2245: add dio_spi examples
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
\title{2245 LVDS-TTL}
\title{2245 LVDS-TTL}
\author{M-Labs Limited}
\author{M-Labs Limited}
\date{January 2022}
\date{January 2022}
@ -67,9 +70,9 @@ Only shielded Ethernet Cat-6 cables should be connected.
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MyLabel}[3][2cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\newcommand*{\MymyLabel}[3][4cm]{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2 \\ #3}}
\inputminted[#1, gobble=4]{python}{#2}
\inputminted[#2, gobble=#1]{python}{#3}
@ -489,6 +492,196 @@ If the gateware counter is enabled on the TTL channel, it can typically count up
One channel needs to be configured as input, and the other as output.
One channel needs to be configured as input, and the other as output.
\newcommand{\wrapspacer}[1]% #1 = special text
\sbox0{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}\hrule height0pt
#1\hrule height0pt
\dimen0=\dimexpr \ht0+\dp0\relax
\advance\dimen0 by -\baselineskip
\subsection{SPI Master Device}
If a EEM port is configured as \texttt{dio\char`_spi} instead of \texttt{dio}, its associated TTL channels can be configured as SPI master devices.
Invocation of an SPI transfer follows this pattern:
% The config register can be set using set_config.
% However, the only difference between these 2 methods is that set_config accepts an arbitrary
% frequency, then translate into the rough frequency divisor for set_config_mu.
% It doesn't guarantee such frequency would be set as the SPI frequency
% In addition, finding clock division is quite easy. set_config_mu seems to be a more
% straight-forward & representative of the actual implementation.
\item Set the \texttt{config} register (e.g. using \texttt{set\char`_config\char`_mu()}).
\item Start the SPI transfer by writing the \texttt{data} register using \texttt{write()}.
\item If the data from the SPI slave is to be read (i.e. \texttt{SPI\char`_INPUT} was set in \texttt{config}), invoke \texttt{read()} to read.
The list of configurations supported in the gateware are listed as below:
Flag & Description \\ \hline
\texttt{SPI\char`_OFFLINE} & Switch all pins to high impedance mode. \\ \hline
\texttt{SPI\char`_END} & Next SPI transfer is the last of the transcation. \\ \hline
\texttt{SPI\char`_INPUT} & Submit SPI read data as RTIO input event when the transfer is complete. \\ \hline
\texttt{SPI\char`_CS\char`_POLARITY} & Active level of chip select (CS) \\ \hline
\texttt{SPI\char`_CLK\char`_POLARITY} & Idle level of serial clock (SCK) \\ \hline
\texttt{SPI\char`_CLK\char`_PHASE} & Data is sampled on falling edge \& shifted out on rising edge. \\ \hline
\texttt{SPI\char`_LSB\char`_FIRST} & LSB is the first on bit on the wire. \\ \hline
\texttt{SPI\char`_HALF\char`_DUPLEX} & Use 3-wire SPI, where MOSI is both input \& output capable. \\ \hline
The following ARTIQ example demonstrates the flow of an SPI transcation with a typical SPI setup with 3 homogeneous slaves.
The direction switches on the LVDS-TTL card should be set to the correct IO direction for all relevant channels before powering on.
