use smoltcp::socket::TcpSocket; use smoltcp::socket::TcpState; use smoltcp::socket::Socket; use smoltcp::socket::AnySocket; use smoltcp::socket::SocketRef; use smoltcp::socket::SocketHandle; use smoltcp::socket::SocketSet; use smoltcp::socket::TcpSocketBuffer; use smoltcp::wire::Ipv4Address; use smoltcp::wire::IpEndpoint; use smoltcp::Result; use smoltcp::Error; use smoltcp::iface::EthernetInterface; use smoltcp::time::Instant; use smoltcp::phy::Device; use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NetworkEndian, BigEndian}; use generic_array::GenericArray; use core::convert::TryInto; use core::convert::TryFrom; use core::cell::RefCell; use rand_core::{RngCore, CryptoRng}; use p256::{EncodedPoint, AffinePoint, ecdh::EphemeralSecret, ecdh::SharedSecret}; use aes_gcm::{Aes128Gcm, Aes256Gcm}; use chacha20poly1305::{ChaCha20Poly1305, Key}; use ccm::{Ccm, consts::*}; use aes_gcm::aes::Aes128; use aes_gcm::{AeadInPlace, NewAead}; use alloc::vec::{ self, Vec }; use crate::Error as TlsError; use crate::tls_packet::*; use crate::parse::parse_tls_repr; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] enum TlsState { START, WAIT_SH, WAIT_EE, WAIT_CERT_CR, WAIT_CERT, WAIT_CV, WAIT_FINISHED, CONNECTED, } // TODO: Group up all session_specific parameters into a separate structure pub struct TlsSocket { state: RefCell, tcp_handle: SocketHandle, rng: R, secret: RefCell>, // Used enum Option to allow later init session_id: RefCell>, // init session specific field later received_change_cipher_spec: RefCell>, cipher: RefCell>, } pub(crate) enum Cipher { TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256(Aes128Gcm), TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384(Aes256Gcm), TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256(ChaCha20Poly1305), TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256(Ccm) } macro_rules! impl_cipher { ($($cipher_name: ident),+) => { impl Cipher { pub(crate) fn encrypt(&self, rng: &mut T, associated_data: &[u8], buffer: &mut Vec) -> core::result::Result<(), TlsError> where T: RngCore + CryptoRng { // All 4 supported Ciphers use a nonce of 12 bytes let mut nonce_array: [u8; 12] = [0; 12]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut nonce_array); use Cipher::*; match self { $( $cipher_name(cipher) => { cipher.encrypt_in_place( &GenericArray::from_slice(&nonce_array), associated_data, buffer ).map_err( |_| TlsError::EncryptionError ) } )+ } } pub(crate) fn decrypt(&self, rng: &mut T, associated_data: &[u8], buffer: &mut Vec) -> core::result::Result<(), TlsError> where T: RngCore + CryptoRng { // All 4 supported Ciphers use a nonce of 12 bytes let mut nonce_array: [u8; 12] = [0; 12]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut nonce_array); use Cipher::*; match self { $( $cipher_name(cipher) => { cipher.decrypt_in_place( &GenericArray::from_slice(&nonce_array), associated_data, buffer ).map_err( |_| TlsError::EncryptionError ) } )+ } } } } } impl_cipher!( TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256, TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256 ); impl TlsSocket { pub fn new<'a, 'b, 'c>( sockets: &mut SocketSet<'a, 'b, 'c>, rx_buffer: TcpSocketBuffer<'b>, tx_buffer: TcpSocketBuffer<'b>, rng: R, ) -> Self where 'b: 'c, { let tcp_socket = TcpSocket::new(rx_buffer, tx_buffer); let tcp_handle = sockets.add(tcp_socket); TlsSocket { state: RefCell::new(TlsState::START), tcp_handle, rng, secret: RefCell::new(None), session_id: RefCell::new(None), received_change_cipher_spec: RefCell::new(None), cipher: RefCell::new(None), } } pub fn tcp_connect( &mut self, sockets: &mut SocketSet, remote_endpoint: T, local_endpoint: U, ) -> Result<()> where T: Into, U: Into, { let mut tcp_socket = sockets.get::(self.tcp_handle); if tcp_socket.state() == TcpState::Established { Ok(()) } else { tcp_socket.connect(remote_endpoint, local_endpoint) } } pub fn tls_connect( &mut self, iface: &mut EthernetInterface, sockets: &mut SocketSet, now: Instant ) -> Result where DeviceT: for<'d> Device<'d> { // Check tcp_socket connectivity { let mut tcp_socket = sockets.get::(self.tcp_handle); tcp_socket.set_keep_alive(Some(smoltcp::time::Duration::from_millis(1000))); if tcp_socket.state() != TcpState::Established { return Ok(false); } } // Handle TLS handshake through TLS states let state = self.state.clone().into_inner(); match state { // Initiate TLS handshake TlsState::START => { // Prepare field that is randomised, // Supply it to the TLS repr builder. let ecdh_secret = EphemeralSecret::random(&mut self.rng); let mut random: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; let mut session_id: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; self.rng.fill_bytes(&mut random); self.rng.fill_bytes(&mut session_id); let repr = TlsRepr::new() .client_hello(&ecdh_secret, random, session_id); self.send_tls_repr(sockets, repr)?; // Store session settings, i.e. secret, session_id self.secret.replace(Some(ecdh_secret)); self.session_id.replace(Some(session_id)); self.received_change_cipher_spec.replace(Some(false)); // Update the TLS state self.state.replace(TlsState::WAIT_SH); }, // TLS Client wait for Server Hello // No need to send anything TlsState::WAIT_SH => {}, // TLS Client wait for certificate from TLS server // No need to send anything // Note: TLS server should normall send SH alongside EE // TLS client should jump from WAIT_SH directly to WAIT_CERT_CR directly. TlsState::WAIT_EE => {}, _ => todo!() } // Poll the network interface iface.poll(sockets, now); // Read for TLS packet let mut array: [u8; 2048] = [0; 2048]; let tls_repr_vec = self.recv_tls_repr(sockets, &mut array)?; for repr in tls_repr_vec.iter() { self.process(repr)?; } Ok(self.state.clone().into_inner() == TlsState::CONNECTED) } // Process TLS ingress during handshake fn process(&self, repr: &TlsRepr) -> Result<()> { let state = self.state.clone().into_inner(); // Change_cipher_spec check: // Must receive CCS before recv peer's FINISH message // i.e. Must happen after START and before CONNECTED // // CCS message only exist for compatibility reason, // Drop the message and update `received_change_cipher_spec` if repr.is_change_cipher_spec() { self.received_change_cipher_spec.replace(Some(true)); return Ok(()) } match state { // During WAIT_SH for a TLS client, client should wait for ServerHello TlsState::WAIT_SH => { // Legacy_protocol must be TLS 1.2 if repr.version != TlsVersion::Tls12 { // Abort communication todo!() } // TODO: Validate SH if repr.is_server_hello() { // Check SH content: // random: Cannot represent HelloRequestRetry // (TODO: Support other key shares, e.g. X25519) // session_id_echo: should be same as the one sent by client // cipher_suite: Store // (TODO: Check if such suite was offered) // compression_method: Must be null, not supported in TLS 1.3 // // Check extensions: // supported_version: Must be TLS 1.3 // key_share: Store key, must be in secp256r1 // (TODO: Support other key shares ^) let handshake_data = &repr.handshake.as_ref().unwrap().handshake_data; if let HandshakeData::ServerHello(server_hello) = handshake_data { // Check random: Cannot be SHA-256 of "HelloRetryRequest" if server_hello.random == HRR_RANDOM { // Abort communication todo!() } // Check session_id_echo // The socket should have a session_id after moving from START state if self.session_id.clone().into_inner().unwrap() != server_hello.session_id_echo { // Abort communication todo!() } // Store the cipher suite let selected_cipher = server_hello.cipher_suite; if server_hello.compression_method != 0 { // Abort communciation todo!() } for extension in server_hello.extensions.iter() { if extension.extension_type == ExtensionType::SupportedVersions { if let ExtensionData::SupportedVersions( SupportedVersions::ServerHello { selected_version } ) = extension.extension_data { if selected_version != TlsVersion::Tls13 { // Abort for choosing not offered TLS version todo!() } } else { // Abort for illegal extension todo!() } } if extension.extension_type == ExtensionType::KeyShare { if let ExtensionData::KeyShareEntry( KeyShareEntryContent::KeyShareServerHello { server_share } ) = &extension.extension_data { // TODO: Use legitimate checking to ensure the chosen // group is indeed acceptable, when allowing more (EC)DHE // key sharing if != NamedGroup::secp256r1 { // Abort for wrong key sharing todo!