forked from M-Labs/artiq
runtime: support subkernels
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,7 +72,17 @@ pub enum Packet {
DmaRemoveTraceReply { succeeded: bool },
DmaRemoveTraceReply { succeeded: bool },
DmaPlaybackRequest { destination: u8, id: u32, timestamp: u64 },
DmaPlaybackRequest { destination: u8, id: u32, timestamp: u64 },
DmaPlaybackReply { succeeded: bool },
DmaPlaybackReply { succeeded: bool },
DmaPlaybackStatus { destination: u8, id: u32, error: u8, channel: u32, timestamp: u64 }
DmaPlaybackStatus { destination: u8, id: u32, error: u8, channel: u32, timestamp: u64 },
SubkernelAddDataRequest { destination: u8, id: u32, last: bool, length: u16, data: [u8; MASTER_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE] },
SubkernelAddDataReply { succeeded: bool },
SubkernelLoadRunRequest { destination: u8, id: u32, run: bool },
SubkernelLoadRunReply { succeeded: bool },
SubkernelFinished { id: u32, with_exception: bool },
SubkernelExceptionRequest { destination: u8 },
SubkernelException { last: bool, length: u16, data: [u8; SAT_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE] },
SubkernelMessage { destination: u8, id: u32, last: bool, length: u16, data: [u8; MASTER_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE] },
SubkernelMessageAck { destination: u8 },
impl Packet {
impl Packet {
@ -268,6 +278,69 @@ impl Packet {
timestamp: reader.read_u64()?
timestamp: reader.read_u64()?
0xc0 => {
let destination = reader.read_u8()?;
let id = reader.read_u32()?;
let last = reader.read_bool()?;
let length = reader.read_u16()?;
reader.read_exact(&mut data[0..length as usize])?;
Packet::SubkernelAddDataRequest {
destination: destination,
id: id,
last: last,
length: length as u16,
data: data,
0xc1 => Packet::SubkernelAddDataReply {
succeeded: reader.read_bool()?
0xc4 => Packet::SubkernelLoadRunRequest {
destination: reader.read_u8()?,
id: reader.read_u32()?,
run: reader.read_bool()?
0xc5 => Packet::SubkernelLoadRunReply {
succeeded: reader.read_bool()?
0xc8 => Packet::SubkernelFinished {
id: reader.read_u32()?,
with_exception: reader.read_bool()?,
0xc9 => Packet::SubkernelExceptionRequest {
destination: reader.read_u8()?
0xca => {
let last = reader.read_bool()?;
let length = reader.read_u16()?;
let mut data: [u8; SAT_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE] = [0; SAT_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE];
reader.read_exact(&mut data[0..length as usize])?;
Packet::SubkernelException {
last: last,
length: length,
data: data
0xcb => {
let destination = reader.read_u8()?;
let id = reader.read_u32()?;
let last = reader.read_bool()?;
let length = reader.read_u16()?;
reader.read_exact(&mut data[0..length as usize])?;
Packet::SubkernelMessage {
destination: destination,
id: id,
last: last,
length: length as u16,
data: data,
0xcc => Packet::SubkernelMessageAck {
destination: reader.read_u8()?
ty => return Err(Error::UnknownPacket(ty))
ty => return Err(Error::UnknownPacket(ty))
@ -488,7 +561,57 @@ impl Packet {
Packet::SubkernelAddDataRequest { destination, id, last, data, length } => {
writer.write_all(&data[0..length as usize])?;
Packet::SubkernelAddDataReply { succeeded } => {
Packet::SubkernelLoadRunRequest { destination, id, run } => {
Packet::SubkernelLoadRunReply { succeeded } => {
Packet::SubkernelFinished { id, with_exception } => {
Packet::SubkernelExceptionRequest { destination } => {
Packet::SubkernelException { last, length, data } => {
writer.write_all(&data[0..length as usize])?;
Packet::SubkernelMessage { destination, id, last, data, length } => {
writer.write_all(&data[0..length as usize])?;
Packet::SubkernelMessageAck { destination } => {
@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ pub enum Request {
column: u32,
column: u32,
function: u32,
function: u32,
UploadSubkernel { id: u32, destination: u8, kernel: Vec<u8> },
@ -137,6 +139,11 @@ impl Request {
column: reader.read_u32()?,
column: reader.read_u32()?,
function: reader.read_u32()?
function: reader.read_u32()?
9 => Request::UploadSubkernel {
id: reader.read_u32()?,
destination: reader.read_u8()?,
kernel: reader.read_bytes()?
