#[allow(unused)] use crate::{register, register_bit, register_bits, register_at, regs::RegisterW, regs::RegisterRW}; pub enum PllSource { IoPll = 0b00, ArmPll = 0b10, DdrPll = 0b11, } pub fn with_slcr R, R>(mut f: F) -> R { unsafe { SlcrUnlock::new() }.unlock(); let r = f(); unsafe { SlcrLock::new() }.lock(); r } register!(slcr_lock, SlcrLock, WO, u32); register_bits!(slcr_lock, lock_key, u16, 0, 15); register_at!(SlcrLock, 0xF8000004, new); impl SlcrLock { pub fn lock(&self) { unsafe { self.write( Self::zeroed() .lock_key(0x767B) ); } } } register!(slcr_unlock, SlcrUnlock, WO, u32); register_bits!(slcr_unlock, unlock_key, u16, 0, 15); register_at!(SlcrUnlock, 0xF8000008, new); impl SlcrUnlock { pub fn unlock(&self) { unsafe { self.write( Self::zeroed() .unlock_key(0xDF0D) ); } } } register!(aper_clk_ctrl, AperClkCtrl, RW, u32); register_bit!(aper_clk_ctrl, uart1_cpu_1xclkact, 21); register_bit!(aper_clk_ctrl, uart0_cpu_1xclkact, 20); register_at!(AperClkCtrl, 0xF800012C, new); impl AperClkCtrl { pub fn enable_uart0(&self) { self.modify(|_, w| w.uart0_cpu_1xclkact(true)); } pub fn enable_uart1(&self) { self.modify(|_, w| w.uart1_cpu_1xclkact(true)); } } register!(uart_clk_ctrl, UartClkCtrl, RW, u32); register_bit!(uart_clk_ctrl, clkact0, 0); register_bit!(uart_clk_ctrl, clkact1, 1); register_bits!(uart_clk_ctrl, divisor, u8, 8, 13); register_bits!(uart_clk_ctrl, srcsel, u8, 4, 5); register_at!(UartClkCtrl, 0xF8000154, new); impl UartClkCtrl { pub fn enable_uart0(&self) { self.modify(|_, w| { // a. Clock divisor, slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL[DIVISOR] = 0x14. // b. Select the IO PLL, slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL[SRCSEL] = 0. // c. Enable the UART 0 Reference clock, slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL [CLKACT0] = 1. w.divisor(0x14) .srcsel(PllSource::IoPll as u8) .clkact0(true) }) } pub fn enable_uart1(&self) { self.modify(|_, w| { // a. Clock divisor, slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL[DIVISOR] = 0x14. // b. Select the IO PLL, slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL[SRCSEL] = 0. // c. Enable the UART 1 Reference clock, slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL [CLKACT1] = 1. w.divisor(0x14) .srcsel(PllSource::IoPll as u8) .clkact1(true) }) } } register!(uart_rst_ctrl, UartRstCtrl, RW, u32); register_bit!(uart_rst_ctrl, uart0_ref_rst, 3); register_bit!(uart_rst_ctrl, uart1_ref_rst, 2); register_bit!(uart_rst_ctrl, uart0_cpu1x_rst, 1); register_bit!(uart_rst_ctrl, uart1_cpu1x_rst, 0); register_at!(UartRstCtrl, 0xF8000228, new); impl UartRstCtrl { pub fn reset_uart0(&self) { self.modify(|_, w| w.uart0_ref_rst(true)); self.modify(|_, w| w.uart0_ref_rst(false)); } pub fn reset_uart1(&self) { self.modify(|_, w| w.uart1_ref_rst(true)); self.modify(|_, w| w.uart1_ref_rst(false)); } }