() } // Store key // It is surely from secp256r1, no other groups are permitted // Convert untagged bytes into encoded point on p256 eliptic curve // Slice the first byte out of the bytes let server_public = EncodedPoint::from_untagged_bytes( GenericArray::from_slice(&server_share.key_exchange[1..]) ); // TODO: Handle improper shared key // Right now is causes a panic, only socket abort is needed let secret = self.secret.replace(None); let shared = secret.unwrap() .diffie_hellman(&server_public) .expect("Unsupported key"); let cipher = match selected_cipher { CipherSuite::TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 => { Cipher::TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256( todo!() ) }, CipherSuite::TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 => { Cipher::TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384( Aes256Gcm::new(shared.as_bytes()) ) }, CipherSuite::TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 => { Cipher::TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256( ChaCha20Poly1305::new(shared.as_bytes()) ) }, CipherSuite::TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256 => { Cipher::TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256( todo!() ) }, // CCM_8 is not supported // TODO: Abort communication CipherSuite::TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256 => { todo!() } }; self.cipher.replace(Some(cipher)); } } } self.state.replace(TlsState::WAIT_EE); } else { // Handle invalid TLS packet todo!() } } }, // Expect encrypted extensions after receiving SH TlsState::WAIT_EE => { // ExcepytedExtensions are disguised as ApplicationData // Pull out the `payload` from TlsRepr, decrypt as EE }, _ => {}, } Ok(()) } // Generic inner send method, through TCP socket fn send_tls_repr(&self, sockets: &mut SocketSet, tls_repr: TlsRepr) -> Result<()> { let mut tcp_socket = sockets.get::(self.tcp_handle); if !tcp_socket.can_send() { return Err(Error::Illegal); } let mut array = [0; 2048]; let mut buffer = TlsBuffer::new(&mut array); buffer.enqueue_tls_repr(tls_repr)?; let buffer_size = buffer.index.clone(); tcp_socket.send_slice(buffer.into()) .and_then( |size| if size == buffer_size.into_inner() { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::Truncated) } ) } // Generic inner recv method, through TCP socket // A TCP packet can contain multiple TLS segments fn recv_tls_repr<'a>(&'a self, sockets: &mut SocketSet, byte_array: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result> { let mut tcp_socket = sockets.get::(self.tcp_handle); if !tcp_socket.can_recv() { return Ok((Vec::new())); } let array_size = tcp_socket.recv_slice(byte_array)?; let mut vec: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut bytes: &[u8] = &byte_array[..array_size]; loop { match parse_tls_repr(bytes) { Ok((rest, repr)) => { vec.push(repr); if rest.len() == 0 { return Ok(vec); } else { bytes = rest; } }, _ => return Err(Error::Unrecognized), }; } } } // Only designed to support read or write the entire buffer pub(crate) struct TlsBuffer<'a> { buffer: &'a mut [u8], index: core::cell::RefCell, } impl<'a> Into<&'a [u8]> for TlsBuffer<'a> { fn into(self) -> &'a [u8] { &self.buffer[0..self.index.into_inner()] } } impl<'a> TlsBuffer<'a> { pub(crate) fn new(buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self { Self { buffer, index: core::cell::RefCell::new(0), } } pub(crate) fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { let mut index = self.index.borrow_mut(); if (self.buffer.len() - *index) < data.len() { return Err(Error::Exhausted); } let next_index = *index + data.len(); self.buffer[*index..next_index].copy_from_slice(data); *index = next_index; Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn write_u8(&mut self, data: u8) -> Result<()> { let mut index = self.index.borrow_mut(); if (self.buffer.len() - *index) < 1 { return Err(Error::Exhausted); } self.buffer[*index] = data; *index += 1; Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn read_u8(&mut self) -> Result { let mut index = self.index.borrow_mut(); if (self.buffer.len() - *index) < 1 { return Err(Error::Exhausted); } let data = self.buffer[*index]; *index += 1; Ok(data) } pub(crate) fn read_all(self) -> &'a [u8] { &self.buffer[self.index.into_inner()..] } pub(crate) fn read_slice(&self, length: usize) -> Result<&[u8]> { let mut index = self.index.borrow_mut(); if (self.buffer.len() - *index) < length { return Err(Error::Exhausted); } let next_index = *index + length; let slice = &self.buffer[*index..next_index]; *index = next_index; Ok(slice) } fn enqueue_tls_repr(&mut self, tls_repr: TlsRepr<'a>) -> Result<()> { self.write_u8(tls_repr.content_type.into())?; self.write_u16(tls_repr.version.into())?; self.write_u16(tls_repr.length)?; if let Some(app_data) = tls_repr.payload { self.write(app_data)?; } else if let Some(handshake_repr) = tls_repr.handshake { // Queue handshake_repr into buffer self.enqueue_handshake_repr(handshake_repr)?; } else { return Err(Error::Malformed); } Ok(()) } fn enqueue_handshake_repr(&mut self, handshake_repr: HandshakeRepr<'a>) -> Result<()> { self.write_u8(handshake_repr.msg_type.into())?; self.write_u24(handshake_repr.length)?; self.enqueue_handshake_data(handshake_repr.handshake_data) } fn enqueue_handshake_data(&mut self, handshake_data: HandshakeData<'a>) -> Result<()> { match handshake_data { HandshakeData::ClientHello(client_hello) => { self.enqueue_client_hello(client_hello) } _ => { Err(Error::Unrecognized) } } } fn enqueue_client_hello(&mut self, client_hello: ClientHello<'a>) -> Result<()> { self.write_u16(client_hello.version.into())?; self.write(&client_hello.random)?; self.write_u8(client_hello.session_id_length)?; self.write(&client_hello.session_id)?; self.write_u16(client_hello.cipher_suites_length)?; for suite in client_hello.cipher_suites.iter() { self.write_u16((*suite).into())?; } self.write_u8(client_hello.compression_method_length)?; self.write_u8(client_hello.compression_methods)?; self.write_u16(client_hello.extension_length)?; self.enqueue_extensions(client_hello.extensions) } fn enqueue_extensions(&mut self, extensions: Vec) -> Result<()> { for extension in extensions { self.write_u16(extension.extension_type.into())?; self.write_u16(extension.length)?; self.enqueue_extension_data(extension.extension_data)?; } Ok(()) } fn enqueue_extension_data(&mut self, extension_data: ExtensionData) -> Result<()> { use crate::tls_packet::ExtensionData::*; match extension_data { SupportedVersions(s) => { use crate::tls_packet::SupportedVersions::*; match s { ClientHello { length, versions } => { self.write_u8(length)?; for version in versions.iter() { self.write_u16((*version).into())?; } }, ServerHello { selected_version } => { self.write_u16(selected_version.into())?; } } }, SignatureAlgorithms(s) => { self.write_u16(s.length)?; for sig_alg in s.supported_signature_algorithms.iter() { self.write_u16((*sig_alg).into())?; } }, NegotiatedGroups(n) => { self.write_u16(n.length)?; for group in n.named_group_list.iter() { self.write_u16((*group).into())?; } }, KeyShareEntry(k) => { let mut key_share_entry_into = |buffer: &mut TlsBuffer, entry: crate::tls_packet::KeyShareEntry| { buffer.write_u16(; buffer.write_u16(entry.length)?; buffer.write(entry.key_exchange.as_slice()) }; use crate::tls_packet::KeyShareEntryContent::*; match k { KeyShareClientHello { length, client_shares } => { self.write_u16(length)?; for share in client_shares.iter() { self.enqueue_key_share_entry(share)?; } } KeyShareHelloRetryRequest { selected_group } => { self.write_u16(selected_group.into())?; } KeyShareServerHello { server_share } => { self.enqueue_key_share_entry(&server_share)?; } } }, // TODO: Implement buffer formatting for other extensions _ => todo!() }; Ok(()) } fn enqueue_key_share_entry(&mut self, entry: &crate::tls_packet::KeyShareEntry) -> Result<()> { self.write_u16(; self.write_u16(entry.length)?; self.write(entry.key_exchange.as_slice()) } } macro_rules! export_byte_order_fn { ($($write_fn_name: ident, $read_fn_name: ident, $data_type: ty, $data_size: literal),+) => { impl<'a> TlsBuffer<'a> { $( pub(crate) fn $write_fn_name(&mut self, data: $data_type) -> Result<()> { let mut index = self.index.borrow_mut(); if (self.buffer.len() - *index) < $data_size { return Err(Error::Exhausted); } let next_index = *index + $data_size; NetworkEndian::$write_fn_name(&mut self.buffer[*index..next_index], data); *index = next_index; Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn $read_fn_name(&self) -> Result<$data_type> { let mut index = self.index.borrow_mut(); if (self.buffer.len() - *index) < $data_size { return Err(Error::Exhausted); } let next_index = *index + $data_size; let data = NetworkEndian::$read_fn_name(&self.buffer[*index..next_index]); *index = next_index; Ok(data) } )+ } } } export_byte_order_fn!( write_u16, read_u16, u16, 2, write_u24, read_u24, u32, 3, write_u32, read_u32, u32, 4, write_u48, read_u48, u64, 6, write_u64, read_u64, u64, 8 );