ty => return Err(Error::UnknownPacket(ty))
ty => return Err(Error::UnknownPacket(ty))
@ -87,3 +87,329 @@ unsafe fn load_image(image: &[u8]) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
pub fn validate(ptr: usize) -> bool {
pub fn validate(ptr: usize) -> bool {
pub mod subkernel {
use alloc::{vec::Vec, collections::btree_map::BTreeMap, string::String, string::ToString};
use core::str;
use board_artiq::drtio_routing::RoutingTable;
use board_misoc::clock;
use proto_artiq::{drtioaux_proto::MASTER_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE, rpc_proto as rpc};
use io::Cursor;
use rtio_mgt::drtio;
use sched::{Io, Mutex, Error as SchedError};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum FinishStatus {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum SubkernelState {
Finished { status: FinishStatus },
#[derive(Fail, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
#[fail(display = "Timed out waiting for subkernel")]
#[fail(display = "Session killed while waiting for subkernel")]
#[fail(display = "Subkernel is in incorrect state for the given operation")]
#[fail(display = "DRTIO error: {}", _0)]
#[fail(display = "scheduler error")]
#[fail(display = "rpc io error")]
#[fail(display = "subkernel finished prematurely")]
impl From<&str> for Error {
fn from(value: &str) -> Error {
impl From<SchedError> for Error {
fn from(value: SchedError) -> Error {
match value {
SchedError::Interrupted => Error::SessionKilled,
x => Error::SchedError(x)
impl From<io::Error<!>> for Error {
fn from(_value: io::Error<!>) -> Error {
pub struct SubkernelFinished {
pub id: u32,
pub comm_lost: bool,
pub exception: Option<Vec<u8>>
struct Subkernel {
pub destination: u8,
pub data: Vec<u8>,
pub state: SubkernelState
impl Subkernel {
pub fn new(destination: u8, data: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
Subkernel {
destination: destination,
data: data,
state: SubkernelState::NotLoaded
static mut SUBKERNELS: BTreeMap<u32, Subkernel> = BTreeMap::new();
pub fn add_subkernel(io: &Io, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex, id: u32, destination: u8, kernel: Vec<u8>) {
let _lock = subkernel_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
unsafe { SUBKERNELS.insert(id, Subkernel::new(destination, kernel)); }
pub fn upload(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &RoutingTable, id: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _lock = subkernel_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
let subkernel = unsafe { SUBKERNELS.get_mut(&id).unwrap() };
drtio::subkernel_upload(io, aux_mutex, routing_table, id,
subkernel.destination, &;
subkernel.state = SubkernelState::Uploaded;
pub fn load(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex, routing_table: &RoutingTable,
id: u32, run: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _lock = subkernel_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
let subkernel = unsafe { SUBKERNELS.get_mut(&id).unwrap() };
if subkernel.state != SubkernelState::Uploaded {
return Err(Error::IncorrectState);
drtio::subkernel_load(io, aux_mutex, routing_table, id, subkernel.destination, run)?;
if run {
subkernel.state = SubkernelState::Running;
pub fn clear_subkernels(io: &Io, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex) {
let _lock = subkernel_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
unsafe {
SUBKERNELS = BTreeMap::new();
MESSAGE_QUEUE = Vec::new();
pub fn subkernel_finished(io: &Io, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex, id: u32, with_exception: bool) {
// called upon receiving DRTIO SubkernelRunDone
let _lock = subkernel_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
let subkernel = unsafe { SUBKERNELS.get_mut(&id) };
// may be None if session ends and is cleared
if let Some(subkernel) = subkernel {
subkernel.state = SubkernelState::Finished {
status: match with_exception {
true => FinishStatus::Exception,
false => FinishStatus::Ok,
pub fn destination_changed(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &RoutingTable, destination: u8, up: bool) {
let _lock = subkernel_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
let subkernels_iter = unsafe { SUBKERNELS.iter_mut() };
for (id, subkernel) in subkernels_iter {
if subkernel.destination == destination {
if up {
match drtio::subkernel_upload(io, aux_mutex, routing_table, *id, destination, &
Ok(_) => subkernel.state = SubkernelState::Uploaded,
Err(e) => error!("Error adding subkernel on destination {}: {}", destination, e)
} else {
subkernel.state = match subkernel.state {
SubkernelState::Running => SubkernelState::Finished { status: FinishStatus::CommLost },
_ => SubkernelState::NotLoaded,
pub fn retrieve_finish_status(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &RoutingTable, id: u32) -> Result<SubkernelFinished, Error> {
let _lock = subkernel_mutex.lock(io)?;
let mut subkernel = unsafe { SUBKERNELS.get_mut(&id).unwrap() };
match subkernel.state {
SubkernelState::Finished { status } => {
subkernel.state = SubkernelState::Uploaded;
Ok(SubkernelFinished {
id: id,
comm_lost: status == FinishStatus::CommLost,
exception: if status == FinishStatus::Exception {
Some(drtio::subkernel_retrieve_exception(io, aux_mutex,
routing_table, subkernel.destination)?)
