Housekeeping: image directories, preamble.tex #57
@ -44,15 +44,6 @@ indirectly controlled by the DRTIO Master.
% Switch to next column
% Switch to next column
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#1, gobble=4]{python}{#2}
@ -77,7 +68,7 @@ indirectly controlled by the DRTIO Master.
% USB Mirco B port with USB-UART converter, north west of the FPGA
% USB Mirco B port with USB-UART converter, north west of the FPGA
\draw (-3.2, 1.2) node[twoportshape, t={USB Micro B}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (usb) {};
\draw (-3.2, 1.2) node[twoportshape, t={USB Micro B}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (usb) {};
\draw (-2, 1.2) node[twoportshape, t={\MymyLabel{USB-UART}{Converter}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (uart) {};
\draw (-2, 1.2) node[twoportshape, t={\fourcm{USB-UART}{Converter}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (uart) {};
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (usb.north) -- (uart.south);
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (usb.north) -- (uart.south);
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (uart.north) -- (-1.3, 1.2) -- (-1.3, 0.4) -- (-0.85, 0.4);
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (uart.north) -- (-1.3, 1.2) -- (-1.3, 0.4) -- (-0.85, 0.4);
@ -90,8 +81,8 @@ indirectly controlled by the DRTIO Master.
% Clock signal cleaning path, south of the FPGA,
% Clock signal cleaning path, south of the FPGA,
% clock signal loop from the south west to the south east
% clock signal loop from the south west to the south east
\draw (-0.8, -2.1) node[twoportshape, t={\MymyLabel{Clock}{Multiplier}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (clk_mul) {};
\draw (-0.8, -2.1) node[twoportshape, t={\fourcm{Clock}{Multiplier}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (clk_mul) {};
\draw (0.8, -2.1) node[twoportshape, t={\MymyLabel{Clock}{Buffer}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (clk_buf) {};
\draw (0.8, -2.1) node[twoportshape, t={\fourcm{Clock}{Buffer}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (clk_buf) {};
\draw [-latexslim] (-0.85, -0.8) -- (-1.6, -0.8) -- (-1.6, -1.9) -- (-1.05, -1.9);
\draw [-latexslim] (-0.85, -0.8) -- (-1.6, -0.8) -- (-1.6, -1.9) -- (-1.05, -1.9);
% % A dashed path from EXT CLK to CDR CLK
% % A dashed path from EXT CLK to CDR CLK
\draw [dashed, -latexslim] (fpga.west) -- (-0.6, 0) -- (-0.6, -0.8) -- (-0.85, -0.8);
\draw [dashed, -latexslim] (fpga.west) -- (-0.6, 0) -- (-0.6, -0.8) -- (-0.85, -0.8);
@ -144,7 +135,7 @@ indirectly controlled by the DRTIO Master.
\draw [-latexslim] (1.6, -2.1) -- (mmcx3);
\draw [-latexslim] (1.6, -2.1) -- (mmcx3);
% Memory modules, north of the FPGA
% Memory modules, north of the FPGA
\draw (-0.55, 2.4) node[twoportshape, t={\MymyLabel{SPI}{Flash}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.3, scale=0.5] (spi_flash) {};
\draw (-0.55, 2.4) node[twoportshape, t={\fourcm{SPI}{Flash}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.3, scale=0.5] (spi_flash) {};
\draw (0.55, 2.4) node[twoportshape, t={SDRAM}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.3, scale=0.5] (sdram) {};
\draw (0.55, 2.4) node[twoportshape, t={SDRAM}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.3, scale=0.5] (sdram) {};
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (spi_flash.south) -- (-0.55, 1.05);
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (spi_flash.south) -- (-0.55, 1.05);
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (sdram.south) -- (0.55, 1.05);
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (sdram.south) -- (0.55, 1.05);
@ -41,14 +41,6 @@ This card can achieve higher speed and lower jitter than the isolated 2118/2128
% Switch to next column
% Switch to next column
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#1, gobble=4]{python}{#2}
@ -221,12 +213,12 @@ This card can achieve higher speed and lower jitter than the isolated 2118/2128
\node[fill=white, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] at (bank3.west) {Bank 3};
\node[fill=white, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] at (bank3.west) {Bank 3};
% Draw bus transceivers
% Draw bus transceivers
\draw (3.25, -0.7) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{IO Bus}{Transceivers}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=3.2, scale=0.7, rotate=-90 ] (bus0) {};
\draw (3.25, -0.7) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{IO Bus}{Transceivers}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=3.2, scale=0.7, rotate=-90 ] (bus0) {};
\draw (3.25, -5.6) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{IO Bus}{Transceivers}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=3.2, scale=0.7, rotate=-90 ] (bus1) {};
\draw (3.25, -5.6) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{IO Bus}{Transceivers}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=3.2, scale=0.7, rotate=-90 ] (bus1) {};
% Draw termination switches
% Draw termination switches
% Bus transceiver 0
% Bus transceiver 0
\draw (1.7, 1.2) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{High-Z/50\textOmega}{Switch \phantom{ssssss} }, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.4] (termswitch0) {};
