from operator import itemgetter from collections import namedtuple from itertools import count from contextlib import contextmanager from enum import Enum import struct import logging import socket logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MessageType(Enum): output = 0b00 input = 0b01 exception = 0b10 stopped = 0b11 class ExceptionType(Enum): legacy_reset = 0b000000 legacy_reset_falling = 0b000001 legacy_reset_phy = 0b000010 legacy_reset_phy_falling = 0b000011 legacy_o_underflow_reset = 0b010000 legacy_o_sequence_error_reset = 0b010001 legacy_o_collision_reset = 0b010010 legacy_i_overflow_reset = 0b100000 legacy_o_sequence_error = 0b010101 o_underflow = 0b010100 i_overflow = 0b100001 def get_analyzer_dump(host, port=1382): sock = socket.create_connection((host, port)) try: r = bytes() while True: buf = sock.recv(8192) if not buf: break r += buf finally: sock.close() return r OutputMessage = namedtuple( "OutputMessage", "channel timestamp rtio_counter address data") InputMessage = namedtuple( "InputMessage", "channel timestamp rtio_counter data") ExceptionMessage = namedtuple( "ExceptionMessage", "channel rtio_counter exception_type") StoppedMessage = namedtuple( "StoppedMessage", "rtio_counter") def decode_message(data): message_type_channel = struct.unpack(">I", data[28:32])[0] message_type = MessageType(message_type_channel & 0b11) channel = message_type_channel >> 2 if message_type == MessageType.output: parts = struct.unpack(">QIQQ", data[:28]) data, address, rtio_counter, timestamp = parts return OutputMessage(channel, timestamp, rtio_counter, address, data) elif message_type == MessageType.input: parts = struct.unpack(">QIQQ", data[:28]) data, _, rtio_counter, timestamp = parts return InputMessage(channel, timestamp, rtio_counter, data) elif message_type == MessageType.exception: exception_type, rtio_counter = struct.unpack(">BQ", data[11:20]) return ExceptionMessage(channel, rtio_counter, ExceptionType(exception_type)) elif message_type == MessageType.stopped: rtio_counter = struct.unpack(">Q", data[12:20])[0] return StoppedMessage(rtio_counter) else: raise ValueError DecodedDump = namedtuple( "DecodedDump", "log_channel dds_onehot_sel messages") def decode_dump(data): # extract endian byte if data[0] == ord('E'): endian = '>' elif data[0] == ord('e'): endian = '<' else: raise ValueError data = data[1:] # only header is device endian # messages are big endian parts = struct.unpack(endian + "IQbbb", data[:15]) (sent_bytes, total_byte_count, error_occured, log_channel, dds_onehot_sel) = parts expected_len = sent_bytes + 15 if expected_len != len(data): raise ValueError("analyzer dump has incorrect length " "(got {}, expected {})".format( len(data), expected_len)) if error_occured: logger.warning("error occured within the analyzer, " "data may be corrupted") if total_byte_count > sent_bytes:"analyzer ring buffer has wrapped %d times", total_byte_count//sent_bytes) position = 15 messages = [] for _ in range(sent_bytes//32): messages.append(decode_message(data[position:position+32])) position += 32 return DecodedDump(log_channel, bool(dds_onehot_sel), messages) def vcd_codes(): codechars = [chr(i) for i in range(33, 127)] for n in count(): q, r = divmod(n, len(codechars)) code = codechars[r] while q > 0: q, r = divmod(q, len(codechars)) code = codechars[r] + code yield code class VCDChannel: def __init__(self, out, code): self.out = out self.code = code def set_value(self, value): if len(value) > 1: self.out.write("b" + value + " " + self.code + "\n") else: self.out.write(value + self.code + "\n") def set_value_double(self, x): integer_cast = struct.unpack(">Q", struct.pack(">d", x))[0] self.set_value("{:064b}".format(integer_cast)) class VCDManager: def __init__(self, fileobj): self.out = fileobj = vcd_codes() self.current_time = None def set_timescale_ps(self, timescale): self.out.write("$timescale {}ps $end\n".format(round(timescale))) def