
423 lines
15 KiB

use crate::{Error, Result};
use crate::wire::{EthernetAddress, IpProtocol, IpAddress,
Ipv4Cidr, Ipv4Address, Ipv4Repr,
DhcpPacket, DhcpRepr, DhcpMessageType, DHCP_CLIENT_PORT, DHCP_SERVER_PORT};
use crate::wire::dhcpv4::{field as dhcpv4_field};
use crate::socket::SocketMeta;
use crate::time::{Instant, Duration};
use super::{PollAt, Socket};
const DISCOVER_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
const REQUEST_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
const REQUEST_RETRIES: u16 = 15;
const MIN_RENEW_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
const DEFAULT_LEASE_DURATION: u32 = 120;
const PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST: &[u8] = &[
/// IPv4 configuration data provided by the DHCP server.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct Config {
/// IP address
pub address: Ipv4Cidr,
/// Router address, also known as default gateway. Does not necessarily
/// match the DHCP server's address.
pub router: Option<Ipv4Address>,
/// DNS servers
pub dns_servers: [Option<Ipv4Address>; 3],
/// Information on how to reach a DHCP server.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
struct ServerInfo {
/// IP address to use as destination in outgoing packets
address: Ipv4Address,
/// Server identifier to use in outgoing packets. Usually equal to server_address,
/// but may differ in some situations (eg DHCP relays)
identifier: Ipv4Address,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
struct DiscoverState {
/// When to send next request
retry_at: Instant,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
struct RequestState {
/// When to send next request
retry_at: Instant,
/// How many retries have been done
retry: u16,
/// Server we're trying to request from
server: ServerInfo,
/// IP address that we're trying to request.
requested_ip: Ipv4Address,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
struct RenewState {
/// Server that gave us the lease
server: ServerInfo,
/// Active networkc config
config: Config,
/// Renew timer. When reached, we will start attempting
/// to renew this lease with the DHCP server.
/// Must be less or equal than `expires_at`.
renew_at: Instant,
/// Expiration timer. When reached, this lease is no longer valid, so it must be
/// thrown away and the ethernet interface deconfigured.
expires_at: Instant,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
enum ClientState {
/// Discovering the DHCP server
/// Requesting an address
/// Having an address, refresh it periodically.
/// Return value for the `Dhcpv4Socket::poll` function
pub enum Event<'a> {
/// No change has occured to the configuration.
/// Configuration has been lost (for example, the lease has expired)
/// Configuration has been newly acquired, or modified.
Configured(&'a Config),
pub struct Dhcpv4Socket {
pub(crate) meta: SocketMeta,
/// State of the DHCP client.
state: ClientState,
/// Set to true on config/state change, cleared back to false by the `config` function.
config_changed: bool,
/// xid of the last sent message.
transaction_id: u32,
/// DHCP client socket.
/// The socket acquires an IP address configuration through DHCP autonomously.
/// You must query the configuration with `.poll()` after every call to `Interface::poll()`,
/// and apply the configuration to the `Interface`.