\begin{circuitikz}[european, scale=1, every label/.append style={align=center}]
% SPI master
\draw (0, 1.8) node[twoportshape, t={}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.8, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/height=2, scale=1] (master) {};
\node [label={center:\large{SPI Master}}] at (-0.6, 2.05) {};
\node [label={center:\large{(LVDS-TTL)}}] at (-0.6, 1.55) {};
\node [label=left:{SCK}] at (2, 2.8) {};
\node [label=left:{MOSI}] at (2, 2.4) {};
\node [label=left:{MISO}] at (2, 2.0) {};
\node [label=left:{CS0}] at (2, 1.6) {};
\node [label=left:{CS1}] at (2, 1.2) {};
\node [label=left:{CS2}] at (2, 0.8) {};
% SPI slaves
% The top one will have its SCK, MOSI, MISO aligned with the master, for wiring simplicity
\draw (7, 2.2) node[twoportshape, t={}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.8, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/height=1.4, scale=1] (slave0) {};
\node [label={center:\large{SPI Slave 0}}] at (7.6, 2.2) {};
\node [label=right:{SCK}] at (5, 2.8) {};
\node [label=right:{MOSI}] at (5, 2.4) {};
\node [label=right:{MISO}] at (5, 2.0) {};
\node [label=right:{$\mathrm{\overline{CS}}$}] at (5, 1.6) {};
% The top one will have its SCK, MOSI, MISO aligned with the master, for wiring simplicity
\draw (7, 0) node[twoportshape, t={}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.8, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/height=1.4, scale=1] (slave1) {};
\node [label={center:\large{SPI Slave 1}}] at (7.6, 0) {};
\node [label=right:{SCK}] at (5, 0.6) {};
\node [label=right:{MOSI}] at (5, 0.2) {};
\node [label=right:{MISO}] at (5, -0.2) {};
\node [label=right:{$\mathrm{\overline{CS}}$}] at (5, -0.6) {};
% The top one will have its SCK, MOSI, MISO aligned with the master, for wiring simplicity
\draw (7, -2.2) node[twoportshape, t={}, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/width=2.8, circuitikz/bipoles/twoport/height=1.4, scale=1] (slave2) {};
\node [label={center:\large{SPI Slave 2}}] at (7.6, -2.2) {};
\node [label=right:{SCK}] at (5, -1.6) {};
\node [label=right:{MOSI}] at (5, -2.0) {};
\node [label=right:{MISO}] at (5, -2.4) {};
\node [label=right:{$\mathrm{\overline{CS}}$}] at (5, -2.8) {};
% Connect the master to slave 0
\draw [-latexslim] (1.95, 2.8) -- (5.05, 2.8);
\draw [-latexslim] (1.95, 2.4) -- (5.05, 2.4);
\draw [latexslim-] (1.95, 2.0) -- (5.05, 2.0);
\draw [-latexslim] (1.95, 1.6) -- (5.05, 1.6);
% Connect slave 1
\draw [-latexslim] (4.2, 2.8) -- (4.2, 0.6) -- (5.05, 0.6);
\draw [-latexslim] (3.8, 2.4) -- (3.8, 0.2) -- (5.05, 0.2);
\draw [-] (3.4, 2.0) -- (3.4, -0.2) -- (5.05, -0.2);
\draw [-latexslim] (1.95, 1.2) -- (3.0, 1.2) -- (3.0, -0.6) -- (5.05, -0.6);
% Connect slave 2
\draw [-latexslim] (4.2, 0.6) -- (4.2, -1.6) -- (5.05, -1.6);
\draw [-latexslim] (3.8, 0.2) -- (3.8, -2.0) -- (5.05, -2.0);
\draw [-] (3.4, -0.2) -- (3.4, -2.4) -- (5.05, -2.4);
\draw [-latexslim] (1.95, 0.8) -- (2.6, 0.8) -- (2.6, -2.8) -- (5.05, -2.8);
% Add dot to intersection to distinguish from overlaps
\node at (4.2, 2.8)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (3.8, 2.4)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (3.4, 2.0)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (4.2, 0.6)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (3.8, 0.2)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\node at (3.4, -0.2)[circle,fill,inner sep=0.7pt]{};
\subsubsection{SPI Configuration}
The following examples will assume the SPI communication has the following properties:
\item Chip select (CS) is active low
\item Serial clock (SCK) idle level is low
\item Data is sampled on rising edge of SCK \& shifted out on falling edge of SCK
\item Most significant bit (MSB) first
\item Full duplex
The base line configuration for an \texttt{SPIMaster} instance can be defined as such:
The \texttt{SPI\char`_END} \& \texttt{SPI\char`_INPUT} flags will be modified during runtime in the following example.
\subsubsection{SPI frequency}
Frequency of the SPI clock must be the result of RTIO clock frequency divided by an integer factor from [2, 257].
In the folowing examples, the SPI frequency will be set to 1 MHz by dividing the RTIO frequency (125 MHz) by 125.
\subsubsection{SPI write}
Typically, an SPI write operation involves sending an instruction and data to the SPI slaves.
Suppose the instruction and data are 8 bits and 32 bits respectively.
