use core::mem; use core::fmt; use core::borrow::Borrow; #[cfg(feature = "std")] use std::collections::BTreeMap; #[cfg(all(feature = "alloc", not(feature = "std")))] use alloc::btree_map::BTreeMap; /// A managed map. /// /// This enum can be used to represent exclusive access to maps. /// In Rust, exclusive access to an object is obtained by either owning the object, /// or owning a mutable pointer to the object; hence, "managed". /// /// The purpose of this enum is providing good ergonomics with `std` present while making /// it possible to avoid having a heap at all (which of course means that `std` is not present). /// To achieve this, the variants other than `Borrow` are only available when the corresponding /// feature is opted in. /// /// Unlike [Managed](enum.Managed.html) and [ManagedSlice](enum.ManagedSlice.html), /// the managed map is implemented using a B-tree map when allocation is available, /// and a sorted slice of key-value pairs when it is not. Thus, algorithmic complexity /// of operations on it depends on the kind of map. /// /// A function that requires a managed object should be generic over an `Into>` /// argument; then, it will be possible to pass either a `Vec`, or a `&'a mut [T]` /// without any conversion at the call site. /// /// See also [Managed](enum.Managed.html). pub enum ManagedMap<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> { /// Borrowed variant. Borrowed(&'a mut [Option<(K, V)>]), /// Owned variant, only available with the `std` or `alloc` feature enabled. #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] Owned(BTreeMap) } impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> fmt::Debug for ManagedMap<'a, K, V> where K: fmt::Debug, V: fmt::Debug { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { &ManagedMap::Borrowed(ref x) => write!(f, "Borrowed({:?})", x), #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] &ManagedMap::Owned(ref x) => write!(f, "Owned({:?})", x) } } } impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> From<&'a mut [Option<(K, V)>]> for ManagedMap<'a, K, V> { fn from(value: &'a mut [Option<(K, V)>]) -> Self { ManagedMap::Borrowed(value) } } #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> From> for ManagedMap<'a, K, V> { fn from(value: BTreeMap) -> Self { ManagedMap::Owned(value) } } /// Like `Option`, but with `Some` values sorting first. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] enum RevOption { Some(T), None } impl From> for RevOption { fn from(other: Option) -> Self { match other { Some(x) => RevOption::Some(x), None => RevOption::None } } } impl Into> for RevOption { fn into(self) -> Option { match self { RevOption::Some(x) => Some(x), RevOption::None => None } } } fn binary_search_by_key(slice: &[Option<(K, V)>], key: &Q) -> Result where K: Ord + Borrow, Q: Ord + ?Sized { slice.binary_search_by_key(&RevOption::Some(key), |entry| { entry.as_ref().map(|&(ref key, _)| key.borrow()).into() }) } fn pair_by_key<'a, K, Q, V>(slice: &'a [Option<(K, V)>], key: &Q) -> Result<&'a (K, V), usize> where K: Ord + Borrow, Q: Ord + ?Sized { binary_search_by_key(slice, key).map(move |idx| slice[idx].as_ref().unwrap()) } fn pair_mut_by_key<'a, K, Q, V>(slice: &'a mut [Option<(K, V)>], key: &Q) -> Result<&'a mut (K, V), usize> where K: Ord + Borrow, Q: Ord + ?Sized { binary_search_by_key(slice, key).map(move |idx| slice[idx].as_mut().unwrap()) } impl<'a, K: Ord + 'a, V: 'a> ManagedMap<'a, K, V> { pub fn clear(&mut self) { match self { &mut ManagedMap::Borrowed(ref mut pairs) => { for item in pairs.iter_mut() { *item = None } }, #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] &mut ManagedMap::Owned(ref mut map) => map.clear() } } pub fn get(&self, key: &Q) -> Option<&V> where K: Borrow, Q: Ord + ?Sized { match self { &ManagedMap::Borrowed(ref pairs) => { match pair_by_key(pairs, key.borrow()) { Ok(&(_, ref value)) => Some(value), Err(_) => None } }, #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] &ManagedMap::Owned(ref map) => map.get(key) } } pub fn get_mut(&mut self, key: &Q) -> Option<&mut V> where K: Borrow, Q: Ord + ?Sized { match self { &mut ManagedMap::Borrowed(ref mut pairs) => { match pair_mut_by_key(pairs, key.borrow()) { Ok(&mut (_, ref mut value)) => Some(value), Err(_) => None } }, #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] &mut ManagedMap::Owned(ref mut map) => map.get_mut(key) } } pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, new_value: V) -> Result, (K, V)> { match self { &mut ManagedMap::Borrowed(ref mut pairs) => { match binary_search_by_key(pairs, &key) { Err(_) if pairs[pairs.len() - 1].is_some() => Err((key, new_value)), // full Err(idx) => { let rotate_by = pairs.len() - idx - 1; pairs[idx..].rotate_left(rotate_by); assert!