use core::fmt; use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NetworkEndian}; use Error; use super::{InternetProtocolType, InternetAddress}; use super::ip::checksum; /// A read/write wrapper around an Transmission Control Protocol packet buffer. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Packet> { buffer: T } mod field { #![allow(non_snake_case)] use wire::field::*; pub const SRC_PORT: Field = 0..2; pub const DST_PORT: Field = 2..4; pub const SEQ_NUM: Field = 4..8; pub const ACK_NUM: Field = 8..12; pub const FLAGS: Field = 12..14; pub const WIN_SIZE: Field = 14..16; pub const CHECKSUM: Field = 16..18; pub const URGENT: Field = 18..20; pub const FLG_FIN: u16 = 0x001; pub const FLG_SYN: u16 = 0x002; pub const FLG_RST: u16 = 0x004; pub const FLG_PSH: u16 = 0x008; pub const FLG_ACK: u16 = 0x010; pub const FLG_URG: u16 = 0x020; pub const FLG_ECE: u16 = 0x040; pub const FLG_CWR: u16 = 0x080; pub const FLG_NS: u16 = 0x100; } impl> Packet { /// Wrap a buffer with a TCP packet. Returns an error if the buffer /// is too small to contain one. pub fn new(buffer: T) -> Result, Error> { let len = buffer.as_ref().len(); if len < field::URGENT.end { Err(Error::Truncated) } else { Ok(Packet { buffer: buffer }) } } /// Consumes the packet, returning the underlying buffer. pub fn into_inner(self) -> T { self.buffer } /// Return the source port field. #[inline(always)] pub fn src_port(&self) -> u16 { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::SRC_PORT]) } /// Return the destination port field. #[inline(always)] pub fn dst_port(&self) -> u16 { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::DST_PORT]) } /// Return the sequence number field. #[inline(always)] pub fn seq_number(&self) -> u32 { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); NetworkEndian::read_u32(&data[field::SEQ_NUM]) } /// Return the acknowledgement number field. #[inline(always)] pub fn ack_number(&self) -> u32 { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); NetworkEndian::read_u32(&data[field::ACK_NUM]) } /// Return the FIN flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn fin(&self) -> bool { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); raw & field::FLG_FIN != 0 } /// Return the SYN flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn syn(&self) -> bool { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); raw & field::FLG_SYN != 0 } /// Return the RST flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn rst(&self) -> bool { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); raw & field::FLG_RST != 0 } /// Return the PSH flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn psh(&self) -> bool { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); raw & field::FLG_PSH != 0 } /// Return the ACK flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn ack(&self) -> bool { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); raw & field::FLG_ACK != 0 } /// Return the URG flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn urg(&self) -> bool { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); raw & field::FLG_URG != 0 } /// Return the ECE flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn ece(&self) -> bool { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); raw & field::FLG_ECE != 0 } /// Return the CWR flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn cwr(&self) -> bool { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); raw & field::FLG_CWR != 0 } /// Return the NS flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn ns(&self) -> bool { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); raw & field::FLG_NS != 0 } /// Return the header length, in octets. #[inline(always)] pub fn header_len(&self) -> u8 { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); ((raw >> 12) * 4) as u8 } /// Return the window size field. #[inline(always)] pub fn window_len(&self) -> u16 { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::WIN_SIZE]) } /// Return the checksum field. #[inline(always)] pub fn checksum(&self) -> u16 { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::CHECKSUM]) } /// Return the urgent pointer field. #[inline(always)] pub fn urgent_at(&self) -> u16 { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::URGENT]) } /// Validate the packet checksum. /// /// # Panics /// This function panics unless `src_addr` and `dst_addr` belong to the same family, /// and that family is IPv4 or IPv6. pub fn verify_checksum(&self, src_addr: &InternetAddress, dst_addr: &InternetAddress) -> bool { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); checksum::combine(&[ checksum::pseudo_header(src_addr, dst_addr, InternetProtocolType::Tcp, data.len() as u32), checksum::data(data) ]) == !0 } } impl<'a, T: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized> Packet<&'a T> { /// Return a pointer to the payload. #[inline(always)] pub fn payload(&self) -> &'a [u8] { let header_len = self.header_len() as usize; let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); &data[header_len..] } } impl + AsMut<[u8]>> Packet { /// Set the source port field. