import unittest import asyncio import numpy as np from artiq.protocols import sync_struct test_address = "::1" test_port = 7777 def write_test_data(test_dict): test_values = [5, 2.1, None, True, False, {"a": 5, 2: np.linspace(0, 10, 1)}, (4, 5), (10,), "ab\nx\"'"] for i in range(10): test_dict[str(i)] = i for key, value in enumerate(test_values): test_dict[key] = value test_dict[1.5] = 1.5 test_dict["list"] = [] test_dict["list"].append(42) test_dict["list"].insert(1, 1) test_dict[100] = 0 test_dict[100] = 1 test_dict[101] = 1 test_dict.pop(101) test_dict[102] = 1 del test_dict[102] test_dict["array"] = np.zeros(1) test_dict["array"][0] = 10 test_dict["finished"] = True class SyncStructCase(unittest.TestCase): def init_test_dict(self, init): self.received_dict = init return init def notify(self, mod): if ((mod["action"] == "init" and "finished" in mod["struct"]) or (mod["action"] == "setitem" and mod["key"] == "finished")): self.receiving_done.set() def setUp(self): self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(self.loop) async def _do_test_recv(self): self.receiving_done = asyncio.Event() test_dict = sync_struct.Notifier(dict()) publisher = sync_struct.Publisher({"test": test_dict}) await publisher.start(test_address, test_port) subscriber = sync_struct.Subscriber("test", self.init_test_dict, self.notify) await subscriber.connect(test_address, test_port) write_test_data(test_dict) await self.receiving_done.wait() await subscriber.close() await publisher.stop() self.assertEqual(self.received_dict, def test_recv(self): self.loop.run_until_complete(self._do_test_recv()) def tearDown(self): self.loop.close()