add support for cora z7 in tmux script

Stewart Mackenzie 2020-01-24 07:51:29 +08:00
parent 8c10f27dce
commit 43722eff8b
2 changed files with 25 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ end
def zynq-restart
mon xilinx_ps7_init
#mon load_image zc706.elf 0x00000000 elf
load zc706.elf
# easily typed shortcuts

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@ -2,17 +2,30 @@
#! nix-shell -i bash -p gdb openocd cgdb tmux
tmux -2 new-session -d -s $SESSION
tmux new-window -t $SESSION:1 -n 'ZC706'
tmux split-window -h
tmux select-pane -t 0
tmux send-keys "stty 115200 < /dev/ttyUSB1 && cat /dev/ttyUSB1" C-m
tmux select-pane -t 1
tmux send-keys "sleep 10 && cgdb zc706.elf -x openocd/gdb-zynq-commands" C-m
tmux split-window -v
tmux resize-pane -D 20
tmux send-keys "cd openocd && openocd -f zc706.cfg -c reset init" C-m
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]
tmux -2 new-session -d -s $SESSION
tmux new-window -t $SESSION:1 -n 'ZC706'
tmux split-window -h
tmux select-pane -t 0
tmux send-keys "stty 115200 < /dev/ttyUSB1 && cat /dev/ttyUSB1" C-m
tmux select-pane -t 1
tmux send-keys "sleep 10 && cgdb zc706.elf -x openocd/gdb-zynq-commands" C-m
tmux split-window -v
tmux resize-pane -D 20
tmux send-keys "cd openocd && openocd -f zc706.cfg -c reset init" C-m
tmux -2 new-session -d -s $SESSION
tmux new-window -t $SESSION:1 -n 'CORA Z7'
tmux split-window -h
tmux select-pane -t 0
tmux send-keys "stty 115200 < /dev/ttyUSB1 && cat /dev/ttyUSB1" C-m
tmux select-pane -t 1
tmux send-keys "sleep 10 && cgdb target/armv7-none-eabihf/release/zc706-experiments -x openocd/gdb-zynq-commands" C-m
tmux split-window -v
tmux resize-pane -D 20
tmux send-keys "cd openocd && openocd -f cora-z7-10.cfg -c reset init" C-m
# Set default window
tmux select-window -t $SESSION:1