} else { None }
_ => Err(Error::IncorrectState)
pub fn await_finish(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &RoutingTable, id: u32, timeout: u64) -> Result<SubkernelFinished, Error> {
let _lock = subkernel_mutex.lock(io)?;
match unsafe { SUBKERNELS.get(&id).unwrap().state } {
SubkernelState::Running | SubkernelState::Finished { .. } => (),
_ => return Err(Error::IncorrectState)
let max_time = clock::get_ms() + timeout as u64;
let _res = io.until(|| {
if clock::get_ms() > max_time {
return true;
if subkernel_mutex.test_lock() {
// cannot lock again within io.until - scheduler guarantees
// that it will not be interrupted - so only test the lock
return false;
let subkernel = unsafe { SUBKERNELS.get(&id).unwrap() };
match subkernel.state {
SubkernelState::Finished { .. } => true,
_ => false
if clock::get_ms() > max_time {
error!("Remote subkernel finish await timed out");
return Err(Error::Timeout);
retrieve_finish_status(io, aux_mutex, subkernel_mutex, routing_table, id)
pub struct Message {
from_id: u32,
pub tag_count: u8,
pub tag: u8,
pub data: Vec<u8>
// FIFO queue of messages
static mut MESSAGE_QUEUE: Vec<Message> = Vec::new();
// currently under construction message(s) (can be from multiple sources)
static mut CURRENT_MESSAGES: BTreeMap<u32, Message> = BTreeMap::new();
pub fn message_handle_incoming(io: &Io, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
id: u32, last: bool, length: usize, data: &[u8; MASTER_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE]) {
// called when receiving a message from satellite
let _lock = match subkernel_mutex.lock(io) {
Ok(lock) => lock,
// may get interrupted, when session is cancelled or main kernel finishes without await
Err(_) => return,
if unsafe { SUBKERNELS.get(&id).is_none() } {
// do not add messages for non-existing or deleted subkernels
match unsafe { CURRENT_MESSAGES.get_mut(&id) } {
Some(message) =>[..length]),
None => unsafe {
CURRENT_MESSAGES.insert(id, Message {
from_id: id,
tag_count: data[0],
tag: data[1],
data: data[2..length].to_vec()
if last {
unsafe {
// when done, remove from working queue
pub fn message_await(io: &Io, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex, id: u32, timeout: u64
) -> Result<Message, Error> {
let _lock = subkernel_mutex.lock(io)?;
match unsafe { SUBKERNELS.get(&id).unwrap().state } {
SubkernelState::Finished { .. } => return Err(Error::SubkernelFinished),
SubkernelState::Running => (),
_ => return Err(Error::IncorrectState)
let max_time = clock::get_ms() + timeout as u64;
let message = io.until_ok(|| {
if clock::get_ms() > max_time {
return Ok(None);
if subkernel_mutex.test_lock() {
return Err(());
let msg_len = unsafe { MESSAGE_QUEUE.len() };
for i in 0..msg_len {
let msg = unsafe { &MESSAGE_QUEUE[i] };
if msg.from_id == id {
return Ok(Some(unsafe { MESSAGE_QUEUE.remove(i) }));
match unsafe { SUBKERNELS.get(&id).unwrap().state } {
SubkernelState::Finished { .. } => return Ok(None),
_ => ()
match message {
Ok(Some(message)) => Ok(message),
Ok(None) => {
if clock::get_ms() > max_time {
} else {
let _lock = subkernel_mutex.lock(io)?;
match unsafe { SUBKERNELS.get(&id).unwrap().state } {
SubkernelState::Finished { .. } => Err(Error::SubkernelFinished),
_ => Err(Error::IncorrectState)
Err(e) => Err(Error::SchedError(e)),
pub fn message_send<'a>(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &RoutingTable, id: u32, count: u8, tag: &'a [u8], message: *const *const ()
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut writer = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
let _lock = subkernel_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
let destination = unsafe { SUBKERNELS.get(&id).unwrap().destination };
// reuse rpc code for sending arbitrary data
rpc::send_args(&mut writer, 0, tag, message)?;
// skip service tag, but overwrite first byte with tag count
let data = &mut writer.into_inner()[3..];
data[0] = count;
io, aux_mutex, routing_table, id, destination, data
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#![feature(lang_items, panic_info_message, const_btree_new, iter_advance_by)]
#![feature(lang_items, panic_info_message, const_btree_new, iter_advance_by, never_type)]
extern crate dyld;
extern crate dyld;
@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ fn startup() {
let aux_mutex = sched::Mutex::new();
let aux_mutex = sched::Mutex::new();
let ddma_mutex = sched::Mutex::new();
let ddma_mutex = sched::Mutex::new();
let subkernel_mutex = sched::Mutex::new();
let mut scheduler = sched::Scheduler::new(interface);
let mut scheduler = sched::Scheduler::new(interface);
let io =;
let io =;
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ fn startup() {
io.spawn(4096, dhcp::dhcp_thread);
io.spawn(4096, dhcp::dhcp_thread);
rtio_mgt::startup(&io, &aux_mutex, &drtio_routing_table, &up_destinations, &ddma_mutex);
rtio_mgt::startup(&io, &aux_mutex, &drtio_routing_table, &up_destinations, &ddma_mutex, &subkernel_mutex);
io.spawn(4096, mgmt::thread);
io.spawn(4096, mgmt::thread);
@ -205,7 +206,8 @@ fn startup() {
let drtio_routing_table = drtio_routing_table.clone();
let drtio_routing_table = drtio_routing_table.clone();
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
let ddma_mutex = ddma_mutex.clone();
let ddma_mutex = ddma_mutex.clone();
io.spawn(16384, move |io| { session::thread(io, &aux_mutex, &drtio_routing_table, &up_destinations, &ddma_mutex) });
let subkernel_mutex = subkernel_mutex.clone();
io.spawn(32768, move |io| { session::thread(io, &aux_mutex, &drtio_routing_table, &up_destinations, &ddma_mutex, &subkernel_mutex) });
#[cfg(any(has_rtio_moninj, has_drtio))]
#[cfg(any(has_rtio_moninj, has_drtio))]
@ -21,18 +21,20 @@ pub mod drtio {
use rtio_dma::remote_dma;