get_channel(self, name, width): code = next( self.out.write("$var wire {width} {code} {name} $end\n" .format(name=name, code=code, width=width)) return VCDChannel(self.out, code) @contextmanager def scope(self, name): self.out.write("$scope module {} $end\n".format(name)) yield self.out.write("$upscope $end\n") def set_time(self, time): if time != self.current_time: self.out.write("#{}\n".format(time)) self.current_time = time class TTLHandler: def __init__(self, vcd_manager, name): = name self.channel_value = vcd_manager.get_channel("ttl/" + name, 1) self.last_value = "X" self.oe = True def process_message(self, message): if isinstance(message, OutputMessage): logger.debug("TTL write @%d %d to %d, name: %s", message.timestamp,, message.address, if message.address == 0: self.last_value = str( if self.oe: self.channel_value.set_value(self.last_value) elif message.address == 1: self.oe = bool( if self.oe: self.channel_value.set_value(self.last_value) else: self.channel_value.set_value("X") elif isinstance(message, InputMessage): logger.debug("TTL read @%d %d, name: %s", message.timestamp,, self.channel_value.set_value(str( class TTLClockGenHandler: def __init__(self, vcd_manager, name, ref_period): = name self.ref_period = ref_period self.channel_frequency = vcd_manager.get_channel( "ttl_clkgen/" + name, 64) def process_message(self, message): if isinstance(message, OutputMessage): logger.debug("TTL_CLKGEN write @%d %d to %d, name: %s", message.timestamp,, message.address, frequency =**24 self.channel_frequency.set_value_double(frequency) class DDSHandler: def __init__(self, vcd_manager, onehot_sel, sysclk): self.vcd_manager = vcd_manager self.onehot_sel = onehot_sel self.sysclk = sysclk self.selected_dds_channels = set() self.dds_channels = dict() def add_dds_channel(self, name, dds_channel_nr): dds_channel = dict() with self.vcd_manager.scope("dds/{}".format(name)): dds_channel["vcd_frequency"] = \ self.vcd_manager.get_channel(name + "/frequency", 64) dds_channel["vcd_phase"] = \ self.vcd_manager.get_channel(name + "/phase", 64) dds_channel["ftw"] = [None, None] dds_channel["pow"] = None self.dds_channels[dds_channel_nr] = dds_channel def _gpio_to_channels(self, gpio): gpio >>= 1 # strip reset if self.onehot_sel: r = set() nr = 0 mask = 1 while gpio >= mask: if gpio & mask: r.add(nr) nr += 1 mask *= 2 return r else: return {gpio} def _decode_ad9914_write(self, message): if message.address == 0x81: self.selected_dds_channels = self._gpio_to_channels( for dds_channel_nr in self.selected_dds_channels: dds_channel = self.dds_channels[dds_channel_nr] if message.address == 0x11: dds_channel["ftw"][0] = elif message.address == 0x13: dds_channel["ftw"][1] = elif message.address == 0x31: dds_channel["pow"] = elif message.address == 0x80: # FUD if None not in dds_channel["ftw"]: ftw = sum(x << i*16 for i, x in enumerate(dds_channel["ftw"])) frequency = ftw*self.sysclk/2**32 dds_channel["vcd_frequency"].set_value_double(frequency) if dds_channel["pow"] is not None: phase = dds_channel["pow"]/2**16 dds_channel["vcd_phase"].set_value_double(phase) def process_message(self, message): if isinstance(message, OutputMessage): logger.debug("DDS write @%d 0x%04x to 0x%02x, selected channels: %s", message.timestamp,, message.address, self.selected_dds_channels) self._decode_ad9914_write(message) class WishboneHandler: def __init__(self, vcd_manager, name, read_bit): self._reads = [] self._read_bit = read_bit self.stb = vcd_manager.get_channel("{}/{}".format(name, "stb"), 1) def process_message(self, message): self.stb.set_value("1") self.stb.set_value("0") if isinstance(message, OutputMessage): logger.debug("Wishbone out @%d adr=0x%02x data=0x%08x", message.timestamp, message.address, if message.address & self._read_bit: read = self._reads.pop(0) self.process_read( message.address & ~self._read_bit,, read.rtio_counter - message.timestamp) else: self.process_write(message.address, if isinstance(message, InputMessage): logger.debug("Wishbone in @%d data=0x%08x", message.rtio_counter, self._reads.append(message) def process_write(self, address, data): raise NotImplementedError def process_read(self, address, data, read_slack): raise NotImplementedError class SPIMasterHandler(WishboneHandler): def __init__(self, vcd_manager, name): self.channels = {} with vcd_manager.scope("spi/{}".format(name)): super().