from math import ceil import SoapySDR import numpy as np import gc from noptica import * from gui import GUI def main(): # For this PoC code, a small memory leak is less harmful than random overflows. gc.disable() freq_sample = 1e6 freq_base = 1088230e3 freq_ref = 1088100e3 block_size = 4096 throttle_factor = ceil(freq_sample/125e3) # note: image band still goes through freq_ref_abs = np.abs(freq_ref-freq_base) ref_filter = LinearPhaseFilter(127, [freq_ref_abs-15e3, freq_ref_abs+15e3], pass_zero=False, fs=freq_sample) meas_delay = Delay(block_size, ref_filter.delay()) gui = GUI(freq_sample, freq_base, block_size) try: induction = InductionHeater("/dev/ttyUSB0", 350e3, 445e3) induction.start() try: def stabilizer_cb(spectrum, peak_freq, locked, tuning): gui.update_ref(spectrum, peak_freq, locked) induction.set(tuning) stabilizer = Stabilizer(freq_sample, block_size, freq_ref-freq_base, stabilizer_cb) position_tracker = PositionTracker() sdr = SoapySDR.Device() for channel in range(2): sdr.setSampleRate(SoapySDR.SOAPY_SDR_RX, channel, freq_sample) sdr.setFrequency(SoapySDR.SOAPY_SDR_RX, channel, freq_base) sdr.setGain(SoapySDR.SOAPY_SDR_RX, channel, 55.0) buf_sdr = BufferedSDR(sdr, [0, 1], block_size, 32) buf_sdr.start() try: throttle = 0 position_acc = 0.0 while True: buffers = buf_sdr.get() try: samples_ref, samples_meas = buffers # Throttle certain things to avoid overflows due to the limited speed of # the MHS5200A serial interface and GUI plotting. throttle += 1 if throttle == throttle_factor: throttle = 0 if throttle == 0: stabilizer.input(samples_ref) gui.update_meas(samples_meas) if stabilizer.locked(): position = position_tracker.input(ref_filter.input(samples_ref), meas_delay.input(samples_meas)) position_acc += np.mean(position) if throttle == 0: gui.update_position(position_acc/throttle_factor) position_acc = 0.0 else: position_tracker.reset() position_acc = 0.0 finally: buf_sdr.dispose(buffers) finally: buf_sdr.stop() finally: induction.stop() finally: gui.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()