use rtio_dma::remote_dma;
use analyzer::remote_analyzer::RemoteBuffer;
use analyzer::remote_analyzer::RemoteBuffer;
use kernel::subkernel;
pub fn startup(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
pub fn startup(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
ddma_mutex: &Mutex) {
ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex) {
let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone();
let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone();
let routing_table = routing_table.clone();
let routing_table = routing_table.clone();
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
let ddma_mutex = ddma_mutex.clone();
let ddma_mutex = ddma_mutex.clone();
let subkernel_mutex = subkernel_mutex.clone();
io.spawn(8192, move |io| {
io.spawn(8192, move |io| {
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
link_thread(io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &up_destinations, &ddma_mutex);
link_thread(io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &up_destinations, &ddma_mutex, &subkernel_mutex);
@ -61,14 +63,26 @@ pub mod drtio {
fn process_async_packets(io: &Io, ddma_mutex: &Mutex, packet: drtioaux::Packet
fn process_async_packets(io: &Io, ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8,
) -> Option<drtioaux::Packet> {
packet: drtioaux::Packet) -> Option<drtioaux::Packet> {
// returns None if an async packet has been consumed
// returns None if an async packet has been consumed
match packet {
match packet {
drtioaux::Packet::DmaPlaybackStatus { id, destination, error, channel, timestamp } => {
drtioaux::Packet::DmaPlaybackStatus { id, destination, error, channel, timestamp } => {
remote_dma::playback_done(io, ddma_mutex, id, destination, error, channel, timestamp);
remote_dma::playback_done(io, ddma_mutex, id, destination, error, channel, timestamp);
drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelFinished { id, with_exception } => {
subkernel::subkernel_finished(io, subkernel_mutex, id, with_exception);
drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelMessage { id, destination: from, last, length, data } => {
subkernel::message_handle_incoming(io, subkernel_mutex, id, last, length as usize, &data);
// acknowledge receiving part of the message
&drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelMessageAck { destination: from }
other => Some(other)
other => Some(other)
@ -166,13 +180,14 @@ pub mod drtio {
fn process_unsolicited_aux(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, ddma_mutex: &Mutex) {
fn process_unsolicited_aux(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8) {
let _lock = aux_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
let _lock = aux_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
match drtioaux::recv(linkno) {
match drtioaux::recv(linkno) {
Ok(Some(drtioaux::Packet::DmaPlaybackStatus { id, destination, error, channel, timestamp })) => {
Ok(Some(packet)) => {
remote_dma::playback_done(io, ddma_mutex, id, destination, error, channel, timestamp);
if let Some(packet) = process_async_packets(io, ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex, linkno, packet) {
warn!("[LINK#{}] unsolicited aux packet: {:?}", linkno, packet);
Ok(Some(packet)) => warn!("[LINK#{}] unsolicited aux packet: {:?}", linkno, packet),
Ok(None) => (),
Ok(None) => (),
Err(_) => warn!("[LINK#{}] aux packet error", linkno)
Err(_) => warn!("[LINK#{}] aux packet error", linkno)
@ -221,7 +236,7 @@ pub mod drtio {
fn destination_survey(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
fn destination_survey(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
up_links: &[bool],
up_links: &[bool],
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
ddma_mutex: &Mutex) {
ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex) {
for destination in 0..drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT {
for destination in 0..drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT {
let hop = routing_table.0[destination][0];
let hop = routing_table.0[destination][0];
let destination = destination as u8;
let destination = destination as u8;
@ -241,11 +256,12 @@ pub mod drtio {
destination: destination
destination: destination
if let Ok(reply) = reply {
if let Ok(reply) = reply {
let reply = process_async_packets(io, ddma_mutex, reply);
let reply = process_async_packets(io, ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex, linkno, reply);
match reply {
match reply {
Some(drtioaux::Packet::DestinationDownReply) => {
Some(drtioaux::Packet::DestinationDownReply) => {
destination_set_up(routing_table, up_destinations, destination, false);
destination_set_up(routing_table, up_destinations, destination, false);
remote_dma::destination_changed(io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, routing_table, destination, false);
remote_dma::destination_changed(io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, routing_table, destination, false);
subkernel::destination_changed(io, aux_mutex, subkernel_mutex, routing_table, destination, false);
Some(drtioaux::Packet::DestinationOkReply) => (),
Some(drtioaux::Packet::DestinationOkReply) => (),
Some(drtioaux::Packet::DestinationSequenceErrorReply { channel }) => {
Some(drtioaux::Packet::DestinationSequenceErrorReply { channel }) => {
@ -276,6 +292,7 @@ pub mod drtio {
} else {
} else {
destination_set_up(routing_table, up_destinations, destination, false);
destination_set_up(routing_table, up_destinations, destination, false);
remote_dma::destination_changed(io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, routing_table, destination, false);
remote_dma::destination_changed(io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, routing_table, destination, false);