__init__(vcd_manager, name, read_bit=0b100) for reg_name, reg_width in [ ("config", 32), ("chip_select", 16), ("write_length", 8), ("read_length", 8), ("write", 32), ("read", 32)]: self.channels[reg_name] = vcd_manager.get_channel( "{}/{}".format(name, reg_name), reg_width) def process_write(self, address, data): if address == 0: self.channels["write"].set_value("{:032b}".format(data)) elif address == 1: self.channels["chip_select"].set_value( "{:08b}".format(data & 0xffff)) self.channels["write_length"].set_value( "{:08b}".format(data >> 16 & 0xff)) self.channels["read_length"].set_value( "{:08b}".format(data >> 24 & 0xff)) elif address == 2: self.channels["config"].set_value("{:032b}".format(data)) else: raise ValueError("bad address %d", address) def process_read(self, address, data, read_slack): if address == 0: self.channels["read"].set_value("{:032b}".format(data)) else: raise ValueError("bad address %d", address) class SPIMaster2Handler(WishboneHandler): def __init__(self, vcd_manager, name): self._reads = [] self.channels = {} with vcd_manager.scope("spi2/{}".format(name)): self.stb = vcd_manager.get_channel("{}/{}".format(name, "stb"), 1) for reg_name, reg_width in [ ("flags", 8), ("length", 5), ("div", 8), ("chip_select", 8), ("write", 32), ("read", 32)]: self.channels[reg_name] = vcd_manager.get_channel( "{}/{}".format(name, reg_name), reg_width) def process_message(self, message): self.stb.set_value("1") self.stb.set_value("0") if isinstance(message, OutputMessage): data = address = message.address if address == 1: logger.debug("SPI config @%d data=0x%08x", message.timestamp, data) self.channels["chip_select"].set_value( "{:08b}".format(data >> 24)) self.channels["div"].set_value( "{:08b}".format(data >> 16 & 0xff)) self.channels["length"].set_value( "{:08b}".format(data >> 8 & 0x1f)) self.channels["flags"].set_value( "{:08b}".format(data & 0xff)) elif address == 0: logger.debug("SPI write @%d data=0x%08x", message.timestamp, data) self.channels["write"].set_value("{:032b}".format(data)) else: raise ValueError("bad address", address) # process untimed reads and insert them here while (self._reads and self._reads[0].rtio_counter < message.timestamp): read = self._reads.pop(0) logger.debug("SPI read @%d data=0x%08x", read.rtio_counter, self.channels["read"].set_value("{:032b}".format( elif isinstance(message, InputMessage): self._reads.append(message) def _extract_log_chars(data): r = "" for i in range(4): n = data >> 24 data = (data << 8) & 0xffffffff if not n: continue r += chr(n) return r class LogHandler: def __init__(self, vcd_manager, vcd_log_channels): self.vcd_channels = dict() for name, maxlength in vcd_log_channels.items(): self.vcd_channels[name] = vcd_manager.get_channel("log/" + name, maxlength*8) self.current_entry = "" def process_message(self, message): if isinstance(message, OutputMessage): self.current_entry += _extract_log_chars( if len(self.current_entry) > 1 and self.current_entry[-1] == "\x1D": channel_name, log_message = self.current_entry[:-1].split("\x1E", maxsplit=1) vcd_value = "" for c in log_message: vcd_value += "{:08b}".format(ord(c)) self.vcd_channels[channel_name].set_value(vcd_value) self.current_entry = "" def get_vcd_log_channels(log_channel, messages): vcd_log_channels = dict() log_entry = "" for message in messages: if (isinstance(message, OutputMessage) and == log_channel): log_entry += _extract_log_chars( if len(log_entry) > 1 and log_entry[-1] == "\x1D": channel_name, log_message = log_entry[:-1].split("\x1E", maxsplit=1) l = len(log_message) if channel_name in vcd_log_channels: if vcd_log_channels[channel_name] < l: vcd_log_channels[channel_name] = l else: vcd_log_channels[channel_name] = l log_entry = "" return vcd_log_channels def get_single_device_argument(devices, module, cls, argument): found = None for desc in devices.values(): if isinstance(desc, dict) and desc["type"] == "local": if (desc["module"] == module and desc["class"] in cls): value = desc["arguments"][argument] if found is None: found = value elif value != found: return None # more than one value/device found return found def get_ref_period(devices): return get_single_device_argument(devices, "artiq.coredevice.core", ("Core",), "ref_period") def get_dds_sysclk(devices): return get_single_device_argument(devices, "artiq.coredevice.ad9914", ("AD9914",), "sysclk") def create_channel_handlers(vcd_manager, devices, ref_period, dds_sysclk, dds_onehot_sel): channel_handlers = dict() for name, desc in sorted(devices.items(), key=itemgetter(0)): if isinstance(desc, dict) and desc["type"] == "local": if (desc["module"] == "artiq.coredevice.ttl" and desc["class"] in {"TTLOut", "TTLInOut"}): channel = desc["arguments"]["channel"] channel_handlers[channel] = TTLHandler(vcd_manager, name) if (desc["module"] == "artiq.coredevice.ttl" and desc["class"] == "TTLClockGen"): channel = desc["arguments"]["channel"] channel_handlers[channel] = TTLClockGenHandler(vcd_manager, name, ref_period) if (desc["module"] == "artiq.coredevice.ad9914" and desc["class"] == "AD9914"): dds_bus_channel = desc["arguments"]["bus_channel"] dds_channel = desc["arguments"]["channel"] if dds_bus_channel in channel_handlers: dds_handler = channel_handlers[dds_bus_channel] else: dds_handler = DDSHandler(vcd_manager, dds_onehot_sel, dds_sysclk) channel_handlers[dds_bus_channel] = dds_handler dds_handler.add_dds_channel(name, dds_channel) if (desc["module"] == "artiq.coredevice.spi2" and desc["class"] == "SPIMaster"): channel = desc["arguments"]["channel"] channel_handlers[channel] = SPIMaster2Handler( vcd_manager, name) return channel_handlers def get_message_time(message): return getattr(message, "timestamp", message.rtio_counter) def decoded_dump_to_vcd(fileobj, devices, dump, uniform_interval=False): vcd_manager = VCDManager(fileobj) ref_period = get_ref_period(devices) if ref_period is not None: if not uniform_interval: vcd_manager.set_timescale_ps(ref_period*1e12) else: logger.warning("unable to determine core device ref_period") ref_period = 1e-9 # guess dds_sysclk = get_dds_sysclk(devices) if dds_sysclk is None: logger.warning("unable to determine DDS sysclk") dds_sysclk = 3e9 # guess if isinstance(dump.messages[-1], StoppedMessage): messages = dump.messages[:-1] else: logger.warning("StoppedMessage missing") messages = dump.messages messages = sorted(messages, key=get_message_time) channel_handlers = create_channel_handlers( vcd_manager, devices, ref_period, dds_sysclk, dump.dds_onehot_sel) vcd_log_channels = get_vcd_log_channels(dump.log_channel, messages) channel_handlers[dump.log_channel] = LogHandler( vcd_manager, vcd_log_channels) if uniform_interval: # RTIO event timestamp in machine units timestamp = vcd_manager.get_channel("timestamp", 64) # RTIO time interval between this and the next timed event # in SI seconds interval = vcd_manager.get_channel("interval", 64) slack = vcd_manager.get_channel("rtio_slack", 64) vcd_manager.set_time(0) start_time = 0 for m in messages: start_time = get_message_time(m) if start_time: break t0 = 0 for i, message in enumerate(messages): if in channel_handlers: t = get_message_time(message) - start_time if t >= 0: if uniform_interval: interval.set_value_double((t - t0)*ref_period) vcd_manager.set_time(i) timestamp.set_value("{:064b}".format(t)) t0 = t else: vcd_manager.set_time(t) channel_handlers[].process_message(message) if isinstance(message, OutputMessage): slack.set_value_double( (message.timestamp - message.rtio_counter)*ref_period)