The timing diagram of such write operation is shown in the following.
$\mathrm{\overline{CS}}$ & H51{L}H \\
SCK & LL31{T}; 2{[dotted] T}; 17{T} L \\
% The better approach is to use pass the counter (\tikztimingcounter{Q}) to a macro,
% then print the label from macro. But it turns out tikz-timing will print
% the counter value separately, even with an additional macro.
% Therefore, it does not work properly.
MOSI & [timing/counter/new={char=I, reset char=J, reset type=arg, increment=-1, text format=I}, timing/counter/new={char=A, reset char=R, reset type=arg, increment=-1, text format=D}]
UJ{7}8{2I}R{31}8{2A}; [dotted] D [dotted] D{}; R{7}8{2A}2U \\
MOSI & 53U \\
Suppose the instruction is \texttt{0x13}, while the data is \texttt{0xDEADBEEF}. In addition, both slave 1 \& 2 are selected. This SPI transcation can be performed by the following code.
\subsubsection{SPI read}
A 32-bits read is represented by the following timing diagram.
$\mathrm{\overline{CS}}$ & H51{L}H \\
SCK & LL31{T}; 2{[dotted] T}; 17{T} L \\
% The better approach is to use pass the counter (\tikztimingcounter{Q}) to a macro,
% then print the label from macro. But it turns out tikz-timing will print
% the counter value separately, even with an additional macro.
% Therefore, it does not work properly.
MOSI & [timing/counter/new={char=I, reset char=J, reset type=arg, increment=-1, text format=I}]
UJ{7}8{2I}36U \\
MOSI & [timing/counter/new={char=A, reset char=R, reset type=arg, increment=-1, text format=D}]
17UR{31}8{2A}; [dotted] D [dotted] D{}; R{7}8{2A}2U \\
Suppose the instruction is \texttt{0x81}, where only slave 0 is selected. This SPI transcation can be performed by the following code.
\section{Ordering Information}
\section{Ordering Information}
To order, please visit \url{https://m-labs.hk} and select the 2245 LVDS-TTL in the ARTIQ Sinara crate configuration tool. The card may also be ordered separately by writing to \url{mailto:sales@m-labs.hk}.
To order, please visit \url{https://m-labs.hk} and select the 2245 LVDS-TTL in the ARTIQ Sinara crate configuration tool. The card may also be ordered separately by writing to \url{mailto:sales@m-labs.hk}.
@ -101,3 +101,50 @@ class ClockGen(EnvExperiment):
def run(self):
def run(self):
from artiq.coredevice import spi2 as spi
SPI_CONFIG = (0 * spi.SPI_OFFLINE | 0 * spi.SPI_END |
0 * spi.SPI_INPUT | 0 * spi.SPI_CS_POLARITY |
0 * spi.SPI_CLK_POLARITY | 0 * spi.SPI_CLK_PHASE |
0 * spi.SPI_LSB_FIRST | 0 * spi.SPI_HALF_DUPLEX)
CLK_DIV = 125
class SPIWrite(EnvExperiment):
def build(self):
self.spi = self.get_device("dio_spi0")
def run(self):
self.spi.set_config_mu(SPI_CONFIG, 8, CLK_DIV, 0b110)
self.spi.write(0x13 << 24) # Shift the bits to the MSBs.
# Since SPI_LSB_FIRST is NOT set,
# SPI Machine will shift out bits from
# the MSB of the `data` register.`
self.spi.set_config_mu(SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END, 32, CLK_DIV, 0b110)
class SPIRead(EnvExperiment):
def build(self):
self.spi = self.get_device("dio_spi0")
def run(self):
self.spi.set_config_mu(SPI_CONFIG, 8, CLK_DIV, 0b001)
self.spi.write(0x81 << 24) # Shift the bits to the MSBs.
# Since SPI_LSB_FIRST is NOT set,
# SPI Machine will shift out bits from
# the MSB of the `data` register.`
self.spi.set_config_mu(SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END | spi.SPI_INPUT,
32, CLK_DIV, 0b001)
self.spi.write(0) # write() performs the SPI transfer.
# As suggested by the timing diagram,
# the exact value of this argument
# does not matter.
Reference in New Issue
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