forked from M-Labs/artiq
Egor Savkin d75ade7be6 Fix rtiomap failure on device aliases
Signed-off-by: Egor Savkin <es@m-labs.hk>
2022-12-13 17:21:10 +08:00

90 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import importlib
import struct
from sipyco import common_args
from artiq import __version__ as artiq_version
from artiq.master.databases import DeviceDB
def get_argparser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ARTIQ RTIO channel name map encoder tool")
parser.add_argument("--version", action="version",
version="ARTIQ v{}".format(artiq_version),
help="print the ARTIQ version number")
parser.add_argument("--device-db", default="device_db.py",
help="device database file (default: '%(default)s')")
parser.add_argument("file", metavar="FILE", default=None,
help="write the result into the specified file, or read from it to show the map (see `--show`)")
parser.add_argument("--show", default=False, action="store_true",
help="show the channel mapping from the specified file, instead of writing to it")
return parser
def get_rtio_channels(desc):
if isinstance(desc, dict) and desc["type"] == "local":
module = importlib.import_module(desc["module"])
device_class = getattr(module, desc["class"])
return getattr(device_class, "get_rtio_channels", lambda **kwargs: [])(**desc.get("arguments", {}))
return []
def get_channel_map(device_db):
reversed_map = {}
for dev_name, device in device_db.items():
channels = get_rtio_channels(device)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f"failed to process the device `{dev_name}`") from e
for chan, suffix in channels:
assert chan not in reversed_map
reversed_map[chan] = dev_name + (" " + suffix if suffix is not None else "")
return reversed_map
def serialize_device_map(channel_map, outfile):
outfile.write(struct.pack("<I", len(channel_map)))
for dev_num, dev_name in channel_map.items():
dev_name_bytes = dev_name.encode("utf-8")
outfile.write(struct.pack("<II{}s".format(len(dev_name_bytes)), dev_num, len(dev_name_bytes), dev_name_bytes))
def deserialize_device_map(infile):
result_map = dict()
ch_count, = struct.unpack_from("<I", infile.read(4))
for _ in range(ch_count):
dev_num, dev_name_len = struct.unpack_from("<II", infile.read(8))
dev_name = struct.unpack_from("<{}s".format(dev_name_len), infile.read(dev_name_len))[0].decode("utf-8")
assert dev_num not in result_map
result_map[dev_num] = dev_name
return result_map
def main():
args = get_argparser().parse_args()
if args.show:
with open(args.file, "rb") as infile:
chan_map = deserialize_device_map(infile)
for chan, device in sorted(chan_map.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
print(f"{chan} -> {device}")
ddb = DeviceDB(args.device_db)
chan_map = get_channel_map(ddb.get_device_db())
with open(args.file, "wb") as outfile:
serialize_device_map(chan_map, outfile)
if __name__ == "__main__":