\draw (1.7, 1.2) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{High-Z/50\textOmega}{Switch \phantom{ssssss} }, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.4] (termswitch0) {};
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.8cm, yshift=1.23cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.8cm, yshift=1.23cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
@ -249,7 +241,7 @@ This card can achieve higher speed and lower jitter than the isolated 2118/2128
% Bus transceiver 1
% Bus transceiver 1
\draw (1.5, -2.6) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{High-Z/50\textOmega}{Switch \phantom{ssssss} }, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.4] (termswitch1) {};
\draw (1.5, -2.6) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{High-Z/50\textOmega}{Switch \phantom{ssssss} }, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.4] (termswitch1) {};
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.6cm, yshift=-2.57cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.6cm, yshift=-2.57cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
@ -272,7 +264,7 @@ This card can achieve higher speed and lower jitter than the isolated 2118/2128
% Bus transceiver 2
% Bus transceiver 2
\draw (1.7, -3.7) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{High-Z/50\textOmega}{Switch \phantom{ssssss} }, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.4] (termswitch2) {};
\draw (1.7, -3.7) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{High-Z/50\textOmega}{Switch \phantom{ssssss} }, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.4] (termswitch2) {};
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.8cm, yshift=-3.67cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.8cm, yshift=-3.67cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
@ -295,7 +287,7 @@ This card can achieve higher speed and lower jitter than the isolated 2118/2128
% Bus transceiver 3
% Bus transceiver 3
\draw (1.5, -7.5) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{High-Z/50\textOmega}{Switch \phantom{ssssss} }, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.4] (termswitch3) {};
\draw (1.5, -7.5) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{High-Z/50\textOmega}{Switch \phantom{ssssss} }, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.4] (termswitch3) {};
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.6cm, yshift=-7.47cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.6cm, yshift=-7.47cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
@ -364,20 +356,20 @@ This card can achieve higher speed and lower jitter than the isolated 2118/2128
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (mcx15) -- (2.9, -7);
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (mcx15) -- (2.9, -7);
% Draw LVDS transceivers
% Draw LVDS transceivers
\draw (5.05, -0.025) node[twoportshape,t={\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiver}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.5, rotate=-90 ] (lvds0) {};
\draw (5.05, -0.025) node[twoportshape,t={\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiver}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.5, rotate=-90 ] (lvds0) {};
\draw (5.05, -1.675) node[twoportshape,t={\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiver}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.5, rotate=-90 ] (lvds1) {};
\draw (5.05, -1.675) node[twoportshape,t={\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiver}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.5, rotate=-90 ] (lvds1) {};
\draw (5.05, -4.625) node[twoportshape,t={\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiver}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.5, rotate=-90 ] (lvds2) {};
\draw (5.05, -4.625) node[twoportshape,t={\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiver}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.5, rotate=-90 ] (lvds2) {};
\draw (5.05, -6.275) node[twoportshape,t={\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiver}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.5, rotate=-90 ] (lvds3) {};
\draw (5.05, -6.275) node[twoportshape,t={\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiver}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.5, rotate=-90 ] (lvds3) {};
% Aesthetic EEPROM at each end of LVDS transceivers
% Aesthetic EEPROM at each end of LVDS transceivers
\draw (5.05, 1.1) node[twoportshape,t={EEPROM}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (eeprom0) {};
\draw (5.05, 1.1) node[twoportshape,t={EEPROM}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (eeprom0) {};
\draw (5.05, -7.4) node[twoportshape,t={EEPROM}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (eeprom1) {};
\draw (5.05, -7.4) node[twoportshape,t={EEPROM}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (eeprom1) {};
% I/O expander
% I/O expander
\draw (6.65, -3.5) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{IO Expander}{for I2C Bus}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5] (i2c) {};
\draw (6.65, -3.5) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{IO Expander}{for I2C Bus}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5] (i2c) {};
% I/O direction switches
