forked from M-Labs/artiq

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The :mod:`types` module contains the classes describing the types
in :mod:`asttyped`.
import string
from collections import OrderedDict
from . import iodelay
class UnificationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, typea, typeb):
self.typea, self.typeb = typea, typeb
def genalnum():
ident = ["a"]
while True:
yield "".join(ident)
pos = len(ident) - 1
while pos >= 0:
cur_n = string.ascii_lowercase.index(ident[pos])
if cur_n < 25:
ident[pos] = string.ascii_lowercase[cur_n + 1]
ident[pos] = "a"
pos -= 1
if pos < 0:
ident = ["a"] + ident
def _freeze(dict_):
return tuple((key, dict_[key]) for key in dict_)
def _map_find(elts):
if isinstance(elts, list):
return [x.find() for x in elts]
elif isinstance(elts, dict):
return {k: elts[k].find() for k in elts}
assert False
class Type(object):
def __str__(self):
return TypePrinter().name(self)
class TVar(Type):
A type variable.
In effect, the classic union-find data structure is intrusively
folded into this class.
def __init__(self):
self.parent = self
def find(self):
if self.parent is self:
return self
# The recursive find() invocation is turned into a loop
# because paths resulting from unification of large arrays
# can easily cause a stack overflow.
root = self
while root.__class__ == TVar:
if root is root.parent:
root = root.parent
# path compression
iter = self
while iter.__class__ == TVar:
if iter is iter.parent:
iter, iter.parent = iter.parent, root
return root
def unify(self, other):
other = other.find()
if self.parent is self:
self.parent = other
def fold(self, accum, fn):
if self.parent is self:
return fn(accum, self)
return self.find().fold(accum, fn)
def map(self, fn):
return fn(self)
def __repr__(self):
if self.parent is self:
return "<artiq.compiler.types.TVar %d>" % id(self)
return repr(self.find())
# __eq__ and __hash__ are not overridden and default to
# comparison by identity. Use .find() explicitly before
# any lookups or comparisons.
class TMono(Type):
A monomorphic type, possibly parametric.
:class:`TMono` is supposed to be subclassed by builtin types,
unlike all other :class:`Type` descendants. Similarly,
instances of :class:`TMono` should never be allocated directly,
as that will break the type-sniffing code in :mod:`builtins`.
attributes = OrderedDict()
def __init__(self, name, params={}):
assert isinstance(params, (dict, OrderedDict))
self.name, self.params = name, OrderedDict(sorted(params.items()))
def find(self):
return self
def unify(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TMono) and self.name == other.name:
assert self.params.keys() == other.params.keys()
for param in self.params:
elif isinstance(other, TVar):
raise UnificationError(self, other)
def fold(self, accum, fn):
for param in self.params:
accum = self.params[param].fold(accum, fn)
return fn(accum, self)
def map(self, fn):
params = OrderedDict()
for param in self.params:
params[param] = self.params[param].map(fn)
attributes = OrderedDict()
for attr in self.attributes:
attributes[attr] = self.attributes[attr].map(fn)
self_copy = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
self_copy.name = self.name
self_copy.params = params
self_copy.attributes = attributes
return fn(self_copy)
def __repr__(self):
return "artiq.compiler.types.TMono(%s, %s)" % (repr(self.name), repr(self.params))
def __getitem__(self, param):
return self.params[param]
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, TMono) and \
self.name == other.name and \
_map_find(self.params) == _map_find(other.params)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.name, _freeze(self.params)))
class TTuple(Type):
A tuple type.
:ivar elts: (list of :class:`Type`) elements
attributes = OrderedDict()
def __init__(self, elts=[]):
self.elts = elts
def find(self):
return self
def unify(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TTuple) and len(self.elts) == len(other.elts):
for selfelt, otherelt in zip(self.elts, other.elts):
elif isinstance(other, TVar):
raise UnificationError(self, other)
def fold(self, accum, fn):
for elt in self.elts:
accum = elt.fold(accum, fn)
return fn(accum, self)
def map(self, fn):
return fn(TTuple(list(map(lambda elt: elt.map(fn), self.elts))))
def __repr__(self):
return "artiq.compiler.types.TTuple(%s)" % repr(self.elts)
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, TTuple) and \
_map_find(self.elts) == _map_find(other.elts)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
class _TPointer(TMono):
def __init__(self):
class TFunction(Type):
A function type.