impl Dhcpv4Socket {
/// Create a DHCPv4 socket
pub fn new() -> Self {
Dhcpv4Socket {
meta: SocketMeta::default(),
state: ClientState::Discovering(DiscoverState{
retry_at: Instant::from_millis(0),
config_changed: true,
transaction_id: 1,
pub(crate) fn poll_at(&self) -> PollAt {
let t = match &self.state {
ClientState::Discovering(state) => state.retry_at,
ClientState::Requesting(state) => state.retry_at,
ClientState::Renewing(state) => state.renew_at.min(state.expires_at),
pub(crate) fn process(&mut self, now: Instant, ethernet_addr: EthernetAddress, ip_repr: &Ipv4Repr, repr: &UdpRepr, payload: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
let src_ip = ip_repr.src_addr;
if repr.src_port != DHCP_SERVER_PORT || repr.dst_port != DHCP_CLIENT_PORT {
return Ok(())
let dhcp_packet = match DhcpPacket::new_checked(payload) {
Ok(dhcp_packet) => dhcp_packet,
Err(e) => {
net_debug!("DHCP invalid pkt from {}: {:?}", src_ip, e);
return Ok(());
let dhcp_repr = match DhcpRepr::parse(&dhcp_packet) {
Ok(dhcp_repr) => dhcp_repr,
Err(e) => {
net_debug!("DHCP error parsing pkt from {}: {:?}", src_ip, e);
return Ok(());
if dhcp_repr.client_hardware_address != ethernet_addr { return Ok(()) }
if dhcp_repr.transaction_id != self.transaction_id { return Ok(()) }
let server_identifier = match dhcp_repr.server_identifier {
Some(server_identifier) => server_identifier,
None => {
net_debug!("DHCP ignoring {:?} because missing server_identifier", dhcp_repr.message_type);
return Ok(());
net_debug!("DHCP recv {:?} from {} ({})", dhcp_repr.message_type, src_ip, server_identifier);
match (&mut self.state, dhcp_repr.message_type){
(ClientState::Discovering(_state), DhcpMessageType::Offer) => {
if !dhcp_repr.your_ip.is_unicast() {
net_debug!("DHCP ignoring OFFER because your_ip is not unicast");
return Ok(())
self.state = ClientState::Requesting(RequestState {
retry_at: now,
retry: 0,
server: ServerInfo {
address: src_ip,
identifier: server_identifier,
requested_ip: dhcp_repr.your_ip // use the offered ip
(ClientState::Requesting(state), DhcpMessageType::Ack) => {
if let Some((config, renew_at, expires_at)) = Self::parse_ack(now, ip_repr, &dhcp_repr) {
self.config_changed = true;
self.state = ClientState::Renewing(RenewState{
server: state.server,
(ClientState::Renewing(state), DhcpMessageType::Ack) => {
if let Some((config, renew_at, expires_at)) = Self::parse_ack(now, ip_repr, &dhcp_repr) {
state.renew_at = renew_at;
state.expires_at = expires_at;
if state.config != config {
self.config_changed = true;
state.config = config;
_ => {
net_debug!("DHCP ignoring {:?}: unexpected in current state", dhcp_repr.message_type);
fn parse_ack(now: Instant, _ip_repr: &Ipv4Repr, dhcp_repr: &DhcpRepr) -> Option<(Config, Instant, Instant)> {
let subnet_mask = match dhcp_repr.subnet_mask {
Some(subnet_mask) => subnet_mask,
None => {
net_debug!("DHCP ignoring ACK because missing subnet_mask");
return None
let prefix_len = match IpAddress::Ipv4(subnet_mask).to_prefix_len() {
Some(prefix_len) => prefix_len,
None => {
net_debug!("DHCP ignoring ACK because subnet_mask is not a valid mask");
return None
if !dhcp_repr.your_ip.is_unicast() {
net_debug!("DHCP ignoring ACK because your_ip is not unicast");
return None
let lease_duration = dhcp_repr.lease_duration.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LEASE_DURATION);
let config = Config{
address: Ipv4Cidr::new(dhcp_repr.your_ip, prefix_len),
router: dhcp_repr.router,
dns_servers: dhcp_repr.dns_servers.unwrap_or([None; 3]),
// RFC 2131 indicates clients should renew a lease halfway through its expiration.
let renew_at = now + Duration::from_secs((lease_duration / 2).into());
let expires_at = now + Duration::from_secs(lease_duration.into());
Some((config, renew_at, expires_at))
pub(crate) fn dispatch<F>(&mut self, now: Instant, ethernet_addr: EthernetAddress, ip_mtu: usize, emit: F) -> Result<()>
where F: FnOnce((Ipv4Repr, UdpRepr, DhcpRepr)) -> Result<()> {
// Worst case biggest IPv4 header length.
// 0x0f * 4 = 60 bytes.
const MAX_IPV4_HEADER_LEN: usize = 60;
// We don't directly increment transaction_id because sending the packet
// may fail. We only want to update state after succesfully sending.
