from fractions import Fraction from migen.fhdl.std import * from import * from migen.genlib.cdc import * from migen.genlib.fifo import AsyncFIFO from migen.genlib.resetsync import AsyncResetSynchronizer from artiqlib.rtio.rbus import get_fine_ts_width class _GrayCodeTransfer(Module): def __init__(self, width): self.i = Signal(width) # in rio domain self.o = Signal(width) # in rsys domain # # # # convert to Gray code value_gray_rio = Signal(width) += value_gray_rio.eq(self.i ^ self.i[1:]) # transfer to system clock domain value_gray_sys = Signal(width) self.specials += [ NoRetiming(value_gray_rio), MultiReg(value_gray_rio, value_gray_sys, "rsys") ] # convert back to binary value_sys = Signal(width) self.comb += value_sys[-1].eq(value_gray_sys[-1]) for i in reversed(range(width-1)): self.comb += value_sys[i].eq(value_sys[i+1] ^ value_gray_sys[i]) self.sync.rsys += self.o.eq(value_sys) class _RTIOCounter(Module): def __init__(self, width, loopback_latency): self.width = width # Timestamp counter in RTIO domain for outputs self.o_value_rio = Signal(width) # Timestamp counter resynchronized to sys domain # Lags behind o_value_rio, monotonic and glitch-free self.o_value_sys = Signal(width) # Timestamp counter in RTIO domain for inputs, # compensated for PHY loopback latency self.i_value_rio = Signal(width, reset=2**width-loopback_latency) # # # += [ self.o_value_rio.eq(self.o_value_rio + 1), self.i_value_rio.eq(self.i_value_rio + 1) ] gt = _GrayCodeTransfer(width) self.submodules += gt self.comb += gt.i.eq(self.o_value_rio), self.o_value_sys.eq(gt.o) # CHOOSING A GUARD TIME # # The buffer must be transferred to the FIFO soon enough to account for: # * transfer of counter to sys domain: Tio + 2*Tsys + Tsys # * guard time detection latency: Tsys # * FIFO latency: Tsys + 2*Tio # Therefore we must choose: # guard_io_cycles > (3*Tio + 5*Tsys)/Tio # # We are writing to the FIFO from the buffer when the guard time has been # reached without checking the FIFO's writable status. If the FIFO is full, # this will produce an overflow and the event will be incorrectly discarded. # # When the FIFO is full, it contains fifo_depth events of strictly increasing # timestamps. # # Thus the overflow-causing event's timestamp must satisfy: # timestamp*Tio > fifo_depth*Tio + time # We also have (guard time reached): # timestamp*Tio < time + guard_io_cycles*Tio # [NB: time > counter.o_value_sys*Tio] # Thus we must have: # guard_io_cycles > fifo_depth # # We can prevent overflows by choosing instead: # guard_io_cycles < fifo_depth class _RTIOBankO(Module): def __init__(self, rbus, counter, fine_ts_width, fifo_depth, guard_io_cycles): self.sel = Signal(max=len(rbus)) self.timestamp = Signal(counter.width + fine_ts_width) self.value = Signal(2) self.writable = Signal() self.we = Signal() # maximum throughput 1/2 self.replace = Signal() self.underflow = Signal() # valid 2 cycles after we/replace self.underflow_reset = Signal() # # # signal_underflow = Signal() fifos = [] fifo_layout = [("timestamp", counter.width + fine_ts_width), ("value", 2)] for n, chif in enumerate(rbus): # FIFO fifo = RenameClockDomains(AsyncFIFO(fifo_layout, fifo_depth), {"write": "rsys", "read": "rio"}) self.submodules += fifo fifos.append(fifo) # Buffer buf_valid = Signal() buf_timestamp = Signal(counter.width + fine_ts_width) buf_value = Signal(2) buf_just_written = Signal() # Buffer read and FIFO write self.comb += [ fifo.din.timestamp.eq(buf_timestamp), fifo.din.value.eq(buf_value) ] in_guard_time = Signal() self.comb += in_guard_time.eq( buf_timestamp[fine_ts_width:] < counter.o_value_sys + guard_io_cycles) self.sync.rsys += If(in_guard_time, buf_valid.eq(0)) self.comb += \ If(buf_valid, If(in_guard_time, If(buf_just_written, signal_underflow.eq(1) ).Else( fifo.we.eq(1) ) ), If(self.we & (self.sel == n), fifo.we.eq(1)) ) # Buffer write # Must come after read to handle concurrent read+write properly self.sync.rsys += [ buf_just_written.eq(0), If((self.we | self.replace) & (self.sel == n), # Replace operations on empty buffers may happen # on underflows, which will be correctly reported. buf_just_written.eq(1), buf_valid.eq(1), buf_timestamp.eq(self.timestamp), buf_value.eq(self.value) ) ] # FIFO read self.comb += [ chif.o_stb.eq(fifo.readable & (fifo.dout.timestamp[fine_ts_width:] == counter.o_value_rio)), chif.o_value.eq(fifo.dout.value), ] if fine_ts_width: self.comb += chif.o_fine_ts.eq( fifo.dout.timestamp[:fine_ts_width]) self.comb += \ self.writable.eq(Array(fifo.writable for fifo in fifos)[self.sel]) self.sync.rsys += [ If(self.underflow_reset, self.underflow.eq(0)), If(signal_underflow, self.underflow.eq(1)) ] class _RTIOBankI(Module): def __init__(self, rbus, counter, fine_ts_width, fifo_depth): self.sel = Signal(max=len(rbus)) self.timestamp = Signal(counter.width + fine_ts_width) self.value = Signal() self.readable = Signal() = Signal() self.overflow = Signal() self.overflow_reset = Signal() self.pileup_count = Signal(16) self.pileup_reset = Signal() # # # timestamps = [] values = [] readables = [] overflows = [] pileup_counts = [] fifo_layout = [("timestamp", counter.width+fine_ts_width), ("value", 1)] for n, chif in enumerate(rbus): if hasattr(chif, "oe"): sensitivity = Signal(2) += If(~chif.oe & chif.o_stb, sensitivity.eq(chif.o_value)) fifo = RenameClockDomains(AsyncFIFO(fifo_layout, fifo_depth), {"read": "rsys", "write": "rio"}) self.submodules += fifo # FIFO write if fine_ts_width: full_ts = Cat(chif.i_fine_ts, counter.i_value_rio) else: full_ts = counter.i_value_rio self.comb += [ fifo.din.timestamp.eq(full_ts), fifo.din.value.eq(chif.i_value), fifo.we.eq( ~chif.oe & chif.i_stb & ((chif.i_value & sensitivity[0]) | (~chif.i_value & sensitivity[1]))) ] # FIFO read timestamps.append(fifo.dout.timestamp) values.append(fifo.dout.value) readables.append(fifo.readable) self.comb += & (self.sel == n)) overflow = Signal() overflow_reset_sync = PulseSynchronizer("rsys", "rio") self.submodules += overflow_reset_sync self.comb += overflow_reset_sync.i.eq( self.overflow_reset & (self.sel == n)) += [ If(overflow_reset_sync.o, overflow.eq(0)), If(fifo.we & ~fifo.writable, overflow.eq(1)) ] overflow_sys = Signal() self.specials += MultiReg(overflow, overflow_sys, "rsys") overflows.append(overflow_sys) pileup_count = Signal(16) pileup_count_reset_sync = PulseSynchronizer("rsys", "rio") self.submodules += pileup_count_reset_sync self.comb += pileup_count_reset_sync.i.eq( self.pileup_reset & (self.sel == n)) += \ If(pileup_count_reset_sync.o, pileup_count.eq(0) ).Elif(chif.i_pileup, If(pileup_count != 2**16 - 1, # saturate pileup_count.eq(pileup_count + 1) ) ) pileup_count_sync = _GrayCodeTransfer(16) self.submodules += pileup_count_sync self.comb += pileup_count_sync.i.eq(pileup_count) pileup_counts.append(pileup_count_sync.o) else: timestamps.append(0) values.append(0) readables.append(0) overflows.append(0) pileup_counts.append(0) self.comb += [ self.timestamp.eq(Array(timestamps)[self.sel]), self.value.eq(Array(values)[self.sel]), self.readable.eq(Array(readables)[self.sel]), self.overflow.eq(Array(overflows)[self.sel]), self.pileup_count.eq(Array(pileup_counts)[self.sel]) ] class RTIO(Module, AutoCSR): def __init__(self, phy, clk_freq, counter_width=32, ofifo_depth=64, ififo_depth=64, guard_io_cycles=20): fine_ts_width = get_fine_ts_width(phy.rbus) # Submodules self.submodules.counter = _RTIOCounter( counter_width, phy.loopback_latency) self.submodules.bank_o = _RTIOBankO( phy.rbus, self.counter, fine_ts_width, ofifo_depth, guard_io_cycles) self.submodules.bank_i = _RTIOBankI( phy.rbus, self.counter, fine_ts_width, ofifo_depth) # CSRs self._r_reset = CSRStorage(reset=1) self._r_chan_sel = CSRStorage(flen(self.bank_o.sel)) self._r_oe = CSR() self._r_o_timestamp = CSRStorage(counter_width + fine_ts_width) self._r_o_value = CSRStorage(2) self._r_o_writable = CSRStatus() self._r_o_we = CSR() self._r_o_replace = CSR() self._r_o_underflow = CSRStatus() self._r_o_underflow_reset = CSR() self._r_i_timestamp = CSRStatus(counter_width + fine_ts_width) self._r_i_value = CSRStatus() self._r_i_readable = CSRStatus() self._r_i_re = CSR() self._r_i_overflow = CSRStatus() self._r_i_overflow_reset = CSR() self._r_i_pileup_count = CSRStatus(16) self._r_i_pileup_reset = CSR() self._r_counter = CSRStatus(counter_width + fine_ts_width) self._r_counter_update = CSR() self._r_frequency_i = CSRStatus(32) self._r_frequency_fn = CSRStatus(8) self._r_frequency_fd = CSRStatus(8) # Clocking/Reset # Create rsys and rio domains based on sys and rio # with reset controlled by CSR. self.clock_domains.cd_rsys = ClockDomain() self.clock_domains.cd_rio = ClockDomain() self.comb += [ self.cd_rsys.clk.eq(ClockSignal()), self.cd_rsys.rst.eq( ] self.comb += self.cd_rio.clk.eq(ClockSignal("rtio")) self.specials += AsyncResetSynchronizer( self.cd_rio, # OE oes = [] for n, chif in enumerate(phy.rbus): if hasattr(chif, "oe"): self.sync += \ If( & ( == n), chif.oe.eq(self._r_oe.r) ) oes.append(chif.oe) else: oes.append(1) self.comb += self._r_oe.w.eq(Array(oes)[]) # Output/Gate self.comb += [ self.bank_o.sel.eq(, self.bank_o.timestamp.eq(, self.bank_o.value.eq(, self._r_o_writable.status.eq(self.bank_o.writable), self.bank_o.we.eq(, self.bank_o.replace.eq(, self._r_o_underflow.status.eq(self.bank_o.underflow), self.bank_o.underflow_reset.eq( ] # Input self.comb += [ self.bank_i.sel.eq(, self._r_i_timestamp.status.eq(self.bank_i.timestamp), self._r_i_value.status.eq(self.bank_i.value), self._r_i_readable.status.eq(self.bank_i.readable),, self._r_i_overflow.status.eq(self.bank_i.overflow), self.bank_i.overflow_reset.eq(, self._r_i_pileup_count.status.eq(self.bank_i.pileup_count), self.bank_i.pileup_reset.eq( ] # Counter access self.sync += \ If(, self._r_counter.status.eq(Cat(Replicate(0, fine_ts_width), self.counter.o_value_sys)) ) # Frequency clk_freq = Fraction(clk_freq).limit_denominator(255) clk_freq_i = int(clk_freq) clk_freq_f = clk_freq - clk_freq_i self.comb += [ self._r_frequency_i.status.eq(clk_freq_i), self._r_frequency_fn.status.eq(clk_freq_f.numerator), self._r_frequency_fd.status.eq(clk_freq_f.denominator) ]