• Joined on 2019-03-28
sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 16:03:34 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

linalg_ in both names. Use the short form of the macro.

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 16:02:53 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

Does not belong in this PR.

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 15:49:18 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

The C symbols are a flat namespace.

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 15:49:04 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

Also this is function is poorly named. Add a linalg_ prefix or something, otherwise you have no idea what it can possibly do just looking at the name.

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 15:47:41 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

What about other functions?

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 15:47:32 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

Comments are too verbose and basically unnecessary, the code is quite obvious already.

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 15:46:52 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

This should go at the end, after libm.

sb10q transferred repository abdul124/nalgebra to M-Labs/nalgebra 2024-07-18 15:45:46 +08:00
sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/artiq-zynq#307 2024-07-18 15:45:23 +08:00
kernel/api: add nalgebra::linalg try_invert_to api

Please create it under M-Labs. Moving it

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/it-infra#40 2024-07-18 15:38:23 +08:00
Deploy web2019 to the intl domain

Why do you need that .ssh directory if you're overriding each file in the ssh invokation using -o ?

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/it-infra#40 2024-07-18 15:36:23 +08:00
Deploy web2019 to the intl domain

Does this work as intended when used in RunCommand?

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/nix-scripts#92 2024-07-18 12:09:36 +08:00
Auto-build website to m-labs-intl.com

; is not necessary in a multi line shell script.

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/it-infra#40 2024-07-18 12:05:16 +08:00
Deploy web2019 to the intl domain

Also rm -rf $HOME is bad form in any shell script.

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/it-infra#40 2024-07-18 12:04:50 +08:00
Deploy web2019 to the intl domain

Is this still executed if a command fails?

sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/it-infra#39 2024-07-18 12:02:48 +08:00
Add m-labs-intl.com domain to mailserver and hooks subdomain


sb10q commented on pull request M-Labs/it-infra#39 2024-07-18 12:01:28 +08:00
Add m-labs-intl.com domain to mailserver and hooks subdomain

Where is the DKIM private key ?

sb10q pushed to master at M-Labs/web2019 2024-07-18 11:57:00 +08:00
c63249e8a0 Inject JS in templates with correct domains
sb10q merged pull request M-Labs/web2019#135 2024-07-18 11:56:59 +08:00
Prepare website for domain substitution
sb10q closed issue M-Labs/nac3#457 2024-07-18 11:27:35 +08:00
Bug: nac3standalone: __nac3_raise produces different outputs depending on optimization level
sb10q deleted branch fix-standalone-nac3-raise from M-Labs/nac3 2024-07-18 11:27:28 +08:00