subkernel::destination_changed(io, aux_mutex, subkernel_mutex, routing_table, destination, false);
} else {
} else {
if up_links[linkno as usize] {
if up_links[linkno as usize] {
@ -289,6 +306,7 @@ pub mod drtio {
destination_set_up(routing_table, up_destinations, destination, true);
destination_set_up(routing_table, up_destinations, destination, true);
init_buffer_space(destination as u8, linkno);
init_buffer_space(destination as u8, linkno);
remote_dma::destination_changed(io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, routing_table, destination, true);
remote_dma::destination_changed(io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, routing_table, destination, true);
subkernel::destination_changed(io, aux_mutex, subkernel_mutex, routing_table, destination, true);
Ok(packet) => error!("[DEST#{}] received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", destination, packet),
Ok(packet) => error!("[DEST#{}] received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", destination, packet),
Err(e) => error!("[DEST#{}] communication failed ({})", destination, e)
Err(e) => error!("[DEST#{}] communication failed ({})", destination, e)
@ -302,7 +320,7 @@ pub mod drtio {
pub fn link_thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
pub fn link_thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
ddma_mutex: &Mutex) {
ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex) {
let mut up_links = [false; csr::DRTIO.len()];
let mut up_links = [false; csr::DRTIO.len()];
loop {
loop {
for linkno in 0..csr::DRTIO.len() {
for linkno in 0..csr::DRTIO.len() {
@ -310,7 +328,7 @@ pub mod drtio {
if up_links[linkno as usize] {
if up_links[linkno as usize] {
/* link was previously up */
/* link was previously up */
if link_rx_up(linkno) {
if link_rx_up(linkno) {
process_unsolicited_aux(&io, aux_mutex, linkno, ddma_mutex);
process_unsolicited_aux(&io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex, linkno);
} else {
} else {
info!("[LINK#{}] link is down", linkno);
info!("[LINK#{}] link is down", linkno);
@ -340,7 +358,7 @@ pub mod drtio {
destination_survey(&io, aux_mutex, routing_table, &up_links, up_destinations, ddma_mutex);
destination_survey(&io, aux_mutex, routing_table, &up_links, up_destinations, ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex);
@ -483,6 +501,74 @@ pub mod drtio {
pub fn subkernel_upload(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
id: u32, destination: u8, data: &Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let linkno = routing_table.0[destination as usize][0] - 1;
partition_data(data, |slice, last, len: usize| {
let reply = aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno,
&drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelAddDataRequest {
id: id, destination: destination, last: last, length: len as u16, data: *slice});
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelAddDataReply { succeeded: true }) => Ok(()),
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelAddDataReply { succeeded: false }) =>
Err("error adding subkernel on satellite"),
Ok(_) => Err("adding subkernel failed, unexpected aux packet"),
Err(_) => Err("adding subkernel failed, aux error")
pub fn subkernel_load(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
id: u32, destination: u8, run: bool) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let linkno = routing_table.0[destination as usize][0] - 1;
let reply = aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno,
&drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelLoadRunRequest{ id: id, destination: destination, run: run });
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelLoadRunReply { succeeded: true }) => return Ok(()),
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelLoadRunReply { succeeded: false }) =>
return Err("error on subkernel run request"),
Ok(_) => return Err("received unexpected aux packet during subkernel run"),
Err(_) => return Err("aux error on subkernel run")
pub fn subkernel_retrieve_exception(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable, destination: u8
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, &'static str> {
let linkno = routing_table.0[destination as usize][0] - 1;
let mut remote_data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
loop {
let reply = aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno,
&drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelExceptionRequest { destination: destination });
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelException { last, length, data }) => {
remote_data.extend(&data[0..length as usize]);
if last {
return Ok(remote_data);
Ok(_) => return Err("received unexpected aux packet during subkernel exception request"),
Err(e) => return Err(e)
pub fn subkernel_send_message(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable, id: u32, destination: u8, message: &[u8]
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let linkno = routing_table.0[destination as usize][0] - 1;
partition_data(message, |slice, last, len: usize| {
let reply = aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno,
&drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelMessage {
destination: destination, id: id, last: last, length: len as u16, data: *slice});
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelMessageAck { .. }) => Ok(()),
Ok(_) => Err("sending message to subkernel failed, unexpected aux packet"),
Err(_) => Err("sending message to subkernel, aux error")
@ -492,7 +578,7 @@ pub mod drtio {
pub fn startup(_io: &Io, _aux_mutex: &Mutex,
pub fn startup(_io: &Io, _aux_mutex: &Mutex,
_routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
_routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
_up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
_up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
_ddma_mutex: &Mutex) {}
_ddma_mutex: &Mutex, _subkernel_mutex: &Mutex) {}
pub fn reset(_io: &Io, _aux_mutex: &Mutex) {}
pub fn reset(_io: &Io, _aux_mutex: &Mutex) {}
@ -556,9 +642,9 @@ fn read_device_map() -> DeviceMap {
pub fn startup(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
pub fn startup(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
ddma_mutex: &Mutex) {
ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex) {
drtio::startup(io, aux_mutex, routing_table, up_destinations, ddma_mutex);
drtio::startup(io, aux_mutex, routing_table, up_destinations, ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex);
unsafe {
unsafe {
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
use core::{mem, str, cell::{Cell, RefCell}, fmt::Write as FmtWrite};
use core::{mem, str, cell::{Cell, RefCell}, fmt::Write as FmtWrite};
use alloc::{vec::Vec, string::String};
use alloc::{vec::Vec, string::{String, ToString}};
use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NativeEndian};
use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NativeEndian};
use cslice::CSlice;
use cslice::CSlice;
use io::{Read, Write, Error as IoError};
use io::{Read, Write, Error as IoError};
use io::{Cursor, ProtoRead};
use board_misoc::{ident, cache, config};
use board_misoc::{ident, cache, config};
use {mailbox, rpc_queue, kernel};
use {mailbox, rpc_queue, kernel};
use urc::Urc;
use urc::Urc;
@ -12,6 +14,8 @@ use rtio_clocking;
use rtio_dma::Manager as DmaManager;
use rtio_dma::Manager as DmaManager;
use rtio_dma::remote_dma;
use rtio_dma::remote_dma;
use kernel::{subkernel, subkernel::Error as SubkernelError};
use rtio_mgt::get_async_errors;
use rtio_mgt::get_async_errors;
use cache::Cache;
use cache::Cache;
use kern_hwreq;
use kern_hwreq;
@ -33,6 +37,11 @@ pub enum Error<T> {
#[fail(display = "protocol error: {}", _0)]
#[fail(display = "protocol error: {}", _0)]
Protocol(#[cause] host::Error<T>),
Protocol(#[cause] host::Error<T>),
#[fail(display = "subkernel io error")]
#[fail(display = "subkernel error: {}", _0)]
Subkernel(#[cause] SubkernelError),
#[fail(display = "{}", _0)]
#[fail(display = "{}", _0)]
@ -55,10 +64,42 @@ impl From<IoError<SchedError>> for Error<SchedError> {
impl From<&str> for Error<SchedError> {
fn from(value: &str) -> Error<SchedError> {
impl From<io::Error<!>> for Error<SchedError> {
fn from(_value: io::Error<!>) -> Error<SchedError> {
impl From<SubkernelError> for Error<SchedError> {
fn from(value: SubkernelError) -> Error<SchedError> {
macro_rules! unexpected {
macro_rules! unexpected {
($($arg:tt)*) => (return Err(Error::Unexpected(format!($($arg)*))));
($($arg:tt)*) => (return Err(Error::Unexpected(format!($($arg)*))));
macro_rules! propagate_subkernel_exception {
( $exception:ident, $stream:ident ) => {
error!("Exception in subkernel");
match $stream {
None => return Ok(true),
Some(ref mut $stream) => {
// Persistent state
// Persistent state
struct Congress {
struct Congress {
@ -131,6 +172,8 @@ fn host_read<R>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<host::Request, Error<R::ReadError>>
let request = host::Request::read_from(reader)?;
let request = host::Request::read_from(reader)?;
match &request {
match &request {
&host::Request::LoadKernel(_) => debug!("comm<-host LoadLibrary(...)"),
&host::Request::LoadKernel(_) => debug!("comm<-host LoadLibrary(...)"),
&host::Request::UploadSubkernel { id, destination, kernel: _} => debug!(
"comm<-host UploadSubkernel(id: {}, destination: {}, ...)", id, destination),
_ => debug!("comm<-host {:?}", request)
_ => debug!("comm<-host {:?}", request)
@ -233,8 +276,8 @@ fn kern_run(session: &mut Session) -> Result<(), Error<SchedError>> {
fn process_host_message(io: &Io,
fn process_host_message(io: &Io, _aux_mutex: &Mutex, _ddma_mutex: &Mutex, _subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
stream: &mut TcpStream,
_routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable, stream: &mut TcpStream,
session: &mut Session) -> Result<(), Error<SchedError>> {
session: &mut Session) -> Result<(), Error<SchedError>> {
match host_read(stream)? {
match host_read(stream)? {
host::Request::SystemInfo => {
host::Request::SystemInfo => {
@ -245,7 +288,7 @@ fn process_host_message(io: &Io,
host::Request::LoadKernel(kernel) =>
host::Request::LoadKernel(kernel) => {
match unsafe { kern_load(io, session, &kernel) } {
match unsafe { kern_load(io, session, &kernel) } {
Ok(()) => host_write(stream, host::Reply::LoadCompleted)?,
Ok(()) => host_write(stream, host::Reply::LoadCompleted)?,
Err(error) => {
Err(error) => {
@ -254,6 +297,7 @@ fn process_host_message(io: &Io,
host_write(stream, host::Reply::LoadFailed(&description))?;
host_write(stream, host::Reply::LoadFailed(&description))?;
host::Request::RunKernel =>
host::Request::RunKernel =>
match kern_run(session) {
match kern_run(session) {
@ -323,6 +367,23 @@ fn process_host_message(io: &Io,
session.kernel_state = KernelState::Running
session.kernel_state = KernelState::Running
host::Request::UploadSubkernel { id: _id, destination: _dest, kernel: _kernel } => {
subkernel::add_subkernel(io, _subkernel_mutex, _id, _dest, _kernel);
match subkernel::upload(io, _aux_mutex, _subkernel_mutex, _routing_table, _id) {
Ok(_) => host_write(stream, host::Reply::LoadCompleted)?,
Err(error) => {
let mut description = String::new();
write!(&mut description, "{}", error).unwrap();
host_write(stream, host::Reply::LoadFailed(&description))?
host_write(stream, host::Reply::LoadFailed("No DRTIO on this system, subkernels are not supported"))?
