# Sinara 7210 Clocker [Wiki](https://github.com/sinara-hw/Clocker/wiki) ## JSON Put the `ext_ref_frequency` field into the JSON description if the Kasli is going to use an external frequency: ```json { "hw_rev": "", "base": "", ... "ext_ref_frequency": , ... "peripherals": [...] } ``` On peripherals you should choose `"clk_sel": 2` on connected devices. ## Setup For tests, you may need an external RF generator, depending on customer needs. Here is example setup for SynthNV RF signal generator: 1. Connect SynthNV to the workstation via USB, and 2. Install and run `cutecom`: `nix-shell -p cutecom` 3. Set settings as on the picture below: ![](../img/cutecom_settings.png) 4. Open the device, usually it is `/dev/ttyACM0` 5. Put `?` into `Input` field and press `Enter` for current settings and help commands 6. For changing the frequency, enter `f`, e.g. `f125.0` for 125 MHz 7. Set RF power so that clocker would recognize the signal with `a` command, e.g. `a63` 8. Check for desired amplitude and frequency at the `RFOut` (see picture below for reference) pin via oscilloscope ![](../img/synthnv_pins.jpg) 9. If everything is ok, connect `RFOut` to the `CLK IN` on the Clocker (see instructions below for details) ### Setup the Clocker 1. Switch `CLK SEL` pin to `EXT`/`INT` according to customer needs 2. Connect MMCx cables according to the customer needs and boards specifications (see image below for reference): if the `INT` source is chosen, connect MMCx cable to `INT CLK`, otherwise connect external clocker to SMA `EXT CLK` 3. Connect the Clocker to the Kasli via 30-pin ports ![](../img/clocker_ref.jpg) 4. Connect the Clocker's SMA output to the Kasli's `CLK`/`CLK IN` SMA pin 5. After assembling the crates and flashing the firmware, start Kasli and write config as follows: `artiq_coremgmt config write -s rtio_clock ext0_bypass`. Please refer to the [official manual](https://m-labs.hk/artiq/manual/installing.html#miscellaneous-configuration-of-the-core-device) for the details and available options 6. Reboot either via `artiq_coremgmt reboot` or via power supply if the board's firmware doesn't have such command ## Testing Run `artiq_sinara_test` and check that it doesn't fail on the connected devices.