:ivar args: (:class:`collections.OrderedDict` of string to :class:`Type`)
mandatory arguments
:ivar optargs: (:class:`collections.OrderedDict` of string to :class:`Type`)
optional arguments
:ivar ret: (:class:`Type`)
return type
:ivar delay: (:class:`Type`)
RTIO delay
attributes = OrderedDict([
('__closure__', _TPointer()),
('__code__', _TPointer()),
def __init__(self, args, optargs, ret):
assert isinstance(args, OrderedDict)
assert isinstance(optargs, OrderedDict)
assert isinstance(ret, Type)
self.args, self.optargs, self.ret = args, optargs, ret
self.delay = TVar()
def arity(self):
return len(self.args) + len(self.optargs)
def arg_names(self):
return list(self.args.keys()) + list(self.optargs.keys())
def find(self):
return self
def unify(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TFunction) and \
self.args.keys() == other.args.keys() and \
self.optargs.keys() == other.optargs.keys():
for selfarg, otherarg in zip(list(self.args.values()) + list(self.optargs.values()),
list(other.args.values()) + list(other.optargs.values())):
elif isinstance(other, TVar):
raise UnificationError(self, other)
def fold(self, accum, fn):
for arg in self.args:
accum = self.args[arg].fold(accum, fn)
for optarg in self.optargs:
accum = self.optargs[optarg].fold(accum, fn)
accum = self.ret.fold(accum, fn)
return fn(accum, self)
def _map_args(self, fn):
args = OrderedDict()
for arg in self.args:
args[arg] = self.args[arg].map(fn)
optargs = OrderedDict()
for optarg in self.optargs:
optargs[optarg] = self.optargs[optarg].map(fn)
return args, optargs, self.ret.map(fn)
def map(self, fn):
args, optargs, ret = self._map_args(fn)
self_copy = TFunction(args, optargs, ret)
self_copy.delay = self.delay.map(fn)
return fn(self_copy)
def __repr__(self):
return "artiq.compiler.types.TFunction({}, {}, {})".format(
repr(self.args), repr(self.optargs), repr(self.ret))
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, TFunction) and \
_map_find(self.args) == _map_find(other.args) and \
_map_find(self.optargs) == _map_find(other.optargs)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((_freeze(self.args), _freeze(self.optargs), self.ret))
class TRPCFunction(TFunction):
A function type of a remote function.
:ivar service: (int) RPC service number
attributes = OrderedDict()
def __init__(self, args, optargs, ret, service):
super().__init__(args, optargs, ret)
self.service = service
self.delay = TFixedDelay(iodelay.Const(0))
def unify(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TRPCFunction) and \
self.service == other.service:
elif isinstance(other, TVar):
raise UnificationError(self, other)
def map(self, fn):
args, optargs, ret = self._map_args(fn)
self_copy = TRPCFunction(args, optargs, ret, self.service)
self_copy.delay = self.delay.map(fn)
return fn(self_copy)
class TCFunction(TFunction):
A function type of a runtime-provided C function.
:ivar name: (str) C function name
attributes = OrderedDict()
def __init__(self, args, ret, name):
super().__init__(args, OrderedDict(), ret)
self.name = name
self.delay = TFixedDelay(iodelay.Const(0))
def unify(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TCFunction) and \
self.name == other.name:
elif isinstance(other, TVar):
raise UnificationError(self, other)
def map(self, fn):
args, _optargs, ret = self._map_args(fn)
self_copy = TCFunction(args, ret, self.name)
self_copy.delay = self.delay.map(fn)
return fn(self_copy)
class TBuiltin(Type):
An instance of builtin type. Every instance of a builtin
type is treated specially according to its name.
def __init__(self, name):
assert isinstance(name, str)
self.name = name
self.attributes = OrderedDict()
def find(self):
return self
def unify(self, other):
if self != other:
raise UnificationError(self, other)
def fold(self, accum, fn):
return fn(accum, self)
def map(self, fn):
return fn(self)
def __repr__(self):
return "artiq.compiler.types.{}({})".format(type(self).__name__, repr(self.name))
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, TBuiltin) and \
self.name == other.name
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.name)
class TBuiltinFunction(TBuiltin):
A type of a builtin function.
class TConstructor(TBuiltin):
A type of a constructor of a class, e.g. ``list``.
