
163 lines
4.4 KiB

use std::io::{BufReader, Read};
use num_traits::clamp;
pub struct Dpll {
ftw_min: i64,
ftw_max: i64,
ki: i64,
kp: i64,
ftw: i64,
integrator: i64,
phase: i64,
phase_unwrapped: i64,
was_locked: bool,
wait_lock: Option<u32>
impl Dpll {
pub const TURN: i64 = 0x100000000; // One turn in DPLL phase units.
pub fn new(ftw_min: i64, ftw_max: i64, ki: i64, kp: i64) -> Dpll {
assert!(ftw_min < Dpll::TURN/2);
assert!(ftw_max < Dpll::TURN/2);
assert!(Dpll::TURN & (Dpll::TURN - 1) == 0); // must be a power of 2
let init_ftw = (ftw_min + ftw_max)/2;
Dpll {
ftw_min: ftw_min,
ftw_max: ftw_max,
ki: ki,
kp: kp,
ftw: init_ftw,
integrator: init_ftw,
phase: 0,
phase_unwrapped: 0,
was_locked: false,
wait_lock: Some(0)
pub fn frequency_to_ftw(frequency: f64, sample_rate: f64) -> i64 {
(frequency*(Dpll::TURN as f64)/sample_rate) as i64
pub fn tick(&mut self, edge: bool) {
self.phase = (self.phase + self.ftw) & (Dpll::TURN - 1);
self.phase_unwrapped = self.phase_unwrapped.wrapping_add(self.ftw);
if edge {
let pe = Dpll::TURN/2 - self.phase;
self.integrator = clamp(self.integrator + (pe* >> 32),
self.ftw_min, self.ftw_max);
self.ftw = clamp(self.integrator + (pe* >> 32),
self.ftw_min, self.ftw_max);
if pe.abs() <= (self.ftw + self.ftw/3) {
if let Some(wait_lock) = self.wait_lock {
if wait_lock < 1000000 {
self.wait_lock = Some(wait_lock + 1);
} else {
self.wait_lock = None;
} else {
self.wait_lock = Some(0);
if self.locked() & !self.was_locked {
eprintln!("DPLL locked");
if !self.locked() & self.was_locked {
eprintln!("DPLL lost lock");
self.was_locked = self.locked();
pub fn get_phase_unwrapped(&self) -> i64 {
pub fn locked(&self) -> bool {
pub struct PositionTracker {
last_phase: i64,
current_position: i64
impl PositionTracker {
pub fn new() -> PositionTracker {
PositionTracker {
last_phase: 0,
current_position: 0
pub fn edge(&mut self, phase: i64) -> i64 {
let phase_diff = phase.wrapping_sub(self.last_phase);
self.last_phase = phase;
self.current_position += Dpll::TURN - phase_diff;
pub struct Decimator<T> {
accumulator: T,
current_count: u32,
max_count: u32
impl<T> Decimator<T> {
pub fn new(max_count: u32) -> Decimator<T> where T: std::convert::From<u32> {
Decimator {
accumulator: T::from(0),
current_count: 0,
max_count: max_count
pub fn input(&mut self, data: T) -> Option<T>
where T: Copy +
std::convert::From<u32> +
std::convert::From<<T as std::ops::Div>::Output> +
std::ops::AddAssign +
std::ops::Div {
self.accumulator += data;
self.current_count += 1;
if self.current_count == self.max_count {
let average = T::from(self.accumulator/T::from(self.current_count));
self.accumulator = T::from(0);
self.current_count = 0;
} else {
pub fn sample(command: &str, mut callback: impl FnMut(u8, u8)) {
let child = std::process::Command::new("sh")
let mut reader = BufReader::new(child.stdout.unwrap());
let mut buffer = [0; 1];
let mut last_sample = 0;
loop {
reader.read_exact(&mut buffer).unwrap();
for shift in [4u8, 0u8].iter() {
let sample = (buffer[0] >> shift) & 0x0f;
let rising = sample & !last_sample;
let falling = !sample & last_sample;
callback(rising, falling);
last_sample = sample;