Urukul/Mirny: spellchecks, style #65

sb10q merged 3 commits from architeuthis/datasheets:rf-spellchecks into master 2024-11-16 10:44:25 +08:00

Spellchecks, style, formatting. Edit of PGF plots in 4456 to get rid of Latex font error. Assumes the existence of the code section macro from #64. PDFs attached (hopefully successfully this time...?)

Spellchecks, style, formatting. Edit of PGF plots in 4456 to get rid of Latex font error. Assumes the existence of the code section macro from #64. PDFs attached (hopefully successfully this time...?)
architeuthis force-pushed rf-spellchecks from d562e5ec68 to da10356a0f 2024-11-15 03:52:35 +08:00 Compare
sb10q merged commit 49c06af717 into master 2024-11-16 10:44:25 +08:00
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Reference: sinara-hw/datasheets#65
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