Installing ARTIQ ================ The preferred way of installing ARTIQ is through the use of the conda package manager. The conda package contains pre-built binaries that you can directly flash to your board. But you can also :ref:`install from sources `. .. note:: Only the linux-64 and linux-32 conda packages contain the FPGA/BIOS/runtime pre-built binaries. Installing using conda ---------------------- Installing Anaconda or Miniconda ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * You can either install Anaconda (choose Python 3.5) from * Or install the more minimalistic Miniconda (choose Python 3.5) from .. warning:: If you are installing on Windows, choose the Windows 32-bit version regardless of whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit Windows. After installing either Anaconda or Miniconda, open a new terminal and make sure the following command works:: $ conda If it prints the help of the ``conda`` command, your install is OK. If not, then make sure your ``$PATH`` environment variable contains the path to anaconda3/bin (or miniconda3/bin):: $ echo $PATH /home/.../miniconda3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin If your ``$PATH`` misses reference the miniconda3/bin or anaconda3/bin you can fix this by typing:: $ export PATH=$HOME/miniconda3:$PATH Installing the host side software ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For this, you need to add our Anaconda repository to your conda configuration:: $ conda config --add channels $ conda config --add channels Then you can install the ARTIQ package, it will pull all the necessary dependencies. * For the Pipistrello board:: $ ENV=$(date +artiq-%Y-%m-%d); conda create -n $ENV artiq-pipistrello-nist_qc1; \ echo "Created environment $ENV for ARTIQ" * For the KC705 board with SCSI cables and AD9858 DDS chips:: $ ENV=$(date +artiq-%Y-%m-%d); conda create -n $ENV artiq-kc705-nist_qc1; \ echo "Created environment $ENV for ARTIQ" * For the KC705 board with the FMC backplane and AD9914 DDS chips:: $ ENV=$(date +artiq-%Y-%m-%d); conda create -n $ENV artiq-kc705-nist_qc2; \ echo "Created environment $ENV for ARTIQ" This creates a new Conda "environment" (i.e. an isolated installation) and prints its name. If you ever need to upgrade ARTIQ, it is advised to install it again in a new environment so that you can roll back to a version that is known to work correctly. After this, add the newly created environment to your ``$PATH``. This can be easily done using the following command:: $ source activate artiq-[date] You will need to invoke this command in every new shell. When in doubt, you can list the existing environments using:: $ conda env list Preparing the core device FPGA board ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You now need to flash 3 things on the FPGA board: 1. The FPGA bitstream 2. The BIOS 3. The ARTIQ runtime First you need to :ref:`install xc3sprog `. Then, you can flash the board: * For the Pipistrello board:: $ -t pipistrello * For the KC705 board:: $ Next step (for KC705) is to flash MAC and IP addresses to the board: * See :ref:`those instructions ` to flash MAC and IP addresses. .. _install-from-sources: Installing from source ---------------------- Preparing the build environment for the core device ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These steps are required to generate code that can run on the core device. They are necessary both for building the MiSoC BIOS and the ARTIQ kernels. * Create a development directory: :: $ mkdir ~/artiq-dev * Clone ARTIQ repository: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev $ git clone --recursive * Install OpenRISC binutils (or1k-linux-...): :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev $ wget $ tar xvf binutils-2.25.1.tar.bz2 $ rm binutils-2.25.1.tar.bz2 $ cd binutils-2.25.1 $ patch -p1 <~/artiq-dev/misc/binutils-2.25.1-or1k-R_PCREL-pcrel_offset.patch $ mkdir build $ cd build $ ../configure --target=or1k-linux --prefix=/usr/local $ make -j4 $ sudo make install .. note:: We're using an ``or1k-linux`` target because it is necessary to enable shared library support in ``ld``, not because Linux is involved. * Install LLVM and Clang: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev $ git clone $ cd