% I/O direction switches
\draw (5.05, -2.8) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{Per-bank \phantom{space} }{Input/Output Switch}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.44] (ioswitch) {};
\draw (5.05, -2.8) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{Per-bank \phantom{space} }{Input/Output Switch}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.44] (ioswitch) {};
\begin{scope}[xshift=5.3cm, yshift=-2.57cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\begin{scope}[xshift=5.3cm, yshift=-2.57cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
@ -49,29 +49,21 @@ Only shielded Ethernet Cat-6 cables should be connected.
% Switch to next column
% Switch to next column
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#2, gobble=#1]{python}{#3}
\begin{circuitikz}[european, scale=0.95, every label/.append style={align=center}]
\begin{circuitikz}[european, scale=0.95, every label/.append style={align=center}]
% RJ45 Connectors
% RJ45 Connectors
\draw (0, 2.8) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{RJ45}{CH 0-3}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.4, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eth0) {};
\draw (0, 2.8) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{RJ45}{CH 0-3}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.4, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eth0) {};
\draw (0, 1.0) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{RJ45}{CH 4-7}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.4, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eth1) {};
\draw (0, 1.0) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{RJ45}{CH 4-7}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.4, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eth1) {};
\draw (0, -1.0) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{RJ45}{CH 8-11}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.4, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eth2) {};
\draw (0, -1.0) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{RJ45}{CH 8-11}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.4, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eth2) {};
\draw (0, -2.8) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{RJ45}{CH 12-15}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.4, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eth3) {};
\draw (0, -2.8) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{RJ45}{CH 12-15}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.4, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eth3) {};
% Repeaters for channels
% Repeaters for channels
% Channel 7 repeaters
% Channel 7 repeaters
\draw (1.8, 0.4) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{CH 7}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep7) {};
\draw (1.8, 0.4) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{CH 7}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep7) {};
% Omission dots
% Omission dots
\node at (1.8, 0.8)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (1.8, 0.8)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
@ -79,10 +71,10 @@ Only shielded Ethernet Cat-6 cables should be connected.
\node at (1.8, 1.2)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (1.8, 1.2)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
% Channel 4 repeaters
% Channel 4 repeaters
\draw (1.8, 1.6) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{CH 4}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep4) {};
\draw (1.8, 1.6) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{CH 4}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep4) {};
% Channel 3 repeaters
% Channel 3 repeaters
\draw (1.8, 2.2) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{CH 3}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep3) {};
\draw (1.8, 2.2) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{CH 3}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep3) {};
% Omission dots
% Omission dots
\node at (1.8, 2.6)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (1.8, 2.6)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
@ -90,10 +82,10 @@ Only shielded Ethernet Cat-6 cables should be connected.
\node at (1.8, 3.0)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (1.8, 3.0)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
% Channel 0 repeaters
% Channel 0 repeaters
\draw (1.8, 3.4) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{CH 0}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep0) {};
\draw (1.8, 3.4) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{CH 0}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep0) {};
% Channel 8 repeaters
% Channel 8 repeaters
\draw (1.8, -0.4) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{CH 8}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep8) {};
\draw (1.8, -0.4) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{CH 8}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep8) {};
% Omission dots
% Omission dots
\node at (1.8, -0.8)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (1.8, -0.8)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
@ -101,10 +93,10 @@ Only shielded Ethernet Cat-6 cables should be connected.