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_src_port(&mut self, value: u16) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::SRC_PORT], value) } /// Set the destination port field. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_dst_port(&mut self, value: u16) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::DST_PORT], value) } /// Set the sequence number field. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_seq_number(&mut self, value: u32) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); NetworkEndian::write_u32(&mut data[field::SEQ_NUM], value) } /// Set the acknowledgement number field. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_ack_number(&mut self, value: u32) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); NetworkEndian::write_u32(&mut data[field::ACK_NUM], value) } /// Clear the entire flags field. #[inline(always)] pub fn clear_flags(&mut self) { let data = self.buffer.as_mut(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); let raw = raw & !0x0fff; NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::FLAGS], raw) } /// Set the FIN flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_fin(&mut self, value: bool) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); let raw = if value { raw | field::FLG_FIN } else { raw & !field::FLG_FIN }; NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::FLAGS], raw) } /// Set the SYN flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_syn(&mut self, value: bool) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); let raw = if value { raw | field::FLG_SYN } else { raw & !field::FLG_SYN }; NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::FLAGS], raw) } /// Set the RST flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_rst(&mut self, value: bool) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); let raw = if value { raw | field::FLG_RST } else { raw & !field::FLG_RST }; NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::FLAGS], raw) } /// Set the PSH flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_psh(&mut self, value: bool) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); let raw = if value { raw | field::FLG_PSH } else { raw & !field::FLG_PSH }; NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::FLAGS], raw) } /// Set the ACK flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_ack(&mut self, value: bool) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); let raw = if value { raw | field::FLG_ACK } else { raw & !field::FLG_ACK }; NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::FLAGS], raw) } /// Set the URG flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_urg(&mut self, value: bool) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); let raw = if value { raw | field::FLG_URG } else { raw & !field::FLG_URG }; NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::FLAGS], raw) } /// Set the ECE flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_ece(&mut self, value: bool) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); let raw = if value { raw | field::FLG_ECE } else { raw & !field::FLG_ECE }; NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::FLAGS], raw) } /// Set the CWR flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_cwr(&mut self, value: bool) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); let raw = if value { raw | field::FLG_CWR } else { raw & !field::FLG_CWR }; NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::FLAGS], raw) } /// Set the NS flag. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_ns(&mut self, value: bool) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); let raw = if value { raw | field::FLG_NS } else { raw & !field::FLG_NS }; NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::FLAGS], raw) } /// Set the header length, in octets. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_header_len(&mut self, value: u8) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); let raw = NetworkEndian::read_u16(&data[field::FLAGS]); let raw = (raw & !0xf000) | ((value as u16) / 4) << 12; NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::FLAGS], raw) } /// Return the window size field. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_window_len(&mut self, value: u16) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::WIN_SIZE], value) } /// Set the checksum field. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_checksum(&mut self, value: u16) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::CHECKSUM], value) } /// Set the urgent pointer field. #[inline(always)] pub fn set_urgent_at(&mut self, value: u16) { let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut data[field::URGENT], value) } /// Compute and fill in the header checksum. /// /// # Panics /// This function panics unless `src_addr` and `dst_addr` belong to the same family, /// and that family is IPv4 or IPv6. pub fn fill_checksum(&mut self, src_addr: &InternetAddress, dst_addr: &InternetAddress) { self.set_checksum(0); let checksum = { let data = self.buffer.as_ref(); !checksum::combine(&[ checksum::pseudo_header(src_addr, dst_addr, InternetProtocolType::Tcp, data.len() as u32), checksum::data(data) ]) }; self.set_checksum(checksum) } } impl<'a, T: AsRef<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]> + ?Sized> Packet<&'a mut T> { /// Return a mutable pointer to the payload data. #[inline(always)] pub fn payload_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { let header_len = self.header_len() as usize; let mut data = self.buffer.as_mut(); &mut data[header_len..] } } /// A high-level representation of a Transmission Control Protocol packet. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub struct Repr<'a> { pub src_port: u16, pub dst_port: u16, pub control: Control, pub seq_number: u32, pub ack_number: Option, pub window_len: u16, pub payload: &'a [u8] } /// The control flags of a Transmission Control Protocol packet. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub enum Control { None, Syn, Fin, Rst } impl<'a> Repr<'a> { /// Parse a Transmission Control Protocol packet and return a high-level representation. pub fn parse(packet: &Packet<&'a T>, src_addr: &InternetAddress, dst_addr: &InternetAddress) -> Result, Error> where T: AsRef<[u8]> { // Source and destination ports must be present. if packet.src_port() == 0 { return Err(Error::Malformed) } if packet.dst_port() == 0 { return Err(Error::Malformed) } // Valid checksum is expected... if !packet.verify_checksum(src_addr, dst_addr) { return Err(Error::Checksum) } let control = match (packet.syn(), packet.fin(), packet.rst()) { (false, false, false) => Control::None, (true, false, false) => Control::Syn, (false, true, false) => Control::Fin, (false, false, true ) => Control::Rst, _ => return Err(Error::Malformed) }; let ack_number = match packet.ack() { true => Some(packet.ack_number()), false => None }; // The PSH flag is ignored. // The URG flag and the urgent field is ignored. This behavior is standards-compliant, // however, most deployed systems (e.g. Linux) are *not* standards-compliant, and would // cut the byte at the urgent pointer from the stream. Ok(Repr { src_port: packet.src_port(), dst_port: packet.dst_port(), control: control, seq_number: packet.seq_number(), ack_number: ack_number, window_len: packet.window_len(), payload: packet.payload() }) } /// Return the length of a packet that will be emitted from this high-level representation. pub fn buffer_len(&self) -> usize { field::URGENT.end + self.payload.len() } /// Emit a high-level representation into a Transmission Control Protocol packet. pub fn emit(&self, packet: &mut Packet<&mut T>, src_addr: &InternetAddress, dst_addr: &InternetAddress) where T: AsRef<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]> { packet.set_src_port(self.src_port); packet.set_dst_port(self.dst_port); packet.set_seq_number(self.seq_number); packet.set_ack_number(self.ack_number.unwrap_or(0)); packet.set_window_len(self.window_len); packet.set_header_len(20); packet.clear_flags(); match self.control { Control::None => (), Control::Syn => packet.set_syn(true), Control::Fin => packet.set_fin(true), Control::Rst => packet.set_rst(true) } packet.payload_mut().copy_from_slice(self.payload); packet.fill_checksum(src_addr, dst_addr) } } impl<'a, T: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized> fmt::Display for Packet<&'a T> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { // Cannot use Repr::parse because we don't have the IP addresses. try!