@ -331,7 +392,7 @@ fn process_host_message(io: &Io,
fn process_kern_message(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
fn process_kern_message(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
ddma_mutex: &Mutex, mut stream: Option<&mut TcpStream>,
ddma_mutex: &Mutex, _subkernel_mutex: &Mutex, mut stream: Option<&mut TcpStream>,
session: &mut Session) -> Result<bool, Error<SchedError>> {
session: &mut Session) -> Result<bool, Error<SchedError>> {
kern_recv_notrace(io, |request| {
kern_recv_notrace(io, |request| {
match (request, session.kernel_state) {
match (request, session.kernel_state) {
@ -510,6 +571,111 @@ fn process_kern_message(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
&kern::SubkernelLoadRunRequest { id, run } => {
let succeeded = match subkernel::load(
io, aux_mutex, _subkernel_mutex, routing_table, id, run) {
Ok(()) => true,
Err(e) => { error!("Error loading subkernel: {}", e); false }
kern_send(io, &kern::SubkernelLoadRunReply { succeeded: succeeded })
&kern::SubkernelAwaitFinishRequest{ id, timeout } => {
let res = subkernel::await_finish(io, aux_mutex, _subkernel_mutex, routing_table,
id, timeout);
let status = match res {
Ok(ref res) => {
if res.comm_lost {
} else if let Some(exception) = &res.exception {
propagate_subkernel_exception!(exception, stream);
// will not be called after exception is served
} else {
Err(SubkernelError::Timeout) => kern::SubkernelStatus::Timeout,
Err(SubkernelError::IncorrectState) => kern::SubkernelStatus::IncorrectState,
Err(_) => kern::SubkernelStatus::OtherError
kern_send(io, &kern::SubkernelAwaitFinishReply { status: status })
&kern::SubkernelMsgSend { id, count, tag, data } => {
subkernel::message_send(io, aux_mutex, _subkernel_mutex, routing_table, id, count, tag, data)?;
&kern::SubkernelMsgRecvRequest { id, timeout } => {
let message_received = subkernel::message_await(io, _subkernel_mutex, id, timeout);
let (status, count) = match message_received {
Ok(ref message) => (kern::SubkernelStatus::NoError, message.tag_count),
Err(SubkernelError::Timeout) => (kern::SubkernelStatus::Timeout, 0),
Err(SubkernelError::IncorrectState) => (kern::SubkernelStatus::IncorrectState, 0),
Err(SubkernelError::SubkernelFinished) => {
let res = subkernel::retrieve_finish_status(io, aux_mutex, _subkernel_mutex,
routing_table, id)?;
if res.comm_lost {
(kern::SubkernelStatus::CommLost, 0)
} else if let Some(exception) = &res.exception {
propagate_subkernel_exception!(exception, stream);
(kern::SubkernelStatus::OtherError, 0)
} else {
(kern::SubkernelStatus::OtherError, 0)
Err(_) => (kern::SubkernelStatus::OtherError, 0)
kern_send(io, &kern::SubkernelMsgRecvReply { status: status, count: count })?;
if let Ok(message) = message_received {
// receive code almost identical to RPC recv, except we are not reading from a stream
let mut reader = Cursor::new(;
let mut tag: [u8; 1] = [message.tag];
let mut i = 0;
loop {
// kernel has to consume all arguments in the whole message
let slot = kern_recv(io, |reply| {
match reply {
&kern::RpcRecvRequest(slot) => Ok(slot),
other => unexpected!(
"expected root value slot from kernel CPU, not {:?}", other)
let res = rpc::recv_return(&mut reader, &tag, slot, &|size| -> Result<_, Error<SchedError>> {
if size == 0 {
return Ok(0 as *mut ())
kern_send(io, &kern::RpcRecvReply(Ok(size)))?;
Ok(kern_recv(io, |reply| {
match reply {
&kern::RpcRecvRequest(slot) => Ok(slot),
other => unexpected!(
"expected nested value slot from kernel CPU, not {:?}", other)
match res {
Ok(_) => kern_send(io, &kern::RpcRecvReply(Ok(0)))?,
Err(_) => unexpected!("expected valid subkernel message data")
i += 1;
if i < message.tag_count {
// update the tag for next read
tag[0] = reader.read_u8()?;
} else {
// should be done by then
} else {
// if timed out, no data has been received, exception should be raised by kernel
request => unexpected!("unexpected request {:?} from kernel CPU", request)
request => unexpected!("unexpected request {:?} from kernel CPU", request)
@ -530,13 +696,17 @@ fn process_kern_queued_rpc(stream: &mut TcpStream,
fn host_kernel_worker(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
fn host_kernel_worker(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
ddma_mutex: &Mutex, stream: &mut TcpStream,
ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex,
stream: &mut TcpStream,
congress: &mut Congress) -> Result<(), Error<SchedError>> {
congress: &mut Congress) -> Result<(), Error<SchedError>> {
let mut session = Session::new(congress);
let mut session = Session::new(congress);
subkernel::clear_subkernels(&io, &subkernel_mutex);
loop {
loop {
if stream.can_recv() {
if stream.can_recv() {
process_host_message(io, stream, &mut session)?
process_host_message(io, aux_mutex, ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex,
routing_table, stream, &mut session)?