let next_transaction_id = self.transaction_id + 1;
let mut dhcp_repr = DhcpRepr {
message_type: DhcpMessageType::Discover,
transaction_id: next_transaction_id,
client_hardware_address: ethernet_addr,
client_ip: Ipv4Address::UNSPECIFIED,
your_ip: Ipv4Address::UNSPECIFIED,
server_ip: Ipv4Address::UNSPECIFIED,
router: None,
subnet_mask: None,
relay_agent_ip: Ipv4Address::UNSPECIFIED,
broadcast: true,
requested_ip: None,
client_identifier: Some(ethernet_addr),
server_identifier: None,
parameter_request_list: Some(PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST),
max_size: Some((ip_mtu - MAX_IPV4_HEADER_LEN - UDP_HEADER_LEN) as u16),
lease_duration: None,
dns_servers: None,
let udp_repr = UdpRepr {
let mut ipv4_repr = Ipv4Repr {
src_addr: Ipv4Address::UNSPECIFIED,
dst_addr: Ipv4Address::BROADCAST,
protocol: IpProtocol::Udp,
payload_len: 0, // filled right before emit
hop_limit: 64,
match &mut self.state {
ClientState::Discovering(state) => {
if now < state.retry_at {
return Err(Error::Exhausted)
// send packet
net_debug!("DHCP send DISCOVER to {}: {:?}", ipv4_repr.dst_addr, dhcp_repr);
ipv4_repr.payload_len = udp_repr.header_len() + dhcp_repr.buffer_len();
emit((ipv4_repr, udp_repr, dhcp_repr))?;
// Update state AFTER the packet has been successfully sent.
state.retry_at = now + DISCOVER_TIMEOUT;
self.transaction_id = next_transaction_id;
ClientState::Requesting(state) => {
if now < state.retry_at {
return Err(Error::Exhausted)
if state.retry >= REQUEST_RETRIES {
net_debug!("DHCP request retries exceeded, restarting discovery");
// return Ok so we get polled again
return Ok(())
dhcp_repr.message_type = DhcpMessageType::Request;
dhcp_repr.broadcast = false;
dhcp_repr.requested_ip = Some(state.requested_ip);
dhcp_repr.server_identifier = Some(state.server.identifier);
net_debug!("DHCP send request to {}: {:?}", ipv4_repr.dst_addr, dhcp_repr);
ipv4_repr.payload_len = udp_repr.header_len() + dhcp_repr.buffer_len();
emit((ipv4_repr, udp_repr, dhcp_repr))?;
// Exponential backoff
state.retry_at = now + REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
state.retry += 1;
self.transaction_id = next_transaction_id;
ClientState::Renewing(state) => {
if state.expires_at <= now {
net_debug!("DHCP lease expired");
// return Ok so we get polled again
return Ok(())
if now < state.renew_at {
return Err(Error::Exhausted)
ipv4_repr.src_addr = state.config.address.address();
ipv4_repr.dst_addr = state.server.address;
dhcp_repr.message_type = DhcpMessageType::Request;
dhcp_repr.client_ip = state.config.address.address();
dhcp_repr.broadcast = false;
net_debug!("DHCP send renew to {}: {:?}", ipv4_repr.dst_addr, dhcp_repr);
ipv4_repr.payload_len = udp_repr.header_len() + dhcp_repr.buffer_len();
emit((ipv4_repr, udp_repr, dhcp_repr))?;
// In both RENEWING and REBINDING states, if the client receives no
// response to its DHCPREQUEST message, the client SHOULD wait one-half
// of the remaining time until T2 (in RENEWING state) and one-half of
// the remaining lease time (in REBINDING state), down to a minimum of
// 60 seconds, before retransmitting the DHCPREQUEST message.
state.renew_at = now + MIN_RENEW_TIMEOUT.max((state.expires_at - now) / 2);
self.transaction_id = next_transaction_id;
/// Reset state and restart discovery phase.
/// Use this to speed up acquisition of an address in a new
/// network if a link was down and it is now back up.
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
net_trace!("DHCP reset");
if let ClientState::Renewing(_) = &self.state {
self.config_changed = true;
self.state = ClientState::Discovering(DiscoverState{
retry_at: Instant::from_millis(0),
/// Query the socket for configuration changes.
/// The socket has an internal "configuration changed" flag. If
/// set, this function returns the configuration and resets the flag.
pub fn poll(&mut self) -> Event<'_> {
if !self.config_changed {
} else if let ClientState::Renewing(state) = &self.state {
self.config_changed = false;
} else {
self.config_changed = false;
impl<'a> Into<Socket<'a>> for Dhcpv4Socket {
fn into(self) -> Socket<'a> {