(write!(f, "TCP src={} dst={}", self.src_port(), self.dst_port())); if self.syn() { try!(write!(f, " syn")) } if self.fin() { try!(write!(f, " fin")) } if self.rst() { try!(write!(f, " rst")) } if self.psh() { try!(write!(f, " psh")) } if self.ece() { try!(write!(f, " ece")) } if self.cwr() { try!(write!(f, " cwr")) } if self.ns() { try!(write!(f, " ns" )) } try!(write!(f, " seq={}", self.seq_number())); if self.ack() { try!(write!(f, " ack={}", self.ack_number())); } try!(write!(f, " win={}", self.window_len())); if self.urg() { try!(write!(f, " urg={}", self.urgent_at())) } try!(write!(f, " len={}", self.payload().len())); Ok(()) } } impl<'a> fmt::Display for Repr<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { try!(write!(f, "TCP src={} dst={} ", self.src_port, self.dst_port)); match self.control { Control::Syn => try!(write!(f, " syn")), Control::Fin => try!(write!(f, " fin")), Control::Rst => try!(write!(f, " rst")), Control::None => () } try!(write!(f, " seq={}", self.seq_number)); if let Some(ack_number) = self.ack_number { try!(write!(f, " ack={}", ack_number)); } try!(write!(f, " win={}", self.window_len)); try!(write!(f, " len={}", self.payload.len())); Ok(()) } } use super::pretty_print::{PrettyPrint, PrettyIndent}; impl> PrettyPrint for Packet { fn pretty_print(buffer: &AsRef<[u8]>, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, indent: &mut PrettyIndent) -> fmt::Result { match Packet::new(buffer) { Err(err) => write!(f, "{}({})\n", indent, err), Ok(packet) => write!(f, "{}{}\n", indent, packet) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use wire::Ipv4Address; use super::*; const SRC_ADDR: Ipv4Address = Ipv4Address([192, 168, 1, 1]); const DST_ADDR: Ipv4Address = Ipv4Address([192, 168, 1, 2]); static PACKET_BYTES: [u8; 24] = [0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef, 0x50, 0x35, 0x01, 0x23, 0x20, 0xbe, 0x02, 0x01, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff]; static PAYLOAD_BYTES: [u8; 4] = [0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff]; #[test] fn test_deconstruct() { let packet = Packet::new(&PACKET_BYTES[..]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(packet.src_port(), 48896); assert_eq!(packet.dst_port(), 80); assert_eq!(packet.seq_number(), 0x01234567); assert_eq!(packet.ack_number(), 0x89abcdef); assert_eq!(packet.header_len(), 20); assert_eq!(packet.fin(), true); assert_eq!(packet.syn(), false); assert_eq!(packet.rst(), true); assert_eq!(packet.psh(), false); assert_eq!(packet.ack(), true); assert_eq!(packet.urg(), true); assert_eq!(packet.window_len(), 0x0123); assert_eq!(packet.urgent_at(), 0x0201); assert_eq!(packet.checksum(), 0x20be); assert_eq!(packet.payload(), &PAYLOAD_BYTES[..]); assert_eq!(packet.verify_checksum(&SRC_ADDR.into(), &DST_ADDR.into()), true); } #[test] fn test_construct() { let mut bytes = vec![0; 24]; let mut packet = Packet::new(&mut bytes).unwrap(); packet.set_src_port(48896); packet.set_dst_port(80); packet.set_seq_number(0x01234567); packet.set_ack_number(0x89abcdef); packet.set_header_len(20); packet.set_fin(true); packet.set_syn(false); packet.set_rst(true); packet.set_psh(false); packet.set_ack(true); packet.set_urg(true); packet.set_window_len(0x0123); packet.set_urgent_at(0x0201); packet.set_checksum(0xEEEE); packet.payload_mut().copy_from_slice(&PAYLOAD_BYTES[..]); packet.fill_checksum(&SRC_ADDR.into(), &DST_ADDR.into()); assert_eq!(&packet.into_inner()[..], &PACKET_BYTES[..]); } static SYN_PACKET_BYTES: [u8; 24] = [0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x02, 0x01, 0x23, 0x7a, 0x8d, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff]; fn packet_repr() -> Repr<'static> { Repr { src_port: 48896, dst_port: 80, seq_number: 0x01234567, ack_number: None, window_len: 0x0123, control: Control::Syn, payload: &PAYLOAD_BYTES } } #[test] fn test_parse() { let packet = Packet::new(&SYN_PACKET_BYTES[..]).unwrap(); let repr = Repr::parse(&packet, &SRC_ADDR.into(), &DST_ADDR.into()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(repr, packet_repr()); } #[test] fn test_emit() { let repr = packet_repr(); let mut bytes = vec![0; repr.buffer_len()]; let mut packet = Packet::new(&mut bytes).unwrap(); repr.emit(&mut packet, &SRC_ADDR.into(), &DST_ADDR.into()); assert_eq!(&packet.into_inner()[..], &SYN_PACKET_BYTES[..]); } }