} else if !stream.may_recv() {
} else if !stream.may_recv() {
return Ok(())
return Ok(())
@ -548,7 +718,7 @@ fn host_kernel_worker(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
if mailbox::receive() != 0 {
if mailbox::receive() != 0 {
process_kern_message(io, aux_mutex,
process_kern_message(io, aux_mutex,
routing_table, up_destinations,
routing_table, up_destinations,
ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex,
Some(stream), &mut session)?;
Some(stream), &mut session)?;
@ -566,7 +736,7 @@ fn host_kernel_worker(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
fn flash_kernel_worker(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
fn flash_kernel_worker(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
ddma_mutex: &Mutex, congress: &mut Congress,
ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex, congress: &mut Congress,
config_key: &str) -> Result<(), Error<SchedError>> {
config_key: &str) -> Result<(), Error<SchedError>> {
let mut session = Session::new(congress);
let mut session = Session::new(congress);
@ -588,7 +758,7 @@ fn flash_kernel_worker(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
if mailbox::receive() != 0 {
if mailbox::receive() != 0 {
if process_kern_message(io, aux_mutex, routing_table, up_destinations, ddma_mutex, None, &mut session)? {
if process_kern_message(io, aux_mutex, routing_table, up_destinations, ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex, None, &mut session)? {
return Ok(())
return Ok(())
@ -619,7 +789,7 @@ fn respawn<F>(io: &Io, handle: &mut Option<ThreadHandle>, f: F)
pub fn thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
pub fn thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
ddma_mutex: &Mutex) {
ddma_mutex: &Mutex, subkernel_mutex: &Mutex) {
let listener = TcpListener::new(&io, 65535);
let listener = TcpListener::new(&io, 65535);
listener.listen(1381).expect("session: cannot listen");
listener.listen(1381).expect("session: cannot listen");
info!("accepting network sessions");
info!("accepting network sessions");
@ -628,9 +798,11 @@ pub fn thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
let mut kernel_thread = None;
let mut kernel_thread = None;
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
let mut congress = congress.borrow_mut();
let mut congress = congress.borrow_mut();
info!("running startup kernel");
info!("running startup kernel");
match flash_kernel_worker(&io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table.borrow(), &up_destinations, ddma_mutex, &mut congress, "startup_kernel") {
match flash_kernel_worker(&io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &up_destinations,
ddma_mutex, subkernel_mutex, &mut congress, "startup_kernel") {
Ok(()) =>
Ok(()) =>
info!("startup kernel finished"),
info!("startup kernel finished"),
Err(Error::KernelNotFound) =>
Err(Error::KernelNotFound) =>
@ -671,12 +843,14 @@ pub fn thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
let congress = congress.clone();
let congress = congress.clone();
let ddma_mutex = ddma_mutex.clone();
let ddma_mutex = ddma_mutex.clone();
let subkernel_mutex = subkernel_mutex.clone();
let stream = stream.into_handle();
let stream = stream.into_handle();
respawn(&io, &mut kernel_thread, move |io| {
respawn(&io, &mut kernel_thread, move |io| {
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
let mut congress = congress.borrow_mut();
let mut congress = congress.borrow_mut();
let mut stream = TcpStream::from_handle(&io, stream);
let mut stream = TcpStream::from_handle(&io, stream);
match host_kernel_worker(&io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &up_destinations, &ddma_mutex, &mut stream, &mut *congress) {
match host_kernel_worker(&io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &up_destinations,
&ddma_mutex, &subkernel_mutex, &mut stream, &mut *congress) {
Ok(()) => (),
Ok(()) => (),
Err(Error::Protocol(host::Error::Io(IoError::UnexpectedEnd))) =>
Err(Error::Protocol(host::Error::Io(IoError::UnexpectedEnd))) =>
info!("connection closed"),
info!("connection closed"),
@ -689,6 +863,8 @@ pub fn thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
stream.close().expect("session: close socket");
stream.close().expect("session: close socket");
subkernel::clear_subkernels(&io, &subkernel_mutex);
@ -700,10 +876,12 @@ pub fn thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
let congress = congress.clone();
let congress = congress.clone();
let ddma_mutex = ddma_mutex.clone();
let ddma_mutex = ddma_mutex.clone();
let subkernel_mutex = subkernel_mutex.clone();
respawn(&io, &mut kernel_thread, move |io| {
respawn(&io, &mut kernel_thread, move |io| {
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
let mut congress = congress.borrow_mut();
let mut congress = congress.borrow_mut();
match flash_kernel_worker(&io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &up_destinations, &ddma_mutex, &mut *congress, "idle_kernel") {
match flash_kernel_worker(&io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &up_destinations,
&ddma_mutex, &subkernel_mutex, &mut *congress, "idle_kernel") {
Ok(()) =>
Ok(()) =>
info!("idle kernel finished, standing by"),
info!("idle kernel finished, standing by"),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user