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The :mod:`iodelay` module contains the classes describing
the statically inferred RTIO delay arising from executing
a function.
2015-11-17 06:30:19 +08:00
from functools import reduce
class Expr:
def __add__(lhs, rhs):
assert isinstance(rhs, Expr)
return Add(lhs, rhs)
__iadd__ = __add__
def __sub__(lhs, rhs):
assert isinstance(rhs, Expr)
return Sub(lhs, rhs)
__isub__ = __sub__
def __mul__(lhs, rhs):
assert isinstance(rhs, Expr)
return Mul(lhs, rhs)
__imul__ = __mul__
def __truediv__(lhs, rhs):
assert isinstance(rhs, Expr)
return TrueDiv(lhs, rhs)
__itruediv__ = __truediv__
def __floordiv__(lhs, rhs):
assert isinstance(rhs, Expr)
return FloorDiv(lhs, rhs)
__ifloordiv__ = __floordiv__
def __ne__(lhs, rhs):
return not (lhs == rhs)
def free_vars(self):
return set()
def fold(self, vars=None):
return self
class Const(Expr):
_priority = 1
def __init__(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, (int, float))
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
def __eq__(lhs, rhs):
return rhs.__class__ == lhs.__class__ and lhs.value == rhs.value
def eval(self, env):
return self.value
class Var(Expr):
_priority = 1
def __init__(self, name):
assert isinstance(name, str) = name
def __str__(self):
def __eq__(lhs, rhs):
return rhs.__class__ == lhs.__class__ and ==
def free_vars(self):
return {}
def fold(self, vars=None):
if vars is not None and in vars:
return vars[]
return self
class Conv(Expr):
_priority = 1
def __init__(self, operand, ref_period):
assert isinstance(operand, Expr)
assert isinstance(ref_period, float)
self.operand, self.ref_period = operand, ref_period
def __eq__(lhs, rhs):
return rhs.__class__ == lhs.__class__ and \
lhs.ref_period == rhs.ref_period and \
lhs.operand == rhs.operand
def free_vars(self):
return self.operand.free_vars()
def fold(self, vars=None):
return self.__class__(self.operand.fold(vars),
class MUToS(Conv):
def __str__(self):
return "mu->s({})".format(self.operand)
def eval(self, env):
return self.operand.eval(env) * self.ref_period
class SToMU(Conv):
def __str__(self):
return "s->mu({})".format(self.operand)
def eval(self, env):
return self.operand.eval(env) / self.ref_period
class BinOp(Expr):
def __init__(self, lhs, rhs):
self.lhs, self.rhs = lhs, rhs
def __str__(self):
lhs = "({})".format(self.lhs) if self.lhs._priority > self._priority else str(self.lhs)
rhs = "({})".format(self.rhs) if self.rhs._priority > self._priority else str(self.rhs)
return "{} {} {}".format(lhs, self._symbol, rhs)
def __eq__(lhs, rhs):
return rhs.__class__ == lhs.__class__ and lhs.lhs == rhs.lhs and lhs.rhs == rhs.rhs
def eval(self, env):
return self.__class__._op(self.lhs.eval(env), self.rhs.eval(env))
def free_vars(self):
return self.lhs.free_vars() | self.rhs.free_vars()
def _fold_binop(self, lhs, rhs):
if isinstance(lhs, Const) and lhs.__class__ == rhs.__class__:
return Const(self.__class__._op(lhs.value, rhs.value))
elif isinstance(lhs, (MUToS, SToMU)) and lhs.__class__ == rhs.__class__:
return lhs.__class__(self.__class__(lhs.operand, rhs.operand),
return self.__class__(lhs, rhs)
def fold(self, vars=None):
return self._fold_binop(self.lhs.fold(vars), self.rhs.fold(vars))
class BinOpFixpoint(BinOp):
def _fold_binop(self, lhs, rhs):
if isinstance(lhs, Const) and lhs.value == self._fixpoint:
return rhs
elif isinstance(rhs, Const) and rhs.value == self._fixpoint:
return lhs
return super()._fold_binop(lhs, rhs)
class Add(BinOpFixpoint):
_priority = 2
_symbol = "+"
_op = lambda a, b: a + b
_fixpoint = 0
class Mul(BinOpFixpoint):
_priority = 1
_symbol = "*"
_op = lambda a, b: a * b
_fixpoint = 1
class Sub(BinOp):
_priority = 2
_symbol = "-"
_op = lambda a, b: a - b
def _fold_binop(self, lhs, rhs):
if isinstance(rhs, Const) and rhs.value == 0:
return lhs
return super()._fold_binop(lhs, rhs)
class Div(BinOp):
def _fold_binop(self, lhs, rhs):
if isinstance(rhs, Const) and rhs.value == 1:
return lhs
return super()._fold_binop(lhs, rhs)
class TrueDiv(Div):
_priority = 1
_symbol = "/"
_op = lambda a, b: a / b if b != 0 else 0
class FloorDiv(Div):
_priority = 1
_symbol = "//"
_op = lambda a, b: a // b if b != 0 else 0
class Max(Expr):
_priority = 1
def __init__(self, operands):
assert isinstance(operands, list)
assert all([isinstance(operand, Expr) for operand in operands])
self.operands = operands
def __str__(self):
return "max({})".format(", ".join([str(operand) for operand in self.operands]))
def __eq__(lhs, rhs):
return rhs.__class__ == lhs.__class__ and lhs.operands == rhs.operands
def free_vars(self):
return reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, [operand.free_vars() for operand in self.operands])
def eval(self, env):
return max([operand.eval() for operand in self.operands])
def fold(self, vars=None):
consts, exprs = [], []
for operand in self.operands:
operand = operand.fold(vars)
if isinstance(operand, Const):
2015-11-17 08:06:07 +08:00
elif operand not in exprs:
if any(consts):
if len(exprs) == 1:
return exprs[0]
return Max(exprs)
def is_const(expr, value=None):
expr = expr.fold()
if value is None:
return isinstance(expr, Const)
return isinstance(expr, Const) and expr.value == value
def is_zero(expr):
return is_const(expr, 0)