\node at (1.8, -1.2)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (1.8, -1.2)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
% Channel 11 repeaters
% Channel 11 repeaters
\draw (1.8, -1.6) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{CH 11}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep11) {};
\draw (1.8, -1.6) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{CH 11}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep11) {};
% Channel 12 repeaters
% Channel 12 repeaters
\draw (1.8, -2.2) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{CH 12}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep12) {};
\draw (1.8, -2.2) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{CH 12}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep12) {};
% Omission dots
% Omission dots
\node at (1.8, -2.6)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (1.8, -2.6)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
@ -112,11 +104,11 @@ Only shielded Ethernet Cat-6 cables should be connected.
\node at (1.8, -3.0)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (1.8, -3.0)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
% Channel 15 repeaters
% Channel 15 repeaters
\draw (1.8, -3.4) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{CH 15}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep15) {};
\draw (1.8, -3.4) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{CH 15}{Repeaters}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5] (rep15) {};
% Direction switches
% Direction switches
\draw (4.6, 0.4) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{Per-channel \phantom{spac} x8 }{Input/Output Switch}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.5] (ioswitch0) {};
\draw (4.6, 0.4) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{Per-channel \phantom{spac} x8 }{Input/Output Switch}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.5] (ioswitch0) {};
\draw (4.6, -0.4) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{Per-channel \phantom{spac} x8 }{Input/Output Switch}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.5] (ioswitch1) {};
\draw (4.6, -0.4) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{Per-channel \phantom{spac} x8 }{Input/Output Switch}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.5] (ioswitch1) {};
\begin{scope}[xshift=5cm, yshift=0.65cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\begin{scope}[xshift=5cm, yshift=0.65cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\draw (0.4, 0) to[short,-o](0.75, 0);
\draw (0.4, 0) to[short,-o](0.75, 0);
\draw (0.78, 0)-- +(30: 0.46);
\draw (0.78, 0)-- +(30: 0.46);
@ -129,8 +121,8 @@ Only shielded Ethernet Cat-6 cables should be connected.
% I2C I/O expanders
% I2C I/O expanders
\draw (4.6, 1.6) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{IO Expander}{for I2C Bus}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.5] (i2c0) {};
\draw (4.6, 1.6) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{IO Expander}{for I2C Bus}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.5] (i2c0) {};
\draw (4.6, -1.6) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{IO Expander}{for I2C Bus}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.5] (i2c1) {};
\draw (4.6, -1.6) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{IO Expander}{for I2C Bus}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.5] (i2c1) {};
% 2 Aesthetic EEPROMs
% 2 Aesthetic EEPROMs
\draw (4.6, 2.2) node[twoportshape,t={EEPROM}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.5] (eeprom0) {};
\draw (4.6, 2.2) node[twoportshape,t={EEPROM}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.5] (eeprom0) {};
@ -44,15 +44,6 @@ RF switches (1ns temporal resolution) on each channel provides 70 dB isolation.
% Switch to next column
% Switch to next column
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#1, gobble=4]{python}{#2}
@ -159,7 +150,7 @@ RF switches (1ns temporal resolution) on each channel provides 70 dB isolation.
\draw (3.8, -0.35) node[twoportshape, t={CPLD}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.1, scale=0.8, rotate=-90] (cpld) {};
\draw (3.8, -0.35) node[twoportshape, t={CPLD}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.1, scale=0.8, rotate=-90] (cpld) {};
% Synthronization clock buffer for DDS block
% Synthronization clock buffer for DDS block
\draw (3.5, -2.5) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{Sync}{Buffer}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (sync_buf) {};
\draw (3.5, -2.5) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{Sync}{Buffer}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (sync_buf) {};
% Connect CPLD to:
% Connect CPLD to:
% DDS clock buffer
% DDS clock buffer
@ -175,10 +166,10 @@ RF switches (1ns temporal resolution) on each channel provides 70 dB isolation.
