true), // 4: AMC_FPGA_SYSREF0
(true, FPGA_CLK_DIV, 0x10, true), // 5: AMC_FPGA_SYSREF1
(false, 0, 0x10, false), // 6: unused
(true, SYSREF_DIV, 0x10, true), // 7: RTM_FPGA_SYSREF0
(true, FPGA_CLK_DIV, 0x08, false), // 8: GTP_CLK0_IN
(false, 0, 0x10, false), // 9: unused
(false, 0, 0x10, false), // 10: unused
(false, 0, 0x08, false), // 11: unused / uFL
(false, 0, 0x10, false), // 12: unused
(false, SYSREF_DIV, 0x10, true), // 13: RTM_FPGA_SYSREF1
fn spi_setup() {
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::idle_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::half_duplex_write(0); // change mid-transaction for reads
csr::converter_spi::length_write(24 - 1);
csr::converter_spi::div_write(16 - 2);
csr::converter_spi::cs_write(1 << csr::CONFIG_CONVERTER_SPI_HMC7043_CS);
fn spi_wait_idle() {
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::idle_read() == 0 {}
fn write(addr: u16, data: u8) {
let cmd = (0 << 15) | addr;
let val = ((cmd as u32) << 8) | data as u32;
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::data_write(val << 8);
fn read(addr: u16) -> u8 {
let cmd = (1 << 15) | addr;
let val = cmd as u32;
unsafe {
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::length_write(16 - 1);
csr::converter_spi::data_write(val << 16);
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::length_write(8 - 1);
while csr::converter_spi::writable_read() == 0 {}
csr::converter_spi::length_write(24 - 1);
csr::converter_spi::data_read() as u8
pub const CHIP_ID: u32 = 0xf17904;
pub fn get_id() -> u32 {
(read(0x78) as u32) << 16 | (read(0x79) as u32) << 8 | read(0x7a) as u32
pub fn detect() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let id = get_id();
if id != CHIP_ID {
error!("invalid HMC7043 ID: 0x{:08x}", id);
return Err("invalid HMC7043 identification");
pub fn enable() {
info!("enabling HMC7043");
unsafe {
write(0x0, 0x1); // Software reset
write(0x0, 0x0); // Normal operation
write(0x1, 0x48); // mute all outputs
const GPO_MUX_CLK_OUT_PHASE: u8 = 3;
const GPO_MUX_FORCE1: u8 = 10;
const GPO_MUX_FORCE0: u8 = 11;
/* Read an HMC7043 internal status bit through the GPO interface.
* This method is required to work around bugs in the register interface.
fn gpo_indirect_read(mux_setting: u8) -> bool {
write(0x50, (mux_setting << 2) | 0x3);
unsafe {
csr::hmc7043_gpo::in_read() == 1
pub fn init() {
info!("loading configuration...");
write(0x3, 0x14); // Disable the RFSYNCIN reseeder
write(0xA, 0x06); // Disable the RFSYNCIN input buffer
write(0xB, 0x07); // Enable the CLKIN input as LVPECL
write(0x9F, 0x4d); // Unexplained high-performance mode
write(0xA0, 0xdf); // Unexplained high-performance mode
// Enable required output groups
let mut output_group_en = 0;
for channel in 0..OUTPUT_CONFIG.len() {
let enabled = OUTPUT_CONFIG[channel].0;
if enabled {
let group = channel/2;
output_group_en |= 1 << group;
write(0x4, output_group_en);
// Set SYSREF timer divider.
// We don't need this "feature", but the HMC7043 won't work without.
write(0x5c, (HMC_SYSREF_DIV & 0xff) as u8);
write(0x5d, ((HMC_SYSREF_DIV & 0xf00) >> 8) as u8);
for channel in 0..OUTPUT_CONFIG.len() {
let channel_base = 0xc8 + 0x0a*(channel as u16);
let (enabled, divider, outcfg, is_sysref) = OUTPUT_CONFIG[channel];
if enabled {
if !is_sysref {
// DCLK channel: enable high-performance mode
write(channel_base, 0xd1);
} else {
// SYSREF channel: disable hi-perf mode, enable slip
write(channel_base, 0x71);
} else {
write(channel_base, 0x10);
write(channel_base + 0x1, (divider & 0xff) as u8);
write(channel_base + 0x2, ((divider & 0xf00) >> 8) as u8);
// bypass analog phase shift on DCLK channels to reduce noise
if !is_sysref {
if divider != 0 {
write(channel_base + 0x7, 0x00); // enable divider
} else {
write(channel_base + 0x7, 0x03); // bypass divider for lowest noise
} else {
write(channel_base + 0x7, 0x01);
write(channel_base + 0x8, outcfg)
write(0x1, 0x4a); // Reset dividers and FSMs
write(0x1, 0x48);
write(0x1, 0xc8); // Synchronize dividers
write(0x1, 0x40); // Unmute, high-performance/low-noise mode
info!(" ...done");
pub fn test_gpo() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
info!("testing GPO...");
for trial in 0..10 {
if !gpo_indirect_read(GPO_MUX_FORCE1) {
info!(" ...failed. GPO I/O did not go high (#{})", trial + 1);
return Err("GPO is not functioning");
if gpo_indirect_read(GPO_MUX_FORCE0) {
info!(" ...failed. GPO I/O did not return low (#{})", trial + 1);
return Err("GPO is not functioning");
info!(" ...passed");
pub fn check_phased() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
if !gpo_indirect_read(GPO_MUX_CLK_OUT_PHASE) {
return Err("GPO reported phases did not align");
// Should be the same as the GPO read
let sysref_fsm_status = read(0x91);
if sysref_fsm_status != 0x2 {
error!("Bad SYSREF FSM status: {:02x}", sysref_fsm_status);
return Err("Bad SYSREF FSM status");
pub fn unmute() {
* Never missing an opportunity to be awful, the HMC7043 produces broadband noise
* prior to intialization, which can upset the AMC FPGA.
* External circuitry mutes it.
unsafe {
pub fn sysref_delay_dac(dacno: u8, phase_offset: u8) {
if dacno == 0 {
write(0x00d5, phase_offset);
} else if dacno == 1 {
write(0x00e9, phase_offset);
} else {
pub fn sysref_slip() {
write(0x0002, 0x02);
write(0x0002, 0x00);
pub fn init() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
#[cfg(all(hmc830_ref = "125", rtio_frequency = "125.0"))]
const DIV: (u32, u32, u32, u32) = (2, 32, 0, 1); // 125MHz -> 2.0GHz
#[cfg(all(hmc830_ref = "150", rtio_frequency = "150.0"))]
const DIV: (u32, u32, u32, u32) = (2, 32, 0, 1); // 150MHz -> 2.4GHz
/* do not use other SPI devices before HMC830 SPI mode selection */
hmc830::set_dividers(DIV.0, DIV.1, DIV.2, DIV.3);
if hmc7043::get_id() == hmc7043::CHIP_ID {
error!("HMC7043 detected while in reset (board rework missing?)");