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2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
extern crate log;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate getopts;
extern crate smoltcp;
extern crate byteorder;
mod utils;
2017-09-25 08:55:54 +08:00
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::time::Instant;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use smoltcp::phy::Device;
use smoltcp::phy::wait as phy_wait;
use smoltcp::wire::{EthernetAddress, IpAddress, IpCidr,
Ipv4Address, Icmpv4Repr, Icmpv4Packet};
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
use smoltcp::iface::{ArpCache, SliceArpCache, EthernetInterface};
use smoltcp::socket::{SocketSet, IcmpSocket, IcmpSocketBuffer, IcmpPacketBuffer, IcmpEndpoint};
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
use std::collections::HashMap;
use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NetworkEndian};
fn main() {
let (mut opts, mut free) = utils::create_options();
utils::add_tap_options(&mut opts, &mut free);
utils::add_middleware_options(&mut opts, &mut free);
opts.optopt("c", "count", "Amount of echo request packets to send (default: 4)", "COUNT");
opts.optopt("i", "interval",
"Interval between successive packets sent (seconds) (default: 1)", "INTERVAL");
opts.optopt("", "timeout",
"Maximum wait duration for an echo response packet (seconds) (default: 5)",
let mut matches = utils::parse_options(&opts, free);
let device = utils::parse_tap_options(&mut matches);
let fd = device.as_raw_fd();
let device = utils::parse_middleware_options(&mut matches, device, /*loopback=*/false);
2017-10-03 15:28:00 +08:00
let device_caps = device.capabilities();
let address = Ipv4Address::from_str(&[0]).expect("invalid address format");
let count = matches.opt_str("count").map(|s| usize::from_str(&s).unwrap()).unwrap_or(4);
let interval = matches.opt_str("interval").map(|s| u64::from_str(&s).unwrap()).unwrap_or(1);
let timeout = matches.opt_str("timeout").map(|s| u64::from_str(&s).unwrap()).unwrap_or(5);
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
let startup_time = Instant::now();
let arp_cache = SliceArpCache::new(vec![Default::default(); 8]);
let remote_addr = address;
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
let local_addr = Ipv4Address::new(192, 168, 69, 1);
let icmp_rx_buffer = IcmpSocketBuffer::new(vec![IcmpPacketBuffer::new(vec![0; 256])]);
let icmp_tx_buffer = IcmpSocketBuffer::new(vec![IcmpPacketBuffer::new(vec![0; 256])]);
let icmp_socket = IcmpSocket::new(icmp_rx_buffer, icmp_tx_buffer);
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
let ethernet_addr = EthernetAddress([0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02]);
let ip_addr = IpCidr::new(IpAddress::from(local_addr), 24);
2017-10-03 15:28:00 +08:00
let default_v4_gw = Ipv4Address::new(192, 168, 69, 100);
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
let mut iface = EthernetInterface::new(
device, Box::new(arp_cache) as Box<ArpCache>,
ethernet_addr, [ip_addr], Some(default_v4_gw));
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
let mut sockets = SocketSet::new(vec![]);
let icmp_handle = sockets.add(icmp_socket);
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
let mut send_at = 0;
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
let mut seq_no = 0;
let mut received = 0;
let mut echo_payload = [0xffu8; 40];
let mut waiting_queue = HashMap::new();
let ident = 0x22b;
let endpoint = IpAddress::Ipv4(remote_addr);
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
loop {
let mut socket = sockets.get::<IcmpSocket>(icmp_handle);
if !socket.is_open() {
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
let timestamp = Instant::now().duration_since(startup_time);
let timestamp_us = (timestamp.as_secs() * 1000000) +
(timestamp.subsec_nanos() / 1000) as u64;
if socket.can_send() && seq_no < count as u16 &&
send_at <= utils::millis_since(startup_time) {
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
NetworkEndian::write_u64(&mut echo_payload, timestamp_us);
let icmp_repr = Icmpv4Repr::EchoRequest {
ident: ident,
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
data: &echo_payload,
let icmp_payload = socket
.send(icmp_repr.buffer_len(), endpoint)
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
let mut icmp_packet = Icmpv4Packet::new(icmp_payload);
2017-10-03 15:28:00 +08:00
icmp_repr.emit(&mut icmp_packet, &device_caps.checksum);
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
waiting_queue.insert(seq_no, timestamp);
seq_no += 1;
send_at += interval * 1000;
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
if socket.can_recv() {
let (payload, _) = socket.recv().unwrap();
let icmp_packet = Icmpv4Packet::new(&payload);
let icmp_repr = Icmpv4Repr::parse(&icmp_packet, &device_caps.checksum).unwrap();
if let Icmpv4Repr::EchoReply { seq_no, data, .. } = icmp_repr {
if let Some(_) = waiting_queue.get(&seq_no) {
let packet_timestamp_us = NetworkEndian::read_u64(data);
println!("{} bytes from {}: icmp_seq={}, time={:.3}ms",
data.len(), remote_addr, seq_no,
(timestamp_us - packet_timestamp_us) as f64 / 1000.0);
received += 1;
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
waiting_queue.retain(|seq, from| {
if (timestamp - *from).as_secs() < timeout {
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
} else {
println!("From {} icmp_seq={} timeout", remote_addr, seq);
if seq_no == count as u16 && waiting_queue.is_empty() {
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
let timestamp = utils::millis_since(startup_time);
let poll_at = iface.poll(&mut sockets, timestamp).expect("poll error");
let resume_at = [poll_at, Some(send_at)].iter().flat_map(|x| *x).min();
phy_wait(fd,|at| at.saturating_sub(timestamp))).expect("wait error");
2017-06-18 18:14:46 +08:00
println!("--- {} ping statistics ---", remote_addr);
println!("{} packets transmitted, {} received, {:.0}% packet loss",
seq_no, received, 100.0 * (seq_no - received) as f64 / seq_no as f64);