\draw [-latexslim] (sync_buf.south) -- ++ (0, -0.3) -- ++ (-1.05, 0);
\draw [-latexslim] (sync_buf.south) -- ++ (0, -0.3) -- ++ (-1.05, 0);
% LVDS Transceivers
% LVDS Transceivers
\draw (6, 0) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5] (lvds0) {};
\draw (6, 0) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5] (lvds0) {};
\draw (6, -0.7) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5] (lvds1) {};
\draw (6, -0.7) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5] (lvds1) {};
\draw (6, -2.5) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5] (lvds2) {};
\draw (6, -2.5) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5] (lvds2) {};
\draw (6, -3.2) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5] (lvds3) {};
\draw (6, -3.2) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5] (lvds3) {};
% Connect CPLD to transceivers
% Connect CPLD to transceivers
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (lvds0.west) -- ++ (-1.13, 0);
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (lvds0.west) -- ++ (-1.13, 0);
@ -244,7 +235,7 @@ RF switches (1ns temporal resolution) on each channel provides 70 dB isolation.
\draw (3, 0) node[buffer, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=-0.5] (amp) {};
\draw (3, 0) node[buffer, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=-0.5] (amp) {};
% Attenuators {0, 1, 2, 3} for amplifiers {0, 1, 2, 3}
% Attenuators {0, 1, 2, 3} for amplifiers {0, 1, 2, 3}
\draw (4.6, 0) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{Digital}{Attenuator}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (att) {};
\draw (4.6, 0) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{Digital}{Attenuator}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (att) {};
% DDS {0, 1, 2, 3} for attenuators {0, 1, 2, 3}
% DDS {0, 1, 2, 3} for attenuators {0, 1, 2, 3}
\draw (6.6, 0) node[twoportshape, t={DDS}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.7] (dds) {};
\draw (6.6, 0) node[twoportshape, t={DDS}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.7] (dds) {};
@ -43,15 +43,6 @@ RF switches on each channel provides at least 50 dB isolation.
% Switch to next column
% Switch to next column
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#1, gobble=4]{python}{#2}
@ -208,8 +199,8 @@ RF switches on each channel provides at least 50 dB isolation.
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (cpld.east) -- (afe.west);
\draw [latexslim-latexslim] (cpld.east) -- (afe.west);
% Draw LVDS transceivers, EEM
% Draw LVDS transceivers, EEM
\draw (6.2, 0) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (lvds0) {};
\draw (6.2, 0) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (lvds0) {};
\draw (6.2, -1.6) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (lvds1) {};
\draw (6.2, -1.6) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (lvds1) {};
\draw (7.8, -1.5) node[twoportshape, t={EEM Port}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=3.8, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (eem) {};
\draw (7.8, -1.5) node[twoportshape, t={EEM Port}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=3.8, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (eem) {};
% Connect LVDS transceiver to CPLD
% Connect LVDS transceiver to CPLD
@ -248,7 +239,7 @@ RF switches on each channel provides at least 50 dB isolation.