Note that this is not the same as the type of an instance of
the class, which is ``TMono("list", ...)`` (or a descendant).
:ivar instance: (:class:`Type`)
the type of the instance created by this constructor
def __init__(self, instance):
assert isinstance(instance, TMono)
self.instance = instance
class TExceptionConstructor(TConstructor):
A type of a constructor of an exception, e.g. ``Exception``.
Note that this is not the same as the type of an instance of
the class, which is ``TMono("Exception", ...)``.
class TInstance(TMono):
A type of an instance of a user-defined class.
:ivar constructor: (:class:`TConstructor`)
the type of the constructor with which this instance
was created
def __init__(self, name, attributes):
assert isinstance(attributes, OrderedDict)
self.attributes = attributes
def __repr__(self):
return "artiq.compiler.types.TInstance({}, {})".format(
repr(self.name), repr(self.attributes))
class TMethod(TMono):
A type of a method.
def __init__(self, self_type, function_type):
super().__init__("method", {"self": self_type, "fn": function_type})
self.attributes = OrderedDict([
("__func__", function_type),
("__self__", self_type),
class TValue(Type):
A type-level value (such as the integer denoting width of
a generic integer type.
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def find(self):
return self
def unify(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TVar):
elif self != other:
raise UnificationError(self, other)
def fold(self, accum, fn):
return fn(accum, self)
def map(self, fn):
return fn(self)
def __repr__(self):
return "artiq.compiler.types.TValue(%s)" % repr(self.value)
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, TValue) and \
self.value == other.value
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.value)
class TDelay(Type):
The type-level representation of IO delay.
def __init__(self, duration, cause):
# Avoid pulling in too many dependencies with `artiq.language`.
from pythonparser import diagnostic
assert duration is None or isinstance(duration, iodelay.Expr)
assert cause is None or isinstance(cause, diagnostic.Diagnostic)
assert (not (duration and cause)) and (duration or cause)
self.duration, self.cause = duration, cause
def is_fixed(self):
return self.duration is not None
def is_indeterminate(self):
return self.cause is not None
def find(self):
return self
def unify(self, other):
other = other.find()
if isinstance(other, TVar):
elif self.is_fixed() and other.is_fixed() and \
self.duration.fold() == other.duration.fold():
raise UnificationError(self, other)
def fold(self, accum, fn):
# delay types do not participate in folding
def map(self, fn):
# or mapping
return self
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, TDelay) and \
(self.duration == other.duration and \
self.cause == other.cause)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __repr__(self):
if self.duration is None:
return "<{}.TIndeterminateDelay>".format(__name__)
elif self.cause is None:
return "{}.TFixedDelay({})".format(__name__, self.duration)
assert False
def TIndeterminateDelay(cause):
return TDelay(None, cause)
def TFixedDelay(duration):
return TDelay(duration, None)
def instantiate(typ):
tvar_map = dict()
def mapper(typ):
typ = typ.find()
if is_var(typ):
if typ not in tvar_map:
tvar_map[typ] = TVar()
return tvar_map[typ]
return typ
return typ.map(mapper)
def is_var(typ):
return isinstance(typ.find(), TVar)
def is_mono(typ, name=None, **params):
typ = typ.find()
if not isinstance(typ, TMono):
return False
params_match = True
for param in params:
if param not in typ.params:
return False
params_match = params_match and \
typ.params[param].find() == params[param].find()
return name is None or (typ.name == name and params_match)
def is_polymorphic(typ):
return typ.fold(False, lambda accum, typ: accum or is_var(typ))
def is_tuple(typ, elts=None):
typ = typ.find()
if elts:
return isinstance(typ, TTuple) and \
elts == typ.elts