llvm-or1k/tools $ git clone clang $ cd .. $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/llvm-or1k -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="OR1K;X86" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Rel -DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=ON $ make -j4 $ sudo make install .. note:: Compilation of LLVM can take more than 30 min on some machines. Preparing the core device FPGA board ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These steps are required to generate bitstream (``.bit``) files, build the MiSoC BIOS and ARTIQ runtime, and flash FPGA boards. If the board is already flashed, you may skip those steps and go directly to `Installing the host-side software`. * Install the FPGA vendor tools (e.g. Xilinx ISE and/or Vivado): * Get Xilinx tools from ISE can build bitstreams both for boards using the Spartan-6 (Pipistrello) and 7-series devices (KC705), while Vivado supports only boards using 7-series devices. * The Pipistrello is supported by Webpack, the KC705 is not. * During the Xilinx toolchain installation, uncheck ``Install cable drivers`` (they are not required as we use better and open source alternatives). * Install Migen: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev $ git clone $ cd migen $ python3 develop --user .. note:: The options ``develop`` and ``--user`` are for to install Migen in ``~/.local/lib/python3.5``. .. _install-xc3sprog: * Install JTAG tools needed to program the Pipistrello and KC705: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev $ svn co xc3sprog $ cd xc3sprog $ cmake . && make $ sudo make install .. note:: It is safe to ignore the message "Could NOT find LIBFTD2XX" (libftd2xx is different from libftdi, and is not required). .. _install-flash-proxy: * Install the required flash proxy bitstreams: The purpose of the flash proxy bitstream is to give programming software fast JTAG access to the flash connected to the FPGA. * Pipistrello: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev $ wget Then copy ``~/artiq-dev/bscan_spi_lx45_csg324.bit`` to ``~/.migen``, ``/usr/local/share/migen`` or ``/usr/share/migen``. * KC705: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev $ git clone $ cd bscan_spi_kc705 $ make Then copy the generated ``bscan_spi_kc705.bit`` to ``~/.migen``, ``/usr/local/share/migen`` or ``/usr/share/migen``. * Download MiSoC: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev $ git clone --recursive $ export MSCDIR=~/artiq-dev/misoc # append this line to .bashrc * Download and install ARTIQ: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev $ git clone --recursive $ python3 develop --user .. note:: If you have any trouble during ARTIQ setup about ``pygit2`` installation, refer to the section dealing with :ref:`installing the host-side software `. * Build and flash the bitstream and BIOS by running `from the MiSoC top-level directory`: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev/misoc $ export PATH=/usr/local/llvm-or1k/bin:$PATH .. note:: Make sure that ``/usr/local/llvm-or1k/bin`` is first in your ``PATH``, so that the ``clang`` command you just built is found instead of the system one, if any. * For Pipistrello:: $ ./ -X ~/artiq-dev/artiq/soc -t artiq_pipistrello all * For KC705:: $ ./ -X ~/artiq-dev/artiq/soc -t artiq_kc705 all * Then, build and flash the ARTIQ runtime: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev/artiq/soc/runtime && make runtime.fbi $ ~/artiq-dev/artiq/artiq/frontend/ -t pipistrello -d $PWD -r .. note:: The `-t` option specifies the board your are targeting. Available options are ``kc705`` and ``pipistrello``. * Check that the board boots by running a serial terminal program (you may need to press its FPGA reconfiguration button or power-cycle it to load the bitstream that was newly written into the flash): :: $ make -C ~/artiq-dev/misoc/tools # do only once $ ~/artiq-dev/misoc/tools/flterm --port /dev/ttyUSB1 MiSoC BIOS [...] Booting from flash... Loading xxxxx bytes from flash... Executing booted program. ARTIQ runtime built The communication parameters are 115200 8-N-1. .. _installing-the-host-side-software: Installing the host-side software ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Install the llvmlite Python