nicer URLs for ARTIQ manuals
I've disabled caching for now. After looking more closely at what browsers do, the "last-modified header" system would have been a problem as well.
nixbld: forward some traffic to stewart's machine
nixbld: disable ARTIQ manual caching in nginx
Revert "nixbld: refactor hydra-www-outputs to generate etags for nginx"
Revert "nixbld: hydra-www-outputs-init before nginx.service"
nicer URLs for ARTIQ manuals
Changing the dates in /nix/store doesn't seem easy, so the alternative option (to disabling etags) would be to copy the files and fix their dates (e.g. just set the current time from RunCommand) instead of symlinking.
nicer URLs for ARTIQ manuals
Alternatively, set the date of the manual files in /nix/store to the date of the commit when building the manual. I'm not sure if Nix enforces timestamps in the store, or if this enforcement can be disabled in a simple way.
nicer URLs for ARTIQ manuals
Uh, that's quite complicated. Can't we just disable etags completely when serving those paths?
check that FPGA bitstreams meet timing