import inspect, textwrap, ast, types from artiq import units, unparse def find_kernel_body(node): while True: if isinstance(node, ast.Module): if len(node.body) != 1: raise TypeError node = node.body[0] elif isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef): return node.body else: raise TypeError def eval_ast(expr, symdict=dict()): if not isinstance(expr, ast.Expression): expr = ast.Expression(expr) code = compile(expr, "", "eval") return eval(code, symdict) def _try_eval_with_units(node): try: r = eval_ast(node, units.__dict__) except: return node if isinstance(r, units.Quantity): return ast.copy_location(ast.Num(n=r.amount), node) else: return node def explicit_delays(stmts): insertions = [] for i, stmt in enumerate(stmts): if isinstance(stmt, (ast.For, ast.While, ast.If)): explicit_delays(stmt.body) explicit_delays(stmt.orelse) elif isinstance(stmt, ast.With): explicit_delays(stmt.body) elif isinstance(stmt, ast.Expr): if not isinstance(stmt.value, ast.Call) or not isinstance(stmt.value.func, ast.Name): continue call = stmt.value name = if name == "delay": call.args[0] = _try_eval_with_units(call.args[0]) elif name == "pulse": = "pulse_start" insertions.append((i+1, ast.copy_location( ast.Expr(ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id="delay", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[_try_eval_with_units(call.args[2])], keywords=[], starargs=[], kwargs=[])), stmt))) for i, (location, stmt) in enumerate(insertions): stmts.insert(location+i, stmt) def _count_stmts(node): if isinstance(node, (ast.For, ast.While, ast.If)): print(ast.dump(node)) return 1 + _count_stmts(node.body) + _count_stmts(node.orelse) elif isinstance(node, ast.With): return 1 + _count_stmts(node.body) elif isinstance(node, list): return sum(map(_count_stmts, node)) else: return 1 def unroll_loops(stmts, limit): replacements = [] for stmt_i, stmt in enumerate(stmts): if isinstance(stmt, ast.For): try: it = eval_ast(stmt.iter) except: pass else: unroll_loops(stmt.body, limit) unroll_loops(stmt.orelse, limit) l_it = len(it) if l_it: n = l_it*_count_stmts(stmt.body) if n < limit: replacement = [] for i in it: if not isinstance(i, int): replacement = None break replacement.append(ast.copy_location( ast.Assign(targets=[], value=ast.Num(n=i)), stmt)) replacement += stmt.body if replacement is not None: replacements.append((stmt_i, replacement)) else: replacements.append((stmt_i, stmt.orelse)) if isinstance(stmt, (ast.While, ast.If)): unroll_loops(stmt.body, limit) unroll_loops(stmt.orelse, limit) elif isinstance(stmt, ast.With): unroll_loops(stmt.body, limit) offset = 0 for location, new_stmts in replacements: stmts[offset+location:offset+location+1] = new_stmts offset += len(new_stmts) - 1 # -1 statement duration could not be pre-determined # 0 statement has no effect on timeline # >0 statement is a static delay that advances the timeline by the given amount def _get_duration(stmt): if isinstance(stmt, (ast.Expr, ast.Assign)): return _get_duration(stmt.value) elif isinstance(stmt, ast.Call) and isinstance(stmt.func, ast.Name): name = if name == "delay": if isinstance(stmt.args[0], ast.Num): return stmt.args[0].n else: return -1 elif name == "wait_edge": return -1 else: return 0 else: return -1 def _merge_timelines(timelines): r = [] current_stmts = [] for stmts in timelines: it = iter(stmts) try: stmt = next(it) except StopIteration: pass else: current_stmts.append(types.SimpleNamespace(delay=_get_duration(stmt), stmt=stmt, it=it)) while current_stmts: dt = min(stmt.delay for stmt in current_stmts) if dt < 0: # contains statement(s) with indeterminate duration return None if dt > 0: # advance timeline by dt for stmt in current_stmts: stmt.delay -= dt if stmt.delay == 0: ref_stmt = stmt.stmt delay_stmt = ast.copy_location( ast.Expr(ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id="delay", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Num(n=dt)], keywords=[], starargs=[], kwargs=[])), ref_stmt) r.append(delay_stmt) else: for stmt in current_stmts: if stmt.delay == 0: r.append(stmt.stmt) # discard executed statements exhausted_list = [] for stmt_i, stmt in enumerate(current_stmts): if stmt.delay == 0: try: stmt.stmt = next( except StopIteration: exhausted_list.append(stmt_i) else: stmt.delay = _get_duration(stmt.stmt) for offset, i in enumerate(exhausted_list): current_stmts.pop(i-offset) return r def collapse(stmts): replacements = [] for stmt_i, stmt in enumerate(stmts): if isinstance(stmt, (ast.For, ast.While, ast.If)): collapse(stmt.body) collapse(stmt.orelse) elif isinstance(stmt, ast.With): btype = stmt.items[0] if btype == "sequential": collapse(stmt.body) replacements.append((stmt_i, stmt.body)) elif btype == "parallel": timelines = [[s] for s in stmt.body] for timeline in timelines: collapse(timeline) merged = _merge_timelines(timelines) if merged is not None: replacements.append((stmt_i, merged)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown block type: " + btype) offset = 0 for location, new_stmts in replacements: stmts[offset+location:offset+location+1] = new_stmts offset += len(new_stmts) - 1 if __name__ == "__main__": import collapse_test kernel = collapse_test.collapse_test node = ast.parse(textwrap.dedent(inspect.getsource(kernel))) node = find_kernel_body(node) explicit_delays(node) unroll_loops(node, 50) collapse(node) unparse.Unparser(node)