import numpy import unittest from time import sleep from artiq.experiment import * from artiq.test.hardware_testbench import ExperimentCase from artiq.coredevice.comm_kernel import RPCReturnValueError class _Roundtrip(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") @kernel def roundtrip(self, obj, fn): fn(obj) class RoundtripTest(ExperimentCase): def assertRoundtrip(self, obj): exp = self.create(_Roundtrip) def callback(objcopy): self.assertEqual(obj, objcopy) exp.roundtrip(obj, callback) def assertArrayRoundtrip(self, obj): exp = self.create(_Roundtrip) def callback(objcopy): numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(obj, objcopy) exp.roundtrip(obj, callback) def test_None(self): self.assertRoundtrip(None) def test_bool(self): self.assertRoundtrip(True) self.assertRoundtrip(False) def test_numpy_bool(self): # These won't return as numpy.bool_, but the bare-Python results should still # compare equal. self.assertRoundtrip(numpy.True_) self.assertRoundtrip(numpy.False_) def test_int(self): self.assertRoundtrip(numpy.int32(42)) self.assertRoundtrip(numpy.int64(42)) def test_float(self): self.assertRoundtrip(42.0) def test_str(self): self.assertRoundtrip("foo") def test_bytes(self): self.assertRoundtrip(b"foo") def test_bytearray(self): self.assertRoundtrip(bytearray(b"foo")) def test_list(self): self.assertRoundtrip([10]) def test_bool_list(self): self.assertRoundtrip([True, False]) def test_int64_list(self): self.assertRoundtrip([numpy.int64(0), numpy.int64(1)]) def test_object(self): obj = object() self.assertRoundtrip(obj) def test_object_list(self): self.assertRoundtrip([object(), object()]) def test_list_tuple(self): self.assertRoundtrip(([1, 2], [3, 4])) def test_list_mixed_tuple(self): self.assertRoundtrip([(0x12345678, [("foo", [0.0, 1.0], [0, 1])])]) def test_array_1d(self): self.assertArrayRoundtrip(numpy.array([True, False])) self.assertArrayRoundtrip(numpy.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=numpy.int32)) self.assertArrayRoundtrip(numpy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])) self.assertArrayRoundtrip(numpy.array(["a", "b", "c"])) def test_array_2d(self): self.assertArrayRoundtrip(numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=numpy.int32)) self.assertArrayRoundtrip(numpy.array([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]])) self.assertArrayRoundtrip(numpy.array([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]])) # FIXME: This should work, but currently passes as the argument is just # synthesised as a call to array() without forwarding the dype form the host # NumPy object. @unittest.expectedFailure def test_array_jagged(self): self.assertArrayRoundtrip(numpy.array([[1, 2], [3]], dtype=object)) class _DefaultArg(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") def test(self, foo=42) -> TInt32: return foo @kernel def run(self): return self.test() class DefaultArgTest(ExperimentCase): def test_default_arg(self): exp = self.create(_DefaultArg) self.assertEqual(, 42) class _RPCTypes(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") def return_bool(self) -> TBool: return True def return_int32(self) -> TInt32: return 1 def return_int64(self) -> TInt64: return 0x100000000 def return_float(self) -> TFloat: return 1.0 def return_str(self) -> TStr: return "foo" def return_bytes(self) -> TBytes: return b"foo" def return_bytearray(self) -> TByteArray: return bytearray(b"foo") def return_tuple(self) -> TTuple([TInt32, TInt32]): return (1, 2) def return_list(self) -> TList(TInt32): return [2, 3] def return_range(self) -> TRange32: return range(10) def return_array(self) -> TArray(TInt32): return numpy.array([1, 2]) def return_matrix(self) -> TArray(TInt32, 2): return numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) def return_mismatch(self): return b"foo" @kernel