\draw (3, 0) node[buffer, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=-0.5] (amp) {};
\draw (3, 0) node[buffer, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=-0.5] (amp) {};
% Attenuators {0, 1, 2, 3} for amplifiers {0, 1, 2, 3}
% Attenuators {0, 1, 2, 3} for amplifiers {0, 1, 2, 3}
\draw (4.6, 0) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{Digital}{Attenuator}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (att) {};
\draw (4.6, 0) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{Digital}{Attenuator}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (att) {};
% PLL {0, 1, 2, 3} for attenuators {0, 1, 2, 3}
% PLL {0, 1, 2, 3} for attenuators {0, 1, 2, 3}
\draw (6.6, 0) node[twoportshape, t={PLL}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.7] (pll) {};
\draw (6.6, 0) node[twoportshape, t={PLL}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.7] (pll) {};
@ -45,15 +45,6 @@ However, the sample rate in practice is typically limited by the use of ARTIQ-Py
% Switch to next column
% Switch to next column
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#1, gobble=4]{python}{#2}
@ -139,7 +130,7 @@ However, the sample rate in practice is typically limited by the use of ARTIQ-Py
% Draw termination switches
% Draw termination switches
\draw (1.0, 1.925) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{100k/50\textOmega}{Switch \phantom{s} x8}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.5, scale=0.5] (termswitch) {};
\draw (1.0, 1.925) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{100k/50\textOmega}{Switch \phantom{s} x8}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.5, scale=0.5] (termswitch) {};
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.2cm, yshift=1.925cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.2cm, yshift=1.925cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
@ -151,14 +142,14 @@ However, the sample rate in practice is typically limited by the use of ARTIQ-Py
% Draw PGIAs
% Draw PGIAs
% The connections are too complicated for the usual buffer/op-amp symbol
% The connections are too complicated for the usual buffer/op-amp symbol
\draw (3, 2.45) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{CH 0}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia0) {};
\draw (3, 2.45) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{CH 0}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia0) {};
\draw (3, 1.75) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{CH 1}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia1) {};
\draw (3, 1.75) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{CH 1}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia1) {};
\draw (3, 1.05) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{CH 2}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia2) {};
\draw (3, 1.05) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{CH 2}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia2) {};
\draw (3, 0.35) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{CH 3}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia3) {};
\draw (3, 0.35) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{CH 3}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia3) {};
\draw (3, -0.35) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{CH 4}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia4) {};
\draw (3, -0.35) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{CH 4}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia4) {};
\draw (3, -1.05) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{CH 5}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia5) {};
\draw (3, -1.05) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{CH 5}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia5) {};
\draw (3, -1.75) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{CH 6}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia6) {};
\draw (3, -1.75) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{CH 6}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia6) {};
\draw (3, -2.45) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{CH 7}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia7) {};
\draw (3, -2.45) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{CH 7}{PGIA}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=0.5] (pgia7) {};
% Draw termination connection to input lines
% Draw termination connection to input lines
\draw [-] (0.65, 1.675) -- (0.65, 1.225);
\draw [-] (0.65, 1.675) -- (0.65, 1.225);
@ -191,7 +182,7 @@ However, the sample rate in practice is typically limited by the use of ARTIQ-Py
\draw [-latexslim] (bnc7.east) -- (1.9, -1.225) -- (1.9, -2.45) -- (pgia7.west);
\draw [-latexslim] (bnc7.east) -- (1.9, -1.225) -- (1.9, -2.45) -- (pgia7.west);
% Draw shift register & ADC
% Draw shift register & ADC
\draw (4.7, 1) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{Shift}{Registers}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (sr) {};
\draw (4.7, 1) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{Shift}{Registers}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (sr) {};
\draw (4.7, -1) node[twoportshape,t={ADC}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (adc) {};
