[package] categories = ["embedded", "no-std"] name = "enc424j600" description = "Embbeded Rust Ethernet driver for ENC424J600 Ethernet controller with SPI interface, compatible with STM32F4xx" authors = ["Harry Ho "] version = "0.1.0" keywords = ["ethernet", "eth", "enc424j600", "stm32", "stm32f4xx"] repository = "https://github.com/smoltcp-rs/ENC424J600" edition = "2018" [dependencies] volatile-register = "0.2" aligned = "0.3" embedded-hal = "0.2" stm32f4xx-hal = { version = "0.8" , optional = true } smoltcp = { version = "0.6.0", default-features = false, features = ["proto-ipv4", "proto-ipv6", "socket-icmp", "socket-udp", "socket-tcp", "log", "verbose", "ethernet"], optional = true } log = "0.4" [features] smoltcp-phy = ["smoltcp"] smoltcp-phy-all = [ "smoltcp/socket-raw", "smoltcp/socket-udp", "smoltcp/socket-tcp", "smoltcp/proto-ipv4", "smoltcp/proto-ipv6" ] stm32f4 = ["stm32f4xx-hal"] stm32f407 = ["stm32f4xx-hal/stm32f407"] default = [] [dev-dependencies] cortex-m = "0.5" cortex-m-rt = "0.6" panic-itm = "0.4" [[example]] name = "tx_stm32f407" required-features = ["stm32f407"] [[example]] name = "tcp_stm32f407" required-features = ["stm32f407", "smoltcp-phy-all", "smoltcp/log"] [profile.release] codegen-units = 1 incremental = false debug = true opt-level = "s" lto = true