{ rustChannel ? "nightly" }: let mozillaOverlay = import (builtins.fetchTarball https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/archive/master.tar.gz); pkgs = import { overlays = [ mozillaOverlay ]; }; in with pkgs; let rustPlatform = callPackage ./nix/rustPlatform.nix {}; # Note: This itm binary is built with a modified version its v0.3.1 source code, # so as to meet the requirements of newer Rust compiler. itm = callPackage ./nix/itm.nix { inherit rustPlatform; }; runHelp = writeShellScriptBin "run-help" '' echo "[Common Tools]" echo " run-openocd-f4x" echo " - Run OpenOCD in background for STM32F4XX boards." echo " run-itmdump-follow" echo " - Run itmdump in following mode." echo " run-help" echo " - Display this help message." echo "" echo "[Examples]" echo " tx_stm32f407" echo " - Run tx_stm32f407 example." echo " tcp_stm32f407 " echo " - Run tcp_stm32f407 example with the IPv4" echo " address (dot-separated) and prefix length ." echo "" ''; runOpenOcdF4x = writeShellScriptBin "run-openocd-f4x" '' openocd \ -f ${openocd}/share/openocd/scripts/interface/stlink-v2.cfg \ -f ${openocd}/share/openocd/scripts/target/stm32f4x.cfg \ -c init & sleep 1 ''; runItmDumpFollow = writeShellScriptBin "run-itmdump-follow" '' itmdump -f itm.log -F ''; # Examples exTxStm32f407 = writeShellScriptBin "tx_stm32f407" '' cargo run --release --example=tx_stm32f407 --features=stm32f407 ''; exTcpStm32f407 = writeShellScriptBin "tcp_stm32f407" '' if [[ $1 = "" ]] || [[ $2 = "" ]] then echo "Arguments or are missing." exit fi touch ./examples/tcp_stm32f407.rs export ENC424J600_TCP_IP=$1 export ENC424J600_TCP_PREF=$2 cargo run --release --example=tcp_stm32f407 --features=stm32f407,smoltcp-phy-all ''; in stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "enc424j600-stm32-env"; buildInputs = with rustPlatform.rust; [ rustc cargo pkgs.gdb pkgs.openocd itm runHelp runOpenOcdF4x runItmDumpFollow exTxStm32f407 exTcpStm32f407 ]; # Set Environment Variables RUST_BACKTRACE = 1; shellHook = '' echo "Welcome to the nix-shell for running STM32 examples!" echo "" run-help ''; }