\draw (4.7, -1) node[twoportshape,t={ADC}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (adc) {};
% Connect PGIA -> ADC paths
% Connect PGIA -> ADC paths
@ -215,7 +206,7 @@ However, the sample rate in practice is typically limited by the use of ARTIQ-Py
\draw [latexslim-] (3.45, -1.85) -- ++ (0.35, 0);
\draw [latexslim-] (3.45, -1.85) -- ++ (0.35, 0);
% Draw LVDS transceivers & repeaters
% Draw LVDS transceivers & repeaters
\draw (6.3, 1) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceivers}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (lvds) {};
\draw (6.3, 1) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceivers}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (lvds) {};
\draw (6.3, -1) node[twoportshape,t={Repeaters}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (rep) {};
\draw (6.3, -1) node[twoportshape,t={Repeaters}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.6, rotate=-90] (rep) {};
% ADC & SR connection lines
% ADC & SR connection lines
@ -41,15 +41,6 @@ Channels can broken out to BNC, SMA or MCX by adding external 5518 BNC-IDC, 5528
% Switch to next column
% Switch to next column
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#1, gobble=4]{python}{#2}
@ -59,20 +50,20 @@ Channels can broken out to BNC, SMA or MCX by adding external 5518 BNC-IDC, 5528
\draw (0, 0) node[muxdemux, muxdemux def={Lh=6.5, Rh=8, w=2, NL=0, NB=0, NR=0}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=3.2, scale=0.7] (hd68) {HD68};
\draw (0, 0) node[muxdemux, muxdemux def={Lh=6.5, Rh=8, w=2, NL=0, NB=0, NR=0}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=3.2, scale=0.7] (hd68) {HD68};
% IDC Connectors to IDC cards
% IDC Connectors to IDC cards
\draw (2.2, 1.2) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{IDC}{DAC 16-23}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eem2) {};
\draw (2.2, 1.2) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{IDC}{DAC 16-23}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eem2) {};
\draw (1.4, 1.2) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{IDC}{DAC 24-31}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eem3) {};
\draw (1.4, 1.2) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{IDC}{DAC 24-31}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eem3) {};
\draw (2.2, -1.2) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{IDC}{DAC 8-15}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eem1) {};
\draw (2.2, -1.2) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{IDC}{DAC 8-15}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eem1) {};
\draw (1.4, -1.2) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{IDC}{DAC 0-7}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eem0) {};
\draw (1.4, -1.2) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{IDC}{DAC 0-7}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eem0) {};
% Op-amp x32
% Op-amp x32
\draw (3, 0) node[buffer, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=-0.5] (amp) {};
\draw (3, 0) node[buffer, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, scale=-0.5] (amp) {};
% DAC AD5372
% DAC AD5372
\draw (4.6, 0.2) node[twoportshape, t=\MyLabel{32-CH}{DAC}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/height=1.2, scale=0.7] (dac) {};
\draw (4.6, 0.2) node[twoportshape, t=\twocm{32-CH}{DAC}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/height=1.2, scale=0.7] (dac) {};
% LVDS Transceivers
% LVDS Transceivers
\draw (6.6, 0) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (lvds0) {};
\draw (6.6, 0) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (lvds0) {};
\draw (6.6, -1.6) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (lvds1) {};
\draw (6.6, -1.6) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{LVDS}{Transceiever}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (lvds1) {};
% Aesthetic EEPROM
% Aesthetic EEPROM
\draw (6.6, 1.6) node[twoportshape, t={EEPROM}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eeprom) {};
\draw (6.6, 1.6) node[twoportshape, t={EEPROM}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.6, scale=0.5, rotate=-90] (eeprom) {};
@ -103,10 +94,10 @@ Channels can broken out to BNC, SMA or MCX by adding external 5518 BNC-IDC, 5528
% TEC Cooler on top of the DAC
% TEC Cooler on top of the DAC
% To make it more obvious that it is cooling the DAC
% To make it more obvious that it is cooling the DAC
\draw (4.6, 1.45) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{TEC}{Cooler}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/height=1.2, scale=0.7] (tec_cooler) {};
\draw (4.6, 1.45) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{TEC}{Cooler}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.2, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/height=1.2, scale=0.7] (tec_cooler) {};
% TEC Controller lined up with EEM IN
% TEC Controller lined up with EEM IN
\draw (8.2, 3.5) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{TEC Controller}{Connector}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.6, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (tec_conn) {};
\draw (8.2, 3.5) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{TEC Controller}{Connector}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.6, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (tec_conn) {};