def run_recv(self): core_log(self.return_bool()) core_log(self.return_int32()) core_log(self.return_int64()) core_log(self.return_float()) core_log(self.return_str()) core_log(self.return_bytes()) core_log(self.return_bytearray()) core_log(self.return_tuple()) core_log(self.return_list()) core_log(self.return_range()) core_log(self.return_array()) core_log(self.return_matrix()) def accept(self, value): pass @kernel def run_send(self): self.accept(True) self.accept(1) self.accept(0x100000000) self.accept(1.0) self.accept("foo") self.accept(b"foo") self.accept(bytearray(b"foo")) self.accept(bytes([1, 2])) self.accept(bytearray([1, 2])) self.accept((2, 3)) self.accept([1, 2]) self.accept(range(10)) self.accept(numpy.array([1, 2])) self.accept(numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) self.accept(self) @kernel def run_mismatch(self): self.return_mismatch() class RPCTypesTest(ExperimentCase): def test_send(self): exp = self.create(_RPCTypes) exp.run_send() def test_recv(self): exp = self.create(_RPCTypes) exp.run_send() def test_mismatch(self): exp = self.create(_RPCTypes) with self.assertRaises(RPCReturnValueError): exp.run_mismatch() class _RPCCalls(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") self._list_int64 = [numpy.int64(1)] def args(self, *args) -> TInt32: return len(args) def kwargs(self, x="", **kwargs) -> TInt32: return len(kwargs) @kernel def args0(self): return self.args() @kernel def args1(self): return self.args("A") @kernel def args2(self): return self.args("A", 1) @kernel def kwargs0(self): return self.kwargs() @kernel def kwargs1(self): return self.kwargs(a="A") @kernel def kwargs2(self): return self.kwargs(a="A", b=1) @kernel def args1kwargs2(self): return self.kwargs("X", a="A", b=1) @kernel def list_int64(self): return self._list_int64 @kernel def numpy_things(self): return (numpy.int32(10), numpy.int64(20), numpy.array([42,])) @kernel def numpy_full(self): return numpy.full(10, 20) @kernel def numpy_full_matrix(self): return numpy.full((3, 2), 13) @kernel def numpy_nan(self): return numpy.full(10, numpy.nan) @kernel def builtin(self): sleep(1.0) @rpc(flags={"async"}) def async_rpc(self): pass @kernel def async_in_try(self): try: self.async_rpc() except ValueError: pass class RPCCallsTest(ExperimentCase): def test_args(self): exp = self.create(_RPCCalls) self.assertEqual(exp.args0(), 0) self.assertEqual(exp.args1(), 1) self.assertEqual(exp.args2(), 2) self.assertEqual(exp.kwargs0(), 0) self.assertEqual(exp.kwargs1(), 1) self.assertEqual(exp.kwargs2(), 2) self.assertEqual(exp.args1kwargs2(), 2) self.assertEqual(exp.numpy_things(), (numpy.int32(10), numpy.int64(20), numpy.array([42,]))) # Ensure lists of int64s don't decay to variable-length builtin integers. list_int64 = exp.list_int64() self.assertEqual(list_int64, [numpy.int64(1)]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(list_int64[0], numpy.int64)) self.assertTrue((exp.numpy_full() == numpy.full(10, 20)).all()) self.assertTrue((exp.numpy_full_matrix() == numpy.full((3, 2), 13)).all()) self.assertTrue(numpy.isnan(exp.numpy_nan()).all()) exp.builtin() exp.async_in_try() class _Annotation(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") @kernel def overflow(self, x: TInt64) -> TBool: return (x << 32) != 0 @kernel def monomorphize(self, x: TList(TInt32)): pass class AnnotationTest(ExperimentCase): def test_annotation(self): exp = self.create(_Annotation) self.assertEqual(exp.overflow(1), True) exp.monomorphize([]) class _Async(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") @rpc(flags={"async"}) def recv_async(self, data): pass @kernel def run(self): # fast async path self.recv_async([0]*128) # slow async path self.recv_async([0]*4096) class AsyncTest(ExperimentCase): def test_args(self): exp = self.create(_Async) class _Payload1MB(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") def devnull(self, d): pass @kernel def run(self): data = [0 for _ in range(1000000//4)] self.devnull(data) class LargePayloadTest(ExperimentCase): def test_1MB(self): exp = self.create(_Payload1MB) class _ListTuple(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") @kernel def run(self): # Make sure lifetime for the array data in tuples of lists is managed # correctly. This is written in a somewhat convoluted fashion to provoke # memory corruption even in the face of compiler optimizations. for _ in range(self.get_num_iters()): a, b = self.get_values(0, 1, 32) c, d = self.get_values(2, 3, 64) self.verify(a) self.verify(c) self.verify(b) self.verify(d) @kernel def verify(self, data): for i in range(len(data)): if data[i] != data[0] + i: raise ValueError def get_num_iters(self) -> TInt32: return 2 def get_values(self, base_a, base_b, n) -> TTuple([TList(TInt32), TList(TInt32)]): return [numpy.int32(base_a + i) for i in range(n)], \ [numpy.int32(base_b + i) for i in range(n)] class _NestedTupleList(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") = [(0x12345678, [("foo", [0.0, 1.0], [2, 3])]), (0x76543210, [("bar", [4.0, 5.0], [6, 7])])] def get_data(self) -> TList(TTuple( [TInt32, TList(TTuple([TStr, TList(TFloat), TList(TInt32)]))])): return @kernel def run(self): a = self.get_data() if a != raise ValueError class _EmptyList(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") def get_empty(self) -> TList(TInt32): return [] @kernel def run(self): a = self.get_empty() if a != []: raise ValueError class ListTupleTest(ExperimentCase): def test_list_tuple(self): self.create(_ListTuple).run() def test_nested_tuple_list(self): self.create(_NestedTupleList).run() def test_empty_list(self): self.create(_EmptyList).run() class _ArrayQuoting(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") self.vec_i32 = numpy.array([0, 1], dtype=numpy.int32) self.mat_i64 = numpy.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]], dtype=numpy.int64) self.arr_f64 = numpy.array([[[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]], [[4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0]]]) self.strs = numpy.array(["foo", "bar"]) @kernel def run(self): assert self.vec_i32[0] == 0 assert self.vec_i32[1] == 1 assert self.mat_i64[0, 0] == 0 assert self.mat_i64[0, 1] == 1 assert self.mat_i64[1, 0] == 2 assert self.mat_i64[1, 1] == 3 assert self.arr_f64[0, 0, 0] == 0.0 assert self.arr_f64[0, 0, 1] == 1.0 assert self.arr_f64[0, 1, 0] == 2.0 assert self.arr_f64[0, 1, 1] == 3.0 assert self.arr_f64[1, 0, 0] == 4.0 assert self.arr_f64[1, 0, 1] == 5.0 assert self.arr_f64[1, 1, 0] == 6.0 assert self.arr_f64[1, 1, 1] == 7.0 assert self.strs[0] == "foo" assert self.strs[1] == "bar" class ArrayQuotingTest(ExperimentCase): def test_quoting(self): self.create(_ArrayQuoting).run() class _Assert(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") @kernel def check(self, value): assert value @kernel def check_msg(self, value): assert value, "foo" class AssertTest(ExperimentCase): def test_assert(self): exp = self.create(_Assert) def check_fail(fn, msg): with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as ctx: fn() self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), msg) exp.check(True) check_fail(lambda: exp.check(False), "AssertionError") exp.check_msg(True) check_fail(lambda: exp.check_msg(False), "foo") class _NumpyBool(EnvExperiment): def build(self): self.setattr_device("core") self.np_true = numpy.True_ self.np_false = numpy.False_ @kernel def run(self): assert self.np_true assert self.np_true == True assert not self.np_false assert self.np_false == False class NumpyBoolTest(ExperimentCase): def test_numpy_bool(self): """Test NumPy bools decay to ARTIQ compiler builtin bools as expected""" self.create(_NumpyBool).run()