return isinstance(typ, TTuple)
def _is_pointer(typ):
return isinstance(typ.find(), _TPointer)
def is_function(typ):
return isinstance(typ.find(), TFunction)
def is_rpc_function(typ):
return isinstance(typ.find(), TRPCFunction)
def is_c_function(typ):
return isinstance(typ.find(), TCFunction)
def is_builtin(typ, name=None):
typ = typ.find()
if name is None:
return isinstance(typ, TBuiltin)
return isinstance(typ, TBuiltin) and \
typ.name == name
def is_constructor(typ, name=None):
typ = typ.find()
if name is not None:
return isinstance(typ, TConstructor) and \
typ.name == name
return isinstance(typ, TConstructor)
def is_exn_constructor(typ, name=None):
typ = typ.find()
if name is not None:
return isinstance(typ, TExceptionConstructor) and \
typ.name == name
return isinstance(typ, TExceptionConstructor)
def is_instance(typ, name=None):
typ = typ.find()
if name is not None:
return isinstance(typ, TInstance) and \
typ.name == name
return isinstance(typ, TInstance)
def is_method(typ):
return isinstance(typ.find(), TMethod)
def get_method_self(typ):
if is_method(typ):
return typ.find().params["self"].find()
def get_method_function(typ):
if is_method(typ):
return typ.find().params["fn"].find()
def is_value(typ):
return isinstance(typ.find(), TValue)
def get_value(typ):
typ = typ.find()
if isinstance(typ, TVar):
return None
elif isinstance(typ, TValue):
return typ.value
assert False
def is_delay(typ):
return isinstance(typ.find(), TDelay)
def is_fixed_delay(typ):
return is_delay(typ) and typ.find().is_fixed()
def is_indeterminate_delay(typ):
return is_delay(typ) and typ.find().is_indeterminate()
class TypePrinter(object):
A class that prints types using Python-like syntax and gives
type variables sequential alphabetic names.
def __init__(self):
self.gen = genalnum()
self.map = {}
self.recurse_guard = set()
def name(self, typ):
typ = typ.find()
if isinstance(typ, TVar):
if typ not in self.map:
self.map[typ] = "'%s" % next(self.gen)
return self.map[typ]
elif isinstance(typ, TInstance):
if typ in self.recurse_guard:
return "<instance {}>".format(typ.name)
attrs = ", ".join(["{}: {}".format(attr, self.name(typ.attributes[attr]))
for attr in typ.attributes])
return "<instance {} {{{}}}>".format(typ.name, attrs)
elif isinstance(typ, TMono):
if typ.params == {}:
return typ.name
return "%s(%s)" % (typ.name, ", ".join(
["%s=%s" % (k, self.name(typ.params[k])) for k in typ.params]))
elif isinstance(typ, TTuple):
if len(typ.elts) == 1:
return "(%s,)" % self.name(typ.elts[0])
return "(%s)" % ", ".join(list(map(self.name, typ.elts)))
elif isinstance(typ, (TFunction, TRPCFunction, TCFunction)):
args = []
args += [ "%s:%s" % (arg, self.name(typ.args[arg])) for arg in typ.args]
args += ["?%s:%s" % (arg, self.name(typ.optargs[arg])) for arg in typ.optargs]
signature = "(%s)->%s" % (", ".join(args), self.name(typ.ret))
delay = typ.delay.find()
if isinstance(delay, TVar):
signature += " delay({})".format(self.name(delay))
elif not (delay.is_fixed() and iodelay.is_zero(delay.duration)):
signature += " " + self.name(delay)
if isinstance(typ, TRPCFunction):
return "rpc({}) {}".format(typ.service, signature)
if isinstance(typ, TCFunction):
return "ffi({}) {}".format(repr(typ.name), signature)
elif isinstance(typ, TFunction):
return signature
elif isinstance(typ, TBuiltinFunction):
return "<function {}>".format(typ.name)
elif isinstance(typ, (TConstructor, TExceptionConstructor)):
if typ in self.recurse_guard:
return "<constructor {}>".format(typ.name)
attrs = ", ".join(["{}: {}".format(attr, self.name(typ.attributes[attr]))
for attr in typ.attributes])
return "<constructor {} {{{}}}>".format(typ.name, attrs)
elif isinstance(typ, TBuiltin):
return "<builtin {}>".format(typ.name)
elif isinstance(typ, TValue):
return repr(typ.value)
elif isinstance(typ, TDelay):
if typ.is_fixed():
return "delay({} mu)".format(typ.duration)
elif typ.is_indeterminate():
return "delay(?)"
assert False
assert False