bindings: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev $ git clone $ git checkout artiq $ cd llvmlite $ LLVM_CONFIG=/usr/local/llvm-or1k/bin/llvm-config python3 install --user * Install ARTIQ: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev $ git clone --recursive # if not already done $ cd artiq $ python3 develop --user .. note:: If you have any trouble during ARTIQ setup about ``pygit2`` installation, you can install it by using ``pip``: On Ubuntu 14.04:: $ pip install --user pygit2==0.19.1 On Ubuntu 14.10:: $ pip install --user pygit2==0.20.3 On Ubuntu 15.04 and 15.10:: $ pip install --user pygit2==0.22.1 The rationale behind this is that pygit2 and libgit2 must have the same major.minor version numbers. See * Build the documentation: :: $ cd ~/artiq-dev/artiq/doc/manual $ make html Configuring the core device --------------------------- This should be done after either installation methods (conda or source). .. _flash-mac-ip-addr: * Set the MAC and IP address in the :ref:`core device configuration flash storage `: * You can either set it by generating a flash storage image and then flash it: :: $ artiq_mkfs flash_storage.img -s mac xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -s ip xx.xx.xx.xx $ ~/artiq-dev/artiq/frontend/ -f flash_storage.img * Or you can set it via the runtime test mode command line * Boot the board. * Quickly run flterm (in ``path/to/misoc/tools``) to access the serial console. * If you weren't quick enough to see anything in the serial console, press the reset button. * Wait for "Press 't' to enter test mode..." to appear and hit the ``t`` key. * Enter the following commands (which will erase the flash storage content). :: test> fserase test> fswrite ip xx.xx.xx.xx test> fswrite mac xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx * Then reboot. You should see something like this in the serial console: :: $ ./tools/flterm --port /dev/ttyUSB1 [FLTERM] Starting... MiSoC BIOS (c) Copyright 2007-2014 Sebastien Bourdeauducq [...] Press 't' to enter test mode... Entering test mode. test> fserase test> fswrite ip test> fswrite mac 11:22:33:44:55:66 .. note:: The reset button of the KC705 board is the "CPU_RST" labeled button. .. warning:: Both those instructions will result in the flash storage being wiped out. However you can use the test mode to change the IP/MAC without erasing everything if you skip the "fserase" command. * (optional) Flash the ``idle`` kernel The ``idle`` kernel is the kernel (some piece of code running on the core device) which the core device runs whenever it is not connected to a PC via ethernet. This kernel is therefore stored in the :ref:`core device configuration flash storage `. To flash the ``idle`` kernel: * Compile the ``idle`` experiment: The ``idle`` experiment's ``run()`` method must be a kernel: it must be decorated with the ``@kernel`` decorator (see :ref:`next topic ` for more information about kernels). Since the core device is not connected to the PC, RPCs (calling Python code running on the PC from the kernel) are forbidden in the ``idle`` experiment. :: $ artiq_compile * Write it into the core device configuration flash storage: :: $ artiq_coretool cfg-write -f idle_kernel idle.elf .. note:: You can find more information about how to use the ``artiq_coretool`` utility on the :ref:`Utilities ` page. Ubuntu 14.04 specific instructions ---------------------------------- This command installs all the required packages: :: $ sudo apt-get install build-essential autotools-dev file git patch perl xutils-dev python3-pip texinfo flex bison libmpc-dev python3-serial python3-dateutil python3-prettytable python3-setuptools python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-sphinx python3-h5py python3-dev python-dev subversion cmake libusb-dev libftdi-dev pkg-config libffi-dev libgit2-dev Note that ARTIQ requires Python 3.5.0 or above. To set user permissions on the JTAG and serial ports of the Pipistrello, create a ``/etc/udev/rules.d/30-usb-papilio.rules`` file containing the following: :: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6010", GROUP="dialout" Then reload ``udev``, add your user to the ``dialout`` group, and log out and log in again: :: $ sudo invoke-rc.d udev reload $ sudo adduser dialout $ logout