% Thermistor for TEC controller
% Thermistor for TEC controller
\draw (6.6, 3.3) node[thermistorshape, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (thermistor) {};
\draw (6.6, 3.3) node[thermistorshape, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (thermistor) {};
@ -42,15 +42,6 @@ Only 1 BNC/SMA-IDC is required to break out all 8 ADC channels from a 5108 Sampl
% Switch to next column
% Switch to next column
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#1, gobble=4]{python}{#2}
@ -137,9 +128,9 @@ Only 1 BNC/SMA-IDC is required to break out all 8 ADC channels from a 5108 Sampl
% Draw CH0, CH1 & CH7 CM chokes
% Draw CH0, CH1 & CH7 CM chokes
\draw (3, 1.2) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{Common Mode}{Line Filter}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.2, scale=0.6] (cm0) {};
\draw (3, 1.2) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{Common Mode}{Line Filter}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.2, scale=0.6] (cm0) {};
\draw (3, 0.4) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{Common Mode}{Line Filter}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.2, scale=0.6] (cm1) {};
\draw (3, 0.4) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{Common Mode}{Line Filter}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.2, scale=0.6] (cm1) {};
\draw (3, -1.1) node[twoportshape, t=\MymyLabel{Common Mode}{Line Filter}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.2, scale=0.6] (cm7) {};
\draw (3, -1.1) node[twoportshape, t=\fourcm{Common Mode}{Line Filter}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.2, scale=0.6] (cm7) {};
% Omission dots for other channels
% Omission dots for other channels
\node at (3, -0.15)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (3, -0.15)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
@ -42,15 +42,6 @@ Each IDC connector supports 8 channels, while all 32 channels are accessible usi
% Switch to next column
% Switch to next column
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#1, gobble=4]{python}{#2}
@ -60,10 +51,10 @@ Each IDC connector supports 8 channels, while all 32 channels are accessible usi
\draw (0, 0) node[muxdemux, muxdemux def={Lh=6.5, Rh=8, w=2, NL=0, NB=0, NR=0}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=3.2, scale=0.7] (hd68) {HD68};
\draw (0, 0) node[muxdemux, muxdemux def={Lh=6.5, Rh=8, w=2, NL=0, NB=0, NR=0}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=3.2, scale=0.7] (hd68) {HD68};
% IDC Connectors to IDC cards
% IDC Connectors to IDC cards
\draw (3.0, 1.8) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{IDC}{CH 16-23}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (eem2) {};
\draw (3.0, 1.8) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{IDC}{CH 16-23}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (eem2) {};
\draw (1.8, 1.8) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{IDC}{CH 24-31}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (eem3) {};
\draw (1.8, 1.8) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{IDC}{CH 24-31}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (eem3) {};
\draw (3.0, -1.8) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{IDC}{CH 8-15}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (eem1) {};
\draw (3.0, -1.8) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{IDC}{CH 8-15}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (eem1) {};
\draw (1.8, -1.8) node[twoportshape, t={\MyLabel{IDC}{CH 0-7}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (eem0) {};
\draw (1.8, -1.8) node[twoportshape, t={\twocm{IDC}{CH 0-7}}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=1.8, scale=0.7, rotate=-90] (eem0) {};
% Connect Op-amp to EEM OUT and HD68
% Connect Op-amp to EEM OUT and HD68
\draw [-latexslim] (3.0, 0) -- (hd68.east);
\draw [-latexslim] (3.0, 0) -- (hd68.east);
@ -47,15 +47,6 @@ Otherwise, connect it to a carrier card (1124 Kasli or 1125 Kasli-SoC) using the
% Switch to next column
% Switch to next column
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#1, gobble=4]{python}{#2}
@ -192,7 +183,7 @@ Otherwise, connect it to a carrier card (1124 Kasli or 1125 Kasli-SoC) using the
\node [label=right:\tiny{SMA CLK IN}] at (sma_clkin) {};
\node [label=right:\tiny{SMA CLK IN}] at (sma_clkin) {};
% Draw the SPDT switch
% Draw the SPDT switch
\draw (2.6, -2) node[twoportshape,t=\MymyLabel{Input Clock \phantom{spac} }{Selection Switch}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.6] (clk_sel) {};
\draw (2.6, -2) node[twoportshape,t=\fourcm{Input Clock \phantom{spac} }{Selection Switch}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.7, scale=0.6] (clk_sel) {};
\begin{scope}[xshift=3cm, yshift=-1.78cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\begin{scope}[xshift=3cm, yshift=-1.78cm, scale=0.12, every node/.style={scale=0.1}, rotate=-90 ]
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.4,0) to[short,-o](0.75,0);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
\draw (0.78,0)-- +(30:0.46);
@ -21,3 +21,12 @@
\newcommand*{\twocm}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\fourcm}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#2, gobble=#1]{python}{#3}
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