(pairs[idx].is_none(), "broken invariant"); pairs[idx] = Some((key, new_value)); Ok(None) } Ok(idx) => { let mut swap_pair = Some((key, new_value)); mem::swap(&mut pairs[idx], &mut swap_pair); let (_key, value) = swap_pair.expect("broken invariant"); Ok(Some(value)) } } }, #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] &mut ManagedMap::Owned(ref mut map) => Ok(map.insert(key, new_value)) } } pub fn remove(&mut self, key: &Q) -> Option where K: Borrow, Q: Ord + ?Sized { match self { &mut ManagedMap::Borrowed(ref mut pairs) => { match binary_search_by_key(pairs, key) { Ok(idx) => { let (_key, value) = pairs[idx].take().expect("broken invariant"); pairs[idx..].rotate_left(1); Some(value) } Err(_) => None } }, #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] &mut ManagedMap::Owned(ref mut map) => map.remove(key) } } } // LCOV_EXCL_START #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::ManagedMap; fn all_pairs_empty() -> [Option<(&'static str, u32)>; 4] { [None; 4] } fn one_pair_full() -> [Option<(&'static str, u32)>; 4] { [Some(("a", 1)), None, None, None] } fn all_pairs_full() -> [Option<(&'static str, u32)>; 4] { [Some(("a", 1)), Some(("b", 2)), Some(("c", 3)), Some(("d", 4))] } fn unwrap<'a, K, V>(map: &'a ManagedMap<'a, K, V>) -> &'a [Option<(K, V)>] { match map { &ManagedMap::Borrowed(ref map) => map, _ => unreachable!() } } #[test] fn test_clear() { let mut pairs = all_pairs_full(); let mut map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); map.clear(); assert_eq!(unwrap(&map), all_pairs_empty()); } #[test] fn test_get_some() { let mut pairs = all_pairs_full(); let map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); assert_eq!(map.get("a"), Some(&1)); assert_eq!(map.get("b"), Some(&2)); assert_eq!(map.get("c"), Some(&3)); assert_eq!(map.get("d"), Some(&4)); } #[test] fn test_get_none() { let mut pairs = one_pair_full(); let map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); assert_eq!(map.get("q"), None); } #[test] fn test_get_mut_some() { let mut pairs = all_pairs_full(); let mut map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); assert_eq!(map.get_mut("a"), Some(&mut 1)); assert_eq!(map.get_mut("b"), Some(&mut 2)); assert_eq!(map.get_mut("c"), Some(&mut 3)); assert_eq!(map.get_mut("d"), Some(&mut 4)); } #[test] fn test_get_mut_none() { let mut pairs = one_pair_full(); let mut map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); assert_eq!(map.get_mut("q"), None); } #[test] fn test_insert_empty() { let mut pairs = all_pairs_empty(); let mut map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); assert_eq!(map.insert("a", 1), Ok(None)); assert_eq!(unwrap(&map), [Some(("a", 1)), None, None, None]); } #[test] fn test_insert_replace() { let mut pairs = all_pairs_empty(); let mut map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); assert_eq!(map.insert("a", 1), Ok(None)); assert_eq!(map.insert("a", 2), Ok(Some(1))); assert_eq!(unwrap(&map), [Some(("a", 2)), None, None, None]); } #[test] fn test_insert_full() { let mut pairs = all_pairs_full(); let mut map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); assert_eq!(map.insert("q", 1), Err(("q", 1))); assert_eq!(unwrap(&map), all_pairs_full()); } #[test] fn test_insert_one() { let mut pairs = one_pair_full(); let mut map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); assert_eq!(map.insert("b", 2), Ok(None)); assert_eq!(unwrap(&map), [Some(("a", 1)), Some(("b", 2)), None, None]); } #[test] fn test_insert_shift() { let mut pairs = one_pair_full(); let mut map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); assert_eq!(map.insert("c", 3), Ok(None)); assert_eq!(map.insert("b", 2), Ok(None)); assert_eq!(unwrap(&map), [Some(("a", 1)), Some(("b", 2)), Some(("c", 3)), None]); } #[test] fn test_remove_nonexistent() { let mut pairs = one_pair_full(); let mut map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); assert_eq!(map.remove("b"), None); } #[test] fn test_remove_one() { let mut pairs = all_pairs_full(); let mut map = ManagedMap::Borrowed(&mut pairs); assert_eq!(map.remove("a"), Some(1)); assert_eq!(unwrap(&map), [Some(("b", 2)), Some(("c", 3)), Some(("d", 4)), None]); } }